CBS News: (Pissed Off) Obama Condemns Attempts To "Stigmatize" Muslims In Wake Of Brussels Attacks

Awe! Well Mr. Obama, I disagree. All Muslims must be called out because none of them can be trusted. They are a threat and dangerous to Western Society. They do not adapt and their minds since their births have been indoctrinated to conquer Christian nation's and kill it's occupants if they don't convert to Islam. It's just the way it is.

Can we afford to take chances with Muslims anymore? Read this graph.

Obama condemns attempts to "stigmatize" Muslims in wake of Brussels attacks - CBS News

Excuse me fucktard.

Look at Historical facts and then determine if the Muslims have a reasonable basis for RETALIATING.


Muslims have a valid reason to retaliating for WHAT??

The West made them rich. The West give them education they could never get at home, in any of their hell hole countries. The West provided for them freedom, which they could never find in at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gave them technology they could never develop or manufacture at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gives them billions of dollars in foreign aid to prop up their hell hole countries. The West allows them to build their terrorist recruiting centers anywhere in the West, also known as MOSQUES, while their hell hole countries execute Christians for having a Bible in their possession in any of their hell hole countries. All Western countries make laws everywhere to cuddle and protect Muslims, while in Muslim countries laws are designed to kill, crucify, stone to death and decapitate people for cartoons, novels and videos which portray their so called "Prophet" for exactly what he was.

Retaliate? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Muslim?

Yo dingle berry, did you conduct any research BEFORE posting the diatribe?

Or are you ignorant? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Zionut?

Do some research, then , and only then repost.


what did Obama say about if the political wind blows against the Muslims he'd have to take their side over others

what did Obama say about if the political wind blows against the Muslims he'd have to take their side over others

Shut the fuck up

WHile I am not an Obbama supporter, the nation was destroyed by FDR in 1935. While it is true that Obama is following FDR 's footsteps , FDR is the primary cause.
Awe! Well Mr. Obama, I disagree. All Muslims must be called out because none of them can be trusted. They are a threat and dangerous to Western Society. They do not adapt and their minds since their births have been indoctrinated to conquer Christian nation's and kill it's occupants if they don't convert to Islam. It's just the way it is.

Can we afford to take chances with Muslims anymore? Read this graph.

Obama condemns attempts to "stigmatize" Muslims in wake of Brussels attacks - CBS News

Is it fair to say that white supremacists like you can't be trusted?
Awe! Well Mr. Obama, I disagree. All Muslims must be called out because none of them can be trusted. They are a threat and dangerous to Western Society. They do not adapt and their minds since their births have been indoctrinated to conquer Christian nation's and kill it's occupants if they don't convert to Islam. It's just the way it is.

Can we afford to take chances with Muslims anymore? Read this graph.

Obama condemns attempts to "stigmatize" Muslims in wake of Brussels attacks - CBS News

Excuse me fucktard.

Look at Historical facts and then determine if the Muslims have a reasonable basis for RETALIATING.


Muslims have a valid reason to retaliating for WHAT??

The West made them rich. The West give them education they could never get at home, in any of their hell hole countries. The West provided for them freedom, which they could never find in at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gave them technology they could never develop or manufacture at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gives them billions of dollars in foreign aid to prop up their hell hole countries. The West allows them to build their terrorist recruiting centers anywhere in the West, also known as MOSQUES, while their hell hole countries execute Christians for having a Bible in their possession in any of their hell hole countries. All Western countries make laws everywhere to cuddle and protect Muslims, while in Muslim countries laws are designed to kill, crucify, stone to death and decapitate people for cartoons, novels and videos which portray their so called "Prophet" for exactly what he was.

Retaliate? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Muslim?

Yo dingle berry, did you conduct any research BEFORE posting the diatribe?

Or are you ignorant? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Zionut?

Do some research, then , and only then repost.


How about YOU doing some research and prove me wrong.

Wasn't it the West (United States and Europe) who made Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Emirates, Iraq, Iran rich beyond their talent and capabilities simply because those countries had the luck of having oil under their soil?

Wasn't it the West (America and Europe) who allowed Muslims to plot against all those who gave them more than enough?

Don't they send their spawn to the West for a decent education?

Don't they use Western technology, drive American or German cars?

Aren't the building more mosques in America, alone than all the Christian churches of Jewish synagogues in all the Muslim world, combined?

Do Western countries execute and crucify or behead a Muslim because he is a Muslim?

As far as calling me "Zionut" those useless freeloaders in Palestine have had thousands of chances to live in peace with their neighbors. They ALWAYS refused. They send hundreds of rockets to hit Israel, instead of using their brains to do something productive and useful for their children's future.

Only ignorant and insane person is you.

what did Obama say about if the political wind blows against the Muslims he'd have to take their side over others

Shut the fuck up

WHile I am not an Obbama supporter, the nation was destroyed by FDR in 1935.

