Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

Did you follow the case closely enough to make a judgement based on all the testimony, or did you just make a judgement based on the nightly news?
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

Did you follow the case closely enough to make a judgement based on all the testimony, or did you just make a judgement based on the nightly news?

They should have tacked on child abandonment as well. In any case she lost her freaking kid. At that point you could have tried the depraved indifference approach.

I think the prosecutors overreached going for the DP, but thats what the "public(media)" was pushing for.
We all have passion and anger over this case. Some of us defend the system, and some of us defend the victim. I understand all of that. However, When it's all said and done, a sweet innocent beautiful little girl is dead. That's the biggest shame about this whole circus side show. God bless Caylee's little soul. ~BH
I haven't followed this case, other then to do my damndest to avoid Nancy Grace and that God awful Valez-Mitchell woman. So I don't really know the facts of the matter other than to say, I would venture that the pool of American's following this case on the nightly news via the Nancy Grace/Valez-Mitchell/Van Susterin Comedy troupe were much more biased in their opinion then the 12 jurors who judged Anthony.

In that essence, the system worked. The state failed to prove their case.
Living the rest of your life with the name Casey Anthony will most likely be a severe punishment. I see this as a failure of the prosecution. I also hope any of us would be found innocent if reasonable doubt of motive, time line, weapon and opportunity were not overcome.
Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

I spent 20 years in the military and I work in the defense industry (since I was on terminal leave), inspecting weapon systems that our troops use everyday. For over 22 years I have given to one and only one charity, the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society. People like your dumb fucking ass are the reason you think this country if FUBAR. Go put your uniform on to celebrate the 4th, add the extra unearned medals and go pump up your "service". I know your type.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah buddy whatever you say. Just as you have, I understand gutless turds like yourself as well. You "inspected weapons systems", well supposedly. Anyway, you were a behind the lines jack off if that was even the case. You were hiding behind a fence or a tree trunk while you watched better men than you drive off to perish. Fuck you bro. Eat a big dick because that's the only language that liars like you can understand.

At the end of the day, you came at me first. If you truly were in the service, then I respect that. However, there are so many frauds these days. Also, think about what we are fighting about right now if that is the truth? ~BH

First you call me a liar, then you say respect? Fuck you you wanabe GI Joe. Shove your respect up your fucking ass. Did your dumb ass walk to the "line"? When you needed air support did you make it yourself? When you needed a new weapon did you manufacture it yourself? If you got hurt and needed a doctor, nurse or dentist did you heal yourself? Without "gutless turds" like me, your stupid fucking ass would be some afghan or Iraqi's boy toy. If you want to show respect stop thinking you are better then people who made it possible for you to get in, survive and get out. You dumb fuck.
The jurors that didn't even believe in the child abuse and the manslaughter charges are fucking idiots. The murder 1 charge was a reach, but it's common sense she was guilty of the 2 other major crimes.
If it was an accident, you don't wait days, weeks to a month to report your child is "missing."
What most likely happened was that she was drugging her daughter to put her to sleep so she could go partying, but she overdosed her which killed her. She freaked out and hide her in the swamp, then avoided her parents awhile until she was forced to admit her daughter was so-called missing.
I think this bitch is so stupid to believe her parents wouldn't ask questions about her daughter...she is that fucking stupid.

...... 31 days of lying and trying to blow her mom off. 31 days of partying down butt grinding and tatoos,, never once seeking help to find her lost baby why? cause she knew,, she knew,, she knew.

If she was charged with first degree murder is that the only decision the jury was allowed to deliberate on? They couldn't have come back with manslaughter?

I can not figure how they came back with a not guilty decision. What mother doesn't call the police if her child is found floating in a pool? What mother lies for a month about the child's whereabouts?

I can not figure how a baby found with duct tape over her nose and mouth in a garbage bad and tossed into a swamp and a mother who lied for the first month of her child being missing, who partied her ass off without a care in the world, with chloroform found in massive amounts in the car with chloroform being looked up on the home computer by Casey, etc, etc, etc . . .. . . . how is Casey Anthony not guilty?

......31 days casey lied to her mom and wouldn't let her see Caylee. 31 days, I wonder how the dummies on the jury resolved that information??

They're saying that 'beyond a reasonable doubt' wasn't proven. That because they couldn't say how Caylee died . . . broken neck/suffocated/drown, etc . . . that that's why the jury came back with not guilty. Um . . hellooo? DUCT TAPE, IN A BAG, IN A SWAMP. How did they not come back with guilty? :cuckoo:
So . . that outweighs the mother's actions? Her lies? The proof (chloroform in the trunk ... for crying out loud someone killed this baby!) they did have?
This is nuts. The jury had to have be comprised of moronic dummies.
I don't give a shit what anybody says, about the technicalities of the case. Anyone with any common sense, could tell she was responsible for what happened to that child.
An innocent person does NOT act or do the things that bitch did.
This is a travesty, and the jury is full of shit.
This bitch got away with participating in her child's death, if not murder.
I hope someday, somewhere, someone will recognize this scumbag slut out on the street, and ends her useless time here on Earth.
Fucking retards on that Florida jury should have their asses kicked in. :evil:
Cheney Mason says "Hello from Orlando"
Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

I spent 20 years in the military and I work in the defense industry (since I was on terminal leave), inspecting weapon systems that our troops use everyday. For over 22 years I have given to one and only one charity, the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society. People like your dumb fucking ass are the reason you think this country if FUBAR. Go put your uniform on to celebrate the 4th, add the extra unearned medals and go pump up your "service". I know your type.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah buddy whatever you say. Just as you have, I understand gutless turds like yourself as well. You "inspected weapons systems", well supposedly. Anyway, you were a behind the lines jack off if that was even the case. You were hiding behind a fence or a tree trunk while you watched better men than you drive off to perish. Fuck you bro. Eat a big dick because that's the only language that liars like you can understand.

