Catholics who think abortion should be legal are relying too much on God's mercy...

I can't show you what an abortion looks like because it's against the rules of this forum.

If I could show you, maybe I could convince you how wrong it is, because seeing a picture of an abortion is all it took to convince me.

I urge you to educate yourself, go to another website, and look at photographs of unborn babies who have been killed in an abortion.

Once you have done that, you can then return to this thread and give me all your fancy arguments why this barbaric cruelty should be allowed.

The average Dim supports abortion on the premise that society can't care for the unwanted or those we can't afford.

Then they support illegal immigration with no limits.

I guess that why they call them Dims.
What a lousy father... Let himself die; and made his kids grow up without a father. He deserved what he got. His children deserved better.
He was dismayed to see many Catholics support the Nazis. One cardinal even demanded that all parishes fly the Nazi flag from their churches on Hitler’s birthday.

“I believe there could scarcely be a sadder hour for the true Christian faith in our country,” he wrote.

That pretty much sums it up, even for today as millions of children continue to be killed.

What we do know is that the road is narrow to eternal life, but the other is broad.

To get Obamacare passed, Obama had to compromise with a few Dims who did not like the idea of tax funded abortions, so they left it out. However, Hillary has vowed to circle back and make abortions free for all, courtesy of taxpayers.
and hitler was never excommunicated by that outfit known as the catholic church, the vatican also helped nazis escape to South America after WWII

Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape
Research shows how travel documents ended up in hands of the likes of Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie in the postwar chaos

Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape

True, and the Pope today gives sermons about global warming and the need for more government redistribution and the fact that God will show mercy to women having abortions.

Then he tells Trump he is going to hell for wanting to secure the border with a wall.

So what does this teach us? It teaches us that religion mixed with the state is corrupt.

In fact, it all started with Constantine who adopted Christianity even though he never converted. He continued to worship pagan gods, although it is rumored that he converted on his death bed. Through the efforts of Constantine, religion and the state merged as one, which proceeded one of the darkest period in Christiandom where Jews were hunted down for centuries, along with Inquisitions and Crusades.

Christ said that his kingdom is not of this world. Followers of Constantine did not heed his warnings.

I'm glad that the priest in the story with the Nazi's did not follow the corrupt Pope who decided to side with the Nazi regime to save his own skin. I think currently, that same priest is glad as well. He is in a much better place
What a lousy father... Let himself die; and made his kids grow up without a father. He deserved what he got. His children deserved better.

So he deserved what he got by standing up to murdering Nazi's?

It is more like, those who did not stand up to them deserved what they got. I'm sure most of them died as a result of their inaction.
Catholics who correctly respect and defend a woman’s right to privacy can do so consistent with their faith, and have nothing for fear from their ‘god.’

Call it what it is. Those who who defend women killing the unborn probably have reason to tremble when coming face-to-face with God. Calling "killing the unborn" a "right to privacy" is disingenuous, not to mention deceptive.
I have to be real for a minute... We are all just biological organisms living on this planet. When a sperm meets an egg it is just a mass of cells feeding off the mother reaching development. Religion exists to answer the questions that we all ask "Where do we come from?" and "Where do we go when we die?" All religions are man made. They exist to answer those questions and give one or multiple of the following to believers: security, comfort, accountability, moral guidelines, retribution, a defined higher power, a sense of community, or in the worst cases control and power over a group of people.

I'm happy for those of you who find comfort within your religion, that is a personal choice of yours. But the reality is we are all just conscious cells and nobody really knows the answers to the above questions. If you really think you do, if you really think the answers are written in a magic book that is better than all the other magic books then you are fooling yourself.

If you truly want to protect life then don't be a hypocrite about it. You should be demonizing sport hunting, the slaughter of cows for a big mac, smashing that spider on your wall, or killing that gopher thats eating your garden. After all, what makes us better than any other form of life?
Cows do not go into hamburger meat. Those are steers. Not cows.

Sport hunting is used to regulate deer herds, pig herds, elk herds, etc. If you only meant trophy hunting that is a different story so your speech and writing needs to become more precise.

My cat kills and eats gophers. Always has. Always will.

I do catch and release for spiders and flies. But I kill mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.

Female dairy cows are used for both milk and meat. Male of dairy breeds are sold for meat both young for veal and as adults when not used for breeding.

All cattle of all breeds can be used for both but certain dairy breeds are easier to handle for milking.

Any cow that can no longer breeding or giving milk can be sent to slaughter. Some cows might be born and never be able to breed and useless for dairy.
Yeah... He let his politics deprive his children of a father... What a scumbag. Figures the Baal cult would give him a place of esteem...
Catholics who correctly respect and defend a woman’s right to privacy can do so consistent with their faith, and have nothing for fear from their ‘god.’

Call it what it is. Those who who defend women killing the unborn probably have reason to tremble when coming face-to-face with God. Calling "killing the unborn" a "right to privacy" is disingenuous, not to mention deceptive.
I have to be real for a minute... We are all just biological organisms living on this planet. When a sperm meets an egg it is just a mass of cells feeding off the mother reaching development. Religion exists to answer the questions that we all ask "Where do we come from?" and "Where do we go when we die?" All religions are man made. They exist to answer those questions and give one or multiple of the following to believers: security, comfort, accountability, moral guidelines, retribution, a defined higher power, a sense of community, or in the worst cases control and power over a group of people.

I'm happy for those of you who find comfort within your religion, that is a personal choice of yours. But the reality is we are all just conscious cells and nobody really knows the answers to the above questions. If you really think you do, if you really think the answers are written in a magic book that is better than all the other magic books then you are fooling yourself.

