CBS: Alaska health worker has serious reaction after taking Pfizer's COVID vaccine, Elon Musk Says "Everybody Dies"

All for 99.8% survivals rate bug, much higher if you are under 70. Is anyone who is sane seriously thinking of getting this shot? And what the hay is anaphylaxis?

Bloomberg News

''A second health-care worker in Alaska has suffered severe adverse reaction to the Pfizer Covid vaccine, according to a local hospital.

Two cases of severe allergic reaction to the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus jab have been reported by Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau over the past two days.''

Continued - SECOND health worker in Alaska suffers allergic reaction after getting Pfizer Covid-19 jab
Anaphylaxis is basically severe allergic reaction.. Same as for peanuts, shellfish for some people. Skin rash, breathing difficulties, random swelling, etc... It's why people with severe allergies carry epi-pens.

No reason to NOT take the vaccine if you're in the group that making up 90% of the mortalities. That's over 64 and/or have severe chronic health conditions.. Because you're NOT gonna die of anaphylaxis unless you're lost and cant' call for help..

All OTHER folks gotta weigh their PERSONAL risks and make that decision. Unless you're in the health profession and they INSIST on it... People who refuse it will eventually be pressured to get the shot.. First it'll be sporting events, concerts, cruises, flying, etc --- and eventually that will extend to barring you from a lot of other access...

Anaphalactic shock can be fatal in mere minutes. And that's not even to speak of any longer-term issues that may arise, particularly given the shoddy and speedy manner in which they've put the warez out for public consumption.

To trivialize the reality of the dangers and consequences of arbitrary human medical experimentation, particularly through coercion, is bad form.

Do you think it's just coincidence that government granted these companies immunity from any liability? If not, then why not?

That kind of fascist nonsense is why the Nuremberg Code exists. They hanged Nazis for this very sort of thing.

Sure wish the electorate had lobbyists these days. Instead they're effectively being given a mandate to accept 100% of the risks by local and state level little Napoleons if they want to participate in society or do business while the pharmaceutical companies are simultaneouslythe benificiaries of the largest wealth transfer in history. What they're doing is using coercion and fear porn to pave the path to aquire the power to mandate all of our personal health decisions. There's simply no question of that. It's precisely what is happening.

The Founders slit throats for less.
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Oh, and by the way, the supreme court ruled in 2013 that synthetic DNA can be patented because it is not a “product of nature”.

Tom Knight, to offer just one example, is a professor at MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Lab, who said in 2007 that ''The genetic code is 3.6 billion years old. It’s time for a rewrite.''

His company is the largest user of lab-printed DNA.

Knight, by the way, received 25 million dollars to work on corona virus vaccines to add to the other 700 and some odd million dollars in funding.

Of course, that's only one player.

There are more. All whose interests lie in patenting and profitting from humanity's genetic code. Why do you think they take these kinds of questions to the Supreme court? Just for giggles? Pffft. Please. Get real.
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All for 99.8% survivals rate bug, much higher if you are under 70. Is anyone who is sane seriously thinking of getting this shot? And what the hay is anaphylaxis?

Bloomberg News
So it's ok to wake up one day with a 1/1000.chance of dying?
By the way, tell me how many people were killed by the vaccine so far.
Id rather take the virus seriously, like Trump did as revealed in the Woodward tapes:

No point arguing because you are not changing any minds that are already made up...

I will take the vaccine but not until the middle of next year just to be sure no Zombie side effects happen...
one thing you will notice is that conservatives will never mention what Trump told Woodward. This is like the third guy who responds without mentioning the Woodward tapes at all because they don't want to mention that Trump took the virus seriously in private.
Obviously trump took it seriously or you wouldn’t have had a vaccine so quickly.
Do you think it's just coincidence that government granted these companies immunity from any liability? If not, then why not?

ALL vaccine makers get "qualified immunity".. It's because for traditional vaccines it's a low margin biz with a greedy lawyer bullseye on it's back.. I'm not saying I'm in favor of this immunity, just certain that allowing every anti-vaxxer with a "published paper" to ask for $millions would put even "seasonal flu" vaccines at a premium price..

In countries with PEDIGREED "socialized medicine" -- the govt does EVEN MORE to keep the legal parasites at bay..

That kind of fascist nonsense is why the Nuremberg Code exists. They hanged Nazis for this very sort of thing.

Earth to Citizen -- invoke Nazis and lose the debate..

