Cast my first vote for Nixon in 1972


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Wouldn't take it back even after Watergate

McGovern would have been a disaster
Come Home America - MCG slogan - wtf

didnt work

Nixon was a hugely successfull president if not for a bungled 3rd rate keystone cops burglary
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, "enemies", scandals...

Very escaping prosecution and judgment for high crimes.
Funny it was LBJ that got us into Vietnam. O'shit you leftist don't understand history.

O'yes, for someone within his admin breaking into a democrat office. Obama just watched as 4 men were slaughtered in Libya. Tell me what's worst.
If, by some strange stretch, this is a response to my last post, the term 'left' is mis-applied.

Actually, America's involvement in Vietnam goes back to the '50s. But it is not that America was in Vietnam, it is what was done during the conflict. LBJ is not excused, but the subject is Dicky.

Invading neutral countries is illegal. Overthrowing democratically elected governments certainly is not very 'American'.

The Democrats and Republicans are equally criminals.

Change is needed.

Calling everyone a leftist based simply on disagreement rather voids the term of meaning.

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