CBS News poll: Trump's approval dips to all-time-low 36%

Yeah but Rasmussen has Trump at 50%. Is it possible that CBS is intentionally skewing the polling data to undermine the administration? Don't forget it was CBS that used forged documents not long ago to try to impact republican votes in a presidential election.
More legislation has been signed by President Trump than either Bush or Obama over the same period of time.

That's a fact.

The Stock Market is roaring based simply on his blueprint and economic plan that has not even been placed in to effect yet.

Jobs are returning to this country and so will our wealth.
So Trump is awesome because he signs lots of executive orders? LMAO
I didn't mention Executive Orders, now did I?
You know the difference, right?
You probably aren't an American Citizen so no point in my explaining it to you.
Yeah but Rasmussen has Trump at 50%. Is it possible that CBS is intentionally skewing the polling data to undermine the administration? Don't forget it was CBS that used forged documents not long ago to try to impact republican votes in a presidential election.
It was also CBS that went on the air the other night and said Conservatives deserve to die for their political stances.
Donald Trump's popularity is at an all-time low.
His approval regarding the Russia investigation is the worst of any topic.
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings

In this threads, we discuss how Trump can change course to avoid taking George W. Bush's throne as worst President of all time.

Actually, 36% is just great, considering that CBS only polls dead people and little children to get their results! Why don't you quote the Rasmussen poll that got FIFTY-FIVE PERCENT when asking likely voters?

Who do you fucking assholes think you are kidding other than your own pathetic, whiny selves? I can't wait to see your fucking face when all of your balloon dreams all go pop again at the last moment.

More legislation has been signed by President Trump than either Bush or Obama over the same period of time.

That's a fact.

The Stock Market is roaring based simply on his blueprint and economic plan that has not even been placed in to effect yet.

Jobs are returning to this country and so will our wealth.
So Trump is awesome because he signs lots of executive orders? LMAO
I didn't mention Executive Orders, now did I?
You know the difference, right?
You probably aren't an American Citizen so no point in my explaining it to you.
Signing legislation is not a measure of good performance.
Donald Trump's popularity is at an all-time low.
His approval regarding the Russia investigation is the worst of any topic.
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings

In this threads, we discuss how Trump can change course to avoid taking George W. Bush's throne as worst President of all time.

Actually, 36% is just great, considering that CBS only polls dead people and little children to get their results! Why don't you quote the Rasmussen poll that got FIFTY-FIVE PERCENT when asking likely voters?

View attachment 134359
Because no one else polls likely voters. Trump is the President of everyone in America, not just "likely voters", retard.
Tell me which other pollster uses an LV screen for approval rating.
Yeah but Rasmussen has Trump at 50%. Is it possible that CBS is intentionally skewing the polling data to undermine the administration? Don't forget it was CBS that used forged documents not long ago to try to impact republican votes in a presidential election.
It was also CBS that went on the air the other night and said Conservatives deserve to die for their political stances.
Is there a guy called "CBS"? Did the pollster say conservatives deserve to die? Or are you talking about one person who was in CBS stating his opinion?
Donald Trump's popularity is at an all-time low.
His approval regarding the Russia investigation is the worst of any topic.
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings

In this threads, we discuss how Trump can change course to avoid taking George W. Bush's throne as worst President of all time.
At this point, Trump already has the honor of worst President of all time. No other President has had approval numbers as low as Trumps over the first 5 months in office

You obviously have a problem distinguishing popularity from performance. For many of us, his unpopularity with folks like yourself indicates he's doing a good job, which he is. While you hope he's the worst POUS we've ever had, I challenge you to articulate why he is.

Actually, he hasn't really done much and what he has done will hurt the working class. Bigly.

Its obvious that trumpkins don't read the record of congress or the prez. Google is your friend.
Donald Trump's popularity is at an all-time low.
His approval regarding the Russia investigation is the worst of any topic.
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings

In this threads, we discuss how Trump can change course to avoid taking George W. Bush's throne as worst President of all time.
At this point, Trump already has the honor of worst President of all time. No other President has had approval numbers as low as Trumps over the first 5 months in office

You obviously have a problem distinguishing popularity from performance. For many of us, his unpopularity with folks like yourself indicates he's doing a good job, which he is. While you hope he's the worst POUS we've ever had, I challenge you to articulate why he is.
Let me guess. In your opinion, Trump's performance is awesome. LOL. Fine. I'll stop posting what Americans think of Trump. I'll post threads based on what you believe his performance to be like. I'm gonna tell pollsters to call you and only you.

I see. So you can't explain why Trump is doing a poor job. He just is, because he's unpopular with liberals.
36% means his base is walking away too.

Recently I read that he is unhappy, wants out but doesn't want to be known as the prez who quit.

I've said it before - we need to be careful what we wish for. Trump is impotent, scattered, can't accomplish anything but those silly exec orders. That makes him a lot safer than Pence, LyinRyan, McConnell, Hatch.

