In the Wake Of Belgium Terrorist Attack, Obama Declares Slipping in Tub More Dangerous Than ISIS

Obama remains a low-life apologist for Islamofascism.

Oh shut up you tedious parrot.

The secretary of state declares global warming as the most serious threat and the president thinks the potential fall in a bathtub to be feared more than ISIS. Didn't he see the horrific beheadings or the burning alive of a man in a cage? Tell it to the victims of terrorist bombings who have nails and hardware imbeded in their bodies or the relatives of people who have to be identified by their DNA. Elitists in the democrat party who are protected by bodyguards literally tango while the world burns and pander to monsters for a couple of votes while the rest of us remember 9-11 and live in the real world.
Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

So what you're telling me is that the shrill crowing of all of the racists on here is statistically garbage? And whilst they're all screaming about a threat that is no threat at all the rich still get richer, a billionare is about to buy his way in to the presidential title race (ahead of a moan so slimy he makes GW seem like a decent moderate candidate) and the bread and circuses of the 21st century rolls on as unstoppably as ever.

Good to know.

This may help you grow:

"Psychologically, why does the truth hurt?

It appears, actually frequently seen, the truth always hurt, even if not deliberately meant to be.

I come to the conclusion of why us Humans get offended when the truth is being told. Of course not that everyone is the same, but majority of Humans seem to get piqued when someone deviates from an incompatible point of view. This unremarkably occurs on the Internet and not just in person with opposers."
Psychologically, why does the truth hurt?
You're all aware that if you're muslim you're far more likely to be killed by ISIS than if you're not?

The anti-Muslim bigots never shit their pants over the tens of thousands of Muslims killed by the terrorists ever year. That just doesn't fit their narrative at all.

And besides, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim in their book anyway.
I don't see the point in shitting our pants over all of the attacks that happen every day in the Middle-East because they aren't always reported.
However, I keep mentioning all of the hundreds of thousands that have been murdered and fuckers like you ignore it.
So shut your pie-hole.
Obama remains a low-life apologist for Islamofascism.

Oh shut up you tedious parrot.

The secretary of state declares global warming as the most serious threat and the president thinks the potential fall in a bathtub to be feared more than ISIS. Didn't he see the horrific beheadings or the burning alive of a man in a cage? Tell it to the victims of terrorist bombings who have nails and hardware imbeded in their bodies or the relatives of people who have to be identified by their DNA. Elitists in the democrat party who are protected by bodyguards literally tango while the world burns and pander to monsters for a couple of votes while the rest of us remember 9-11 and live in the real world.
Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

So what you're telling me is that the shrill crowing of all of the racists on here is statistically garbage? And whilst they're all screaming about a threat that is no threat at all the rich still get richer, a billionare is about to buy his way in to the presidential title race (ahead of a moan so slimy he makes GW seem like a decent moderate candidate) and the bread and circuses of the 21st century rolls on as unstoppably as ever.

Good to know.

what exactly is racist about wanting everyone treated equally? what is racist about wanting no special treatment or benefits based on race, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation? What is racist about holding each person responsible for his/her own life?

the racists in this discussion are you on the left who judge people based on race, or even worse, you allege that all successful people are evil and became successful at the expense of others.

You denigrate Trump for his business success while you praise the Clintons for their ill-gotten riches. you are the very definition of hypocrisy.
I think the true issue here is global warming. Global warming made tubs kill people.
I think the true issue here is global warming. Global warming made tubs kill people.

yep, the prophet algore said that all coastal cities would be under water by now and that the polar ice caps would be gone. And some people were so stupid that they believed that bullshit. whats even worse, some of them still believe it.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

tell that to the families of the dead in Brussels. But since you brought it up, where is the outcry from the left about the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year?

BLM has called on blacks to murder cops, does that make them a terrorist organization?

ISIS and BLM are both dangers to America, one from within and one from without.

Both should be removed.

Odd that you care so much about a handful of Americans dying overseas but couldn't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands dying in our own country. Why is that?

did you bother to read my post? that's exactly the point I was making.

