CBS News poll: Trump's approval dips to all-time-low 36%

From original source link:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) disapprove.

The latest figures for Trump include 30% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 42% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12. (see trends).

I guess ALABAMA runs late.
ILMAO at "I dare you". Stop acting like a pussy liberal. First 100 days below. Add Obama represented weakness, excuses & contrary thought. Trump is his polar opposite.

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump's Major Accomplishments in First 100 Days

Nope. don't need an op/ed from a RWNJ blogger. Please. No fake news.

Why don't you post the WH record? Or the congressional record? :uhoh3:


I see you liberals STILL can't articulate why Trump is doing a poor job. Face it, you people are pussies. You're weak-minded and under the spell of liberal propaganda (i.e., Trump's not popular, as show by polls". Seriously, you people are lost souls. Here you go.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments
Donald Trump's popularity is at an all-time low.
His approval regarding the Russia investigation is the worst of any topic.
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings

In this threads, we discuss how Trump can change course to avoid taking George W. Bush's throne as worst President of all time.
At this point, Trump already has the honor of worst President of all time. No other President has had approval numbers as low as Trumps over the first 5 months in office

You obviously have a problem distinguishing popularity from performance. For many of us, his unpopularity with folks like yourself indicates he's doing a good job, which he is. While you hope he's the worst POUS we've ever had, I challenge you to articulate why he is.
Let me guess. In your opinion, Trump's performance is awesome. LOL. Fine. I'll stop posting what Americans think of Trump. I'll post threads based on what you believe his performance to be like. I'm gonna tell pollsters to call you and only you.

I see. So you can't explain why Trump is doing a poor job. He just is, because he's unpopular with liberals.
And independents too.
California and New York continue to dislike president Trump, wow shocker. Meanwhile in the 30 states that swept Trump to victory we are making America great again :eusa_dance:
The poll was conducted among people of all states. And do CA and NY dislike him more, less or the same as they disliked him in January?
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
Donald Trump's popularity is at an all-time low.
His approval regarding the Russia investigation is the worst of any topic.
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings

In this threads, we discuss how Trump can change course to avoid taking George W. Bush's throne as worst President of all time.
Obama is the worst.

And Rasmussen has Trump at 50%
Rasmussen uses an LV screen, and nobody else does. Trump is the President of all Americans regardless of likelihood of votes.
Rasmussin has him at 50%
Not anymore. It is a daily poll and as of yesterday, the numbers have changed. Trump lost 2 points in approval and gained 1 in disapproval. 48% approval and 51% disapproval in his best poll.
What truly matters with these POTUS daily/weekly favorability polls is the STATISTICAL TREND! The trend line for the Orange Clown has been steadily falling and that is the only information for this type of poll that matters, folks! I've predicted last month that the Narcissist-in-Chief will be under 30% favorability in the major polls by Labor Day, Rasmussen notwithstanding being a statistical outlier by design.
Frazier, if you had an ounce of spine you'd admit Trump's unpopularity with the left is the result of fabrications, and the lingering butt-hurt you've felt since the election. You're unable to distinguish the importance of the tangible (results), because you're lost in the intangible (e.g., popularity with the left).

I've always said the primary difference between conservatives and liberals is conservatives are practical thinkers while liberals emotional. Your focus on popularity proves just that, as does your spell under liberal propaganda.
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
It's actually worse for SJ than that. Apparently Trump had polls from specific places in Mich and PA that gave reason for optimism. And apparently the dems had similar polls .. but Hillary and Bobby Mook ignored them.
Frazier, if you had an ounce of spine you'd admit Trump's unpopularity with the left is the result of fabrications and remaining butt-hurt over the election results. You're unable to distinguish the importance of the tangible, because you're lost in the intangible. Hence popularity.

I've always said the primary difference between conservatives and liberals is conservatives are practical thinkers while liberals emotional. Your focus on popularity proves just that, as does your spell under liberal propaganda.
Partially that's true, but Trump's poll numbers are overall worse now than when he was elected. Of course the dems want to do him in, as did the Turtle with Obama, but Trump's tweets, dissing Nato and firing Comey are of his own making
California and New York continue to dislike president Trump, wow shocker. Meanwhile in the 30 states that swept Trump to victory we are making America great again :eusa_dance:
The poll was conducted among people of all states. And do CA and NY dislike him more, less or the same as they disliked him in January?

The only states that matter are the 30 states that voted for Trump, he carries those again and Dem's will lose again in 2020. We really don't give a shit what people in CA and NY think of president Trump hence this poll is worthless liberal drivel.
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
Wrong again, Teddy.
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
It's actually worse for SJ than that. Apparently Trump had polls from specific places in Mich and PA that gave reason for optimism. And apparently the dems had similar polls .. but Hillary and Bobby Mook ignored them.
See post #59, then STFU (for your own good). :lol:

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