If you truly want to protect life then don't be a hypocrite about it. You should be demonizing sport hunting, the slaughter of cows for a big mac, smashing that spider on your wall, or killing that gopher thats eating your garden. After all, what makes us better than any other form of life?
Cows do not go into hamburger meat. Those are steers. Not cows.

Sport hunting is used to regulate deer herds, pig herds, elk herds, etc. If you only meant trophy hunting that is a different story so your speech and writing needs to become more precise.

My cat kills and eats gophers. Always has. Always will.

I do catch and release for spiders and flies. But I kill mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.

Female dairy cows are used for both milk and meat. Male of dairy breeds are sold for meat both young for veal and as adults when not used for breeding.

All cattle of all breeds can be used for both but certain dairy breeds are easier to handle for milking.

Any cow that can no longer breeding or giving milk can be sent to slaughter. Some cows might be born and never be able to breed and useless for dairy.
Be gentle, we don't want to hurt the ego on this one, he is sensitive.
The Hebrew commandment pertains to adults regarding bludgeoning. It is specifically speaking about homicides of lying in wait. It has nothing to do with abortion.

Your fallacy is the affirmation of the consequent.

Stop using fallacies in your statements or I will put you on the ignore list.

If you think I am using fallacies, the by all means please put me on ignore. Indeed, abortion is a form of lying in wait, of bludgeoning, of killing the defenseless. Trying to pretty it up doesn't do anyone any favors.
and hitler was never excommunicated by that outfit known as the catholic church, ...
Not that Adolf would have cared much, but it would have spelled suicide for the Pope or Cardinal who did it.

You seem to have forgotten that Adolf was a dictator with absolute power and a finely honed Gestapo and SS.
If ... I am using fallacies, the by all means please put me on ignore. Indeed, ....
I normally point out fallacies first, and give you the list for your benefit.

That's the NCAA rule on fallacies. If you use one, your opponent only needs to point it out.

If you keep using fallacies then you are either a moron or purposefully deceptive.

Then you go onto the ignore list, yes.

I can't tell so that's why you get 1 chance at remediation.
Female dairy cows are used for both milk and meat. Male of dairy breeds are sold for meat both young for veal and as adults when not used for breeding.

All cattle of all breeds can be used for both but certain dairy breeds are easier to handle for milking.

Any cow that can no longer breeding or giving milk can be sent to slaughter. Some cows might be born and never be able to breed and useless for dairy.
Old cows usually become dog food or cat food. Not people food.

Their meat is tough and stringy by then.
If ... I am using fallacies, the by all means please put me on ignore. Indeed, ....
I normally point out fallacies first, and give you the list for your benefit.

That's the NCAA rule on fallacies. If you use one, your opponent only needs to point it out.

If you keep using fallacies then you are either a moron or purposefully deceptive.

Then you go onto the ignore list, yes.

I can't tell so that's why you get 1 chance at remediation.

Ah, but the point is that I am not using a fallacy, but similarities. Accusing someone of using a fallacy is often a fallacy in and of itself. If you do not wish to discuss our different points of view, then you should put me on ignore. Basically you are saying, "I don't agree with you, so I am going to put you on ignore." Fine, do it. People do not need to agree with me, and I am not known for agreeing with others simply for the sake of agreement.

I reject your "remediation" so do what you feel you must.

I'll leave you with this thought: He who trims himself to suit everyone soon whittles himself away.
Catholics who correctly respect and defend a woman’s right to privacy can do so consistent with their faith, and have nothing for fear from their ‘god.’

Call it what it is. Those who who defend women killing the unborn probably have reason to tremble when coming face-to-face with God. Calling "killing the unborn" a "right to privacy" is disingenuous, not to mention deceptive.

A seed is not an oak tree, an embryo/fetus is not yet a living breathing human being.

Bacteria, fugus, plants, animals are all life forms but we kill them.

Even the elderly and dying have the right to to die with dignity, doctor assisted and even euthanasia. Hospice is denying medical treatment and making the person as comfortable as possible till the end.
Every patient in the hospital has a right to refuse treatment.

God had no problem, commanded that people that wore two or more fabrics should be killed. Most of our clothing today has a blend of fabrics.

Many of the laws from the bible are out dated and no longer apply. We don't sell our children, trade our daughters into marriage as part of some agreement or believe in slavery. A pregnant woman is not a slave to be told what she must do where she has no control of her own body and obey some slave master that wants to force her to breed.

Women used to be stoned to death, and they did not wait for a baby to be born.

not quite so quick with words, I don't write speeches of scripts
The West Wing: Bible Quotes: Chapter & Verse

Some idiots will kill doctors for following the law and the rights of a woman of any faith but raise the roof about a woman ending a pregnancy she does not want or cannot carry to term for any number of reason, including her own health. Pregnancy and giving birth, even in this day and age can be a dangerous proposition. A woman is risking her life to carry a fetus, even by c-section.

Only she can make that decision, not some stranger with a bible, that he does not understand, in hand. Her faith might permit her to get an abortion. Her doctor might ave told her she is not capable of carry a baby to term without risking her life or that of the fetus.

No Catholic can tell those of other faiths or no faith what to do, based on hell fire and damnation. No religion should make laws according to their book when it is in opposition to the state or other faiths without a constitutional reason.

State law has for millennia superseded religious law. If it is not your body and you are not the one being asked to perform the abortion other than to save a woman's life, keep you big nose out of the difficult choice

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