CBS News poll: Trump's approval dips to all-time-low 36%

Your link is an article on CBS' popular vote prediction, which was only off by 1.9%.
No one fails like Odium fails.
Woo boy all that twisting and turning nothing like leftists trying to wiggle their way out of more bullshit lies. ALL polls lied and continue to do so. YAWN.

Your cite: With just one day left in the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton holds a four-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, 45 percent to 41 percent -- similar to last week. Few voters say their minds could change.

And compared to what happened:

46.4% votes 62,984,825

48.5% votes 65,853,516

Well within the margin of error
Twist and turn,Twist and turn.....this is fun to watch. I do hope the polls tell you leftists that the leftist Anti American party is going to win next November and then get crushed LOL....will be almost as good as the meltdowns on election night 2016!
California and New York continue to dislike president Trump, wow shocker. Meanwhile in the 30 states that swept Trump to victory we are making America great again :eusa_dance:
The poll was conducted among people of all states. And do CA and NY dislike him more, less or the same as they disliked him in January?

The only states that matter are the 30 states that voted for Trump, he carries those again and Dem's will lose again in 2020. We really don't give a shit what people in CA and NY think of president Trump hence this poll is worthless liberal drivel.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida went for Trump by less than 2 points. In Michigan, Florida, and Pennsylvania, blacks did not turn out. If they do in 2020, that gives Democrats 292 votes. The vote in 2016 was for who you hated the least. If Democrats nominate a adult Trump is in big trouble.
Just think about this libs...You have 8 years to get all your bitching and complaining in. :lol:
I doubt we will have 8 months.

You liars sound like convicted felons. Just substitute how many months Trump has for will i get convicted.

Trump has no path to the white house.
If elected he won't last a month
If he lasts a month, he'll be impeached
if he's not impeached, he wont last 3 months.
If he lasts three months he's so fat he'll die
If he doesn't die, he'll be impeached....

Blah blah blah blah blah over and over. LOL!
And Rasmussen has Trump at 50%

And every other poll has Trump at 36%

I think rasmussen is just "pulling a trump" like the number of people at trumps inauguration.
Rasmussen was the only pollster that had the election close. The only one that predicted Trump had a chance.

They all had it close. Rasmussen was one of the few polls that had Trump ahead.

I look at quality of work not quantity. Many of the things Trump has done allows big business to screw their customers.
Give us some examples.

Allowing coal companies to dump coal waste in rivers
Repealing a rule that would have required financial advisors to take the best interests of their clients into account
Repealing a rule that would have required airlines to disclose more of the hidden fees on their tickets
Passing legislation that would allow ISPs to sell their customers information
Just think about this libs...You have 8 years to get all your bitching and complaining in. :lol:
I doubt we will have 8 months.

You liars sound like convicted felons. Just substitute how many months Trump has for will i get convicted.

Trump has no path to the white house.
If elected he won't last a month
If he lasts a month, he'll be impeached
if he's not impeached, he wont last 3 months.
If he lasts three months he's so fat he'll die
If he doesn't die, he'll be impeached....

Blah blah blah blah blah over and over. LOL!
Do you have some proof that Trump is innocent of all potential allegations? If so, its time to share them with us
Just think about this libs...You have 8 years to get all your bitching and complaining in. :lol:
I doubt we will have 8 months.

You liars sound like convicted felons. Just substitute how many months Trump has for will i get convicted.

Trump has no path to the white house.
If elected he won't last a month
If he lasts a month, he'll be impeached
if he's not impeached, he wont last 3 months.
If he lasts three months he's so fat he'll die
If he doesn't die, he'll be impeached....

Blah blah blah blah blah over and over. LOL!
Do you have some proof that Trump is innocent of all potential allegations? If so, its time to share them with us
Sorry fascist, the proof is on the accusers in this country and you aint got shit! BTW, thanks for letting us all see your fascist mindset!

Innocent until proven guilty!
Just think about this libs...You have 8 years to get all your bitching and complaining in. :lol:
I doubt we will have 8 months.

You liars sound like convicted felons. Just substitute how many months Trump has for will i get convicted.

Trump has no path to the white house.
If elected he won't last a month
If he lasts a month, he'll be impeached
if he's not impeached, he wont last 3 months.
If he lasts three months he's so fat he'll die
If he doesn't die, he'll be impeached....

Blah blah blah blah blah over and over. LOL!
Do you have some proof that Trump is innocent of all potential allegations? If so, its time to share them with us
Sorry fascist, the proof is on the accusers in this country and you aint got shit! BTW, thanks for letting us all see your fascist mindset!
We don't have shit, but I will bet the Justice dept has a whole lot on Trump already
Just think about this libs...You have 8 years to get all your bitching and complaining in. :lol:
I doubt we will have 8 months.

You liars sound like convicted felons. Just substitute how many months Trump has for will i get convicted.

Trump has no path to the white house.
If elected he won't last a month
If he lasts a month, he'll be impeached
if he's not impeached, he wont last 3 months.
If he lasts three months he's so fat he'll die
If he doesn't die, he'll be impeached....

Blah blah blah blah blah over and over. LOL!
Do you have some proof that Trump is innocent of all potential allegations? If so, its time to share them with us
Sorry fascist, the proof is on the accusers in this country and you aint got shit! BTW, thanks for letting us all see your fascist mindset!
We don't have shit, but I will bet the Justice dept has a whole lot on Trump already
nice retreat seeing how i caught your fascist hide!
I doubt we will have 8 months.

