Catholicism keeps me sane in a crazy world

i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
He will explain it to you if you read His book and ask Him to reveal its understanding to you. I assume you do read? GOD certainly placed you in a society that encourages reading and teaches it. If you are not willing to read what GOD reveals, why would you even take the time to listen to Him --- it He spoke to you?
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
Had you read the book, you would have seen the passage where God's law is written on everyone's heart. The Bible is more people interacting with God's laws and what they learned from living the laws of God (or not living the laws of God). Commentary.
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.
Science is different from views and opinions. An evolutionist is going to present evolution. And atheist is going to present evolution as the only explanation and that the supernatural is unsupported. You must admit that science doesn't teach anything. Science is but a tool which can be applied for both good and evil. To mislead someone is evil, and that is what I believe has happened to you. You were taught that evolution is an absolute science and lead to believe there are no problems. That would be stretching the truth a bit.
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.
The Bible is not a science book. Nor is science a book of morals, philosophies, or history. Reading the Bible as a Science Book will get you about as far as reading a novel as a math book.
The Bible is not a science book; however, its observations are true. The Bible is not a history book, and yet the events recorded are as they occurred. The Bible is a spiritual book and explains what is wrong with humanity and our relationship with our Creator and why. The Bible is a love story that explains what GOD did in order to save whosoever will believe in HIM.
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?

You just simple don't listen, that's all.

Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
Had you read the book, you would have seen the passage where God's law is written on everyone's heart. The Bible is more people interacting with God's laws and what they learned from living the laws of God (or not living the laws of God). Commentary.
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.

You never had anything to do with Catholics. We love philosophy and science. Science is "supergeil"(=supergay).

Go back to your oven you idiot, and close the door behind you.

You know since a long time very well, Nazi, that I am a German with also Jewish ancestors. So what you say here is in reality not covered from the value "to say ones own free opinion" - what you say here is a crime, which is similar to personal injury and stalking, Nazi. And if I am right then god will ask you one day something - and then I'm really interested how you like to explain god what you are doing on what reason.

God's first going to have to explain to ME why he makes deformed and retarded babies who live in constant pain. And why he let the Holocaust happen. Does he not like Jews either?

GOD allows deformed and challenged babies to exist so that HE might save those which are lost. IF GOD changed history for them, HE would also be changing history for everyone else. The direct result would be that various people would never exist and have the ability to choose to be saved and live with GOD forever. Look at your very own family tree, and I would assume that there were both good and bad people, healthy and sickly people, plus intelligent and stupid people. All of them played a part in Y-O-U-R eventual existence. With OUT them you would not ever have existed. And such individuals also influence how other individual interact with each other. A dying baby or elderly grandparent --- awakens within those around his or her own mortality. And there is that moment of opportunity to reflect on why we are here and where we are headed. I would recommend everyone see a good presentation of OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder. It can be a very deep thought provoking experience, with some lightheartedness, and yet some very uncomfortable observations. And yet without this tension, the play wouldn't be of any real value... And this is precisely what GOD allows for our best interest at heart. Yet, there will be those who will miss the boat, but the those who get on will be in for a wonderful treat. What Satan intended to destroy, GOD had a plan.
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... He's going to have to answer my questions. Do you think I'd get straight answers? Or would he hand me a book of fiction?

The answer to your not really existing question is simple: You will die - within the next seconds or the next decades. And do you think you will see His eye smiling, when you try to come "home" into the inferno of your current life, where you continously hurt everyone who tries to speak with you as if you would be a normal human being like everyone else, Nazi? Your only hope is that there is no life after your death - but no one is able to give you a guarantee that this will be so for you.

Shut your oven door, you loud mouthed imbecile.

I fear you will have to die to find out whether you live or not, Nazi.

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i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?

You just simple don't listen, that's all.

Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
Had you read the book, you would have seen the passage where God's law is written on everyone's heart. The Bible is more people interacting with God's laws and what they learned from living the laws of God (or not living the laws of God). Commentary.
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.

You never had anything to do with Catholics. We love philosophy and science. Science is "supergeil"(=supergay).

Go back to your oven you idiot, and close the door behind you.

You know since a long time very well, Nazi, that I am a German with also Jewish ancestors. So what you say here is in reality not covered from the value "to say ones own free opinion" - what you say here is a crime, which is similar to personal injury and stalking, Nazi. And if I am right then god will ask you one day something - and then I'm really interested how you like to explain god what you are doing on what reason.

God's first going to have to explain to ME why he makes deformed and retarded babies who live in constant pain. And why he let the Holocaust happen. Does he not like Jews either?

