Catholicism keeps me sane in a crazy world

Everyone from all religions including the believers in atheism are able to ask mother Mary for help. She will bring your message to god, she knows how to speak with him - and everyone is able to speak with her as if she would be the own mother.
And again with the worship of Mary. Can I ask joe blow down the street to carry a message to God or is it only Mary that can do that?

You seem not to be able to speak with me, because who attacks mother Mary attacks me.

Mary is not my mother.

You degraded yourselve now to an evilwilling idiot, because you understood very well, what I said.

I refuse to bow down to her.

Then don't do it.

She was just a vessel. Period.

A what? ... Strange - you are extremely strange. Any reason why you hate women in general? It's by the way a wrong imagination to think a woman is only a kind of arbitrary incubator for the seed of a man. This was never a Christian idea.

I refuse to kiss some man's ring and kneel before him too, because he supposedly represents God and speaks for him.

The don't do it. The ring is by the way called "ring of the fisher" in memoriam - better to say in succession - of the apostle Peter.

No. He's just a man.

Did ever say anyone anything else? Your national banner is for example just a piece of fabric. That it is fabric is not the most important information about it.

I really dislike the attempts to make that which is not divine, divine, by a follower.

My problem is now: What is not divine?

Go your path. I'll go mine.

And what is your way? To attack Catholics with the nonsense which you think about Catholics?

But you won't hear me preach to you about my path as if you are ignorant or stupid for not following mine...which is what you are doing.


I had to laugh now. You are not convinced from this what you do - if you do anything at all - but you attack others with many rules what not to do. Was you ever a mother, who asked mother Mary to ask god to give her her baby back from death, because she can not live without? Whose moral is your "moral" if you do anything else than to cry with her and to hold her firm in your arms?

Yer a ding dong. Pfffffffffft to you and your mother mary.

Exodus 20:3, Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8 and elsewhere, e.g.: Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.

So, you keep idolizing your mary and your pope and kiss their beringed fingers and statues of piousy. Me? I'll pass.

What you say causes me normally only to ask "Are all US-Americans idiots?". You are by the way not able to understand the bible if you do not understand the complete bible - and the christian religion is not a religion of a book: it's the religion of the self-revelation of god.

Some Christians wrote in this context the following lines:

They went on from there and passed through Galilee. And he did not want anyone to know, for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise.” But they did not understand the saying, and were afraid to ask him.

And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?” But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest. And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. For the one who is not against us is for us. For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell, ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’ For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”


As I are a dingaling.
... Nature is my church. ...

So the creation of god is your godless church and you hate Catholics. A fascinating deep spiritual belief. (You are right Sheldon - that's sarcasm). Do you know what animals say about human beings? A dog says: "They must be gods, because they give me goodies" - a cat says: "I must be a god, because they give me goodies." We are Cat-holics = children of god. So we give dogs goodies. And this idiots really think we are gods.

Where did I say I hate Catholics? Post number, please. Oh. Wait. You can't because I never said that.
Judge much?

I'm not a lawyer nor a judge. I "heard" very clear how you said you hate all Catholics. If you do not "hear" this on your own then there's perhaps something wrong with your ears.

Again, show me where I said I hate catholics. You can't. Because I never said it. Stop lying.

I'm a German - so be happy that I don't take my tomahawk, split your skull and try to find where your hate hides from yourselve in your brain. Or do you know more about how you wasted your life with your brainwash and your hate? You are the nonsense you say - and what others see in your words is a result of this what you do to others.
what are the right questions?.....
What is the greatest Commandment?
What is the Way?

What questions did you ask?
i was told Jesus was god here on earth

If you was educated from Catholics then you was told that Jesus is true god from true god - and you was told that Jesus is a 100% human being - both.

.....i asked so who was god praying to in the garden?

Garden? Which garden?

....who would god pray too?....the subject was quickly changed....

... Jesus said not much. In the Sermon on the Mount he spoke for example to you and some others.

the 2nd commandment about using statues for religious walk into a catholic church,people are on their knees in front of the Mary statue praying to her.....