FDR, the WHITE socialist

1- abolished the Constitution (1787)

2- Abolished SCOTUS

3- declared the nations first bankruptcy

4- adopted socialism as our socioeconomic system

This dipshit has zero respect for America or Americans. When ISIS is running around blowing up people, cutting off heads, and setting people on fire, Obama gets worked up about a nice non-existent anti-Muslim backlash. We all know that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not violent terrorists. Nobody is running around rounding them up here. However, we also know that there is no way to differentiate between Muslims and that they are loathe to condemn terrorist attacks by radical Muslims.

The fact that Obama would minimize the mass murder of innocents by ISIS is disturbing beyond belief. It is also morally indefensible that we allow the genocide to continue when Obama is complicit, if not directly responsible, in it by virtue of pulling out of Iraq and failing to stay true to his "red line" declaration. This is pure hate based international fascist mass murder, for the second time in less than a 100 years. Obama's nonfeasance is both shameful and unforgivable.

Why would Obama be upset about mass murder by people he didn't know now? His administration actively encouraged the mass murder of Mexicans using weapons we sent the cartels, just so he could restrict Americans from being able to buy guns. He followed that up by urging Arab nations to overthrow their leadership and plunge themselves into civil war. And then he basically begged ISIS to step up to the plate by saying they weren't worth noticing.
Awe! Well Mr. Obama, I disagree. All Muslims must be called out because none of them can be trusted. They are a threat and dangerous to Western Society. They do not adapt and their minds since their births have been indoctrinated to conquer Christian nation's and kill it's occupants if they don't convert to Islam. It's just the way it is.

Can we afford to take chances with Muslims anymore? Read this graph.

Obama condemns attempts to "stigmatize" Muslims in wake of Brussels attacks - CBS News

Excuse me fucktard.

Look at Historical facts and then determine if the Muslims have a reasonable basis for RETALIATING.


Muslims have a valid reason to retaliating for WHAT??

The West made them rich. The West give them education they could never get at home, in any of their hell hole countries. The West provided for them freedom, which they could never find in at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gave them technology they could never develop or manufacture at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gives them billions of dollars in foreign aid to prop up their hell hole countries. The West allows them to build their terrorist recruiting centers anywhere in the West, also known as MOSQUES, while their hell hole countries execute Christians for having a Bible in their possession in any of their hell hole countries. All Western countries make laws everywhere to cuddle and protect Muslims, while in Muslim countries laws are designed to kill, crucify, stone to death and decapitate people for cartoons, novels and videos which portray their so called "Prophet" for exactly what he was.

Retaliate? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Muslim?

Yo dingle berry, did you conduct any research BEFORE posting the diatribe?

Or are you ignorant? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Zionut?

Do some research, then , and only then repost.


How about YOU doing some research and prove me wrong.

Wasn't it the West (United States and Europe) who made Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Emirates, Iraq, Iran rich beyond their talent and capabilities simply because those countries had the luck of having oil under their soil?

Wasn't it the West (America and Europe) who allowed Muslims to plot against all those who gave them more than enough?

Don't they send their spawn to the West for a decent education?

Don't they use Western technology, drive American or German cars?

Aren't the building more mosques in America, alone than all the Christian churches of Jewish synagogues in all the Muslim world, combined?

Do Western countries execute and crucify or behead a Muslim because he is a Muslim?

As far as calling me "Zionut" those useless freeloaders in Palestine have had thousands of chances to live in peace with their neighbors. They ALWAYS refused. They send hundreds of rockets to hit Israel, instead of using their brains to do something productive and useful for their children's future.

Only ignorant and insane person is you.

First Historical fact

zionuts invaded Palestine circa 1925, determined to remove the Palestinians by any means necessary

The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein
Awe! Well Mr. Obama, I disagree. All Muslims must be called out because none of them can be trusted. They are a threat and dangerous to Western Society. They do not adapt and their minds since their births have been indoctrinated to conquer Christian nation's and kill it's occupants if they don't convert to Islam. It's just the way it is.

Can we afford to take chances with Muslims anymore? Read this graph.

Obama condemns attempts to "stigmatize" Muslims in wake of Brussels attacks - CBS News

Excuse me fucktard.

Look at Historical facts and then determine if the Muslims have a reasonable basis for RETALIATING.


Muslims have a valid reason to retaliating for WHAT??

The West made them rich. The West give them education they could never get at home, in any of their hell hole countries. The West provided for them freedom, which they could never find in at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gave them technology they could never develop or manufacture at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gives them billions of dollars in foreign aid to prop up their hell hole countries. The West allows them to build their terrorist recruiting centers anywhere in the West, also known as MOSQUES, while their hell hole countries execute Christians for having a Bible in their possession in any of their hell hole countries. All Western countries make laws everywhere to cuddle and protect Muslims, while in Muslim countries laws are designed to kill, crucify, stone to death and decapitate people for cartoons, novels and videos which portray their so called "Prophet" for exactly what he was.

Retaliate? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Muslim?

Yo dingle berry, did you conduct any research BEFORE posting the diatribe?