GOD allows deformed and challenged babies to exist so that HE might save those which are lost. IF GOD changed history for them, HE would also be changing history for everyone else. The direct result would be that various people would never exist and have the ability to choose to be saved and live with GOD forever. Look at your very own family tree, and I would assume that there were both good and bad people, healthy and sickly people, plus intelligent and stupid people. All of them played a part in Y-O-U-R eventual existence. With OUT them you would not ever have existed. And such individuals also influence how other individual interact with each other. A dying baby or elderly grandparent --- awakens within those around his or her own mortality. And there is that moment of opportunity to reflect on why we are here and where we are headed. I would recommend everyone see a good presentation of OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder. It can be a very deep thought provoking experience, with some lightheartedness, and yet some very uncomfortable observations. And yet without this tension, the play wouldn't be of any real value... And this is precisely what GOD allows for our best interest at heart. Yet, there will be those who will miss the boat, but the those who get on will be in for a wonderful treat. What Satan intended to destroy, GOD had a plan.

That's just scapegoating evil deeds by your god with some convoluted story that really went nowhere.
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
He will explain it to you if you read His book and ask Him to reveal its understanding to you. I assume you do read? GOD certainly placed you in a society that encourages reading and teaches it. If you are not willing to read what GOD reveals, why would you even take the time to listen to Him --- it He spoke to you?
I've read the bible, went to sunday school, went to a private school run by priests, had catechism classes, the whole 9 yards, and the more I delved into the bible, the less it makes sense. God needs to explain himself to me why he doesn't have a better system to prove himself to unbelievers.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
Had you read the book, you would have seen the passage where God's law is written on everyone's heart. The Bible is more people interacting with God's laws and what they learned from living the laws of God (or not living the laws of God). Commentary.
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.
Science is different from views and opinions. An evolutionist is going to present evolution. And atheist is going to present evolution as the only explanation and that the supernatural is unsupported. You must admit that science doesn't teach anything. Science is but a tool which can be applied for both good and evil. To mislead someone is evil, and that is what I believe has happened to you. You were taught that evolution is an absolute science and lead to believe there are no problems. That would be stretching the truth a bit.
Why can't you just say that evolution is part of god's plan? Evolution is a fact which I've proved here over and over.
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.
The Bible is not a science book. Nor is science a book of morals, philosophies, or history. Reading the Bible as a Science Book will get you about as far as reading a novel as a math book.
The Bible is not a science book; however, its observations are true. The Bible is not a history book, and yet the events recorded are as they occurred. The Bible is a spiritual book and explains what is wrong with humanity and our relationship with our Creator and why. The Bible is a love story that explains what GOD did in order to save whosoever will believe in HIM.
"the events recorded are as they occurred", so where's the geologic proof for the worldwide flood?
... He's going to have to answer my questions. Do you think I'd get straight answers? Or would he hand me a book of fiction?

The answer to your not really existing question is simple: You will die - within the next seconds or the next decades. And do you think you will see His eye smiling, when you try to come "home" into the inferno of your current life, where you continously hurt everyone who tries to speak with you as if you would be a normal human being like everyone else, Nazi? Your only hope is that there is no life after your death - but no one is able to give you a guarantee that this will be so for you.

Shut your oven door, you loud mouthed imbecile.

I fear you will have to die to find out whether you live or not, Nazi.

If I die, that would be a "not". Jackass.
So all that actually happened?
Tell me what I actually said.
I dunno, remind me.
That would be illogical. You'll just keep doing it.
A lot of people say a lot of different things here, like the believers, you all believe something different and all think that you're right. Which is illogical.
You are comparing different beliefs to you misstating what people believe? That's just one more dishonest argument on top of your dishonest behaviors, Taz. Grow up.
... He's going to have to answer my questions. Do you think I'd get straight answers? Or would he hand me a book of fiction?

The answer to your not really existing question is simple: You will die - within the next seconds or the next decades. And do you think you will see His eye smiling, when you try to come "home" into the inferno of your current life, where you continously hurt everyone who tries to speak with you as if you would be a normal human being like everyone else, Nazi? Your only hope is that there is no life after your death - but no one is able to give you a guarantee that this will be so for you.

Shut your oven door, you loud mouthed imbecile.

I fear you will have to die to find out whether you live or not, Nazi.

If I die, that would be a "not". Jackass.

That doesn't sound very agnostic of you, Taz.

I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.
The Bible is not a science book. Nor is science a book of morals, philosophies, or history. Reading the Bible as a Science Book will get you about as far as reading a novel as a math book.
The Bible is not a science book; however, its observations are true. The Bible is not a history book, and yet the events recorded are as they occurred. The Bible is a spiritual book and explains what is wrong with humanity and our relationship with our Creator and why. The Bible is a love story that explains what GOD did in order to save whosoever will believe in HIM.
"the events recorded are as they occurred", so where's the geologic proof for the worldwide flood?