At the end of the day, you came at me first. If you truly were in the service, then I respect that. However, there are so many frauds these days. Also, think about what we are fighting about right now if that is the truth? ~BH

If it means anything, I personally know salt jones and every single thing he posted is true. I was stationed with him in a fighter squadron in Miramar for four years and know every squadron he went to after that. He retired a year after I did and came here just like me after he got his dd214. I know where he works now and I repeat, every single thing he said above is true.

Just saying.
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So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

I have tried over 200 felony jury trials. I can tell you that juries get it right almost every time. I can only think of one verdict that I felt was wrong in all of the trials I have done.
I haven't followed this case, other then to do my damndest to avoid Nancy Grace and that God awful Valez-Mitchell woman. So I don't really know the facts of the matter other than to say, I would venture that the pool of American's following this case on the nightly news via the Nancy Grace/Valez-Mitchell/Van Susterin Comedy troupe were much more biased in their opinion then the 12 jurors who judged Anthony.

In that essence, the system worked. The state failed to prove their case.

I am going to go out of my way to try and watch Nancy Grace. Can't wait to see the bitch come apart at the seams over this verdict.
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

Did you follow the case closely enough to make a judgement based on all the testimony, or did you just make a judgement based on the nightly news?

Or worse, from Nancy Grace. Yuk. I swear I dont know who is worst, Casey or Nancy. Both are going to be rich because of a child that was killed. Sickening.
I haven't followed this case, other then to do my damndest to avoid Nancy Grace and that God awful Valez-Mitchell woman. So I don't really know the facts of the matter other than to say, I would venture that the pool of American's following this case on the nightly news via the Nancy Grace/Valez-Mitchell/Van Susterin Comedy troupe were much more biased in their opinion then the 12 jurors who judged Anthony.

In that essence, the system worked. The state failed to prove their case.

I am going to go out of my way to try and watch Nancy Grace. Can't wait to see the bitch come apart at the seams over this verdict.

I disagree. She even has you watching bro. SHE WINS HERE.
Living the rest of your life with the name Casey Anthony will most likely be a severe punishment. I see this as a failure of the prosecution. I also hope any of us would be found innocent if reasonable doubt of motive, time line, weapon and opportunity were not overcome.

I disagree. YOu dont see a movie/book/exclusive photo opportunity happening here?

If I do something wrong, I want to live with my name and not spend the rest of my life in prison as well. I believe in Karma, but sometimes it just doesnt work out too well.

This woman will party like no ones business just like she did during those 31 days when the baby was "missing". Dont worry about her, she will unfortunatly do just fine and not be behind bars for much longer, just like I predicted.

There is no way someone "like" her was going to do real time.
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

I have been listening to some of this case--and about the decision--I guess just not enough forensic evidence to even determine the cause of death. I believe the mother was guilty--but it's the "beyond a reasonable doubt"--and the instructions that a juror receives from the judge--that is capable of turning ones opinion within seconds. They get so caught up in the instructions from the judge--that they literally forget what they have heard as evidence over the past several weeks. And it was all circumstantial evidence--which is bound to give some "doubt" as did she murder this girl--was it an accident that she wanted to cover up, etc. etc. etc.

I think if the prosecutors would have gone after her for 2nd degree murder or manslaughter we would have had a guilty verdict.
I haven't followed this case, other then to do my damndest to avoid Nancy Grace and that God awful Valez-Mitchell woman. So I don't really know the facts of the matter other than to say, I would venture that the pool of American's following this case on the nightly news via the Nancy Grace/Valez-Mitchell/Van Susterin Comedy troupe were much more biased in their opinion then the 12 jurors who judged Anthony.

In that essence, the system worked. The state failed to prove their case.

I am going to go out of my way to try and watch Nancy Grace. Can't wait to see the bitch come apart at the seams over this verdict.

So, the great American jury has fucked it up again. Why do we always say the jury system is so great?

I don't know.

I am a lawyer and I have tried cases to juries. I have talked to jurors afterwards. What I have heard has scared me.

For instance, I lost a case, personal injury, I was defending. Ladies on the jury tell me, "your client wasn't negligent, but we thought she (plaintiff) was real nice." Right... facts be damned, you awarded her all that money because she was "real nice"...

I won a case, personal injury. Again, I was defending. Facts weren't so great for my side, actually -- plaintiff could have easily won. Again, I talk to jurors. They tell me "she was such a bitch" so they denied her money. OK, again, facts be damned.

It's like all these people thought the jury trial was about "who they like" and "who they don't"... the mental level of a 9-year-old, or something. They couldn't focus on the basic question before them: "You are here to decide if the defendant, Blank Corp., was negligent. Negligence is defined as blah blah." Etc. Nope, tuned it all out.

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted? Should we switch to professional juries? Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

As an attorney you know the standard is different for civil vis a vis criminal trials. And, of course that's not the only difference. A criminal defense need only raise a reasonable doubt, a prosecutor must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and the decision must be 12-0. I'm not familiar with a judges instructions on a civil case, but I imagine character of the plaintiff and defendant come into play and influence juries more in civil matters than in a capital murder trial. At least that seems to be true in the Casey Anthony case.

Do juries get it wrong? Sure, the system isn't perfect. That said, the ADA didn't prove his case. It's pretty damn hard to prove murder one when the ME can't testify as to the cause of death.
Geez this thread is awful hostile. All because something unrelated to our personal lives. Even my ex-wife was in a hostile mood today. It's just nuts to let external factors control your emotions like this.

Just my two cents..... Carry on ripping each other apart over someone else's actions or lack there of

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