Or are you ignorant? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Zionut?

Do some research, then , and only then repost.


How about YOU doing some research and prove me wrong.

Wasn't it the West (United States and Europe) who made Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Emirates, Iraq, Iran rich beyond their talent and capabilities simply because those countries had the luck of having oil under their soil?

Wasn't it the West (America and Europe) who allowed Muslims to plot against all those who gave them more than enough?

Don't they send their spawn to the West for a decent education?

Don't they use Western technology, drive American or German cars?

Aren't the building more mosques in America, alone than all the Christian churches of Jewish synagogues in all the Muslim world, combined?

Do Western countries execute and crucify or behead a Muslim because he is a Muslim?

As far as calling me "Zionut" those useless freeloaders in Palestine have had thousands of chances to live in peace with their neighbors. They ALWAYS refused. They send hundreds of rockets to hit Israel, instead of using their brains to do something productive and useful for their children's future.

Only ignorant and insane person is you.

First Historical fact

zionuts invaded Palestine circa 1925, determined to remove the Palestinians by any means necessary

The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein

Worthless, crying bleeding hearts don't realize that in a war the spoils go to the victors.

If the Palestinians had had the brains in 1967, when they were supported by all their fellow incompetent and freeloading Arabs, there would be no Israel today, but vast square miles of Arab misery for them to wallow in.

Maybe Palestinians should combine forces with Native Americans and African Americans.

Crying together might achieve results brains and spine and knowledge could not.
You go after the guy that poisoned the M&Ms, not the company that made them.
The guy who poisoned the M&Ms is named Muhammad.
So are millions of others around the world. You going to fight them all, even if they have nothing to do with terrorism?
I certainly don't propose to import millions of them into this country. Only someone who is completely insane would endorse that.
You go after the guy that poisoned the M&Ms, not the company that made them.
The guy who poisoned the M&Ms is named Muhammad.
So are millions of others around the world. You going to fight them all, even if they have nothing to do with terrorism?
I certainly don't propose to import millions of them into this country. Only someone who is completely insane would endorse that.
What millions? You're the one that's insane!
Excuse me fucktard.

Look at Historical facts and then determine if the Muslims have a reasonable basis for RETALIATING.


Muslims have a valid reason to retaliating for WHAT??

The West made them rich. The West give them education they could never get at home, in any of their hell hole countries. The West provided for them freedom, which they could never find in at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gave them technology they could never develop or manufacture at home in any of their hell hole countries. The West gives them billions of dollars in foreign aid to prop up their hell hole countries. The West allows them to build their terrorist recruiting centers anywhere in the West, also known as MOSQUES, while their hell hole countries execute Christians for having a Bible in their possession in any of their hell hole countries. All Western countries make laws everywhere to cuddle and protect Muslims, while in Muslim countries laws are designed to kill, crucify, stone to death and decapitate people for cartoons, novels and videos which portray their so called "Prophet" for exactly what he was.

Retaliate? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Muslim?

Yo dingle berry, did you conduct any research BEFORE posting the diatribe?

Or are you ignorant? Are you serous or just insane? Or a Zionut?

Do some research, then , and only then repost.


How about YOU doing some research and prove me wrong.

Wasn't it the West (United States and Europe) who made Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Emirates, Iraq, Iran rich beyond their talent and capabilities simply because those countries had the luck of having oil under their soil?

Wasn't it the West (America and Europe) who allowed Muslims to plot against all those who gave them more than enough?

Don't they send their spawn to the West for a decent education?

Don't they use Western technology, drive American or German cars?

Aren't the building more mosques in America, alone than all the Christian churches of Jewish synagogues in all the Muslim world, combined?

Do Western countries execute and crucify or behead a Muslim because he is a Muslim?

As far as calling me "Zionut" those useless freeloaders in Palestine have had thousands of chances to live in peace with their neighbors. They ALWAYS refused. They send hundreds of rockets to hit Israel, instead of using their brains to do something productive and useful for their children's future.

Only ignorant and insane person is you.

First Historical fact

zionuts invaded Palestine circa 1925, determined to remove the Palestinians by any means necessary

The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein

Worthless, crying bleeding hearts don't realize that in a war the spoils go to the victors.

If the Palestinians had had the brains in 1967, when they were supported by all their fellow incompetent and freeloading Arabs, there would be no Israel today, but vast square miles of Arab misery for them to wallow in.

Maybe Palestinians should combine forces with Native Americans and African Americans.

Crying together might achieve results brains and spine and knowledge could not.



Wasn't Radovan Karadzic recently found guilty of genocide?
You go after the guy that poisoned the M&Ms, not the company that made them.
The guy who poisoned the M&Ms is named Muhammad.
So are millions of others around the world. You going to fight them all, even if they have nothing to do with terrorism?
I certainly don't propose to import millions of them into this country. Only someone who is completely insane would endorse that.
What millions? You're the one that's insane!

We've already imported millions of them, douche bag. We've been importing 250,000/year ever since the Iraq war.

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