Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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Yep, there's a dead, beautiful little girl who will get no justice... for now. But, at the end of the day, there was nothing there that could could convince me intellectually that this woman did that.

As ironic as that is, considering I have no doubt she was involved, it is a good thing she was acquitted.

I agree with you. But The Nancy Grace crowd will never agree. I heard the host of a headline news show say the "reasonable doubt" was being interpreted to strictly. How many people have had their prison sentences overturned for being falsely convicted in the past three years while Casey Anthony was sitting in jail?

Since Jan 1st 2008, 59 people have been exonerated from their wrongful convictions.

The Innocence Project - Home

I'm from the land where we just found out a forensic pathologist lied his ASS OFF and had people convicted from nothing. OMG. The one that tipped me off was a kingston mum and it was the dog that nuked the kid but the pathologist was claiming the mother killed the kid.

This bastard ruined lives over and over and over.

I'm not in the hang em high crowd. But this one I truly beleive the mum did it. And for many reasons and for evidence I can throw out there.

This is a sad day for Caylee.
This country is FUBAR, plain and simple. This verdict proves it. ~BH

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Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH
This country is FUBAR, plain and simple. This verdict proves it. ~BH

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Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

So what!? I served too , but I don't need to be an asshole about it.
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again.

Assuming you were referring to Casey Anthony, were you privy to the same evidence as the jury? Or do you predicate her guilt on reports you got from Headline News?

If you didn’t have access to the same evidence and testimony, you’re in no position to determine her jury was ‘wrong.’

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted?

Trusted to do what? Reach verdicts only you approve of?

Should we switch to professional juries?

You’ve got to be kidding.

Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

Get what ‘right’? Unless a given prosecutor has a 100 percent conviction rate there’s something ‘wrong’ with the jury system?

Like democracy and a republican form of government, it’s far from perfect yet much better than anything else.
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Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

So what!? I served too , but I don't need to be an asshole about it.

Really? Well I am an asshole just as you're a fucking liar. Motherfucker. :cool: ~BH
Yeah; DNA evidence was too complex fo OJ's jury, and this jury would only have convicted with it. Had the police followed up on Cronk's phone calls, there might have still been some. Since they lacked the hard incriminating evidence beyond the circumstantial, the prosecution should have gone for some lesser charge, and not for murder one. When the found hard evidence was lacking for a murder one charge, they, the jury, likewise doubted it was sufficient for lesser charges including manslaughter.

This woman's jury matched OJ's

OJ's jury was so ......

I frankly cannot find the words to describe OJ's jury accurately. I think they thought DNA was like TWA and couldn't connect the dots between airlines and evidence.

Talk about the most stupid people on the planet. And all they wanted were their book deals/movie rights/hope and change.

Book deals and movie rights? Are you talking about Marsha Clark and Christopher Darden? Only in America can you get rich from screwing up the most failing so badly at your job.

Surely you jest. That jury was beyond pathetic. They had no clue whatsoever what DNA evidence was.

lol, moronic and beyond stupid doesn't even fit the drill. OJ was lucky. Oh, but it was his peers asswipe peers wasn't it now.
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Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

So what!? I served too , but I don't need to be an asshole about it.

Yeah, Even if you did serve, you were making coffee for us all back at the base eh? "Liberal Soldier"? What a fucking comic show.

Check out dicklip here everyone, he hates little girls who are murdered so much that he's foaming out of his mouth to celebrate this injustice. People like you should be eradicated. :razz: ~BH
Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

So what!? I served too , but I don't need to be an asshole about it.

Yeah, Even if you did serve, you were making coffee for us all back at the base eh? "Liberal Soldier"? What a fucking comic show.

Check out dicklip here everyone, he hates little girls who are murdered so much that he's foaming out of his mouth to celebrate this injustice. People like you should be eradicated. :razz: ~BH

and u sucked shit from latrine duty, what's new? Fixed that black dick addiction you started as an E-1? Your discharge rank.
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This country is FUBAR, plain and simple. This verdict proves it. ~BH

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Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

I spent 20 years in the military and I work in the defense industry (since I was on terminal leave), inspecting weapon systems that our troops use everyday. For over 22 years I have given to one and only one charity, the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society. People like your dumb fucking ass are the reason you think this country if FUBAR. Go put your uniform on to celebrate the 4th, add the extra unearned medals and go pump up your "service". I know your type.
Now how they fucked up as a jury, but better be ready if they want to go on tv and write novels, it makes them fair game.

