Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
The defense has not presented their arguments yet. They laid out their defense in the opening statements, but those need not be their defense now that the prosecution has presented its case. Seems to me that what they need to do when they do start presenting their arguments is simply to say that the prosecution has proven they were wrong and that she was murdered, but that Casey did not murder Caylee. They don't even have to claim that it was Grandpa or that they even know who it was.

And no, I would not want to defend her. I think she's guilty. I just don't think it has been proven in court.

I think the prosecution did a great job.

The defense knew the States case, in their opening claims was their game plan. Assuming they will change it is news to me

The defense has very little credibility left. They will lose all credibility if they try to change their opening argument. They were stupid for putting it out there like that. The only thing that will save her ass is a mistrial due to a incompetent defense attorney.

Cheney Mason didn't appear incompetent today at all. He knows exactly what he's talking about as far as weak evidence. At the very least, there will be an appeal if Casey is convicted on such controversial material. He's much more forceful than that dud Baez, who appears terrified of the judge. They should have sat him down on day one.
The prosecution has shown Casey's means, motive & opportunity. She has also been proven to be an habitual lier. The jury should always take her fathers word over hers. Her rape story is not even credible. She is going down.

Question for Kissmy, Oldsalt, Sarah G and anyone else that thinks she is going down.

Did you think OJ was going down for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?


THIS THREAD is about a beautiful little girl named Caylee Anthony who was murdered.
The O.J. Simpson trial has nothing to do with this case!
Why must you bring an old trial into this??
The Simpson thing is done, over..and he is sitting in prison for other charges, who the fuck cares.
We all here, no matter what our opinions might be, just want justice for this little girl..that's you get it??

Why don't you just cool your heels for a change? Precedent setting cases are indeed a part of this trial. And we can discuss it all we want. You don't make the rules on this board.
There's a huge hole the defense can't explain away, that 31 day hole where she didn't report the child missing.

Granted. I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean they can't explain it. It seems to me that they initially tried to say that she was not missing those 31 days. Then again, it also seems the prosecution has proven that she was.


You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."
Granted. I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean they can't explain it. It seems to me that they initially tried to say that she was not missing those 31 days. Then again, it also seems the prosecution has proven that she was.


You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Nor would I! I'd probably be a frigging basket case, but that is just me.

The same goes for if she drowned in the pool. The first thing I would do is call 911. I'm not qualified to say whether or not someone is dead. I'd be screaming bloody murder to get paramedics there twenty minutes ago.

In fact, the "pool defense", raises more suspicion in me than anything I have seen from the prosecution. What the hell? You found your daughter face down in the pool and then just assumed she was dead? I don't buy it.


If she drowned, it may not have been Casey who found her.
Granted. I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean they can't explain it. It seems to me that they initially tried to say that she was not missing those 31 days. Then again, it also seems the prosecution has proven that she was.


You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

In order to buy into the GA theory, you have to believe that he held that much power over her. If the defense can illustrate ways that GA has unduly influenced bad decisions in ICA's life previous to this, they may have a good shot.
Granted. I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean they can't explain it. It seems to me that they initially tried to say that she was not missing those 31 days. Then again, it also seems the prosecution has proven that she was.


You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

There is no way he would go along with a cover up of that little girl's death. The only one who covered it up was Casey. She was pretty dumb about it too.
Has the prosecution proven that Casey made those searches? Could someone else have had access to her computer?

And the T-Shirt? Have they proven it was Casey that put her in the T-Shirt after she died?

The prosecution has presented their case. Evidently they have proven Caylee was murdered. Now all the defense has to do is raise reasonable doubt that Casey was the killer. All they need to do is convince the jury that grandpa might have killed Caylee and tried to blame Casey.

Grandpa used Casey's computer to search for Chloroform and neck breaking because he had abused her and was afraid of being caught. He killed Caylee and placed her in Casey's car. He later discarded the body. Casey found out about it. He threatened to kill her thus her silence for 31 days. Being afraid of her father, Casey attempted to claim that Caylee drowned in the pool.

