Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
You know that George and Cindy have a very good suspicion that Casey is as guilty as sin, if they aren't totally sure. Now, she will go back that house and put her feet under their dinner table. I think Cindy can deal with it because she is one shake from a loon, but how the heck is George going to deal with the murderer of his granddaughter sitting on his couch, eating from his refrig? That is why the Demon authorized her attorney to trash George. It was "win by all means.", even if it meant trashing an innocent man.

I give this woman two years and she will be into another similar incident. George better sleep lightly.

I doubt they will let her live there. Cindy didn't want her to die but she fully expected her to be in jail for a long time. I can't see them taking her in. Let the defense team take her ass in.

Who paid the defense team? I have constantly thought it had to be Cindy and George, to save the life of their daughter. And since they were paying, Baez had free reign. But he went too far, raised issues that will not be forgotten by George.

When George tried to take responsibility by telling River Cruise there was an accident, I believe he meant he had failed as a father and a parent. Combined with his fatherly guilt he expressed a wish that it be an accident; "things had spiraled out of control"

I suspect she will come back home, there will be a state of non communications, and estrangement within the same house, and Casey will get a book offer; she has a talent for lying, and whatever she writes wii be to save herself; another public farce, after which she will be enabled to live a life of dissipation.
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Well seeing they had NO DNA EVIDENCE LINKING HER DIRECTLY TO THIS,im not surprised she got off!! (Thats how things are in this country :()
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?
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The problem I'm having is that the babysitter was just made up. There was no Zany or Zenaida or whatever the hell her name was supposed to be. Caylee was in her mother's care. This jury knew that. What did they think happened to the baby?? Casey HAS to know. Caylee didn't just disappear into thin air and then turn up dead!!! The jury didn't consider that?? That alone provides enough reasonable doubt for me.

So that's that?? Casey never has to answer that question, right?? What a total travesty.
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

Why do you assume they fucked this up? I have not followed this case closely, and I believe she is guilty as hell, but the prosecution must prove their case. If you are going to go for 1st degree murder with death penalty, you had better have much more than circumstantial evidence, even if it is strong.

If they had gone for 2nd degree murder or manslaughter, the outcome may have been different.
The great american jury DID NOT fuck up the Anthony case. The prosecution couldn't link her to the death. The evidence other than impeachment of the suspect was just not there!
I was shocked by the verdict and I don't agree with the verdict.
But my life shall go on, happy go lucky as it has been....whereas Casey Anthony, will she be accepted back into society??
Does she go back home to George and Cindy?? After all, she said George molested her.
Will George and Cindy take her into their home??
You can bet your ass if it were my daughter, she would not step foot back into my home!!!!!
Not just because of the allegations over Caylee, but because of the lies- saying her Father molested her. everyone stands.
Casey gets set free. George and Cindy might have their daughter back, but they will never have their granddaughter back,
There was no justice for Caylee...none.
So a baby girl dies, and someone killed her, someone dumped her like a bag of trash alongside the road....and she rotted and was eaten by animals.
But we all have to accept that, the jury has spoken.
If I were any of those jurors, I would never want my name or face out to the public, you can be assured people will threaten their asses, for "letting a baby killer go free".
And I really predict one day, somebody, who is angry enough, will try and take out Casey Anthony herself. She is not going to be a popular person, to the people that really matter.
I say that because if she gets offers for porn films or Playboy, well......they're all pieces of shit.
My heart just breaks for this precious beautiful little girl, who was not given the chance to grow up. And it hits me harder because I have a granddaughter with the exact same name, Kaylea Marie, and my Kaylea was the exact age as Caylee Anthony when the baby was found dead.
It tears me apart to think nobody is going to be convicted of this crime.
Karma is a bitch, and I hate that I am saying this, but if somebody would knock off Casey anytime in the near future....I would prolly have that glass of champagne.
I'm not commenting anymore on this thread.
It's sad, and it makes me feel worse.....and it's not worth fighting with people over....."Oh I was right, and you weren't...neener neener neener".
Bullshit...all of it~

I can't imagine looking into my mother's eyes as she tells me to shush and hold steady and she puts the hard tape across my mouth and then makes me go sleepy bye bye with the kleenex across my nose.
Nope. 4 counts of lying to the police... that's it. Acquitted on all the others.

