CBS, ABC, NBC, andn CNN join msnbc will not air President Trump's July 4th celebration


Did you vote for Hillary?

Do you withdraw your accusation against the military they they are willing to engage in a Military Dictatorship?

Grow up and answer.
Google translate let you down on that one comrade. Gonna hafta get an actual English speaker to help you.
President Obama would never have tried to pervert the 4th.
Ironic... You see a military parade as a perversion, but see a gay pride parade as normal.
Yes, I do. This isn't some third would dictatorship.

If that's what you want you Bananarepublicans need to go start your own somewhere else.
Things that trigger America-haters.
1. The Bible / God
2. Patriotism
3. American Prosperity

Go back to your gay pride / Socialism / Democrat Party / CPUSA / Clinton Foundation website and you'll be fine.

Did you vote for Hillary?

Do you withdraw your accusation against the military they they are willing to engage in a Military Dictatorship?

Grow up and answer.
Google translate let you down on that one comrade. Gonna hafta get an actual English speaker to help you.
I accept your cowardly surrender, but I wasn't posing to you.
President Obama would never have tried to pervert the 4th.
Ironic... You see a military parade as a perversion, but see a gay pride parade as normal.
Yes, I do. This isn't some third would dictatorship.

If that's what you want you Bananarepublicans need to go start your own somewhere else.
Things that trigger America-haters.
1. The Bible / God
2. Patriotism
3. American Prosperity

Go back to your gay pride / Socialism / Democrat Party / CPUSA / Clinton Foundation website and you'll be fine.
Lol, that's a nice straw man kid. Did you build it all by yourself?
We hope our first and last military parade for a want a be dictator. The lowest point in our history.

This parade is for those with small dicks who want a military dictatorship because the leader is too much of a pussy to fight for his country, so let some other poor bastard do it.

You crack me up. What is a liberal man? Do they wear lipstick? You looney lefties never fought for our country. You can't bend over for China or Europe fast enough.

Neither did your deferment loser who is nothing but a chicken shit coward.
Neither did your deferment loser who is nothing but a chicken shit coward.

Your hate does not affect me in the slightest. It only hurts you, and the damnation of your immortal soul.

Trump lives every day not knowing about, or caring about, your hate. As for me, I know about it, but don't care about it.

You and your hate occupy your own little lonely world. I pity you.
UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........

How stupid are you? The pig is getting his "parade" and his campaign speech on the Mall, isn't he? There is no reason and no requirement for the networks to carry his theatrics. Trump hates the country that he was born in and we Americans know it. I will not go down to the Mall this afternoon and I will not watch Our National Pig and America-hater-in-chief speak.
UPDATE: CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN Join MSNBC... Will Not Air President Trump's July 4th Celebration
President Trump is planning a massive military parade this year in Washington DC for the 4th of July.

When your a nation of pathetic pigs who hate America and controlled media that IDIOT SHEEP don't get what PAID MSM gawd dam means and here it is taring in your fkd up faces!!!

If they would have done this to that bitch Obama omg.........

How stupid are you? The pig is getting his "parade" and his campaign speech on the Mall, isn't he? There is no reason and no requirement for the networks to carry his theatrics. Trump hates the country that he was born in and we Americans know it. I will not go down to the Mall this afternoon and I will not watch Our National Pig and America-hater-in-chief speak.
You do realize that the federal government and the country are not one in the same?
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Progressives do hate a little flag waving and... lee greenwood
Funny thing is military folk will vote in favor of Donald Trump over any progressive... every time.
And Donald Trump is certainly no saint, everyone knew that. But he governs like a conservative generally.
Progressive views are never in the best interest of conservatives… That’s just the way it is
How stupid are you? The pig is getting his "parade" and his campaign speech on the Mall, isn't he? There is no reason and no requirement for the networks to carry his theatrics. Trump hates the country that he was born in and we Americans know it. I will not go down to the Mall this afternoon and I will not watch Our National Pig and America-hater-in-chief speak.
Let's see....
Record Stock Market for retirees
Record Employment among minorities, and a multi-decade high overall
End of ISIS Caliphate
Food Stamps down
Manufacturing Jobs are coming back
Wages going up fastest rate in multiple decades
Peace talks with Nork
America has stopped funding Terrorism through Iran.

Yeah.... I see why you're so angry and full of bile and spit...

Democrats can join, get out of the way, or get rolled over.

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