CBO says TrumpCare is awful

Why would you believe Susan? She is an R and we all know you HATE Rs. WTF man!
You believe Trump and he is both an R and a Fat Ass Orange Pussy Like you Rube ...WTF Rube Mousy
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Fuck Donald Trump and fuck the people who voted for him.
Fuck you too. I hate commies.

How many will be uninsured when the ACA collapses under its' own weight? Did the CBO mention that?
Its not collapsing
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Fuck Donald Trump and fuck the people who voted for him.
Fuck you too. I hate commies.

How many will be uninsured when the ACA collapses under its' own weight? Did the CBO mention that?
Its not collapsing
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Fuck Donald Trump and fuck the people who voted for him.
Fuck you too. I hate commies.

How many will be uninsured when the ACA collapses under its' own weight? Did the CBO mention that?
Its not collapsing
we are an awfully sensitive little pussy today
This bill does an excellent job at reducing the deficit plus makes some give up luxuries like nights out, cell phones etc. to pay for healthcare. Decisions responsible Americans were making Pre Obama Failcare.

GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Trump doesn't have a health care plan.
This is Ryancare.

Trump does have a health care plan, didn't he tell us it would insure everyone at less cost?
Where is it? All I've seen is traitor Ryans.
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Trump doesn't have a health care plan.
This is Ryancare.

Trump does have a health care plan, didn't he tell us it would insure everyone at less cost?
Where is it? All I've seen is traitor Ryans.
its in his wet dreams
We should have learned from 2012 that Ryan is a rightwing extremist on these issues. Remember his devotion to Ayn Rand?
He's a guy who would if he could take us back to the 1930's, before FDR, Social Security, etc., wiping out Medicare, Medicaid, and every other government program that helps people afford healthcare.
Paul Ryan is a progressive asshole like you.

Given that you're wrong about EVERYTHING, I think I can take that as a backhanded compliment.
Are Leftists really this stupid?

Healthy young people are required by law to purchase insurance under ACA. Under the Ryan plan, this penalty/tax does not exist, so many will elect to self-insure - which statistically can be the best choice. The CBO is reported to conclude, "24 million WOULD LOSE HEALTH COVERAGE..."

You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! 24 million will DECIDE NOT TO PURCHASE INSURANCE, and they will POCKET THE MONEY they would have spent on unnecessary insurance coverage.

That is EXACTLY like saying that I will LOSE my new Mercedes because I decided not to buy it. It's fucking Bizzarro World shit.

And as for Older Fukkers (of which community I am one), it is a fundamental fact of INSURANCE that when you fall into a higher risk group, your PREMIUMS GO UP! Furthermore, as a general proposition, as you go through life in these United States, you accumulate wealth (if not income), and people in their, let's say, 50's can much more easily afford higher premiums than those same people could have afforded in their 20's and 30's.

Keep in mind, the Ryan plan continues the protection for people with expensive pre-existing conditions, who were one of the main beneficiaries of ACA.

Yes, Leftists apparently ARE this stupid.
Are Leftists really this stupid?

Healthy young people are required by law to purchase insurance under ACA. Under the Ryan plan, this penalty/tax does not exist, so many will elect to self-insure - which statistically can be the best choice. The CBO is reported to conclude, "24 million WOULD LOSE HEALTH COVERAGE..."

You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! 24 million will DECIDE NOT TO PURCHASE INSURANCE, and they will POCKET THE MONEY they would have spent on unnecessary insurance coverage.

That is EXACTLY like saying that I will LOSE my new Mercedes because I decided not to buy it. It's fucking Bizzarro World shit.

And as for Older Fukkers (of which community I am one), it is a fundamental fact of INSURANCE that when you fall into a higher risk group, your PREMIUMS GO UP! Furthermore, as a general proposition, as you go through life in these United States, you accumulate wealth (if not income), and people in their, let's say, 50's can much more easily afford higher premiums than those same people could have afforded in their 20's and 30's.

Keep in mind, the Ryan plan continues the protection for people with expensive pre-existing conditions, who were one of the main beneficiaries of ACA.

Yes, Leftists apparently ARE this stupid.
Please let me know how you self insure? A trip to a hospital, without surgery, can add up in the 10's of thousands. Are you that wealthy that you dont need insurance?
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Trump doesn't have a health care plan.
This is Ryancare.

Trump enthusiastically supported it making it Trumpcare
No. Trump is open to negotiations. It would be Trumpcare if he was forcing it down our throats the way Obama forced the ACA down our throats.
I guess the facts don't matter when you're dealing with lying liberals.....but what else is new.

The primary negative according to the CBO seems to be that removing the mandate will cause 14 million to decide not to buy health insurance. But details are a sticky subject these days I suppose.
The main problem with Donaldcare is that he is dumping people from Medicaid to fund almost a trillion in tax cuts
Are Leftists really this stupid?

Healthy young people are required by law to purchase insurance under ACA. Under the Ryan plan, this penalty/tax does not exist, so many will elect to self-insure - which statistically can be the best choice. The CBO is reported to conclude, "24 million WOULD LOSE HEALTH COVERAGE..."

You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! 24 million will DECIDE NOT TO PURCHASE INSURANCE, and they will POCKET THE MONEY they would have spent on unnecessary insurance coverage.

That is EXACTLY like saying that I will LOSE my new Mercedes because I decided not to buy it. It's fucking Bizzarro World shit.

And as for Older Fukkers (of which community I am one), it is a fundamental fact of INSURANCE that when you fall into a higher risk group, your PREMIUMS GO UP! Furthermore, as a general proposition, as you go through life in these United States, you accumulate wealth (if not income), and people in their, let's say, 50's can much more easily afford higher premiums than those same people could have afforded in their 20's and 30's.

Keep in mind, the Ryan plan continues the protection for people with expensive pre-existing conditions, who were one of the main beneficiaries of ACA.

Yes, Leftists apparently ARE this stupid.
Self insure?

When even routine surgery costs $100,000?

Guess who will foot the bill for those who do not want insurance?
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
Fuck Donald Trump and fuck the people who voted for him.
Fuck you too. I hate commies.

How many will be uninsured when the ACA collapses under its' own weight? Did the CBO mention that?
Its not collapsing
we are an awfully sensitive little pussy today
CBO and Chase Bank have spoken; Trumpcare is certainly broken.

Withdraw the bill and start with a single payer plan.
GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
funny shit to say the least. It's sad that a business unit can't move forward with the rest of the congress submitting the program. The CBO is looking at the bill like it is obummer care, which it is not. So there is no mandate for coverage. So one has to actually access the insurance companies and buy the insurance if the obummer care services end which they will. The 24 million over ten years is based on those who may not purchase insurance, because they feel they don't need to. D'OH!!!!
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GOP bill raises premiums for older, poor Americans by more than 750%

24 million would lose health insurance coverage under GOP's Obamacare replacement by 2026

The plan will force premiums up on our older, poorer Americans by 750%, which would be more than half of their income. 24 million would lose coverage in the next nine years.
funny shit to say the least. It's sad that a business unit can't move forward with the rest of the congress submitting the program. The CBO is looking at the bill like it is obummer care, which it is not. So there is no mandate for coverage. So one has to actually access the insurance companies and buy the insurance if the obummer care services end which they will be. The 24 million over ten years is based on those who may not purchase insurance, because they feel they don't need to. D'OH!!!!
Who pays the bill when a person has decided they dont want insurance, but has to enter a hospital for treatment?

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