Catholic church "Get out of jail free" card

BTW, to be fair ...

The catholics are not the only ones who do this. To a much smaller extent, this is basically what all christians believe.

Get forgiven and then do it all again. They themselves say it all the time - how they're not perfect, just forgiven.

At its most basic level, christianity is absolutely bereft of morals.
Catholic Church must reform confession, abuse survivor says

An Australian child abuse survivor has called on the Catholic Church to reform its laws on confession to ensure crimes are reported to police.

Peter Gogarty said perpetrators knew anything disclosed in confession would not be revealed to authorities.

He told the BBC it was effectively a "get-out-of-jail-free card".

"What they are doing is saying we are more prepared to protect an offender than we are to take care of this child," said Mr Gogarty, who was 12 when he was abused by a priest in New South Wales.

The inquiry, established in 2013, gathered evidence from 4,440 people who said they were victims of abuse at Catholic institutions in Australia.


More than 4000 people in just one city and this has been going on since the beginning of the catholic church.

There are pedo's in other organizations, like scouts and school teachers but no where near the numbers in the catholic church. More important than numbers is that none of the protect pedos like the catholic church does.

Its way past time the catholics are allowed to protect known criminals - especially in view of their hypocritical condemnation of abortion.

Why don't catholics demand their church care about children as much as they care about fetuses?
The problem is largely in the past and mirrored that of society (i.e. the free love movement).

Everytime you immediately deflect to others such as teachers and are defending the catholic church. But...but...but....Johnny does it too!!!1

I pointed out and proved the lie, this thread is over LMAO
"Proved the lie"....hardly. You defend the catholic hierarchy's long term....very long term.....belief that they are above the law and their long term...very long of pedophile priests over their victims.

And she is still defending it - right here in this thread.

Where? Quote know how to use quote right? Hell copy and paste it...

You can't, I already know this.

I've trounced you and BoPete again.

All this winning is fun :banana:
"All this winning is fun"....thus sayeth the pedophile priests as the catholic hierarchy protects them once again and the catholic population looks away once again.

Just like the leftards and neocons look away at all the pedophilia of the elected officials and advisors like Tony "Skippy Molesta"Podesta, Bill "drop trou" and the Hildebeast??? Bashful Barney Frank ran a brothel out of his condo that his young queer lover was in charge of INCLUDING under-aged boys? Gerry Studds sodomizing a 17 year old male page?Neocon Dennis Hastert and the toe tappin queer (whose name escapes me. Ralph Shorty repub from Oklahoma paying for sex with a teenage boy. Repub Mark Foley had to resign because he coming on to under-aged male pages....but yet? The leftard clown posse claims that "Pizzagate" isn't real.........idiots.
I pointed out and proved the lie, this thread is over LMAO
"Proved the lie"....hardly. You defend the catholic hierarchy's long term....very long term.....belief that they are above the law and their long term...very long of pedophile priests over their victims.

And she is still defending it - right here in this thread.

Where? Quote know how to use quote right? Hell copy and paste it...

You can't, I already know this.

I've trounced you and BoPete again.

All this winning is fun :banana:
"All this winning is fun"....thus sayeth the pedophile priests as the catholic hierarchy protects them once again and the catholic population looks away once again.

Just like the leftards and neocons look away at all the pedophilia of the elected officials and advisors like Tony "Skippy Molesta"Podesta, Bill "drop trou" and the Hildebeast??? Bashful Barney Frank ran a brothel out of his condo that his young queer lover was in charge of INCLUDING under-aged boys? Gerry Studds sodomizing a 17 year old male page?Neocon Dennis Hastert and the toe tappin queer (whose name escapes me. Ralph Shorty repub from Oklahoma paying for sex with a teenage boy. Repub Mark Foley had to resign because he coming on to under-aged male pages....but yet? The leftard clown posse claims that "Pizzagate" isn't real.........idiots.
Can't address the Catholics, either, I see......have to deflect to a fake Pizzagate.
"Proved the lie"....hardly. You defend the catholic hierarchy's long term....very long term.....belief that they are above the law and their long term...very long of pedophile priests over their victims.

And she is still defending it - right here in this thread.

Where? Quote know how to use quote right? Hell copy and paste it...

You can't, I already know this.

I've trounced you and BoPete again.

All this winning is fun :banana:
"All this winning is fun"....thus sayeth the pedophile priests as the catholic hierarchy protects them once again and the catholic population looks away once again.

Just like the leftards and neocons look away at all the pedophilia of the elected officials and advisors like Tony "Skippy Molesta"Podesta, Bill "drop trou" and the Hildebeast??? Bashful Barney Frank ran a brothel out of his condo that his young queer lover was in charge of INCLUDING under-aged boys? Gerry Studds sodomizing a 17 year old male page?Neocon Dennis Hastert and the toe tappin queer (whose name escapes me. Ralph Shorty repub from Oklahoma paying for sex with a teenage boy. Repub Mark Foley had to resign because he coming on to under-aged male pages....but yet? The leftard clown posse claims that "Pizzagate" isn't real.........idiots.
Can't address the Catholics, either, I see......have to deflect to a fake Pizzagate.

I utterly despise the Vatican and the catholic church. Pedophilia and sex slavery starts at our local levels and ends up at the Vatican which controls Freemasonry and the Jesuits. Pedophilia is a rite of passage in order to go onto the next level. All connected to the Ordo Templi Orientis. You look at things through a very narrow scope while I am armed with knowledge and see the big picture. Hope this helps!

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