CBS, ABC, NBC, andn CNN join msnbc will not air President Trump's July 4th celebration

UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........
Well, that is a good thing. That will make a lot of people to turn away from them. The 4TH of July holiday is not for Republicans or conservatives. And especially, that these media outlets only will screen every word that Pres.Trump will say at this event. That they will twists it around into something racist. I wish that they doesn't goes to any of his events or rallies, and or to any of the White House press conferences. Pres.Trump should of have invited Putin to this event. Then the those media will run quickly to cover the event, so that they can conjured up stories that they saw Pres.Trump handing little notes to Putin on how to rig the election.

What was shown to Jeb at the funeral.

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A military parade is not for the country. It has never been who we are, nor will it ever be. It's just a reminder of how sick Republicans have gotten to acknowledge a parade with a fake president with a history for fake deferments, pandering to a coward. I mean seriously folks, how can this party be more fucked up? I'm embarrassed and disgusted at how fake this is.

Tell JFK that.
More for Fox. These media outlets make it too easy for the ratings leader.

Fox shows it is a propaganda outfit rather than a serious news organization. That is why poll respondents found Fox to be the biggest purveyor of fake news.


Trump suggested earlier this week that the media should award an annual Fake News Award for the worst coverage of his presidency but left Fox News out of the running since it is the only network the president and his supporters believe gives him fair coverage. But 40% of all voters think Fox News should be the winner of the first annual Fake News Trophy.

CNN is in second place with 25% support, followed by MSNBC (9%), ABC (4%), CBS (3%) and NBC (2%). Six percent (6%) say the award should go to someone else, and 11% are undecided.

The Winner of the 1st Annual Fake News Trophy Is … - Rasmussen Reports®
Polling the Liberals are we. You can't poll Conservatives with phone polls because they don't answer the phone to people they don't know. Therefore phone polls are bogus. Let us see the internet polls, Like Fox or Drudge.
UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........


CNN is buckling. They are live right now where Trump's stand is set up. 3:13pm PST
UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........


CNN is buckling. They are live right now where Trump's stand is set up. 3:13pm PST
CNN used to be a good world wide news service. It played on every TV when I was in the Service and we were proud of it. What happened?
Thunderstorms coming up here, withing 10 miles of the Mall, so we are in doors but have the TV on. the pence just arrived hand in hand with his celebrated vagina! Mikiey got the karen!
CNN used to be a good world wide news service. It played on every TV when I was in the Service and we were proud of it. What happened?

They made a decision and went totally left wing. They fired all the conservatives like Lou Dobbs and Greta Van Sustren and others, they eliminated all balanced shows like Crossfire (remember that one?) and they hired all ultra Leftists and homosexuals and went in the way of MSNBC, total leftwing propaganda. It was a very stupid thing to do, their ratings are in the tank, and they lost all credibility.
CNN used to be a good world wide news service. It played on every TV when I was in the Service and we were proud of it. What happened?

Alternate news sources happened. Before Fox and Rush, CNN got away with purporting to be objective. Now we see just how biased they are. The election of Trump totally pulled the 'objective' rug from beneath them and now all they have is "Orange Man Bad."
Trump should not allows those networks any access to the White House anymore.
I'm praying for that day....he also should be banned from Twitter, FB and all....fuck him.

LOL. You are so full of hate and stupidity you didn't even read what I said!! LOLL.

I said: Trump should not allows those networks any access to the White House anymore

I didn't say Trump should be banned, I said the networks should be banned from the white house. Your hate has caused you brain damage.
Thunderstorms coming up here, withing 10 miles of the Mall, so we are in doors but have the TV on. the pence just arrived hand in hand with his celebrated vagina!

Funny Pence isn't scared yet you are cowering 'indoors.'
Time for the FCC to think about if these "News' organizations should have their licenses renewed
Since they are more about propaganda than news.
Newsmax is Trump propaganda and nothing more. That is not surprising.

LOL. Fake News has your head all fucked up. Newsmax reports real news. The liars and frauds and fake news are CNN and MSNBC,along with the old tired alphabet networks. Wake up, moron.
UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........


CNN is buckling. They are live right now where Trump's stand is set up. 3:13pm PST

There they go. Now they are lying through their teeth again. These CNN pigs are disgusting.
Newsmax is Trump propaganda and nothing more. That is not surprising.

LOL. Fake News has your head all fucked up. Newsmax reports real news. The liars and frauds and fake news are CNN and MSNBC,along with the old tired alphabet networks. Wake up, moron.

There is also OAN (One America News) which is a good alternate to the alphabet soup networks.
Who needs fake news broadcasts. It is better that it’s only on Fox!

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The crowd is just huge. Some people drove 14 hours for this.

Democrats will show a picture of the mall taken yesterday and say see no one was there.
A military parade is not for the country. It has never been who we are, nor will it ever be
You do know the parade represents our WAR for Independence, dont you?

You know what fireworks and even SPARKLERS represent, dont you????
No, it represents a military parade that dictators would have because they are cowards. This parade has zero to do with our independence. Trump was too much of a chicken shit to serve himself, so he needs a parade to hide his own fears. It's what dictators do.

He’s in your head!

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UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

Just the fact of disrespect from you pigs is so fknn sickening you really are rabid dogs from another plannet you scum bag pigs!!

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........
The president’s political objective is pretty clear: He hopes to dominate the airwaves with a massive, patriotic show of red, white, and blue as we head into the 2020 election cycle. Networks shouldn’t help. If he wants time campaigning, let him buy it.
It's amusing in a way. These networks are conspiring to keep the people paying for the parade from seeing the parade.
A military parade for a want a be dictator is not what America wants. Just the Trump cultists. Reality is sinking in that the majority of the country does not want what Trump is selling.

Yeah. That’s why he was elected. Because the majority of the country didn’t vote for him. [emoji867][emoji2957]

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