Would she be lying? I think so... but she only needs to raise reasonable doubt to save her ass. What do I think? She's a cold hearted Bitch who murdered her daughter. I simply don't think the prosecution has done its job to prove that.


God damn dude, it has already been made known to everyone...those in the court room, the jury, the Tv viewers, the hobos down the the time the searches were done on CASEY'S computer for chloroform, it was proven that George and Cindy Anthony BOTH were at work!!!!

Anyone can access their home computer from work, and they all had access to the desktop in the Anthony home. But that's beside the point. The search for chloroform could have been an innocent attempt to find out what her boyfriend was driving at when he posted that YouTube thing about chloroforming your girlfriend. Operative words here: COULD HAVE BEEN. So once again, different interpretations can be made of that search. The prosecution chose the one convenient to their case.

The research was done on the home computer at the times George and Cindy were at work. And yes one can access their computers from anydamnwhere, I access mine from my phone, BUT.....every internet access has it's own ISP.
Just because someone can access something from their home Pc, or from a work Pc, does not make it a perfect match....there can't be one.
It can be proven that the searches were done on that particular home Pc, not from somebody's work place or phone, or a neighbor's Pc, they were done on Casey's computer.
So, Maggie, you try and explain away the chloroform, how do explain the searches for NECK BREAKING??
Question for Kissmy, Oldsalt, Sarah G and anyone else that thinks she is going down.

Did you think OJ was going down for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?


THIS THREAD is about a beautiful little girl named Caylee Anthony who was murdered.
The O.J. Simpson trial has nothing to do with this case!
Why must you bring an old trial into this??
The Simpson thing is done, over..and he is sitting in prison for other charges, who the fuck cares.
We all here, no matter what our opinions might be, just want justice for this little girl..that's you get it??

Why don't you just cool your heels for a change? Precedent setting cases are indeed a part of this trial. And we can discuss it all we want. You don't make the rules on this board.

Discuss all you want, but my main focus is Caylee Anthony :)
I also want to reiterate before I forget, the relationship between chloroform and chlorine (the latter used to purify POOL WATER). There are a variety of articles on the chemical similarities, and surprisingly, no one at the courthouse seems to make the possible connection that the strong smell of what was believed to be chloroform was in fact chlorine from the pool.

Showering with Chlorinated Water Produces Chloroform Steam!

Hate to break it to you Maggie but it appears they didn't use chlorine in their pool

Bacquacil listed as an item found in the Anthony shed. Page 5, # 6 and 7

Good work R.D.
Well....Maggie...we're waiting...what's your say now??
Still going with the pool chlorine?? :lol:
You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Nor would I! I'd probably be a frigging basket case, but that is just me.

The same goes for if she drowned in the pool. The first thing I would do is call 911. I'm not qualified to say whether or not someone is dead. I'd be screaming bloody murder to get paramedics there twenty minutes ago.

In fact, the "pool defense", raises more suspicion in me than anything I have seen from the prosecution. What the hell? You found your daughter face down in the pool and then just assumed she was dead? I don't buy it.


If she drowned, it may not have been Casey who found her.

Even so, they would have called 911. At least if it were an accident they would have.

Granted. I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean they can't explain it. It seems to me that they initially tried to say that she was not missing those 31 days. Then again, it also seems the prosecution has proven that she was.


You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

If she can pull that off as calmly and coolly as she has, then she IS one cold hearted bitch.

Cheney Mason didn't appear incompetent today at all. He knows exactly what he's talking about as far as weak evidence. At the very least, there will be an appeal if Casey is convicted on such controversial material. He's much more forceful than that dud Baez, who appears terrified of the judge. They should have sat him down on day one.

Cheney said there is no evidence when or how she's their whole case that they know.

