Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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  • not guilty.

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  • undecided.

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There's really no proof that it was a heart sticker at all. It was something that "resembled a piece of a heart shaped object." And then, of course, there's no CSI photo of it--just a mock up. I cracked up the other day listening to one of the get-Casey pundits almost peeing his pants over the heart-shaped image being approximately the size of a dime. "Oh LOOK!! A heart-shaped sticker [one of many sizes found in Casey's bedroom] IS the same size as a dime!" Well that was enough "proof" for that jerk!

Your assumption FBI agents are lying doesn't make others jerks.
Nor would I! I'd probably be a frigging basket case, but that is just me.

The same goes for if she drowned in the pool. The first thing I would do is call 911. I'm not qualified to say whether or not someone is dead. I'd be screaming bloody murder to get paramedics there twenty minutes ago.

In fact, the "pool defense", raises more suspicion in me than anything I have seen from the prosecution. What the hell? You found your daughter face down in the pool and then just assumed she was dead? I don't buy it.


If she drowned, why the duct tape? It had to be chloroform..


I'm the defense here remember? I don't have to explain why. That is your job. ;)

I only have to raise enough doubt to convince the jury that it was done by someone else besides my client.


Wrong again. In this case you have to prove she was not killed by anyone
How does the red heart sticker prove that Casey killed Caylee.

A good defense lawyer can place enough doubt in the hearts of the jury that the sticker could have been placed their by any number of people including either one of the grandparents.

How does the red heart sticker prove that Caylee did not drown in the pool? Casey could have pulled Caylee out of the pool and put the sticker over her mouth after she was dead... now how they explain the duct tape and the sticker and the idea that she drowned in the pool is something a little more touchy, but it does not definitively point back to Casey in either case.

Note: I'm only raising questions. It seems to me that the circumstantial evidence can all be explained away which will allow Casey to walk the way I see it. I'm not saying Casey did not kill Caylee, but all the defense needs to do is convince the jury that someone else may have killed Caylee and Casey walks.


There is enough evidence to convict Casey. Chloroform & evidence of a dead body was found in Casey's trunk. Casey's computer showed searches for "neck breaking" and "how to make chloroform". The defense alleged that Casey panicked after Caylee drowned. So Casey had to be involved in discarding her daughters body.

Casey lies nonstop & only shows emotion for herself but none for her dead child. That is the definition of a psychopath. She shows agitated, erratic behavior. Intentionally or subconsciously the T-Shirt Casey placed Caylee's dead body explains the way Casey viewed her child. "BIG TROUBLE comes in small packages"

Has the prosecution proven that Casey made those searches? Could someone else have had access to her computer?

And the T-Shirt? Have they proven it was Casey that put her in the T-Shirt after she died?

The prosecution has presented their case. Evidently they have proven Caylee was murdered. Now all the defense has to do is raise reasonable doubt that Casey was the killer. All they need to do is convince the jury that grandpa might have killed Caylee and tried to blame Casey.

Grandpa used Casey's computer to search for Chloroform and neck breaking because he had abused her and was afraid of being caught. He killed Caylee and placed her in Casey's car. He later discarded the body. Casey found out about it. He threatened to kill her thus her silence for 31 days. Being afraid of her father, Casey attempted to claim that Caylee drowned in the pool.

Would she be lying? I think so... but she only needs to raise reasonable doubt to save her ass. What do I think? She's a cold hearted Bitch who murdered her daughter. I simply don't think the prosecution has done its job to prove that.


There are a number of hypothetical scenarios that can be played out based on the facts as we know them. Mine centers around Cindy taking Caylee into the pool in the early evening of June 16th after they had visited Cindy's father in a nursing home. Except for George Anthony saying that he "saw" Casey leave the house around 12:30 p.m., on the following day (June 17th) with backpacks, the night of the 16th is the last time she was known to be alive, unless Cindy herself accidentally let Caylee drown that night. (I don't think she did, though.)

My scenario would be that Cindy did NOT remember to take down the ladder, and that Caylee wandered back out there and entered the pool all alone and subsequently drowned. If that happened, NONE of the Andersons would be eager to take responsibility, so the coverup might have been plotted among all three that Caylee was kidnapped by Zanny, and then Casey was tasked with inventing followup stories. But I'm more inclined to think it was George and Casey who covered it up, possibly to protect Cindy. Remember all those cell phone messages on June 17th from Casey to her mother, one right after another? Why was Casey so freaked on that particular day? I haven't decided how the abuse allegation would figure in that scenario. I haven't written that chapter yet!
Actually, when the DT puts out the explanation like that, they do have some proving to do, if they want any cred with the jury. If the DT had gone with, 'we don't know who killed Caylee, but neither does the Pros.....' that might have gone better with them.

