CBS: Alaska health worker has serious reaction after taking Pfizer's COVID vaccine, Elon Musk Says "Everybody Dies"

My dear ELDER sis, and frail and elderly (almost 70)yet hard working lass, recently was afflicted with Covid19. Despite being in lock down since March. And despite her numerus ailments (hi Polly!) she's doing just fine. I don't want to paraphrase her, but apparently it just like the common flu. Apparently Covid19 is highly OVERRATED.
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She got lucky. I had a good friend die from it and another almost died
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
Jesus fucking Christ you're a nutjob.

Yes there is the possibility of an allergic there is with any medication.

That is why they have you sit in an observation room.

Those reactions are RARE

You friggin idiot
That’s comical that you call her a nut job when you loons have the logic cause the media says it is true it must be instead of the best doctors in the country where everytime I voulenteer to you trolls to post the video by request,you shills always say some kind of garbage for your comeback top one of them are saying that and then claim yourself the winner :iyfyus.jpg:
Well, 13 people died in phase 3 of Moderna's vaccine trials
Fake news. Stop
Thirteen people who participated in the trial died, six who received the vaccine
and seven who received the placebo.

Fake news my ass you ignorant, clueless bitch
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That's your opinion, which I reject as being stupid. Why else concoct a virus in a lab somewhere that will kill people if not to KILL people??? And if that doesn't work..concoct a vaccine to help it along?
I am not the only one that will refuse the vaccine. Millions will do the same. Refuse it due to mistrust of who is behind said vaccine.
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That's your opinion, which I reject as being stupid. Why else concoct a virus in a lab somewhere that will kill people if not to KILL people???
I am not the only one that will refuse the vaccine. Millions will do the same. Refuse it.
It's not an opinion. Please list the deaths FROM THE VACCINE.

I'll wait

What you posted is the worst kind of hyperbolic fear mongering BULLSHIT
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That's your opinion, which I reject as being stupid. Why else concoct a virus in a lab somewhere that will kill people if not to KILL people???
I am not the only one that will refuse the vaccine. Millions will do the same. Refuse it.
It's not an opinion. Please list the deaths FROM THE VACCINE.

I'll wait

What you posted is the worst kind of hyperbolic fear mongering BULLSHIT
Do you not read the news? I don't have a list. Perhaps you should look it up yourself on past vaccines. Like the one Gates pushed on India kids. And how do we know the virus deaths are from the vaccine they tested on them? I might be paranoid with the crap going on but I am far from stupid.
All for 99.8% survivals rate bug, much higher if you are under 70. Is anyone who is sane seriously thinking of getting this shot? And what the hay is anaphylaxis?

Bloomberg News

CUOMO can't wait to wipe some more geezers

I'll pass until I know for sure after guinea pig humans survive. You can call me paranoid but
All for 99.8% survivals rate bug, much higher if you are under 70. Is anyone who is sane seriously thinking of getting this shot? And what the hay is anaphylaxis?

Bloomberg News

CUOMO can't wait to wipe some more geezers
Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you're allergic to, such as peanuts or bee stings.
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That's your opinion, which I reject as being stupid. Why else concoct a virus in a lab somewhere that will kill people if not to KILL people???
I am not the only one that will refuse the vaccine. Millions will do the same. Refuse it.
It's not an opinion. Please list the deaths FROM THE VACCINE.

I'll wait

What you posted is the worst kind of hyperbolic fear mongering BULLSHIT
Do you not read the news? I don't have a list. Perhaps you should look it up yourself on past vaccines. Like the one Gates pushed on India kids. And how do we know the virus deaths are from the vaccine they tested on them? I might be paranoid with the crap going on but I am far from stupid.
I asked YOU. If you don't have a list then why the fuck are you referencing it?
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That's your opinion, which I reject as being stupid. Why else concoct a virus in a lab somewhere that will kill people if not to KILL people???
I am not the only one that will refuse the vaccine. Millions will do the same. Refuse it.
It's not an opinion. Please list the deaths FROM THE VACCINE.

I'll wait

What you posted is the worst kind of hyperbolic fear mongering BULLSHIT
Do you not read the news? I don't have a list. Perhaps you should look it up yourself on past vaccines. Like the one Gates pushed on India kids. And how do we know the virus deaths are from the vaccine they tested on them? I might be paranoid with the crap going on but I am far from stupid.
I asked YOU. If you don't have a list then why the fuck are you referencing it?
You post some pretty stupid stuff yourself but I have never ragged you about it.
Noted. Sorry I disappointed you with my "stupidity".