To me, Cheney Mason argument for acquittal seemed to boil down to this: Your honor, our client managed to slow the investigation with her lies, she successfully hid the body, allowing decomposition to occur obliterating the definitive cause of death and now she claims it was an accident. For her achievements to date, she should be awarded an acquittal. :lol: :lol:
Granted. I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean they can't explain it. It seems to me that they initially tried to say that she was not missing those 31 days. Then again, it also seems the prosecution has proven that she was.


You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

But she didn't, did she?

She left home and avoided her parents
I also want to reiterate before I forget, the relationship between chloroform and chlorine (the latter used to purify POOL WATER). There are a variety of articles on the chemical similarities, and surprisingly, no one at the courthouse seems to make the possible connection that the strong smell of what was believed to be chloroform was in fact chlorine from the pool.

Showering with Chlorinated Water Produces Chloroform Steam!

Hate to break it to you Maggie but it appears they didn't use chlorine in their pool

Bacquacil listed as an item found in the Anthony shed. Page 5, # 6 and 7

Cheney Mason didn't appear incompetent today at all. He knows exactly what he's talking about as far as weak evidence. At the very least, there will be an appeal if Casey is convicted on such controversial material. He's much more forceful than that dud Baez, who appears terrified of the judge. They should have sat him down on day one.

Cheney said there is no evidence when or how she's their whole case that they know.

To me, Cheney Mason argument for acquittal seemed to boil down to this: Your honor, our client managed to slow the investigation with her lies, she successfully hid the body, allowing decomposition to occur obliterating the definitive cause of death and now she claims it was an accident. For her achievements to date, she should be awarded an acquittal. :lol: :lol:

Exactly what I was thinking. I heard that and thought 'THAT'S YOUR DEFENSE!!!!'
You can always put yourself in the shoes of the jury, they are you and me. If my child was missing, I would report it immediately. I wouldn't go shopping and dancing.

Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

But she didn't, did she?

She left home and avoided her parents

Which is another reason I feel like she didn't want her Mom to have Caylee either, she would rather rid of the little girl than have her Mom raise her...that's what I see anyway.
Unless it was all part of an elaborate coverup that went bad. "Just act normal, Casey...go out and have one will be the wiser..."

But she didn't, did she?

She left home and avoided her parents

Which is another reason I feel like she didn't want her Mom to have Caylee either, she would rather rid of the little girl than have her Mom raise her...that's what I see anyway.

I think she is more psychopathic. Most of the fights it seems is over her being a bad mother, right? If she walked away and gave her up she could still be perceived as a bad mother, so instead she got rid of what made her a bad mother- Caylee.

Instead she would become (when the friggn' hell she gets around to it) the poor loving mother whose child was stolen.
so what's the deal with the new defense witness?

Casey Anthony trial: Acquittal denied; defense introduces convict Vasco Thompson

"...Thompson, according to the filing, "was connected to George Anthony through his cell phone records." Records show four calls between Caylee's grandfather and Thompson on July 14, 2008 — a day beforeCindy Anthony reported Caylee's disappearance to theOrange County Sheriff's Office.

The court records also state "Thompson has a violent criminal history and has served a ten year prison sentence for kidnapping."

anybody? bueller?
so what's the deal with the new defense witness?

Casey Anthony trial: Acquittal denied; defense introduces convict Vasco Thompson

"...Thompson, according to the filing, "was connected to George Anthony through his cell phone records." Records show four calls between Caylee's grandfather and Thompson on July 14, 2008 — a day beforeCindy Anthony reported Caylee's disappearance to theOrange County Sheriff's Office.

The court records also state "Thompson has a violent criminal history and has served a ten year prison sentence for kidnapping."

anybody? bueller?

Desperate attempt, last gasp, wrong #.......Until proven otherwise. Or, it could be to slow down the trial, so the defense can regroup....Haven't seen that yet, have we?:eusa_whistle: Although, to be fair, the DT has not much to work with, only ICA.....

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