Do Liberals Want to Increase the Chances of More Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.?

You want to stop terrorism against the US, you stop meddling in ME affairs, period.

If you can't do that, then terrorism against the US is inevitable, no matter what your strategies might be.

That will not stop the Muslim push to assimilate North America

You were warned


Why the rise in rioting and civil unrest under Obama is no coincidence, but part of the plan
By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives November 19, 2015

After making America poorer, weaker, less free, more race-obsessed and balkanized throughout his tumultuous presidency, Barack Obama is gearing up to use his two tax-exempt nonprofits to continue attacking what remains of the republic’s civil society after he leaves office in 14 months.

Obama’s presidency “has been pockmarked by rioting, looting and protests,” as he “encouraged the nonstop civil unrest exhausting the nation,” writes the Hoover Institution’s Paul Sperry. Obama and his “army of social justice bullies” are going to make things worse before he leaves office on Jan. 20, 2017.

Our indefatigable Community Organizer-in-Chief is planning to use Organizing for Action (OfA) and the Barack Obama Foundation to continue punishing America for its imaginary sins and to promote manufactured controversies long after he leaves the White House.

Chicago-based OfA has trained “more than 10,000 leftist organizers, who, in turn, are training more than 2 million youths in [Saul] Alinsky street tactics,” according to Sperry. This “army of social justice bullies” will carry on Obama’s campaign to fundamentally transform America.

OfA is a less violent version of Mussolini’s black shirts and Hitler’s brown shirts, or of the government-supported goon squads that Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Cuba’s Castro brothers use to harass and intimidate their domestic opponents. OfA units brought muscle to the 2011-12 fight in Wisconsin over that state’s out-of-control government labor unions. OfA has bludgeoned Democrats that Obama deemed insufficiently left-wing, especially red-state congressional Democrats who had been wavering on the issue of Obamacare.

OfA’s activism relies heavily on the Internet and draws its inspiration from MoveOn, which developed a successful model for meet-up activism and point-and-click fundraising. Today, the campaigns waged by OfA and MoveOn often overlap. Sometimes both groups produce mass e-mails that arrive in members’ e-mail boxes within minutes of each other.

OfA, however, is only part of the picture.

ALL of the article here:
And more evidence that letting in thousands of Syrian "refugees" is a risky move:

EXCLUSIVE -- CONFIRMED: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

SIXTH SYRIAN with Fake Passport Captured in Honduras on Way to US - The Gateway Pundit

The point is that if Syrians are trying to enter the country illegally via our Southern border, it is clearly not a smart move to bring thousands of Syrians to America and thus greatly increase the chances that some terrorists could enter the country by passing themselves off as Syrian refugees.

By the way, as others have noted, the Boston Bombers were Muslim "refugees."

Moreover, I repeat the point about the disturbing findings of surveys done among Syrian refugees. These surveys have found that a sizable number of those refugees hold a positive view of ISIS and/or of jihadism in general. So bringing in thousands of Syrian refugees would increase our chances of more bombings and other attacks.
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And more evidence that letting in thousands of Syrian "refugees" is a risky move:

EXCLUSIVE -- CONFIRMED: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

SIXTH SYRIAN with Fake Passport Captured in Honduras on Way to US - The Gateway Pundit

The point is that if Syrians are trying to enter the country illegally via our Southern border, it is clearly not a smart move to bring thousands of Syrians to America and thus greatly increase the chances that some terrorists could enter the country by passing themselves off as Syrian refugees.

By the way, as others have noted, the Boston Bombers were Muslim "refugees."

Moreover, I repeat the point about the disturbing findings of surveys done among Syrian refugees. These surveys have found that a sizable number of those refugees hold a positive view of ISIS and/or of jihadism in general. So bringing in thousands of Syrian refugees would increase our chances of more bombings and other attacks.
Mike, you just answered your own question. THOSE folks haven't been in refugee camps for years, like the ones we are going to take in. There are muslims trying to sneak in, but seriously do you think ISIS has super duper sleeper agents hiding in refugee camps for years on the chance that eventually the US would take in refugees, when they can radicalize people already here, slip in "illegals," or even have "tourists" come here with visas?
liberals are willing to see thousands die in an attack so long as they win elections

Well let's hope it doesn't come to that. But if it does, and it's learned that the terrorists were part of the refugee program, Democrats will not only lose the white house, but lose even more people in Congress and Senate.
Ft. Hood Terrorist Attack...
"Nothing to see here, folks. just a case of 'Workplace Violence'! Just move along..."