It was actually a worldwide climate disruption that affected weather patterns and caused extensive flooding around the globe. :)
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
He will explain it to you if you read His book and ask Him to reveal its understanding to you. I assume you do read? GOD certainly placed you in a society that encourages reading and teaches it. If you are not willing to read what GOD reveals, why would you even take the time to listen to Him --- it He spoke to you?
I've read the bible, went to sunday school, went to a private school run by priests, had catechism classes, the whole 9 yards, and the more I delved into the bible, the less it makes sense. God needs to explain himself to me why he doesn't have a better system to prove himself to unbelievers.
You must have slept through it. :lol:
i left Catholicism when in catacism class when i asked if i should bring a bible the priest said no....i will tell you everything you need to know.....and then danced around questions....

Yeah, I'm a recovering Catholic myself.


Growing up in Boston, Sunday School was pretty much a requirement. I still went to church a lot in my late teens and early 20s when I moved out, but when I started logically questioning everything I had been told throughout my childhood I began to realize how little sense it really made.

Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
Any concrete example what you was logically questioning and which conclusion brought you in this context to the result that your catholic education was nearly senseless for you?
the realization people have when they recognize the bible is not only a book of forgeries and fallacies but an underlying work of deliberate deception.

Then it's perhaps the best for you to throw the bible into the next waste paper basket. It seems not to be able to help you to read textes when you are the same time convinced this textes are written on the intention to produce a deception.
I once found a bible at my house. I had no idea how it got there. So I threw it out.
God put it there.
Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?

You just simple don't listen, that's all.

Instead of send me a book (which is a dumb concept), why doesn't he just explain the whole thing to me personally?
Had you read the book, you would have seen the passage where God's law is written on everyone's heart. The Bible is more people interacting with God's laws and what they learned from living the laws of God (or not living the laws of God). Commentary.
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.

You never had anything to do with Catholics. We love philosophy and science. Science is "supergeil"(=supergay).

Go back to your oven you idiot, and close the door behind you.

You know since a long time very well, Nazi, that I am a German with also Jewish ancestors. So what you say here is in reality not covered from the value "to say ones own free opinion" - what you say here is a crime, which is similar to personal injury and stalking, Nazi. And if I am right then god will ask you one day something - and then I'm really interested how you like to explain god what you are doing on what reason.

God's first going to have to explain to ME why he makes deformed and retarded babies who live in constant pain. And why he let the Holocaust happen. Does he not like Jews either?

GOD allows deformed and challenged babies to exist so that HE might save those which are lost. IF GOD changed history for them, HE would also be changing history for everyone else. The direct result would be that various people would never exist and have the ability to choose to be saved and live with GOD forever. Look at your very own family tree, and I would assume that there were both good and bad people, healthy and sickly people, plus intelligent and stupid people. All of them played a part in Y-O-U-R eventual existence. With OUT them you would not ever have existed. And such individuals also influence how other individual interact with each other. A dying baby or elderly grandparent --- awakens within those around his or her own mortality. And there is that moment of opportunity to reflect on why we are here and where we are headed. I would recommend everyone see a good presentation of OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder. It can be a very deep thought provoking experience, with some lightheartedness, and yet some very uncomfortable observations. And yet without this tension, the play wouldn't be of any real value... And this is precisely what GOD allows for our best interest at heart. Yet, there will be those who will miss the boat, but the those who get on will be in for a wonderful treat. What Satan intended to destroy, GOD had a plan.

That's just scapegoating evil deeds by your god with some convoluted story that really went nowhere.

That's just you literally reading the Bible to confirm your bias.
So all that actually happened?
Tell me what I actually said.
I dunno, remind me.
That would be illogical. You'll just keep doing it.
A lot of people say a lot of different things here, like the believers, you all believe something different and all think that you're right. Which is illogical.
You are comparing different beliefs to you misstating what people believe? That's just one more dishonest argument on top of your dishonest behaviors, Taz. Grow up.
As an example, I've NEVER seen ANYONE agree with you on ANYTHING! :biggrin:
I've read the book, went to a Catholic private school run by priests, catechism classes... I never saw a connection to god through that book, because it doesn't make any sense, given what science has taught us.
The Bible is not a science book. Nor is science a book of morals, philosophies, or history. Reading the Bible as a Science Book will get you about as far as reading a novel as a math book.
The Bible is not a science book; however, its observations are true. The Bible is not a history book, and yet the events recorded are as they occurred. The Bible is a spiritual book and explains what is wrong with humanity and our relationship with our Creator and why. The Bible is a love story that explains what GOD did in order to save whosoever will believe in HIM.
"the events recorded are as they occurred", so where's the geologic proof for the worldwide flood?

It was actually a worldwide climate disruption that affected weather patterns and caused extensive flooding around the globe. :)
It didn't cause a 40 days worldwide flood. And given the number of species around today, no boat would have been big enough to carry them all... otherwise you need evolution.

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