The DT was absolutely negligent by putting the accidental drowning in his opening statement. My theory is the defense put forth that drowning scenario to guarantee Casey a mistrial.
Seems to me though that if they did try to live by that, they will screw up. Seems to me, that they need to dump that idea as there is too much evidence that it was murder. The only problem being as to who it was that committed the murder.


Then the are done for.

They deny a body in the car, they tried numerous times to have it called accidental, they blamed George in a cover up of the accident, they denied the chloroform evidence, they denied duct tape on the baby, they tried to deny she was in the house for 6 months. All now evidence in the trial.

When have they denied all that?

They have not presented their arguments yet. All that comes next, doesn't it?

Nope, they crossed all the Prosecution witnesses. It's all in the trial now. Except maybe George cover up, that was opening statement

The Prosecution still get to cross their witnesses and rebut
There is enough evidence to convict Casey. Chloroform & evidence of a dead body was found in Casey's trunk. Casey's computer showed searches for "neck breaking" and "how to make chloroform". The defense alleged that Casey panicked after Caylee drowned. So Casey had to be involved in discarding her daughters body.

Casey lies nonstop & only shows emotion for herself but none for her dead child. That is the definition of a psychopath. She shows agitated, erratic behavior. Intentionally or subconsciously the T-Shirt Casey placed Caylee's dead body explains the way Casey viewed her child. "BIG TROUBLE comes in small packages"

Has the prosecution proven that Casey made those searches? Could someone else have had access to her computer?

And the T-Shirt? Have they proven it was Casey that put her in the T-Shirt after she died?

The prosecution has presented their case. Evidently they have proven Caylee was murdered. Now all the defense has to do is raise reasonable doubt that Casey was the killer. All they need to do is convince the jury that grandpa might have killed Caylee and tried to blame Casey.

Grandpa used Casey's computer to search for Chloroform and neck breaking because he had abused her and was afraid of being caught. He killed Caylee and placed her in Casey's car. He later discarded the body. Casey found out about it. He threatened to kill her thus her silence for 31 days. Being afraid of her father, Casey attempted to claim that Caylee drowned in the pool.

Would she be lying? I think so... but she only needs to raise reasonable doubt to save her ass. What do I think? She's a cold hearted Bitch who murdered her daughter. I simply don't think the prosecution has done its job to prove that.


There are a number of hypothetical scenarios that can be played out based on the facts as we know them. Mine centers around Cindy taking Caylee into the pool in the early evening of June 16th after they had visited Cindy's father in a nursing home. Except for George Anthony saying that he "saw" Casey leave the house around 12:30 p.m., on the following day (June 17th) with backpacks, the night of the 16th is the last time she was known to be alive, unless Cindy herself accidentally let Caylee drown that night. (I don't think she did, though.)

My scenario would be that Cindy did NOT remember to take down the ladder, and that Caylee wandered back out there and entered the pool all alone and subsequently drowned. If that happened, NONE of the Andersons would be eager to take responsibility, so the coverup might have been plotted among all three that Caylee was kidnapped by Zanny, and then Casey was tasked with inventing followup stories. But I'm more inclined to think it was George and Casey who covered it up, possibly to protect Cindy. Remember all those cell phone messages on June 17th from Casey to her mother, one right after another? Why was Casey so freaked on that particular day? I haven't decided how the abuse allegation would figure in that scenario. I haven't written that chapter yet!

And why all the searches on the computer weeks before, for chloroform, on Casey's computer?? (was that for funzies??)
Maybe they all planned it together??...all 3 of let Caylee drown??
Decomp fluid in the trunk, so why was she placed there for so long??
And why was chloroform detected in the trunk??
The prosecution has shown Casey's means, motive & opportunity. She has also been proven to be an habitual lier. The jury should always take her fathers word over hers. Her rape story is not even credible. She is going down.

Question for Kissmy, Oldsalt, Sarah G and anyone else that thinks she is going down.

Did you think OJ was going down for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?


I did at first. Until the prosecution started flubbing it. In this case I think the prosecution did a fairly good job. We'll have to see how they handle cross examination of whatever the defense brings up.

But, my stumbling block here is how do you get around the fact that there is no evidence that directly links Casey to the death of Caylee? All of us seem to think she is guilty because of her behavior, but I certainly hope it takes more than that to convict her.