No one can tell me different. If they wished to become "stars" from this trial, well then meet mr starmaker.

A lesson is to be learned. Now mummy, mummy dearest ........shall we call the latest brand of duct tape Casey?


Casey the duct tape that can set you free.....
Hey, She was found innocent and the system did what it did. However, Some of you maggots seem to enjoy this so much. What drugs are you puke bags on? Or better yet, are you just mentally ill? Maybe that's why your own families can't stand to even have a holiday dinner with you.

The bitch lied either way. Just as she went out and partied like a whore after her daughter was deceased, by murder or accident, does it really matter when it comes down to character and love for your own child? She's a piece of shot of a human being either way you look at it.

If people want to know who the pigs of our Nation are, just look at those here who defend this evil bottomfeeder after knowing all that I just layed out. = Rotten human beings. ;) ~BH
So what!? I served too , but I don't need to be an asshole about it.

Yeah, Even if you did serve, you were making coffee for us all back at the base eh? "Liberal Soldier"? What a fucking comic show.

Check out dicklip here everyone, he hates little girls who are murdered so much that he's foaming out of his mouth to celebrate this injustice. People like you should be eradicated. :razz: ~BH

and u sucked shit from latrine duty, what's new? Fixed that black dick addiction you started as an E-1? Your discharge rank.

Better get yourself some baby wipes motherfucker. Me and my boys are gonna give you a combat shower that you will never forget. You stupid fucking dicklip fraud. ~BH
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Fuck you coward, My family and I fought for this country. Did you? To bad your too weak minded to understand or appreciate that. Go ahead and bow down to everything you see on tv or the internet. People like you are a joke. You sit on the sidelines while others put their life on the line in order to protect idiots like yourself. The best of the best always question the system. That is how the United States of America was created. I doubt you can even comprehend something like that you gutless slave. :razz: ~BH

I spent 20 years in the military and I work in the defense industry (since I was on terminal leave), inspecting weapon systems that our troops use everyday. For over 22 years I have given to one and only one charity, the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society. People like your dumb fucking ass are the reason you think this country if FUBAR. Go put your uniform on to celebrate the 4th, add the extra unearned medals and go pump up your "service". I know your type.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah buddy whatever you say. Just as you have, I understand gutless turds like yourself as well. You "inspected weapons systems", well supposedly. Anyway, you were a behind the lines jack off if that was even the case. You were hiding behind a fence or a tree trunk while you watched better men than you drive off to perish. Fuck you bro. Eat a big dick because that's the only language that liars like you can understand.

At the end of the day, you came at me first. If you truly were in the service, then I respect that. However, there are so many frauds these days. Also, think about what we are fighting about right now if that is the truth? ~BH
So, the great American jury has fucked it up again.

Assuming you were referring to Casey Anthony, were you privy to the same evidence as the jury? Or do you predicate her guilt on reports you got from Headline News?

If you didn’t have access to the same evidence and testimony, you’re in no position to determine her jury was ‘wrong.’

Are American juries too stupid to be trusted?

Trusted to do what? Reach verdicts only you approve of?

Should we switch to professional juries?

You’ve got to be kidding.

Do juries really tend to get it right more often than not?

Get what ‘right’? Unless a given prosecutor has a 100 percent conviction rate there’s something ‘wrong’ with the jury system?

Like democracy and a republican form of government, it’s far from perfect yet much better than anything else.

They were missing the cause of death, how the body got there, and a definitve chain of events. Also the lack of DNA, blood or fingerprint evidence.

With all that conviction was around 25%. The prosecutor should have offered 5-10 but then the media would have gone apeshit.

The jury system works as well as it can. any other system is too prone to totalitarianism.
I'd rather have the system we have than any other, and lawyers are oily skinned snakes that chase ambulances, get a real job.

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