Seems to me you never was a Catholic - otherwise you would not say such a damned bullshit.

In general: Everyone from all religions including the believers in atheism are able to ask mother Mary for help. She will bring your message to god, she knows how to speak with him - and everyone is able to speak with her as if she would be the own mother. No one has to be shy to speak with her.

that was justified according to them that was different.....
the Pope is the closest person to God on the planet....

The "placeholder for Jesus" on this planet, because the pope is the head of the church (a very concrete organisation) in this world here. But somehow everyone should try to be a placeholder for the teachings of Jesus, so that his teachings are able to grow and to help.

they had many reasons why.....of course they would not talk about the wealth at the Vatican....

An old Catholic problem, Protestant. Your tooth brush will cost in 2000 years a lot of money - but no one will have a tooth brush in 2000 years any longer - except perhaps someone in the Catholic Church. And a Cathedral is worth dozends of billions - in theory - but no one would buy a cathedral. The running costs are immense.

the Pope puts his pants on like everyone else.....

The pope is doing what? ... Ah yeah ... he wears trousers.

i said if God truly exists he must be an alien from some where besides earth....

God is not an alien. He's your father. And he has a kind of mathematical problem, which has to do with Kurt Goedel, who proved the existence of god - what no one (=for example I in this case) understands. I am able to imagine in this mathematical context "Entscheidbarkeit" that the problem whether god exists or not exists is perhaps not undecidable ... or not.

they were appalled i would say such a thing....those were some of my questions....

This are not real questions - this is a summary of propagandistic bullshit from self-satisfied half-moronic protestants, reformers and/or revolutionists.

yea i was a catholic....just because i seen through the bullshit and you havent that is your problem.....and yes if god does exist he is an alien being...and if you dont know what i meant when i said the pope puts his pants on like everyone else shows me further how dense you must be.... the catholic religion is just a rich cult...there i said it,now you can freak out....

Ahm ... do you expect an answer or is it okay for you when I say nothing to this lines?
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
A very small percentage of Catholics ever meet the Pope. Or even a Bishop. The Catholic faith is not about kissing a ring which is simply an old tradition that not all, given the opportunity, even performed. In days of old, it was merely a sign of willingness to obey--not to the Pope, but God (Thy will be done of the Lord's Prayer; emulating Mary's obedience to God.

The Catholic faith is a way of life. If one's faith is not a way of life, it does not matter how often one goes to Church or how much time one spends in natural settings. Many atheists get this. It is not about how much time a Catholic spends in Church, or how much time the "I'm spiritual, not religious" practitioners spend out in the woods. In this forum, I hear more atheists say it is about how they live their lives and treat others. This is a true faith.

Listening to the Word of God is uplifting to me, as is gathering together as a community. The silence of the wetlands calms and refocuses me. But it is the decisions I make on how I live my life and treat others that has its foundations in the Catholic faith which has its roots in the Jewish faith. I want to remember what came before, and sometimes endeavor to look forward to what happens on this planet after our generation(s) pass on--ultimately, what is vital to humanity, what makes us matter.
what are the right questions?.....
What is the greatest Commandment?
What is the Way?

What questions did you ask?
i was told Jesus was god here on earth.....i asked so who was god praying to in the garden?....who would god pray too?....the subject was quickly changed....
the 2nd commandment about using statues for religious walk into a catholic church,people are on their knees in front of the Mary statue praying to her.....that was justified according to them that was different.....
the Pope is the closest person to God on the planet....they had many reasons why.....of course they would not talk about the wealth at the Vatican....the Pope puts his pants on like everyone else.....
i said if God truly exists he must be an alien from some where besides earth....they were appalled i would say such a thing....those were some of my questions....

run run far away from rcc teaching- going to bring many many people to hell.
already thousands of miles away....
what are the right questions?.....
What is the greatest Commandment?
What is the Way?

What questions did you ask?
i was told Jesus was god here on earth

If you was educated from Catholics then you was told that Jesus is true god from true god - and you was told that Jesus is a 100% human being - both.

