CBS, ABC, NBC, andn CNN join msnbc will not air President Trump's July 4th celebration

Those networks are indeed the enemy of the people.
They are heroes of the people who fight against the tyranny of a want a be military dictatorship.
Why do Americahaters always accuse the military of being capable of such a thing?
The military is nothing but the guinea pig in all this, used as the blackmailing tool for promoting Trump's want a be dictatorship. Stop your cowardly attack of the military.

It would impossible to imagine a President less desirous of being a dictator than President Trump.
President Obama would never have tried to pervert the 4th.
Ironic... You see a military parade as a perversion, but see a gay pride parade as normal.
Yes, I do. This isn't some third would dictatorship.

If that's what you want you Bananarepublicans need to go start your own somewhere else.

When you talk about banana Republics -
You are, of course, talking about a sitting administration using the peoples Intelligence Agencies and Departments in an effort to fix a national election and having failed that, to overturn same election?
President Obama would never have tried to pervert the 4th.
Ironic... You see a military parade as a perversion, but see a gay pride parade as normal.
Yes, I do. This isn't some third would dictatorship.

If that's what you want you Bananarepublicans need to go start your own somewhere else.

When you talk about banana Republics -
You are, of course, talking about a sitting administration using the peoples Intelligence Agencies and Departments in an effort to fix a national election and having failed that, to overturn same election?
No, I'm not referring to the tRumpkin fantasy. I'm talking reality here.
How stupid are you? The pig is getting his "parade" and his campaign speech on the Mall, isn't he? There is no reason and no requirement for the networks to carry his theatrics. Trump hates the country that he was born in and we Americans know it. I will not go down to the Mall this afternoon and I will not watch Our National Pig and America-hater-in-chief speak.
Let's see....
Record Stock Market for retirees
Record Employment among minorities, and a multi-decade high overall
End of ISIS Caliphate
Food Stamps down
Manufacturing Jobs are coming back
Wages going up fastest rate in multiple decades
Peace talks with Nork
America has stopped funding Terrorism through Iran.

Yeah.... I see why you're so angry and full of bile and spit...

Alienating our international allies through a failure of even understanding the fundamantals of diplomacy, destroying our environment to achieve financial gain, imprisoning those fleeing dire circumstances who arrive in our country, trying to rule over female Americans and order them to submit their bodies to the government, making female Americans slaves to the state, trying to force a sectarian religion on Americans, trying to endanger Americans on the job, ignoring the deterioration of our infrastructure, trying to dumb down the quality of our educational system, hiding the dangers to us of domestic terrorism. I could go on.
President Obama would never have tried to pervert the 4th.
Ironic... You see a military parade as a perversion, but see a gay pride parade as normal.
Yes, I do. This isn't some third would dictatorship.

If that's what you want you Bananarepublicans need to go start your own somewhere else.

When you talk about banana Republics -
You are, of course, talking about a sitting administration using the peoples Intelligence Agencies and Departments in an effort to fix a national election and having failed that, to overturn same election?
No, I'm not referring to the tRumpkin fantasy. I'm talking reality here.

You're an idiot.

I truly would not expect a lot of people to be watching, during the 6:30pm to 7:30 pm time period....

Usually, at least on the East coast, if you are under say 60 or so, you spend the time on the beach or a picnic at a park, or the Lake, or a friend's house and play out door games with the kids type thing.... on the beach, we used to play Bocci, or paddle ball, or catch....

Eat, drink, (alcohol, when allowed on the beach ... Maine, it is allowed, or at least the beaches that I have been to, which are not crowded like those in Florida, or Ocean City, NJ.... hmmm, maybe it is not allowed??? We just do it and so does everybody else so I THINK it is legal.... I should probably look that up.... Florida did not allow it, and South Jersey beaches did not allow it, and I don't think it was allowed on Massachusetts beaches either, but I think it has to be okay up here in Maine, or it is not policed by anyone?)...

ok, sorry for the sidebar

Eat, and drink, and eat and drink... then head home at around 3pm to 5 pm, then everyone has to shower to get the sand off, then 'the woman" starts gathering together all the food that is going to be grilled and cooked, ''the man" loads the cooler with more ice and drinks with it outside, and then the man starts the grill to heat it up or the Charcoal to get it burning just right, everyone is then outside enjoying the barbecue, drinking and then the "clean up period", and then we all get our folding outdoor chairs, load them in the car, and head out to where the fireworks are going to be, earlier enough to get a good spot, or if you are lucky as heck, as Matt and I have been in several different States that we have lived in over the years, you only have to haul your chair to the yard or on to the deck.... 3 different places that we have lived, we had upfront seats to the fireworks show, right from our own yards....