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Probable cause, I'm not dealing with motive right now. Wish that bitch would take the stand tho.

But as the defense I don't have to deal with probable cause either. I just need to shoot holes in your "theories". I don't have to answer why the duct tape or chloroform. My reply would be, "How do I know why they were used, I didn't kill her."


They have to do a little more than that. They have to make her a sympathetic character by showing she was molested by daddy and that he is the one who tried to cover up her daughter's accidental drowning. :lol: I think the defense is drowning right now.

IF you are right... she's... what's the word, screwed!? :lol:

If she drowned, why the duct tape? It had to be chloroform..


I'm the defense here remember? I don't have to explain why. That is your job. ;)

I only have to raise enough doubt to convince the jury that it was done by someone else besides my client.


Wrong again. In this case you have to prove she was not killed by anyone


The prosecution has proven that she was murdered. Now, all I have to do is raise enough doubt in people's mind that it was Casey that committed the murder.

I also want to reiterate before I forget, the relationship between chloroform and chlorine (the latter used to purify POOL WATER). There are a variety of articles on the chemical similarities, and surprisingly, no one at the courthouse seems to make the possible connection that the strong smell of what was believed to be chloroform was in fact chlorine from the pool.

Showering with Chlorinated Water Produces Chloroform Steam!
Question for Kissmy, Oldsalt, Sarah G and anyone else that thinks she is going down.

Did you think OJ was going down for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?


I did at first. Until the prosecution started flubbing it. In this case I think the prosecution did a fairly good job. We'll have to see how they handle cross examination of whatever the defense brings up.

But, my stumbling block here is how do you get around the fact that there is no evidence that directly links Casey to the death of Caylee? All of us seem to think she is guilty because of her behavior, but I certainly hope it takes more than that convicts her.

She was the last person to see her alive.

I'm the defense here remember? I don't have to explain why. That is your job. ;)

I only have to raise enough doubt to convince the jury that it was done by someone else besides my client.


Wrong again. In this case you have to prove she was not killed by anyone


The prosecution has proven that she was murdered. Now, all I have to do is raise enough doubt in people's mind that it was Casey that committed the murder.

You're confusing me :lol:

They still deny she was murdered. They claim she is getting a bum deal.
I did at first. Until the prosecution started flubbing it. In this case I think the prosecution did a fairly good job. We'll have to see how they handle cross examination of whatever the defense brings up.

But, my stumbling block here is how do you get around the fact that there is no evidence that directly links Casey to the death of Caylee? All of us seem to think she is guilty because of her behavior, but I certainly hope it takes more than that convicts her.

She was the last person to see her alive.

Except for the killer that is. ;)

Wait a minute! Isn't that exactly what they MUST do to convict?

The evidence that Caylee was murdered is solid, but you say right here that the Prosecution Team has not produced proof that Casey killed her daughter. That is what Casey is on trial for. If the Prosecution Team has not produced proof that Casey killed her daughter then Casey must without a doubt be found not guilty.

Jurors cannot decide based upon their gut feelings. By your own words, you agree with me and if that is the case you would be required to vote not guilty. At least that is how I understand our laws.


Circumstantial evidence can convict her.

In the United States, the law shows no distinction between circumstantial and direct evidence in terms of which has more weight or importance. Both types of evidence may be enough to establish the defendant’s guilt, depending on how the jury finds the facts of the case.

Direct Evidence

I understand that, but circumstantial evidence is also easier to raise doubt.


I don't think the prosecution even has good circumstantial evidence. They rest their entire case on Casey's antics, never once proving that she had a mean bone in her body especially toward her child, and the pieces of duct tape that "someone" put there for some reason. Contrary to Dr. G's conclusion that the duct tape is what killed her, she couldn't otherwise prove that it did either--just that it was obviously a homicide to her because the placement of duct tape was intentional.
But, my stumbling block here is how do you get around the fact that there is no evidence that directly links Casey to the death of Caylee? All of us seem to think she is guilty because of her behavior, but I certainly hope it takes more than that convicts her.

She was the last person to see her alive.

Except for the killer that is. ;)

Back up one post ;)

No one killed her, so she was last
Wrong again. In this case you have to prove she was not killed by anyone


The prosecution has proven that she was murdered. Now, all I have to do is raise enough doubt in people's mind that it was Casey that committed the murder.

You're confusing me :lol:

They still deny she was murdered. They claim she is getting a bum deal.

What are you talking about? I'm confusing myself too.

Look, I only asked a question here and I stated from the get go that I have not watched the trial.