That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That's your opinion, which I reject as being stupid. Why else concoct a virus in a lab somewhere that will kill people if not to KILL people???
I am not the only one that will refuse the vaccine. Millions will do the same. Refuse it.
It's not an opinion. Please list the deaths FROM THE VACCINE.

I'll wait

What you posted is the worst kind of hyperbolic fear mongering BULLSHIT
Do you not read the news? I don't have a list. Perhaps you should look it up yourself on past vaccines. Like the one Gates pushed on India kids. And how do we know the virus deaths are from the vaccine they tested on them? I might be paranoid with the crap going on but I am far from stupid.
I asked YOU. If you don't have a list then why the fuck are you referencing it?
You post some pretty stupid stuff yourself but I have never ragged you about it.
Noted. Sorry I disappointed you with my "stupidity".

I post stupid shit all the time. Yes

But I don't post things that may scare people off from things that may help them.

Keep in mind, I have no use for it but there are MILLIONS of elderly who can't leave their houses without putting themselves ar great risk right now.

Don't be stupid
All for 99.8% survivals rate bug, much higher if you are under 70. Is anyone who is sane seriously thinking of getting this shot? And what the hay is anaphylaxis?

Bloomberg News

Anaphylaxis is basically severe allergic reaction.. Same as for peanuts, shellfish for some people. Skin rash, breathing difficulties, random swelling, etc... It's why people with severe allergies carry epi-pens.

No reason to NOT take the vaccine if you're in the group that making up 90% of the mortalities. That's over 64 and/or have severe chronic health conditions.. Because you're NOT gonna die of anaphylaxis unless you're lost and cant' call for help..

All OTHER folks gotta weigh their PERSONAL risks and make that decision. Unless you're in the health profession and they INSIST on it... People who refuse it will eventually be pressured to get the shot.. First it'll be sporting events, concerts, cruises, flying, etc --- and eventually that will extend to barring you from a lot of other access...
That vaccine is just to help kill off over half the worlds population. The virus isn't working fast enough, so now they came up with a vaccine to get it done faster.
You should feel stupid posting such ignorant shit.

I have no plans to get this vaccine but that comment was
That's your opinion, which I reject as being stupid. Why else concoct a virus in a lab somewhere that will kill people if not to KILL people???
I am not the only one that will refuse the vaccine. Millions will do the same. Refuse it.
It's not an opinion. Please list the deaths FROM THE VACCINE.

I'll wait

What you posted is the worst kind of hyperbolic fear mongering BULLSHIT
Do you not read the news? I don't have a list. Perhaps you should look it up yourself on past vaccines. Like the one Gates pushed on India kids. And how do we know the virus deaths are from the vaccine they tested on them? I might be paranoid with the crap going on but I am far from stupid.
I asked YOU. If you don't have a list then why the fuck are you referencing it?
You post some pretty stupid stuff yourself but I have never ragged you about it.
Noted. Sorry I disappointed you with my "stupidity".

I post stupid shit all the time. Yes

But I don't post things that may scare people off from things that may help them.

Keep in mind, I have no use for it but there are MILLIONS of elderly who can't leave their houses without putting themselves ar great risk right now.

Don't be stupid
Like, as if anyone would go with my thoughts on whether to take the vaccine or not? Really? I'm not the one fear mongering. Lame stream media is doing a pretty good job of it though. I know plenty of the elderly..I live in an elderly apt complex. The majority refuse to wear a mask. I am one of them. I guess they are stupid too, because most don't trust the vaccine any more than I do. I have a great neuologist well as my general practioner. BOTH refuse to take the vaccine because its still iffy they said. So I guess there are millions of us really stupid.

Get off my back. I gave my opinion. You gave yours.

See ya.
All for 99.8% survivals rate bug, much higher if you are under 70. Is anyone who is sane seriously thinking of getting this shot? And what the hay is anaphylaxis?

Bloomberg News
So it's ok to wake up one day with a 1/1000.chance of dying?
By the way, tell me how many people were killed by the vaccine so far.
Id rather take the virus seriously, like Trump did as revealed in the Woodward tapes:

No point arguing because you are not changing any minds that are already made up...

I will take the vaccine but not until the middle of next year just to be sure no Zombie side effects happen...
one thing you will notice is that conservatives will never mention what Trump told Woodward. This is like the third guy who responds without mentioning the Woodward tapes at all because they don't want to mention that Trump took the virus seriously in private.

I voted for Biden, so I do not care what Trump and his base think or deny any longer because they have not lived in reality since November of 2016...

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