Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes, it's called "deliberation" Thanks for playing.

No, it is not up to them to figure it out. It is up to the prosecution who do not prove their case. Oh, and this is not really a game. We are talking about a dead little girl and our justice system.

They did prove their case. It's not their fault the jury was stupid.

Well, blame whoever you must. I will place the blame squarely on the shoulders that deserve it and that is not the jury.
Sadly two or three jury members have allowed their names to be released.

I believe these are alternate jurors who agreed to make a statement at a later date. Hope it works out for them.

I hope the best for them also...sad to even imagine that one of them would pay the ultimate price for doing their civic duty...

Such is the world we live in; absolutely disgusting...

Agreed. As to the claims they found her not guilty so they could write books and profit, they could still write books even if they had found her guilty. People on here have such vivid imaginations.
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I was shocked by the verdict and I don't agree with the verdict.
But my life shall go on, happy go lucky as it has been....whereas Casey Anthony, will she be accepted back into society??
Does she go back home to George and Cindy?? After all, she said George molested her.
Will George and Cindy take her into their home??
You can bet your ass if it were my daughter, she would not step foot back into my home!!!!!
Not just because of the allegations over Caylee, but because of the lies- saying her Father molested her. everyone stands.
Casey gets set free. George and Cindy might have their daughter back, but they will never have their granddaughter back,
There was no justice for Caylee...none.
So a baby girl dies, and someone killed her, someone dumped her like a bag of trash alongside the road....and she rotted and was eaten by animals.
But we all have to accept that, the jury has spoken.
If I were any of those jurors, I would never want my name or face out to the public, you can be assured people will threaten their asses, for "letting a baby killer go free".
And I really predict one day, somebody, who is angry enough, will try and take out Casey Anthony herself. She is not going to be a popular person, to the people that really matter.
I say that because if she gets offers for porn films or Playboy, well......they're all pieces of shit.
My heart just breaks for this precious beautiful little girl, who was not given the chance to grow up. And it hits me harder because I have a granddaughter with the exact same name, Kaylea Marie, and my Kaylea was the exact age as Caylee Anthony when the baby was found dead.
It tears me apart to think nobody is going to be convicted of this crime.
Karma is a bitch, and I hate that I am saying this, but if somebody would knock off Casey anytime in the near future....I would prolly have that glass of champagne.
I'm not commenting anymore on this thread.
It's sad, and it makes me feel worse.....and it's not worth fighting with people over....."Oh I was right, and you weren't...neener neener neener".
Bullshit...all of it~
Nancy is on her roll. Let's play a drinking game. Everytime she uses the word BOMBSHELL we all take a shot.

Wait a minute cancel that. I don't want anyone to die.
The jurors that didn't even believe in the child abuse and the manslaughter charges are fucking idiots. The murder 1 charge was a reach, but it's common sense she was guilty of the 2 other major crimes.

If it was an accident, you don't wait days, weeks to a month to report your child is "missing."

What most likely happened was that she was drugging her daughter to put her to sleep so she could go partying, but she overdosed her which killed her. She freaked out and hide her in the swamp, then avoided her parents awhile until she was forced to admit her daughter was so-called missing.

I think this bitch is so stupid to believe her parents wouldn't ask questions about her daughter...she is that fucking stupid.
was it up to them to figure that out?

Yes, it's called "deliberation" Thanks for playing.

No, it is not up to them to figure it out. It is up to the prosecution who do not prove their case. Oh, and this is not really a game. We are talking about a dead little girl and our justice system.

Yes, it's called "deliberation" Thanks for playing.

No, it is not up to them to figure it out. It is up to the prosecution who do not prove their case. Oh, and this is not really a game. We are talking about a dead little girl and our justice system.

They did prove their case. It's not their fault the jury was stupid.

No, it is not up to them to figure it out. It is up to the prosecution who do not prove their case. Oh, and this is not really a game. We are talking about a dead little girl and our justice system.

They did prove their case. It's not their fault the jury was stupid.

Well, blame whoever you must. I will place the blame squarely on the shoulders that deserve it and that is not the jury.

It is up to the jury to abide by the laws of the land.
I'm not sure how it is done in Florida, but in TN after a case is concluded the lawyers are given time with the jury to ask questions about why they voted as they did, what the others did right or wrong, etc. You never hear about this part. There are many parts you never hear about. But jurors have told that they voted a certain way because they didn't like the lawyer's looks, the way the defendant did their hair, the attitude of a witness, etc. What goes on behind the scenes, if known, would be truly shocking.
No, it is not up to them to figure it out. It is up to the prosecution who do not prove their case. Oh, and this is not really a game. We are talking about a dead little girl and our justice system.