You don't have to convince me that she killed Caylee. I have been convinced of that for a long time. However, what I have heard about the trial leaves a lot of opportunity for "doubt" to be raised.

Maybe the defense did screw up with opening statements. Maybe they have screwed up in cross examinations, but from what I have heard, I don't think the prosecution has tied the knots sufficiently.

Thank you to all who have participated in this discussion even the one that negged me.

I have to leave in a couple of minutes but should be back in an hour.

I appreciate all your help in pointing out the things I am missing and maybe... just maybe she won't walk after all.

There is enough evidence to convict Casey. Chloroform & evidence of a dead body was found in Casey's trunk. Casey's computer showed searches for "neck breaking" and "how to make chloroform". The defense alleged that Casey panicked after Caylee drowned. So Casey had to be involved in discarding her daughters body.

Casey lies nonstop & only shows emotion for herself but none for her dead child. That is the definition of a psychopath. She shows agitated, erratic behavior. Intentionally or subconsciously the T-Shirt Casey placed Caylee's dead body explains the way Casey viewed her child. "BIG TROUBLE comes in small packages"

Has the prosecution proven that Casey made those searches? Could someone else have had access to her computer?

And the T-Shirt? Have they proven it was Casey that put her in the T-Shirt after she died?

The prosecution has presented their case. Evidently they have proven Caylee was murdered. Now all the defense has to do is raise reasonable doubt that Casey was the killer. All they need to do is convince the jury that grandpa might have killed Caylee and tried to blame Casey.

Grandpa used Casey's computer to search for Chloroform and neck breaking because he had abused her and was afraid of being caught. He killed Caylee and placed her in Casey's car. He later discarded the body. Casey found out about it. He threatened to kill her thus her silence for 31 days. Being afraid of her father, Casey attempted to claim that Caylee drowned in the pool.

Would she be lying? I think so... but she only needs to raise reasonable doubt to save her ass. What do I think? She's a cold hearted Bitch who murdered her daughter. I simply don't think the prosecution has done its job to prove that.


God damn dude, it has already been made known to everyone...those in the court room, the jury, the Tv viewers, the hobos down the the time the searches were done on CASEY'S computer for chloroform, it was proven that George and Cindy Anthony BOTH were at work!!!!

Anyone can access their home computer from work, and they all had access to the desktop in the Anthony home. But that's beside the point. The search for chloroform could have been an innocent attempt to find out what her boyfriend was driving at when he posted that YouTube thing about chloroforming your girlfriend. Operative words here: COULD HAVE BEEN. So once again, different interpretations can be made of that search. The prosecution chose the one convenient to their case.
Has the prosecution proven that Casey made those searches? Could someone else have had access to her computer?

And the T-Shirt? Have they proven it was Casey that put her in the T-Shirt after she died?

The prosecution has presented their case. Evidently they have proven Caylee was murdered. Now all the defense has to do is raise reasonable doubt that Casey was the killer. All they need to do is convince the jury that grandpa might have killed Caylee and tried to blame Casey.

Grandpa used Casey's computer to search for Chloroform and neck breaking because he had abused her and was afraid of being caught. He killed Caylee and placed her in Casey's car. He later discarded the body. Casey found out about it. He threatened to kill her thus her silence for 31 days. Being afraid of her father, Casey attempted to claim that Caylee drowned in the pool.

Would she be lying? I think so... but she only needs to raise reasonable doubt to save her ass. What do I think? She's a cold hearted Bitch who murdered her daughter. I simply don't think the prosecution has done its job to prove that.


The prosecution has shown Casey's means, motive & opportunity. She has also been proven to be an habitual lier. The jury should always take her fathers word over hers. Her rape story is not even credible. She is going down.

Question for Kissmy, Oldsalt, Sarah G and anyone else that thinks she is going down.

Did you think OJ was going down for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?


I didn't, and the evidence was stacked against him a hundred times more than against Casey Anthony. I lost a few acquaintances during that trial because I was the only one at work who said he would be acquitted based on reasonable doubt. I wish I'd had money on it.
I also want to reiterate before I forget, the relationship between chloroform and chlorine (the latter used to purify POOL WATER). There are a variety of articles on the chemical similarities, and surprisingly, no one at the courthouse seems to make the possible connection that the strong smell of what was believed to be chloroform was in fact chlorine from the pool.

Showering with Chlorinated Water Produces Chloroform Steam!

Hate to break it to you Maggie but it appears they didn't use chlorine in their pool

Bacquacil listed as an item found in the Anthony shed. Page 5, # 6 and 7

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