Up here the town near me has fireworks, but not on the fourth, at their summer festival.... soooo, it takes about a 10-25 mile drive to get to a big town that has fireworks, we end up watching them on tv, at around 9:30 pm

Also NOTE! Up here in Maine, the 4th's partying and eating, is ALL about LOBSTER, and Clam Bakes and fresh...HUGE in size corn on the cob...(I have never in my life seen corn on the cob as big as it is up here in Maine, out of all the states I have lived in!!!)

It was EASY for Matt and I to take on Maine's traditional 4th of July... celebrating with Maine Lobster! :D:D


that 6:30 to 7:30 slot is a tough one to make, people are too busy to watch during that time slot, unless perhaps if they are older, and have no plans to join friends or go to the beach....?

I truly would not expect a lot of people to be watching, during the 6:30pm to 7:30 pm time period....

Usually, at least on the East coast, if you are under say 60 or so, you spend the time on the beach or a picnic at a park, or the Lake, or a friend's house and play out door games with the kids type thing.... on the beach, we used to play Bocci, or paddle ball, or catch....

Eat, drink, (alcohol, when allowed on the beach ... Maine, it is allowed, or at least the beaches that I have been to, which are not crowded like those in Florida, or Ocean City, NJ.... hmmm, maybe it is not allowed??? We just do it and so does everybody else so I THINK it is legal.... I should probably look that up.... Florida did not allow it, and South Jersey beaches did not allow it, and I don't think it was allowed on Massachusetts beaches either, but I think it has to be okay up here in Maine, or it is not policed by anyone?)...

ok, sorry for the sidebar

Eat, and drink, and eat and drink... then head home at around 3pm to 5 pm, then everyone has to shower to get the sand off, then 'the woman" starts gathering together all the food that is going to be grilled and cooked, ''the man" loads the cooler with more ice and drinks with it outside, and then the man starts the grill to heat it up or the Charcoal to get it burning just right, everyone is then outside enjoying the barbecue, drinking and then the "clean up period", and then we all get our folding outdoor chairs, load them in the car, and head out to where the fireworks are going to be, earlier enough to get a good spot, or if you are lucky as heck, as Matt and I have been in several different States that we have lived in over the years, you only have to haul your chair to the yard or on to the deck.... 3 different places that we have lived, we had upfront seats to the fireworks show, right from our own yards....

Up here the town near me has fireworks, but not on the fourth, at their summer festival.... soooo, it takes about a 10-25 mile drive to get to a big town that has fireworks, we end up watching them on tv, at around 9:30 pm

Also NOTE! Up here in Maine, the 4th's partying and eating, is ALL about LOBSTER, and Clam Bakes and fresh...HUGE in size corn on the cob...(I have never in my life seen corn on the cob as big as it is up here in Maine, out of all the states I have lived in!!!)

It was EASY for Matt and I to take on Maine's traditional 4th of July... celebrating with Maine Lobster! :D:D


that 6:30 to 7:30 slot is a tough one to make, people are too busy to watch during that time slot, unless perhaps if they are older, and have no plans to join friends or go to the beach....?
Senior citizens in the south will be sitting in the air-conditioning watching such a thing…
we are not beaching it today, but we are grilling AND doing lobster this evening.... Matt just went to the Local Lobster Shack to get some and I will boil them tonight... hamburgers and hotdogs during the day today
This guy is presenting himself on the nation mall. It's happening and we are paying for it. he is getting his due as the person in the chair in the Oval Office. What more is there? Do we all have to watch it? Pay homage to him? Americans owe the trump family absolutely nothing,
This guy is presenting himself on the nation mall. It's happening and we are paying for it. he is getting his due as the person in the chair in the Oval Office. What more is there? Do we all have to watch it? Pay homage to him? Americans owe the trump family absolutely nothing,

And we REAL Americans owe you America hating pigs even less. Sales of butthurt cream may set records today.
UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........

Good for them. This is nothing but a ego trip for Trump. A military parade completely misrepresents what this country represents. It is not great because we have a large military. By that standard, Russia and China are great. Trump has no clue what this country stands for.
More for Fox. These media outlets make it too easy for the ratings leader.

Fox shows it is a propaganda outfit rather than a serious news organization. That is why poll respondents found Fox to be the biggest purveyor of fake news.
More for Fox. These media outlets make it too easy for the ratings leader.

Fox shows it is a propaganda outfit rather than a serious news organization. That is why poll respondents found Fox to be the biggest purveyor of fake news.


Trump suggested earlier this week that the media should award an annual Fake News Award for the worst coverage of his presidency but left Fox News out of the running since it is the only network the president and his supporters believe gives him fair coverage. But 40% of all voters think Fox News should be the winner of the first annual Fake News Trophy.

CNN is in second place with 25% support, followed by MSNBC (9%), ABC (4%), CBS (3%) and NBC (2%). Six percent (6%) say the award should go to someone else, and 11% are undecided.

The Winner of the 1st Annual Fake News Trophy Is … - Rasmussen Reports®

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