Now, you tell me. Why do Obama and the hildebeast refuse to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" ? If that's not what Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, and others were caused by, what were they caused by?

That question has been answered many times , dummy. There is a reason why the the one before it....does not wish to link the religion with the acts of terror.

It's stupid to do so. All it does is make simpletons like you happy.
You're all aware that if you're muslim you're far more likely to be killed by ISIS than if you're not?

The anti-Muslim bigots never shit their pants over the tens of thousands of Muslims killed by the terrorists ever year. That just doesn't fit their narrative at all.

And besides, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim in their book anyway.

where are the "good muslims" on this? why haven't the "good mullahs" stood up against the radicals? why haven't the good muslims denounced the radicals and helped destroy them?

They have. It doesn't get news coverage. Simpleton. attention.

Terrorism is like slipping in a tub.

And the fact that terrorists are killing hundreds of people in France and Belguim means that Obama's plans are working.

So there. The problem is solved.

It's like their claims that when it's too's Global Warming....if it's too's still Global Warming.

Whatever happens just means their plans are working wonderfully.
The secretary of state declares global warming as the most serious threat and the president thinks the potential fall in a bathtub to be feared more than ISIS. Didn't he see the horrific beheadings or the burning alive of a man in a cage? Tell it to the victims of terrorist bombings who have nails and hardware imbeded in their bodies or the relatives of people who have to be identified by their DNA. Elitists in the democrat party who are protected by bodyguards literally tango while the world burns and pander to monsters for a couple of votes while the rest of us remember 9-11 and live in the real world.
Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

OK, lets see if I get it. Because you are more likely to die of other things, we should ignore the radical muslim terrorists who have vowed to kill all of us? Is that the dem/lib plan?

will that still be your plan when a dirty nuke suitcase bomb goes off in NY or LA?
No one is ignoring the threat.
Your batshit whining Changes nothing.
The shit you are paranoid about has been possible for a very long time.
Grow the fuck up.
Obama remains a low-life apologist for Islamofascism.

Oh shut up you tedious parrot.

The secretary of state declares global warming as the most serious threat and the president thinks the potential fall in a bathtub to be feared more than ISIS. Didn't he see the horrific beheadings or the burning alive of a man in a cage? Tell it to the victims of terrorist bombings who have nails and hardware imbeded in their bodies or the relatives of people who have to be identified by their DNA. Elitists in the democrat party who are protected by bodyguards literally tango while the world burns and pander to monsters for a couple of votes while the rest of us remember 9-11 and live in the real world.
Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

So what you're telling me is that the shrill crowing of all of the racists on here is statistically garbage? And whilst they're all screaming about a threat that is no threat at all the rich still get richer, a billionare is about to buy his way in to the presidential title race (ahead of a moan so slimy he makes GW seem like a decent moderate candidate) and the bread and circuses of the 21st century rolls on as unstoppably as ever.

Good to know.

what exactly is racist about wanting everyone treated equally? what is racist about wanting no special treatment or benefits based on race, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation? What is racist about holding each person responsible for his/her own life?

the racists in this discussion are you on the left who judge people based on race, or even worse, you allege that all successful people are evil and became successful at the expense of others.

You denigrate Trump for his business success while you praise the Clintons for their ill-gotten riches. you are the very definition of hypocrisy.

Please show me where I denigrate trump for business success or priase the Clintons for anything at all. And then when you can't because I haven't I'll accept your apology for being so narrow minded that you can't even adress a single person without pigeon holing them with opinions you have decided they have. Which is probably why you know NOTHING about Islam, and should probably shut up about that too.
Last edited: attention.

Terrorism is like slipping in a tub.

And the fact that terrorists are killing hundreds of people in France and Belguim means that Obama's plans are working.

So there. The problem is solved.

It's like their claims that when it's too's Global Warming....if it's too's still Global Warming.

Whatever happens just means their plans are working wonderfully.