You liars sound like convicted felons. Just substitute how many months Trump has for will i get convicted.

Trump has no path to the white house.
If elected he won't last a month
If he lasts a month, he'll be impeached
if he's not impeached, he wont last 3 months.
If he lasts three months he's so fat he'll die
If he doesn't die, he'll be impeached....

Blah blah blah blah blah over and over. LOL!
Do you have some proof that Trump is innocent of all potential allegations? If so, its time to share them with us
Sorry fascist, the proof is on the accusers in this country and you aint got shit! BTW, thanks for letting us all see your fascist mindset!
We don't have shit, but I will bet the Justice dept has a whole lot on Trump already
nice retreat seeing how i caught your fascist hide!
What you say or do doesn't mean shit, its all about Robert Mueller and his staff of Hillary supporters who are out to hang Trump
You liars sound like convicted felons. Just substitute how many months Trump has for will i get convicted.

Trump has no path to the white house.
If elected he won't last a month
If he lasts a month, he'll be impeached
if he's not impeached, he wont last 3 months.
If he lasts three months he's so fat he'll die
If he doesn't die, he'll be impeached....

Blah blah blah blah blah over and over. LOL!
Do you have some proof that Trump is innocent of all potential allegations? If so, its time to share them with us
Sorry fascist, the proof is on the accusers in this country and you aint got shit! BTW, thanks for letting us all see your fascist mindset!
We don't have shit, but I will bet the Justice dept has a whole lot on Trump already
nice retreat seeing how i caught your fascist hide!
What you say or do doesn't mean shit, its all about Robert Mueller and his staff of Hillary supporters who are out to hang Trump
you start spinning really fast when you get caught don't you?
California and New York continue to dislike president Trump, wow shocker. Meanwhile in the 30 states that swept Trump to victory we are making America great again :eusa_dance:
The poll was conducted among people of all states. And do CA and NY dislike him more, less or the same as they disliked him in January?

The only states that matter are the 30 states that voted for Trump, he carries those again and Dem's will lose again in 2020. We really don't give a shit what people in CA and NY think of president Trump hence this poll is worthless liberal drivel.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida went for Trump by less than 2 points. In Michigan, Florida, and Pennsylvania, blacks did not turn out. If they do in 2020, that gives Democrats 292 votes. The vote in 2016 was for who you hated the least. If Democrats nominate a adult Trump is in big trouble.

Libtard, your candidate was a former first lady for 8 years and SOS, her husband is a former president, you had Obama a sitting president on your side, the entire MSM, and a $1.2 billion dollar war chest and you were up against an amateur who had never run for office before and even with all those advantages he still whooped your ass, hilarious :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Libtard, your candidate was a former first lady for 8 years and SOS, her husband is a former president, you had Obama a sitting president on your side, the entire MSM, and a $1.2 billion dollar war chest and you were up against an amateur who had never run for office before and even with all those advantages he still whooped your ass, hilarious :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

very tough for a party to hold on to White House for the 9th year (happened 1 time in 100 years), Obama was popular but his time in office did Clinton's chances no favors.

Trump-the-pussy-grabber for his part did all he could to overcome the odds though, not good enough.
And Rasmussen has Trump at 50%

And every other poll has Trump at 36%

I think rasmussen is just "pulling a trump" like the number of people at trumps inauguration.
Rasmussen was the only pollster that had the election close. The only one that predicted Trump had a chance.

They all had it close. Rasmussen was one of the few polls that had Trump ahead.

I look at quality of work not quantity. Many of the things Trump has done allows big business to screw their customers.
Give us some examples.

Allowing coal companies to dump coal waste in rivers
Repealing a rule that would have required financial advisors to take the best interests of their clients into account
Repealing a rule that would have required airlines to disclose more of the hidden fees on their tickets
Passing legislation that would allow ISPs to sell their customers information
I want links to facts, I'm not interested in your version of them.
Libtard, your candidate was a former first lady for 8 years and SOS, her husband is a former president, you had Obama a sitting president on your side, the entire MSM, and a $1.2 billion dollar war chest and you were up against an amateur who had never run for office before and even with all those advantages he still whooped your ass, hilarious :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

very tough for a party to hold on to White House for the 9th year (happened 1 time in 100 years), Obama was popular but his time in office did Clinton's chances no favors.

Trump-the-pussy-grabber for his part did all he could to overcome the odds though, not good enough.

Rejection, you people should be getting used to it by now.
Not anymore. It is a daily poll and as of yesterday, the numbers have changed. Trump lost 2 points in approval and gained 1 in disapproval. 48% approval and 51% disapproval in his best poll
48% matches and also beats Obama's numbers at this time in his first term. Also a daily poll is more trustworthy than a 6 - 8 week poll. And give me a break! CBS POLL???? they hate Trump!
You are making misguided nonsense excuses. Trump's polls do not average 48% approval. He got a 48% rating in one single poll. His average among all the polls is in the mid 30's. So, you are trying to compare Obama's average numbers with one single trump high number. Also, the polls do not wait for 6 to 8 weeks to pass by. They poll every week or bi-weekly at the most. Finally, there is nothing wrong with the CBS poll. They are close enough to the other polls so as to give them credibility.

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