Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm gonna throw a thought out there... kinda crazy but considering this case it fits right in.

Grampa actually was molesting his own children. Then he carried this deviant behavior over to his grand daughter. She is getting to the age where communication becomes possible. Grandpa decides he cant risk it and either drowns her or whatever. Being an ex cop he knows what to do to clean things up and leave no clues behind. Says nothing and hopes it will forever be a missing child case. I mean before he knew his grand daughter was dead he tries to kill himself. Tells his mistress things that could implicate him. Denys knowing how he buried 4 or 5 family pets. Which started when Casey was a small child and exactly resembles how Kaley was found. Maybe the duct tape migrated from the bag to the body during decomposition. Maybe the tape was used to hold an already decomposed body together to be transported more than once.
Are we supposed to believe someone who told such stupid end easily disprovable lies (Casey) could completely clean a crime up to the point that the best labs in the country couldnt find any forensic evidence? I dont see it....
Something is definitely wrong but there is no proof to pin it to 1 person.
Or Casey threw the child in the trunk so she could party. The baby asphyxiated and died. She then tried to dispose of the baby and then...GET away with it.

Just sayin.

I always thought it was probably something like that. I think the prosecution might have been able to get a conviction if they charged her with manslaughter and went with a story like this.
Just further proof as to how far this country has fallen. Our system is more interested in the bureaucracy of legality than in the concept of JUSTICE. The only saving grace is that Casey Anthony will rot in hell for eternity when her true Judgement is handed down at the end of her life. It's too bad our country doesn't want to have anything to do with Justice on THIS side of Eternity.

Yeah... don't you pine for the good ol' days? The Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials....

What a bunch of shit. We don't convict people on opinion. We convict them on fact. The facts didn't support that she killed Kaylee. Did she actually kill her? I don't know for sure... but she may very well have.

If she did do it... she'll pay for it in God's good time.
So did Caylee tie herself up in two plastic bags and throw herself into the swamp? If Casey didn't do it, who did? Maybe we can get OJ out and he can look for the true killer, when he isn't looking for the person who cut up his wife and the kid.

What a flipin crock this is...
In closing , to all you nancys of the world , i was right , you all were wrong , if i pissed you off , awesome ! I hope you all choke on your bullshit ! Whiners , cryers , babies , and sore losers . Close minded assholes with no intelligence or common sense . I hope you all have horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die . The world doesnt need scumbags like you and would be a far better place if your kind was exterminated . As of this time im deleting my profile and leaving you all to stroke each others dick in defeat . So to all the piece of shit eating nancys , fuck you !!!!!! My job is done here . I now leave you to console each other . ( suck , suck , stroke , stroke . ) morons .

Gee, I wonder who's sock that is?
In closing , to all you nancys of the world , i was right , you all were wrong , if i pissed you off , awesome ! I hope you all choke on your bullshit ! Whiners , cryers , babies , and sore losers . Close minded assholes with no intelligence or common sense . I hope you all have horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die . The world doesnt need scumbags like you and would be a far better place if your kind was exterminated . As of this time im deleting my profile and leaving you all to stroke each others dick in defeat . So to all the piece of shit eating nancys , fuck you !!!!!! My job is done here . I now leave you to console each other . ( suck , suck , stroke , stroke . ) morons .

I see your little green light on.. you are a liar, you ain't gone you are still here. poor pathetic swamp dweller. :lol:
In closing , to all you nancys of the world , i was right , you all were wrong , if i pissed you off , awesome ! I hope you all choke on your bullshit ! Whiners , cryers , babies , and sore losers . Close minded assholes with no intelligence or common sense . I hope you all have horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die . The world doesnt need scumbags like you and would be a far better place if your kind was exterminated . As of this time im deleting my profile and leaving you all to stroke each others dick in defeat . So to all the piece of shit eating nancys , fuck you !!!!!! My job is done here . I now leave you to console each other . ( suck , suck , stroke , stroke . ) morons .

I see your little green light on.. you are a liar, you ain't gone you are still here. poor pathetic swamp dweller. :lol:


It's writing is improving at least :lol:
Yeah... don't you pine for the good ol' days? The Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials....

What a bunch of shit. We don't convict people on opinion. We convict them on fact. The facts didn't support that she killed Kaylee. Did she actually kill her? I don't know for sure... but she may very well have.

If she did do it... she'll pay for it in God's good time.

It's Caylee - at least have the decency to get her name right :eusa_hand: (I can't post links yet)

You let a child-murderer go free, congratulations jury.

Mother wanted her to be a responsible mother and Casey didn't want to be responsible with anything.

And did anyone see that idiot defense attorney, Mason or whatever? He started berating everyone for following the case as if Casey never did anything wrong. What a f*cking joke! You were given a gift, take it and shut your mouth idiot. (I can't post links yet)

You let a child-murderer go free, congratulations jury.

Mother wanted her to be a responsible mother and Casey didn't want to be responsible with anything.

And did anyone see that idiot defense attorney, Mason or whatever? He started berating everyone for following the case as if Casey never did anything wrong. What a f*cking joke! You were given a gift, take it and shut your mouth idiot.
I must confess, this all blows, but, I have deep down a certain gladness that alllllll of those schmamry tragedy media whores were allllllll wrong.

fox spent all, I and I mean all day the previous 3 last Saturdays wall to wall, last week when the judge granted a recess till monday they didn't bat an eye, instead of putting on regularly scheduled prgming like the financial shows they have on at that time every Saturday at 700 pacific/1000 eastern, they just put a Blondie and a white toothed wonder boy of which they have no short supply, up there for hours to re-dredge all the previous days pond of awfuls till 'judge jeanine piro' could get a make up guy to trowel on her make up and drag her carcass in to take over.....and Geraldo? Who ever punched or hit him with a chair way back when, I'd like to buy that guy a drink.