They did prove their case. It's not their fault the jury was stupid.

Well, blame whoever you must. I will place the blame squarely on the shoulders that deserve it and that is not the jury.

Yep,, it was. 31 days of lying and trying to blow her mom off. 31 days of partying down butt grinding and tatoos,, never once seeking help to find her lost baby why? cause she knew,, she knew,, she knew.
I was shocked by the verdict and I don't agree with the verdict.
But my life shall go on, happy go lucky as it has been....whereas Casey Anthony, will she be accepted back into society??
Does she go back home to George and Cindy?? After all, she said George molested her.
Will George and Cindy take her into their home??
You can bet your ass if it were my daughter, she would not step foot back into my home!!!!!
Not just because of the allegations over Caylee, but because of the lies- saying her Father molested her. everyone stands.
Casey gets set free. George and Cindy might have their daughter back, but they will never have their granddaughter back,
There was no justice for Caylee...none.
So a baby girl dies, and someone killed her, someone dumped her like a bag of trash alongside the road....and she rotted and was eaten by animals.
But we all have to accept that, the jury has spoken.
If I were any of those jurors, I would never want my name or face out to the public, you can be assured people will threaten their asses, for "letting a baby killer go free".
And I really predict one day, somebody, who is angry enough, will try and take out Casey Anthony herself. She is not going to be a popular person, to the people that really matter.
I say that because if she gets offers for porn films or Playboy, well......they're all pieces of shit.
My heart just breaks for this precious beautiful little girl, who was not given the chance to grow up. And it hits me harder because I have a granddaughter with the exact same name, Kaylea Marie, and my Kaylea was the exact age as Caylee Anthony when the baby was found dead.
It tears me apart to think nobody is going to be convicted of this crime.
Karma is a bitch, and I hate that I am saying this, but if somebody would knock off Casey anytime in the near future....I would prolly have that glass of champagne.
I'm not commenting anymore on this thread.
It's sad, and it makes me feel worse.....and it's not worth fighting with people over....."Oh I was right, and you weren't...neener neener neener".
Bullshit...all of it~

Who mixed and poured the 27 bags of concrete?
It's a sad thing that little Kaylee is dead - most likely murdered - but by whom? Most likely killed by her own mother BUT the State of Florida did not prove that. Common sense points a guilty finger at her BUT here again, the evidence provided to the court and the jury did not support a guilty verdict. It is possible that George, the grandfather, killed this little girl. BUT, here again, no evidence. One thing for sure is that somebody killed the little girl. If she died by accident in the swimming pool as suggested by the Defense lawyers, then why make the accident appear to be that of a murder. Just too many unanswered questions. The State did not prove their case against Casey Anthony, and the jury wisely did not let personal feelings enter into their verdict. Justice was served. Casey Anthony may be guilty, and I strongly suspect that she is, but never the less, the Constitution allows for her to have a jury by her peers and to be convicted there must be evidence to support that verdict. In this case, there was none. Time has a way of bringing the truth to the surface. Hopefully in time we will learn what happened to this innocent child and her murderer will be exposed. Perhaps the State of Florida, in their rush to judgement, should have slowed down and collected the evidence that would convict the killer of this child.
It's a sad thing that little Kaylee is dead - most likely murdered - but by whom? Most likely killed by her own mother BUT the State of Florida did not prove that. Common sense points a guilty finger at her BUT here again, the evidence provided to the court and the jury did not support a guilty verdict. It is possible that George, the grandfather, killed this little girl. BUT, here again, no evidence. One thing for sure is that somebody killed the little girl. If she died by accident in the swimming pool as suggested by the Defense lawyers, then why make the accident appear to be that of a murder. Just too many unanswered questions. The State did not prove their case against Casey Anthony, and the jury wisely did not let personal feelings enter into their verdict. Justice was served. Casey Anthony may be guilty, and I strongly suspect that she is, but never the less, the Constitution allows for her to have a jury by her peers and to be convicted there must be evidence to support that verdict. In this case, there was none. Time has a way of bringing the truth to the surface. Hopefully in time we will learn what happened to this innocent child and her murderer will be exposed. Perhaps the State of Florida, in their rush to judgement, should have slowed down and collected the evidence that would convict the killer of this child.