And here is the problem in a nutshell. Someone SO stupid that they can't get their head around climate science so it must all be made up because their teeny tiny little mind can't get round the complexity. Next thing, religion. Jesus Good, Mohammed Bad.
The secretary of state declares global warming as the most serious threat and the president thinks the potential fall in a bathtub to be feared more than ISIS. Didn't he see the horrific beheadings or the burning alive of a man in a cage? Tell it to the victims of terrorist bombings who have nails and hardware imbeded in their bodies or the relatives of people who have to be identified by their DNA. Elitists in the democrat party who are protected by bodyguards literally tango while the world burns and pander to monsters for a couple of votes while the rest of us remember 9-11 and live in the real world.
Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

OK, lets see if I get it. Because you are more likely to die of other things, we should ignore the radical muslim terrorists who have vowed to kill all of us? Is that the dem/lib plan?

will that still be your plan when a dirty nuke suitcase bomb goes off in NY or LA?
No one is ignoring the threat.
Your batshit whining Changes nothing.
The shit you are paranoid about has been possible for a very long time.
Grow the fuck up.

your Kenyan messiah is trying to get us all to ignore it. why else is he comparing terrorists to bathtubs?
Obama remains a low-life apologist for Islamofascism.

Oh shut up you tedious parrot.

The secretary of state declares global warming as the most serious threat and the president thinks the potential fall in a bathtub to be feared more than ISIS. Didn't he see the horrific beheadings or the burning alive of a man in a cage? Tell it to the victims of terrorist bombings who have nails and hardware imbeded in their bodies or the relatives of people who have to be identified by their DNA. Elitists in the democrat party who are protected by bodyguards literally tango while the world burns and pander to monsters for a couple of votes while the rest of us remember 9-11 and live in the real world.
Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

So what you're telling me is that the shrill crowing of all of the racists on here is statistically garbage? And whilst they're all screaming about a threat that is no threat at all the rich still get richer, a billionare is about to buy his way in to the presidential title race (ahead of a moan so slimy he makes GW seem like a decent moderate candidate) and the bread and circuses of the 21st century rolls on as unstoppably as ever.

Good to know.

what exactly is racist about wanting everyone treated equally? what is racist about wanting no special treatment or benefits based on race, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation? What is racist about holding each person responsible for his/her own life?

the racists in this discussion are you on the left who judge people based on race, or even worse, you allege that all successful people are evil and became successful at the expense of others.

You denigrate Trump for his business success while you praise the Clintons for their ill-gotten riches. you are the very definition of hypocrisy.

Please show me where I denigrate trump for business success or priase the Clintons for anything at all. And then when you can't because I haven't I'll accept your apology for being so narrow minded that you can't even adress a single person without pigeon holing them with opinions you have decided they have. Which is probably why you know NOTHING about Islam, and should probably shut up about that too.

here. your words "threat that is no threat at all the rich still get richer, a billionare is about to buy his way in to the presidential title race (ahead of a moan so slimy he makes GW seem like a decent moderate candidate) and the bread and circuses of the 21st century rolls on as unstoppably as ever." attention.

Terrorism is like slipping in a tub.

And the fact that terrorists are killing hundreds of people in France and Belguim means that Obama's plans are working.

So there. The problem is solved.

It's like their claims that when it's too's Global Warming....if it's too's still Global Warming.

Whatever happens just means their plans are working wonderfully.

And here is the problem in a nutshell. Someone SO stupid that they can't get their head around climate science so it must all be made up because their teeny tiny little mind can't get round the complexity. Next thing, religion. Jesus Good, Mohammed Bad.

the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, it will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, man has never had anything to do with and is incapable of reversing, delaying, or stopping it.

AGW is a hoax perpetuated by clowns and liars
Obama remains a low-life apologist for Islamofascism.

Oh shut up you tedious parrot.

Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

So what you're telling me is that the shrill crowing of all of the racists on here is statistically garbage? And whilst they're all screaming about a threat that is no threat at all the rich still get richer, a billionare is about to buy his way in to the presidential title race (ahead of a moan so slimy he makes GW seem like a decent moderate candidate) and the bread and circuses of the 21st century rolls on as unstoppably as ever.