Its fucking sick. it wasn't about Caylee, it was almost obscene.
It was a proper decision, based on what I saw of the evidence. Everything that happened was equally consistent with a theory that the child died accidentally and what happened after that was Casey Anthony trying to distance herself from the death because it happened under circumstances where she felt they would try to blame her.

That's the emotional aspect, for sure. But the State lost because it did not prove its case. Plain and simple. I'm anxious to hear what the jurers have to say tomorrow.
I agree with the verdict and ill tell you why its right.

The prosecutor insisted the method of murder was suffocation by duct tape. Yet NO ONE could announce much less prove the cause of death.

I wasn't there to hear all the evidence the jury did but trying to insist on a weapon that caused the death without being able to prove a cause of death is nothing but contridictory.

I don't know and never will the depth to which she was involved but then again unlike some of you I know my idea about her guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The only relevant thoughts on guilt were the 12 that found her not guilty.

Our justice system worked as it was designed too.

I love and adore murder. I follow cases just because I adore death and justice. This one is a no brainer that the mother did it.

I want to bazooka barf at this moment. This is a sad day. A mother looked into her babys eyes and duct taped her mouth shut. A mother. And then she killed her.

This is OJ redux. And the jury is going to be on every tv show tomorrow. This has nothing to do with justice.

It has everything to do with 12 pukes who want to make a fortune at the expense of a childs death.

The fact that you follow murder cases is irrelevant to this case. Each case is unique and presents its own challenges to the prosecution to prove guilt. This prosecutor did not, its just that simple. We dont comprimise our civil liberties to suit our emotions of the moment.

And your assertion that 12 complete strangers conspired to let a guilty person go free just for the sake of making a few thousand bucks at the risk of themselves being imprisoned is obsurd to say the least.

Interesting that everyone here who had Casey already on death row chose to ignore the fact that Cindy and George were out there for 2 years accepting media payments for appearances, plus they even hired a "production manager." Yet the one woman who knocked George's testimony about his affair into left field was supposed to have lied just to get money from tabloids.
In closing , to all you nancys of the world , i was right , you all were wrong , if i pissed you off , awesome ! I hope you all choke on your bullshit ! Whiners , cryers , babies , and sore losers . Close minded assholes with no intelligence or common sense . I hope you all have horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die . The world doesnt need scumbags like you and would be a far better place if your kind was exterminated . As of this time im deleting my profile and leaving you all to stroke each others dick in defeat . So to all the piece of shit eating nancys , fuck you !!!!!! My job is done here . I now leave you to console each other . ( suck , suck , stroke , stroke . ) morons .

Two questions...

Who the fuck is this douchenoodle and when he says, "My job is done here. I now leave you..." does that mean he won't be coming back? Because I have to say, the last thing this place needs is one more small, angry, little man so lacking in intelligence that he must resort to wishing "horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die." If there is anything this world doesn't need is scumbags like Slimespitter...
The only winner today was our Constitution. Most likely Anthony was guilty but the State did not prove that guilt in the eyes of the jury. Therefore, she is "not guilty". In the end, God will be the judge.

So many didnt agree with this when OJ was found innocent. Weird huh.

The difference was that in the OJ case, the jury ignored the evidence. In this case, there was no evidence, or at least not nearly enough to convict.

OJ was toast up until they presented "the glove." That was the tipping point, a solid piece of tangible evidence creating a solid piece of reasonable doubt.
It was a proper decision, based on what I saw of the evidence. Everything that happened was equally consistent with a theory that the child died accidentally and what happened after that was Casey Anthony trying to distance herself from the death because it happened under circumstances where she felt they would try to blame her.

That's the emotional aspect, for sure. But the State lost because it did not prove its case. Plain and simple. I'm anxious to hear what the jurers have to say tomorrow.

I'd like to know too. What they thought of casey the victim and her 31 days of lying to cover up the fact that her baby was missing. How did they resolve that?? oh yeah,, it's all Georg'es fault innit? Damn Dummies.

No gloating; no immediate comment for all the folks who were so damned sure of themselves, except to say a rush to judgment based mainly on media hype is always risky.

I haven't changed my mind

I haven't either, but Sunshine and Maggie were right all along. The State obviously didn't prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Thank you.......
I must confess, this all blows, but, I have deep down a certain gladness that alllllll of those schmamry tragedy media whores were allllllll wrong.

fox spent all, I and I mean all day the previous 3 last Saturdays wall to wall, last week when the judge granted a recess till monday they didn't bat an eye, instead of putting on regularly scheduled prgming like the financial shows they have on at that time every Saturday at 700 pacific/1000 eastern, they just put a Blondie and a white toothed wonder boy of which they have no short supply, up there for hours to re-dredge all the previous days pond of awfuls till 'judge jeanine piro' could get a make up guy to trowel on her make up and drag her carcass in to take over.....and Geraldo? Who ever punched or hit him with a chair way back when, I'd like to buy that guy a drink.

Its fucking sick. it wasn't about Caylee, it was almost obscene.

Did you ever get a chance to see video of people running to get a seat in the courtroom? It wasn't just the media fucks.
Time for Casey to be on Dr. Phil! :clap2:

Oh yeah... That would be very interesting, especially since Dr. Phil also hates to admit when he's wrong (I don't know his opinion on this case). Remember his attempts at getting that homeless radio announcer into rehab and the guy ultimately turned around and screwed him anyway? Took all the "media money" then went right back on the streets. The good doc never mentioned his name again. Oops. Anyone could have told him rehab rarely works the first time.

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