The wealthy will still get their huge tax cuts and the rest of us will still get our taxes raised and we'll lose any chance for affordable health care because the Rs want to give $ to insurance, pharma. We may see the end of Medicare, Medicaid, SocSec - the Rs have said they want that. Ad food stamps for elderly, children, military, vets? Gone if they get their way. Look what they've already done to the military and vets.

But Pence wants sharia law. He wants to own people's lives. And he's disciplined. And he just started his own PAC.
Not so fast.

Rural America is supportive of Trump, but it’s not monolithic

"At a time when his job approval rating is in net negative territory nationally, more than half of all adults (54 percent) in rural America say they approve of the way he is doing his job, according to a new Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation survey. His approval rating among rural Americans is 10 percentage points higher than among suburbanites and 22 points higher than among city dwellers."

but he'll have to deliver on the promises.

"Overall, a slim 51 percent majority of rural residents are very or somewhat confident Trump will create jobs in their community, while 46 percent say they are not too confident or not confident at all about this.

Still, those rural voters who backed Trump in November express confidence that his presidency will improve their lives. About 8 in 10 say they are either very or somewhat confident Trump will improve health care and create jobs in their area. More than 9 in 10 Trump voters say they think he will keep the country safe from terrorism and that he will protect individual freedoms."

I saw that too. Rural voters get most of their news from local sources and the major networks. That means they watch fox and the print they see is their own small town newspaper.

Be that as it may, what is obvious is that trumpkins are not paying close attention to his actions. Only to his bragging and whining.

If you look at his actions, he has done nothing for health care and has lied about jobs. Like coal - he said some outrageous number like 30K jobs had been added to coal. First, that's simply not possible but low info voters don't know that. All they know was that sickening photo op with the poor miners. Same with his lies about Ford, Carrier and others.

He has done nothing to keep us safe from terrorism. All he has done is yammer about a Muslim ban, which, of course, would have the opposite effect.

And freedoms? He has repeatedly said he wants to gut the constitution. RWNJ either don't hear it or they're in favor of it too because you always see the crowds applaud. Or maybe they're just dumb.

Thing is, there are not enough Dems to keep the Rs and trump from their all out attack on the US and you fools are just fine with that.
More legislation has been signed by President Trump than either Bush or Obama over the same period of time.

That's a fact.

The Stock Market is roaring based simply on his blueprint and economic plan that has not even been placed in to effect yet.

Jobs are returning to this country and so will our wealth.

Add we're a much stronger nation. We no longer have a POUS with an apology agenda. National security is much improved. Trump is an asshole, and we needed it. The more effective he is the more liberals hate him.
Donald Trump's popularity is at an all-time low.
His approval regarding the Russia investigation is the worst of any topic.
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings

In this threads, we discuss how Trump can change course to avoid taking George W. Bush's throne as worst President of all time.
At this point, Trump already has the honor of worst President of all time. No other President has had approval numbers as low as Trumps over the first 5 months in office

You obviously have a problem distinguishing popularity from performance. For many of us, his unpopularity with folks like yourself indicates he's doing a good job, which he is. While you hope he's the worst POUS we've ever had, I challenge you to articulate why he is.
Let me guess. In your opinion, Trump's performance is awesome. LOL. Fine. I'll stop posting what Americans think of Trump. I'll post threads based on what you believe his performance to be like. I'm gonna tell pollsters to call you and only you.

I see. So you can't explain why Trump is doing a poor job. He just is, because he's unpopular with liberals.

Why do you RWNJs always have to be spoon fed?

You can read, research for yourself. Start with the actual actions trump has taken. No, not his version, not the version of Alex Jones, gateway, dredge, brietbart, etc. And not the reports of legit news either. Read the actual record.

Do that and then tell us what all he has done.

I dare you.

More legislation has been signed by President Trump than either Bush or Obama over the same period of time.

That's a fact.

The Stock Market is roaring based simply on his blueprint and economic plan that has not even been placed in to effect yet.

Jobs are returning to this country and so will our wealth.

Add we're a much stronger nation. We no longer have a POUS with an apology agenda. National security is much improved. Trump is an asshole, and we needed it. The more effective he is the more liberals hate him.

Then why did POUS [sic] apologize to his business partners and attack our allies?

National security is now all but non-existent - thanks to the cheeto.

No, libs don't hate him for being effective. Patriotic Americans hate him for his constant attacks on the US and loud noise covering his lack of action.

Or, can you prove that he's actually done what you say he has?

I don't mean what he has done to put more money in his pocket and more in the pockets of the 1%. I mean for America.

Not his fake jobs, not all the promises he lied about.

I mean real accomplishments.


California and New York continue to dislike president Trump, wow shocker. Meanwhile in the 30 states that swept Trump to victory we are making America great again :eusa_dance:

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