Yeah, you're right, sadly we all already know the worst tragedy has already happened irregardless of the trial outcome :(.

Yep, there's a dead, beautiful little girl who will get no justice... for now. But, at the end of the day, there was nothing there that could could convince me intellectually that this woman did that.

As ironic as that is, considering I have no doubt she was involved, it is a good thing she was acquitted.

I agree with you. But The Nancy Grace crowd will never agree. I heard the host of a headline news show say the "reasonable doubt" was being interpreted to strictly. How many people have had their prison sentences overturned for being falsely convicted in the past three years while Casey Anthony was sitting in jail?
Well seeing they had NO DNA EVIDENCE LINKING HER DIRECTLY TO THIS,im not surprised she got off!! (Thats how things are in this country :()
Yeah; DNA evidence was too complex fo OJ's jury, and this jury would only have convicted with it. Had the police followed up on Cronk's phone calls, there might have still been some. Since they lacked the hard incriminating evidence beyond the circumstantial, the prosecution should have gone for some lesser charge, and not for murder one. When the found hard evidence was lacking for a murder one charge, they, the jury, likewise doubted it was sufficient for lesser charges including manslaughter.
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Well seeing they had NO DNA EVIDENCE LINKING HER DIRECTLY TO THIS,im not surprised she got off!! (Thats how things are in this country :()

Hey! As someone pointed on on the talking heads round table. Before there was the science of DNA we tried and convicted people for murder. There was no DNA cause the body was so decomposed that naturally if ever there was DNA would it not degrade too? ANd secondly, what would DNA prove? Wouldn't you exptect Caylee's mom's DNA to be on Caylee? Wouldn't that be a natural state??
The great american jury DID NOT fuck up the Anthony case. The prosecution couldn't link her to the death. The evidence other than impeachment of the suspect was just not there!

They convicted her of lying? If she's innocent what was she lying about? doyathink?
I was shocked by the verdict and I don't agree with the verdict.
But my life shall go on, happy go lucky as it has been....whereas Casey Anthony, will she be accepted back into society??
Does she go back home to George and Cindy?? After all, she said George molested her.
Will George and Cindy take her into their home??
You can bet your ass if it were my daughter, she would not step foot back into my home!!!!!
Not just because of the allegations over Caylee, but because of the lies- saying her Father molested her. everyone stands.
Casey gets set free. George and Cindy might have their daughter back, but they will never have their granddaughter back,
There was no justice for Caylee...none.
So a baby girl dies, and someone killed her, someone dumped her like a bag of trash alongside the road....and she rotted and was eaten by animals.
But we all have to accept that, the jury has spoken.
If I were any of those jurors, I would never want my name or face out to the public, you can be assured people will threaten their asses, for "letting a baby killer go free".
And I really predict one day, somebody, who is angry enough, will try and take out Casey Anthony herself. She is not going to be a popular person, to the people that really matter.
I say that because if she gets offers for porn films or Playboy, well......they're all pieces of shit.
My heart just breaks for this precious beautiful little girl, who was not given the chance to grow up. And it hits me harder because I have a granddaughter with the exact same name, Kaylea Marie, and my Kaylea was the exact age as Caylee Anthony when the baby was found dead.
It tears me apart to think nobody is going to be convicted of this crime.
Karma is a bitch, and I hate that I am saying this, but if somebody would knock off Casey anytime in the near future....I would prolly have that glass of champagne.
I'm not commenting anymore on this thread.
It's sad, and it makes me feel worse.....and it's not worth fighting with people over....."Oh I was right, and you weren't...neener neener neener".
Bullshit...all of it~

I can't imagine looking into my mother's eyes as she tells me to shush and hold steady and she puts the hard tape across my mouth and then makes me go sleepy bye bye with the kleenex across my nose.