Good to know.

what exactly is racist about wanting everyone treated equally? what is racist about wanting no special treatment or benefits based on race, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation? What is racist about holding each person responsible for his/her own life?

the racists in this discussion are you on the left who judge people based on race, or even worse, you allege that all successful people are evil and became successful at the expense of others.

You denigrate Trump for his business success while you praise the Clintons for their ill-gotten riches. you are the very definition of hypocrisy.

Please show me where I denigrate trump for business success or priase the Clintons for anything at all. And then when you can't because I haven't I'll accept your apology for being so narrow minded that you can't even adress a single person without pigeon holing them with opinions you have decided they have. Which is probably why you know NOTHING about Islam, and should probably shut up about that too.

here. your words "threat that is no threat at all the rich still get richer, a billionare is about to buy his way in to the presidential title race (ahead of a moan so slimy he makes GW seem like a decent moderate candidate) and the bread and circuses of the 21st century rolls on as unstoppably as ever."

And where is calling trump a billionare denigrating him? I reckon he'd rather like that and he'd as thin skinned as they come. I typed moan instead of man when I was denigrating Ted Cruz for being slimy (he IS slimy though) but I do not denigrate Trump for being rich. I don't believe that a billionare should be able to buy his way in to political office, that's by no means denigration.

Did you not bother to actually read what I typed? attention.

Terrorism is like slipping in a tub.

And the fact that terrorists are killing hundreds of people in France and Belguim means that Obama's plans are working.

So there. The problem is solved.

It's like their claims that when it's too's Global Warming....if it's too's still Global Warming.

Whatever happens just means their plans are working wonderfully.

And here is the problem in a nutshell. Someone SO stupid that they can't get their head around climate science so it must all be made up because their teeny tiny little mind can't get round the complexity. Next thing, religion. Jesus Good, Mohammed Bad.

the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, it will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, man has never had anything to do with and is incapable of reversing, delaying, or stopping it.

AGW is a hoax perpetuated by clowns and liars

I agree 100% with you when you say that the climate of the earth has been changing for millions of years. I find it really annoying that we wring our hands whenever a freak weather occurance happens and chastise ourselves that we are wholely responsible for it happening and that before fossil fuels were burned every day was nice and sunny with a little rain in the early evening so the plants would all grow.

The claim that global warming is a hoax is evil bullshit though, the surface of Venus is hotter than that of Mercury despite being further from the sun because of its CO2 atmosphere. Just because we can't predict with absolute precision year on year what will happen if we dump ton after ton of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doesn't mean that we should with impunity. Anyone claiming that is an idiot, and barainwashed to a degree every bit as bad as hysterical carbon zealots, probably a lot worse.
The secretary of state declares global warming as the most serious threat and the president thinks the potential fall in a bathtub to be feared more than ISIS. Didn't he see the horrific beheadings or the burning alive of a man in a cage? Tell it to the victims of terrorist bombings who have nails and hardware imbeded in their bodies or the relatives of people who have to be identified by their DNA. Elitists in the democrat party who are protected by bodyguards literally tango while the world burns and pander to monsters for a couple of votes while the rest of us remember 9-11 and live in the real world.
Maybe the Sect. Of State should declare war on bathtubs....or that they are the most dangerous thing we face...
Chances of Dying in a Terrorist Attack (Number) |
1 in 20 million
— Chance of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States from 2007 to 2011, according to Richard Barrett, coordinator of the United Nations al Qaeda/Taliban Monitoring Team.

Here come the daily headlines of Al-Qa’eda, Taliban, ISIS, and all the lone wolf attackers out there from Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, France, Belgium, USA, Canada and list goes on and on.

Projected and orchestrated by media, sometime it seems “terrorism” is the only cause of unnatural death that we face. And lives of millions of travelers suffer due to this inevitable “threat”. There were 2.84 billion commercial air passengers in 2011 alone with only 373 fatalities, so one’s chance of dying in the commercial jet is 1 in 7.6 million.