They just couldn't pull off CSI Miami! That's what people were expecting and wanting. Didn't happen.
The jury was ignorant. Still pretty unbelievable they'd just let her off completely knowing how she behaved during the 31 days, how she never even looked for her baby who was missing.

Anyone who has the inclination, there is a turn on your porch light for Caylee movement tonight at 9. They're saying it's about a half a million strong right now. Turn on the light for little Caylee.
It helps to actually prove the cause of death.

The State of Florida could not do that.

This does not make the defense attorney a genius nor does it make the prosecutors a bunch of bumblers.

The evidence was what it was. And what it was -- sadly -- was inconclusive.

And jurors are supposed to take that kind of thing into account.
I'm going back to "reasonable doubt" and a jury needs to decide for itself what that is.
It's a sad thing that little Kaylee is dead - most likely murdered - but by whom? Most likely killed by her own mother BUT the State of Florida did not prove that. Common sense points a guilty finger at her BUT here again, the evidence provided to the court and the jury did not support a guilty verdict. It is possible that George, the grandfather, killed this little girl. BUT, here again, no evidence. One thing for sure is that somebody killed the little girl. If she died by accident in the swimming pool as suggested by the Defense lawyers, then why make the accident appear to be that of a murder. Just too many unanswered questions. The State did not prove their case against Casey Anthony, and the jury wisely did not let personal feelings enter into their verdict. Justice was served. Casey Anthony may be guilty, and I strongly suspect that she is, but never the less, the Constitution allows for her to have a jury by her peers and to be convicted there must be evidence to support that verdict. In this case, there was none. Time has a way of bringing the truth to the surface. Hopefully in time we will learn what happened to this innocent child and her murderer will be exposed. Perhaps the State of Florida, in their rush to judgement, should have slowed down and collected the evidence that would convict the killer of this child.

Well she had her jury and they let her walk. Caylee didn't get justice. The karma is that I don't believe the tortured woman casey has any chance in hell of happines. The family is destroyed. Her father and her brother should spit on her for what she did to them.
It helps to actually prove the cause of death.

The State of Florida could not do that.

This does not make the defense attorney a genius nor does it make the prosecutors a bunch of bumblers.

The evidence was what it was. And what it was -- sadly -- was inconclusive.

And jurors are supposed to take that kind of thing into account.

so if you want to murder in Florida just do it and hide the body long enough so that no ME can establish cause of death.. Good deal huh?
It helps to actually prove the cause of death.

The State of Florida could not do that.

This does not make the defense attorney a genius nor does it make the prosecutors a bunch of bumblers.

The evidence was what it was. And what it was -- sadly -- was inconclusive.

And jurors are supposed to take that kind of thing into account.

so if you want to murder in Florida just do it and hide the body long enough so that no ME can establish cause of death.. Good deal huh?

If you want to commit murder anywhere, do it in a way where you leave no forensic evidence that can be used against you.

Alfred Hitchcock made a career out of literature concerning "perfect" crimes.
It helps to actually prove the cause of death.

The State of Florida could not do that.

This does not make the defense attorney a genius nor does it make the prosecutors a bunch of bumblers.

The evidence was what it was. And what it was -- sadly -- was inconclusive.

And jurors are supposed to take that kind of thing into account.

so if you want to murder in Florida just do it and hide the body long enough so that no ME can establish cause of death.. Good deal huh?

Wouldn't that be the case anywhere?
It helps to actually prove the cause of death.

The State of Florida could not do that.

This does not make the defense attorney a genius nor does it make the prosecutors a bunch of bumblers.

The evidence was what it was. And what it was -- sadly -- was inconclusive.

And jurors are supposed to take that kind of thing into account.

so if you want to murder in Florida just do it and hide the body long enough so that no ME can establish cause of death.. Good deal huh?

Wouldn't that be the case anywhere?

No, it isn't. They knew the cause of death in the OJ trial. He walked too. Remember?
so if you want to murder in Florida just do it and hide the body long enough so that no ME can establish cause of death.. Good deal huh?

Wouldn't that be the case anywhere?

No, it isn't. They knew the cause of death in the OJ trial. He walked too. Remember?

I'm not sure how that relates to the question I answered which was:
so if you want to murder in Florida just do it and hide the body long enough so that no ME can establish cause of death.. Good deal huh?

Comparing OJ to this case is comparing apples and pachyderms. OJ was a minory race sports celeb. He got a pass. I don't think Casey got a pass. I think they tried to convict her based upon evidence they didn't have.

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