You hit that nail right on the head with that one. I can't believe that she got away with it. ~BH
I was shocked by the verdict and I don't agree with the verdict.
But my life shall go on, happy go lucky as it has been....whereas Casey Anthony, will she be accepted back into society??
Does she go back home to George and Cindy?? After all, she said George molested her.
Will George and Cindy take her into their home??
You can bet your ass if it were my daughter, she would not step foot back into my home!!!!!
Not just because of the allegations over Caylee, but because of the lies- saying her Father molested her. everyone stands.
Casey gets set free. George and Cindy might have their daughter back, but they will never have their granddaughter back,
There was no justice for Caylee...none.
So a baby girl dies, and someone killed her, someone dumped her like a bag of trash alongside the road....and she rotted and was eaten by animals.
But we all have to accept that, the jury has spoken.
If I were any of those jurors, I would never want my name or face out to the public, you can be assured people will threaten their asses, for "letting a baby killer go free".
And I really predict one day, somebody, who is angry enough, will try and take out Casey Anthony herself. She is not going to be a popular person, to the people that really matter.
I say that because if she gets offers for porn films or Playboy, well......they're all pieces of shit.
My heart just breaks for this precious beautiful little girl, who was not given the chance to grow up. And it hits me harder because I have a granddaughter with the exact same name, Kaylea Marie, and my Kaylea was the exact age as Caylee Anthony when the baby was found dead.
It tears me apart to think nobody is going to be convicted of this crime.
Karma is a bitch, and I hate that I am saying this, but if somebody would knock off Casey anytime in the near future....I would prolly have that glass of champagne.
I'm not commenting anymore on this thread.
It's sad, and it makes me feel worse.....and it's not worth fighting with people over....."Oh I was right, and you weren't...neener neener neener".
Bullshit...all of it~

I can't imagine looking into my mother's eyes as she tells me to shush and hold steady and she puts the hard tape across my mouth and then makes me go sleepy bye bye with the kleenex across my nose.

You don't know that's what happened.
Yeah, you're right, sadly we all already know the worst tragedy has already happened irregardless of the trial outcome :(.

Yep, there's a dead, beautiful little girl who will get no justice... for now. But, at the end of the day, there was nothing there that could could convince me intellectually that this woman did that.

As ironic as that is, considering I have no doubt she was involved, it is a good thing she was acquitted.

I agree with you. But The Nancy Grace crowd will never agree. I heard the host of a headline news show say the "reasonable doubt" was being interpreted to strictly. How many people have had their prison sentences overturned for being falsely convicted in the past three years while Casey Anthony was sitting in jail?

Since Jan 1st 2008, 59 people have been exonerated from their wrongful convictions.

The Innocence Project - Home
Yep, there's a dead, beautiful little girl who will get no justice... for now. But, at the end of the day, there was nothing there that could could convince me intellectually that this woman did that.

As ironic as that is, considering I have no doubt she was involved, it is a good thing she was acquitted.

I agree with you. But The Nancy Grace crowd will never agree. I heard the host of a headline news show say the "reasonable doubt" was being interpreted to strictly. How many people have had their prison sentences overturned for being falsely convicted in the past three years while Casey Anthony was sitting in jail?

Since Jan 1st 2008, 59 people have been exonerated from their wrongful convictions.

The Innocence Project - Home

The average sentence served by DNA exonerees has been 13 years

The Innocence Project - Know the Cases
There have been 272 post-conviction DNA exonerations in United States history. These stories are becoming more familiar as more innocent people gain their freedom through postconviction testing. They are not proof, however, that our system is righting itself.

Seventeen people had been sentenced to death before DNA proved their innocence and led to their release.