Boston Marathon Bombing
"Barry, this is Vlad, You have some kid who attended a terrorist training camp, and he and his brother are bad news. They are going to perpetrate an attack on the US."
- "Thanks, Vlad, We'll .. uh... get right on that.
- "Quick, put their pictures on TV, act like we have no idea who they are, and ask Americans to help ID them"

Navy Recruiting Station
'News Reports claim one of the military members was killed with a gun provided to Mexican Drug Cartels in the Fast and Furious Program'
- "Uhh, Americans should not jump to any inclusions. This has nothing to do with Islamic Extremism'....or Fast and Furious

There are warnings about terrorist attacks planned against our embassies throughout the ME on 9/11/12, every foreign rep has been pulled out of Benghazi. there is a call to assassinate Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12, his compound has been attacked twice in the last several weeks, and he has asked 600 times for additional security.
-- "Hillary, uh, tell Stevens to stay where he is, ignore his requests, and take away 16 members of his security detail.

Paris Attacks
- "I don't have a complete policy on ISIS, but my goal has always been to contain them...and we have!"
154+ dead, almost as many wounded, attackers were refugees
- "Uh, That's just a 'setback' - let's bring into the US about 65,000 of these guys."
'Sir, we can't complete background checks on that many by then.'
- "WTF? Are you frightened of a bunch of widows and orphans? They pose no threat...'

Hard to argue with a dumbmass....
Whats interesting is how fast the left wing drones here have picked up the memes and are retelling them. So Syrian refugees are just like Jewish refugees in WW2. If you oppose Syrian refugees you are just giving in to fear. Opposition is based on hatred of Obama. Over and over. It's like they got the talking points from Organizing for America this morning and are beating it to death.
Whats interesting is how fast the left wing drones here have picked up the memes and are retelling them. So Syrian refugees are just like Jewish refugees in WW2. If you oppose Syrian refugees you are just giving in to fear. Opposition is based on hatred of Obama. Over and over. It's like they got the talking points from Organizing for America this morning and are beating it to death.

I look at it this way: 3/4 of those refugees are guys in their late teens and in their 20's. They are coming here to avoid war, but then expect us to send our men in their late teens and 20's to go out and fight for them.

Of course we don't want them here. We want them fighting for their own country.
The screening bill just passed with a veto proof majority.

Will obama have to be hospitalized?
i wonder how Pelosi would react if ISIS decided to do a replay of Paris in San Fran Sisco.
Obama DID want to bring America down off its high horse.

I gotta say, in this (though nothing else) He's has achieved.
Hey, that meltdown! An oldie but a goodie.

I honestly believe that the Paris terror attack and the reaction of Obama and the dims has destroyed any small chance the democrats had at the White House.

Unfortunately, I think it just handed the White House to Donald Trump, and I am most assuredly not a Trump fan.
I agree.

I haven't heard about any so called Christian terrorist chopping of heads on Al Jazera or burning a prisoner alive or putting toddlers in suicide vests so they can blow folks up.

Comparing any Christian acts with ISIS is foolish to the extreme.

But then its Shittingbull. Can you expect anything less??

He/She/It is a fool.

The left is desperate to paint Islam as no different than Christianity. Couple this with the fact that Shitting Bull has literally zero integrity, and you get the bigoted bullshit he posted.

Yep, Eric Rudolph was a nutjob terrorist. That was over 20 years ago. Muzzie Beasts engage in terrorism each and every day. And it isn't one mentally ill psycho like Rudolph, but millions who engage and agree with terrorist acts.
I don't believe liberals "want" to increase the odds of another attack.
I do think however they want to see our western culture further eroded, and because of that will always want to see more Muslims as well as other non-western cultures come here.
Remember, they are multiculturalists who believe homogeneous societies are evil because they become too strong, and that's just not fair.

I'm split on this.

The left wants to end America. That is the sad fact,. The end game for the left is the revocation of the Constitution and the imposition of a command economy in an authoritarian state, similar to Germany, where speech against politically powerful groups will land you in prison.

Islam is a very destructive force against America, so the democrats have made an ally of Islam in their fight to destroy the USA. Do they want Americans dead? Perhaps not, but they sure don't mind dead Americans, provided the goals of the party are furthered.
You want to stop terrorism against the US, you stop meddling in ME affairs, period.

If you can't do that, then terrorism against the US is inevitable, no matter what your strategies might be.

A day late and numerous brain cells short.

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