.....i asked so who was god praying to in the garden?

Garden? Which garden?

....who would god pray too?....the subject was quickly changed....

... Jesus said not much. In the Sermon on the Mount he spoke for example to you and some others.

the 2nd commandment about using statues for religious walk into a catholic church,people are on their knees in front of the Mary statue praying to her.....

Seems to me you never was a Catholic - otherwise you would not say such a damned bullshit.

In general: Everyone from all religions including the believers in atheism are able to ask mother Mary for help. She will bring your message to god, she knows how to speak with him - and everyone is able to speak with her as if she would be the own mother. No one has to be shy to speak with her.

that was justified according to them that was different.....
the Pope is the closest person to God on the planet....

The "placeholder for Jesus" on this planet, because the pope is the head of the church (a very concrete organisation) in this world here. But somehow everyone should try to be a placeholder for the teachings of Jesus, so that his teachings are able to grow and to help.

they had many reasons why.....of course they would not talk about the wealth at the Vatican....

An old Catholic problem, Protestant. Your tooth brush will cost in 2000 years a lot of money - but no one will have a tooth brush in 2000 years any longer - except perhaps someone in the Catholic Church. And a Cathedral is worth dozends of billions - in theory - but no one would buy a cathedral. The running costs are immense.

the Pope puts his pants on like everyone else.....

The pope is doing what? ... Ah yeah ... he wears trousers.

i said if God truly exists he must be an alien from some where besides earth....

God is not an alien. He's your father. And he has a kind of mathematical problem, which has to do with Kurt Goedel, who proved the existence of god - what no one (=for example I in this case) understands. I am able to imagine in this mathematical context "Entscheidbarkeit" that the problem whether god exists or not exists is perhaps not undecidable ... or not.

they were appalled i would say such a thing....those were some of my questions....

This are not real questions - this is a summary of propagandistic bullshit from self-satisfied half-moronic protestants, reformers and/or revolutionists.

yea i was a catholic....just because i seen through the bullshit and you havent that is your problem.....and yes if god does exist he is an alien being...and if you dont know what i meant when i said the pope puts his pants on like everyone else shows me further how dense you must be.... the catholic religion is just a rich cult...there i said it,now you can freak out....

Ahm ... do you expect an answer or is it okay for you when I say nothing to this lines?

say what you want.....
A very small percentage of Catholics ever meet the Pope. Or even a Bishop. The Catholic faith is not about kissing a ring which is simply an old tradition that not all, given the opportunity, even performed. In days of old, it was merely a sign of willingness to obey--not to the Pope, but God (Thy will be done of the Lord's Prayer; emulating Mary's obedience to God.

The Catholic faith is a way of life. If one's faith is not a way of life, it does not matter how often one goes to Church or how much time one spends in natural settings. Many atheists get this. It is not about how much time a Catholic spends in Church, or how much time the "I'm spiritual, not religious" practitioners spend out in the woods. In this forum, I hear more atheists say it is about how they live their lives and treat others. This is a true faith.

Listening to the Word of God is uplifting to me, as is gathering together as a community. The silence of the wetlands calms and refocuses me. But it is the decisions I make on how I live my life and treat others that has its foundations in the Catholic faith which has its roots in the Jewish faith. I want to remember what came before, and sometimes endeavor to look forward to what happens on this planet after our generation(s) pass on--ultimately, what is vital to humanity, what makes us matter.
Whatever floats your boat or tickles your ears. Which is why most choose whichever religion they follow...or were raised in.
You are a decent and kind person. I don't agree with who you revere spiritually wise or what path you tread.....but then again, that does not change that you are a kind person in general. When we pass on our respective paths, we can nod and wave and smile, then continue on our way. Which is why I like you and enjoy your posts. You remind me of Beautress. :)
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Dingaling now claims to be a German Indian..complete with tomahawk that wants to scalp me because I won't worship his mama mary. :cuckoo::lmao:
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.

