Catholic civil rights group asks for House GOP probe into pro-abortion extremist group Jane's Revenge


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Catholic League president asks Jim Jordan for investigation into DOJ, FBI's 'reluctance' to pursue those targeting pro-life crisis pregnancy centers

After the RvW Brief was leaked leftist extremist domestic terrorists began defacing, attacking, firebombing, and destroying churches,women's centers, and Pro-life centers.

The most open, public, ourspoken group was called 'Jane's Revenge' ('JR').
After committing several acts of vioence 'JR' bragged on social media about burning down the church. The DOJ was pressured to act as more pro-life targets were attacked and more churches burned.

Garland / the DOJ swore to investigate and supposedly opened up an investigation...that did absolutely nothing.

- So Garland, the DOJ, and the FBI can infiltrate a rather large Conservative organization like the Oath Keepers and make arrests but can't seem to make headway with a small liberal extremist pro-abortion domestic terrorist group that brags about their sttacks on Social Media?!

"With the exception of the recent indictment by a federal grand jury of two persons charged with attacks on crisis pregnancy centers, little has been done to prosecute those guilty of such crimes," Donohue wrote. "Indeed, the relaxed response to attacks on those in the pro-life community who have been victimized stands in stark contrast to the aggressive pursuit of the few instances of alleged violations of the law by pro-life Americans."

'Last week, FBI Portland Division said it was offering a $25,000 reward for information in connection to a series of arson attacks against three pro-life centers that occurred from May to early July 2022. The words, "IF ABORTION AINT SAFE NEITHER RU JR" and "JANES RVVGG" were spray-painted on the front of the Mother and Child Education Center in July.

Several Molotov cocktails were thrown through a kitchen window and ignited a fire at the Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center. Another arson attack happened at the Oregon Right to Life building in May.

Several days after the reward notice, the DOJ announced the first arrests and indictments in connection to incidents targeting pro-life centers where Jane’s Revenge was implicated

Long story short, no significant report of any 'JR' member arrests have been made nearly 6 months after the group bragged of firebombing a church ... and others.

Whistleblowers from Garland's own DOJ have testified he and the DOJ have partisanly weaponized the DOJ & are targeting Consetvatives while protecting leftist extremists violently pushing Democrat / Left agendas.

Thete is also a report 'JR' has teamed up with domestic terrorists Antifa and speculation tbat Democrats support Antifa, which is why they refuse to go after them and continue to protect them.

'We have learned, from credible sources, that there is a link between Jane’s Revenge and Antifa, the far-left anarchist group," Donohue wrote in June. "Their modus operandi and goals are very similar. Together, these two loosely organized terrorist groups pose a grave threat to democracy.'

I think it's more likely that the GOP will run the other way from a direct challenge to the majority of the people who support a woman's right to choose.

The GOP won't give up the fight but they will think of more subtle ways to stop the killing of babies. (fetuses)

Or even turn to talking the talk for political gain, while not really being concerned at all.

It's not about the babies to the politicians.
I think it's more likely that the GOP will run the other way from a direct challenge to the majority of the people who support a woman's right to choose.

That's your definition of the proven domestic terrorists 'Jane's Revenge'?
"Now, we have quite a number of investigations — as we speak — into attacks or threats against pregnancy resource centers, faith-based organizations and other pro-life organizations," Wray continued. "And you might be interested to know that since the Dobbs Act decision, probably in the neighborhood of 70% of our abortion-related violence cases or threats cases are cases of violence or threats against […] pro-life organizations. And we're going after that through our joint terrorism task forces, through our criminal authorities, FACE Act and things like that."

"We don't have the time for me to tell how frustrated I sometimes get by some of the news reporting about our work and the misreporting of our work," Wray replied

This was to a senate hearing in Nov 2022, but I guess its not enough for some as they need a house probe.

"My view — plainly expressed to all of our people, including in the context of abortion-related violence — is that I don't care what side of the issue you're on, you don't get to engage in violence, and we are equal-opportunity when it comes to that," Wray replied to Scott.

Today, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) released its 2021 statistics on violence and disruption against abortion providers. The statistics show a significant increase in stalking (600%), blockades (450%), hoax devices/suspicious packages (163%), invasions (129%), and assault and battery (128%).

It appears that if Jordan and the house want to get involved then they should do looking at both sides and not just focusing on one side. The pro life have been doing the same thing for years and now that the law changed last years things. I do not know if the house ever did a probe?

To be fair about it the probe needs to look at both sides if they decide to do it.
Ah yes 2 groups that one can neither join, donate to, or even find at all. Begin the investigation. The more Jordan wastes his time the less damage he can do to the country.

Yes because groups like the Weather Underground, Action Directe and Red Army Faction back in the day were out in the open so their people could get captured more easily.
I think it's more likely that the GOP will run the other way from a direct challenge to the majority of the people who support a woman's right to choose.
The GOP won't give up the fight but they will think of more subtle ways to stop the killing of babies. (fetuses)
Or even turn to talking the talk for political gain, while not really being concerned at all.
It's not about the babies to the politicians.
Yep, after the abortion issue squashed the big GOP "red wave" in the 2022 mid-terms Republicans got religion.
IMHO the abortion issue is officially dead. Its back to the states where it belongs.
Any Republican who pushes for a national ban should be primaried.

Jane's Revenge should be an FBI priority, not parents.
I think it's more likely that the GOP will run the other way from a direct challenge to the majority of the people who support a woman's right to choose.
That's your definition of the proven domestic terrorists 'Jane's Revenge'?

An interesting irony here.

A defining characteristic of terrorism is the willingness to attack, to harm, to kill innocent third parties, in support of a cause.

In the case of this particular gang of terrorist, not only is attacking third parties a tactic that they use; but it is, in fact, their very cause itself—to kill innocent third parties.

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