The Innocence Project - Know the Cases

Yes, juries get it wrong.
I was shocked by the verdict and I don't agree with the verdict.
But my life shall go on, happy go lucky as it has been....whereas Casey Anthony, will she be accepted back into society??
Does she go back home to George and Cindy?? After all, she said George molested her.
Will George and Cindy take her into their home??
You can bet your ass if it were my daughter, she would not step foot back into my home!!!!!
Not just because of the allegations over Caylee, but because of the lies- saying her Father molested her. everyone stands.
Casey gets set free. George and Cindy might have their daughter back, but they will never have their granddaughter back,
There was no justice for Caylee...none.
So a baby girl dies, and someone killed her, someone dumped her like a bag of trash alongside the road....and she rotted and was eaten by animals.
But we all have to accept that, the jury has spoken.
If I were any of those jurors, I would never want my name or face out to the public, you can be assured people will threaten their asses, for "letting a baby killer go free".
And I really predict one day, somebody, who is angry enough, will try and take out Casey Anthony herself. She is not going to be a popular person, to the people that really matter.
I say that because if she gets offers for porn films or Playboy, well......they're all pieces of shit.
My heart just breaks for this precious beautiful little girl, who was not given the chance to grow up. And it hits me harder because I have a granddaughter with the exact same name, Kaylea Marie, and my Kaylea was the exact age as Caylee Anthony when the baby was found dead.
It tears me apart to think nobody is going to be convicted of this crime.
Karma is a bitch, and I hate that I am saying this, but if somebody would knock off Casey anytime in the near future....I would prolly have that glass of champagne.
I'm not commenting anymore on this thread.
It's sad, and it makes me feel worse.....and it's not worth fighting with people over....."Oh I was right, and you weren't...neener neener neener".
Bullshit...all of it~

I can't imagine looking into my mother's eyes as she tells me to shush and hold steady and she puts the hard tape across my mouth and then makes me go sleepy bye bye with the kleenex across my nose.

You don't know that's what happened.

Yeah? Well we do know what happened after Caylee died right? Either way, however it happened, The bitch Casey still went out partying and shaking her ass like a whore without a care in the world about her deceased daughter. Who the hell does something like this?

THAT! You defenders of this scum can never deny. She's still a fucking liar as well. Just in case you missed it, she was found guilty of lying to Law Enforcement.

And another thing, If her defense of a so called swimming pool accident were true, then that would mean that she threw Caylee out in the woods like trash. Don't tell me George did that, because he is former law enforcement and is not that stupid. Plus, he loved Caylee to the point where he wanted to kill himself.

Either way, she did it or allowed it to happen. What a piece of shit of a human being. So you just keep on defending that disgusting excuse for a mother Sunshine. :cool: ~BH
Well seeing they had NO DNA EVIDENCE LINKING HER DIRECTLY TO THIS,im not surprised she got off!! (Thats how things are in this country :()
Yeah; DNA evidence was too complex fo OJ's jury, and this jury would only have convicted with it. Had the police followed up on Cronk's phone calls, there might have still been some. Since they lacked the hard incriminating evidence beyond the circumstantial, the prosecution should have gone for some lesser charge, and not for murder one. When the found hard evidence was lacking for a murder one charge, they, the jury, likewise doubted it was sufficient for lesser charges including manslaughter.

This woman's jury matched OJ's

OJ's jury was so ......

I frankly cannot find the words to describe OJ's jury accurately. I think they thought DNA was like TWA and couldn't connect the dots between airlines and evidence.

Talk about the most stupid people on the planet. And all they wanted were their book deals/movie rights/hope and change.
Well seeing they had NO DNA EVIDENCE LINKING HER DIRECTLY TO THIS,im not surprised she got off!! (Thats how things are in this country :()
Yeah; DNA evidence was too complex fo OJ's jury, and this jury would only have convicted with it. Had the police followed up on Cronk's phone calls, there might have still been some. Since they lacked the hard incriminating evidence beyond the circumstantial, the prosecution should have gone for some lesser charge, and not for murder one. When the found hard evidence was lacking for a murder one charge, they, the jury, likewise doubted it was sufficient for lesser charges including manslaughter.

This woman's jury matched OJ's

OJ's jury was so ......

I frankly cannot find the words to describe OJ's jury accurately. I think they thought DNA was like TWA and couldn't connect the dots between airlines and evidence.

Talk about the most stupid people on the planet. And all they wanted were their book deals/movie rights/hope and change.

Book deals and movie rights? Are you talking about Marsha Clark and Christopher Darden? Only in America can you get rich from screwing up the most failing so badly at your job.
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

I followed the Anthony trial for about one week, or less. I learned from the O.J. trial and subsequent acquittal that I could never spend that kind of time and energy on another. I am glad I stuck to my guns and avoided the daily input and subsequent frustration of a miscarriage of justice as I perceive this Casey Anthony verdict to be.
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