Did I speak with you, Nazi? My mistake.
what are the right questions?.....
What is the greatest Commandment?
What is the Way?

What questions did you ask?
i was told Jesus was god here on earth

If you was educated from Catholics then you was told that Jesus is true god from true god - and you was told that Jesus is a 100% human being - both.

.....i asked so who was god praying to in the garden?

Garden? Which garden?

....who would god pray too?....the subject was quickly changed....

... Jesus said not much. In the Sermon on the Mount he spoke for example to you and some others.

the 2nd commandment about using statues for religious walk into a catholic church,people are on their knees in front of the Mary statue praying to her.....

Seems to me you never was a Catholic - otherwise you would not say such a damned bullshit.

In general: Everyone from all religions including the believers in atheism are able to ask mother Mary for help. She will bring your message to god, she knows how to speak with him - and everyone is able to speak with her as if she would be the own mother. No one has to be shy to speak with her.

that was justified according to them that was different.....
the Pope is the closest person to God on the planet....

The "placeholder for Jesus" on this planet, because the pope is the head of the church (a very concrete organisation) in this world here. But somehow everyone should try to be a placeholder for the teachings of Jesus, so that his teachings are able to grow and to help.

they had many reasons why.....of course they would not talk about the wealth at the Vatican....

An old Catholic problem, Protestant. Your tooth brush will cost in 2000 years a lot of money - but no one will have a tooth brush in 2000 years any longer - except perhaps someone in the Catholic Church. And a Cathedral is worth dozends of billions - in theory - but no one would buy a cathedral. The running costs are immense.

the Pope puts his pants on like everyone else.....

The pope is doing what? ... Ah yeah ... he wears trousers.

i said if God truly exists he must be an alien from some where besides earth....

God is not an alien. He's your father. And he has a kind of mathematical problem, which has to do with Kurt Goedel, who proved the existence of god - what no one (=for example I in this case) understands. I am able to imagine in this mathematical context "Entscheidbarkeit" that the problem whether god exists or not exists is perhaps not undecidable ... or not.

they were appalled i would say such a thing....those were some of my questions....

This are not real questions - this is a summary of propagandistic bullshit from self-satisfied half-moronic protestants, reformers and/or revolutionists.

yea i was a catholic....just because i seen through the bullshit and you havent that is your problem.....and yes if god does exist he is an alien being...and if you dont know what i meant when i said the pope puts his pants on like everyone else shows me further how dense you must be.... the catholic religion is just a rich cult...there i said it,now you can freak out....

Ahm ... do you expect an answer or is it okay for you when I say nothing to this lines?

say what you want.....

Is the correct translation of the ¿English? word "dingaling" the German word "Pimmelchen"?

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A very small percentage of Catholics ever meet the Pope. Or even a Bishop. The Catholic faith is not about kissing a ring which is simply an old tradition that not all, given the opportunity, even performed. In days of old, it was merely a sign of willingness to obey--not to the Pope, but God (Thy will be done of the Lord's Prayer; emulating Mary's obedience to God.

The Catholic faith is a way of life. If one's faith is not a way of life, it does not matter how often one goes to Church or how much time one spends in natural settings. Many atheists get this. It is not about how much time a Catholic spends in Church, or how much time the "I'm spiritual, not religious" practitioners spend out in the woods. In this forum, I hear more atheists say it is about how they live their lives and treat others. This is a true faith.

Listening to the Word of God is uplifting to me, as is gathering together as a community. The silence of the wetlands calms and refocuses me. But it is the decisions I make on how I live my life and treat others that has its foundations in the Catholic faith which has its roots in the Jewish faith. I want to remember what came before, and sometimes endeavor to look forward to what happens on this planet after our generation(s) pass on--ultimately, what is vital to humanity, what makes us matter.
The Catholic faith is not about kissing a ring which is simply an old tradition that not all, given the opportunity, even performed.
really and for those that refused - funny how christians relish their heritage ...

and never feel compelled to explain their history. meriweather.

and how it would be them their messiah would return to save - found in their bible.
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
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i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?

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