With the emotion-less and analytical brain that I got, I wanted to put things in perspective. Statistically speaking, here are few odds of dying with the causes:

  • Drowning in a Bathtub: 1 in 685,000
  • Fatally Slipping during a Shower: 1 in 812,232
  • Being Struck by Lightning: 1 in 576,000
  • Being Murdered: 1 in 18,000
  • Dying from any kind of Injury: 1 in 1,820
  • Dying from intentional Self-harm: 1 in 9,380
  • Dying from an Assault: 1 in 16,421
  • Dying from a Car Accident: 1 in 18,585
  • Dying from any kind of Fall: 1 in 20,666
  • Dying from Accidental Drowning: 1 in 79,065
  • Dying from Exposure to Smoke, Fire, and Flames: 1 in 81,524
  • Dying from Forces of Nature (earthquake, heat, cold, lightning, flood): 1 in 225,107
  • Dying from Choking on Food: 1 in 370,035
  • Dying in a Fireworks Accident: 1 in 1,000,000
  • Dying from a Dog Bite: 1 in 700,000
  • Dying from Falling off a Ladder: 1 in 2,300,000
  • Dying form unintentional Alcohol Poisoning: 1 in 820,217
  • Dying from a Heart Disease: 1 in 5
  • Dying from a Cancer: 1 in 7
  • Dying from a Stroke: 1 in 23
  • Dying from Electrocution: 1 in 5,000
  • Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
  • Scalded by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
  • By Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
  • By a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
  • Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
  • Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
  • Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
And odds of dying in a terrorist attack while on-board is 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million) and the overall average of dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9,300,000 (9.3 million).

So in contrast, you are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than in a terrorist attack, 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower, 16 times by lightning, 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide), 991 times by self-injury, 500 times in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide), 450 times by falling, 118 times by accidental drowning, 41 times in natural disasters (earthquake, flood etc.), 25 times by choking on food, 13 times by a dog bite, 4 times by falling off a ladder, 1.8 million times by a heart disease, 1860 times by electrocution, 93 times by bee sting, and 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning.

If not convinced, here is another interesting set of statistics:

  • Odds of being an astronaut: 1 in 13,200,000
  • Odds of winning an Olympic Gold Medal: 1 in 662,000
  • Odds of becoming a President: 1 in 10,000,000
  • Odds of sighting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
  • Odds of dating a Supermodel: 1 in 88,000
So, you have twice the chances of becoming an astronaut then flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot, almost the same chances of becoming a president than dying in a terrorist attack (isn’t it ironic?), three times more likely to sight a UFO today, 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics, and 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian.
A Data Scientist Explains Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack

OK, lets see if I get it. Because you are more likely to die of other things, we should ignore the radical muslim terrorists who have vowed to kill all of us? Is that the dem/lib plan?

will that still be your plan when a dirty nuke suitcase bomb goes off in NY or LA?
No one is ignoring the threat.
Your batshit whining Changes nothing.
The shit you are paranoid about has been possible for a very long time.
Grow the fuck up.

your Kenyan messiah is trying to get us all to ignore it. why else is he comparing terrorists to bathtubs?
Bullshit! he, like all non batshit humans is pointing out the futility of paranoia.
Like I said no one is ignoring anything. attention.

Terrorism is like slipping in a tub.

And the fact that terrorists are killing hundreds of people in France and Belguim means that Obama's plans are working.

So there. The problem is solved.

It's like their claims that when it's too's Global Warming....if it's too's still Global Warming.

Whatever happens just means their plans are working wonderfully.

And here is the problem in a nutshell. Someone SO stupid that they can't get their head around climate science so it must all be made up because their teeny tiny little mind can't get round the complexity. Next thing, religion. Jesus Good, Mohammed Bad.

the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, it will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, man has never had anything to do with and is incapable of reversing, delaying, or stopping it.

AGW is a hoax perpetuated by clowns and liars
And you claim to be rational and intelligence!

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