I think the BIGGER problem is the "dual mission" that elites in charge of FDA and CDC have.. MOST citizens believe these agencies exist just to protect the public.. That's not true.. Their "other mission" is to PROMOTE AMERICAN biotech/pharmaceuticals/med products. To the extent that MANY of the govt management of these groups hold JOINT PATENTS and have other financial interests that can and WILL "cloud their judgements"..

This is a SYSTEMIC issue of big govt.. The Dept of Ag and the FAA have "conflicting missions" as well.. And the corporate/govt collusion is on HUGE DISPLAY -- but nobody from either party cares.

Only Libertarians apparently are cognizant of how corrupt this can become and want to end it.. But then you gotta ask -- How is the Dept of Ag or FDA gonna operate? Are they there PURELY for public safety? Or do they retain the conflict with PROMOTING those business sectors at the same time?

We've already seen the conflict writ large with Covid pharma.. Cheap, safe drugs for making covid more bearable and less deadly don't stand a CHANCE of getting fair hearing when they THREATEN the market viability for something like Remdesivir which turned out to be a pretty big disappointment -- FUNDED by the govt to the tune of 100s of $millions.. Even had Universities and special interests dissing any safe and effective drug protocols that might interfere with their PAID CLINICAL TRIAL involvement.

The CLOSEST we get to "Nazis" here -- is that I believe that even DOING CLINICAL TRIALS during a pandemic where your "control group" could DIE -- is unethical and immoral..

And that the "old guard" -- "We dont approve without repeated verified double blind studies" needs to check their moral compasses and compromise on how stuff gets "approved" in a pandemic..
Anaphylaxis is anaphylactic shock. Your airway closes up. You can’t breath. It is a severe allergic reaction. It is deadly. Emergency treatment is epinephrine and antihistamines. Massive doses of antihistamines. An Epi-Pen will almost always counter the reaction. But you have minutes or sometimes seconds to get the thing into you.

Anaphylaxis is no joke. It kills people.
I have been reading about terrible reactions after taking pfizers covid vaccine.

Nightmare stuff.... I am not taking any shit.

But that's me.
I usually leave my shit but I already had da Covid and lived to tell the tale...So I don't need the shot.

Even if you have had Covid, you can get it again, they suggest that even those that have had Covid need the vaccine and even after receiving the vaccination you still need to mask up. Now, that is just the CDC, so do what you want...
Its time to focus on wholesale good rather that one specific individual hoaxley portrayed as a worst case likely outcome for everyone. Lockdown loons love ringing the panic bell
ALL vaccine makers get "qualified immunity".. It's because for traditional vaccines it's a low margin biz with a greedy lawyer bullseye on it's back.. I'm not saying I'm in favor of this immunity, just certain that allowing every anti-vaxxer with a "published paper" to ask for $millions would put even "seasonal flu" vaccines at a premium price..

In countries with PEDIGREED "socialized medicine" -- the govt does EVEN MORE to keep the legal parasites at bay..

Earth to Citizen -- invoke Nazis and lose the debate..

I think the BIGGER problem is the "dual mission" that elites in charge of FDA and CDC have.. MOST citizens believe these agencies exist just to protect the public.. That's not true.. Their "other mission" is to PROMOTE AMERICAN biotech/pharmaceuticals/med products. To the extent that MANY of the govt management of these groups hold JOINT PATENTS and have other financial interests that can and WILL "cloud their judgements"..

This is a SYSTEMIC issue of big govt.. The Dept of Ag and the FAA have "conflicting missions" as well.. And the corporate/govt collusion is on HUGE DISPLAY -- but nobody from either party cares.

Only Libertarians apparently are cognizant of how corrupt this can become and want to end it.. But then you gotta ask -- How is the Dept of Ag or FDA gonna operate? Are they there PURELY for public safety? Or do they retain the conflict with PROMOTING those business sectors at the same time?

We've already seen the conflict writ large with Covid pharma.. Cheap, safe drugs for making covid more bearable and less deadly don't stand a CHANCE of getting fair hearing when they THREATEN the market viability for something like Remdesivir which turned out to be a pretty big disappointment -- FUNDED by the govt to the tune of 100s of $millions.. Even had Universities and special interests dissing any safe and effective drug protocols that might interfere with their PAID CLINICAL TRIAL involvement.

The CLOSEST we get to "Nazis" here -- is that I believe that even DOING CLINICAL TRIALS during a pandemic where your "control group" could DIE -- is unethical and immoral..

And that the "old guard" -- "We dont approve without repeated verified double blind studies" needs to check their moral compasses and compromise on how stuff gets "approved" in a pandemic..

I wasn't really debating. My interest generally lies in the interest of the casual passer-by who may or more often may not choose to participate in discussion.
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