CBS News poll: Trump's approval dips to all-time-low 36%

Frazier, if you had an ounce of spine you'd admit Trump's unpopularity with the left is the result of fabrications, and the lingering butt-hurt you've felt since the election. You're unable to distinguish the importance of the tangible (results), because you're lost in the intangible (e.g., popularity with the left).

I've always said the primary difference between conservatives and liberals is conservatives are practical thinkers while liberals emotional. Your focus on popularity proves just that, as does your spell under liberal propaganda.

:lmao: "focus on popularity? OMFG what an opening.

WHO backed out of a debate and then said "we'll see what the ratings are"?
WHO fantasized that he had won the most electoral votes since Reagan?
WHO made shit up about how many throngs attended his inauguration and how it was not raining?
WHO still wets his pants over losing the popular vote, clinging to this completely made up crap that "three million illegals voted"?

Holy shit, wipe them shoes.

Not to be lost here is the always-entertaining froth of those jackalopes who can't distinguish between political preferences and personality types. That's a hoot too.
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
Wrong again, Teddy.

Your image didn't show that a pollster
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
Wrong again, Teddy.

Your video doesn't show that a pollster made any EV prediction. Dont post irrelevant videos.
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
Wrong again, Teddy.

Your image didn't show that a pollster
CBS had Hillary Clinton ahead by 4 points on Nov. 6th. So much for their accuracy.
Latest Election Polls 2016
And she won by over 2%.
Yeah, that's why she's POTUS. :lol: :itsok:
Your argument wasn't that CBS predicted Hillary would become POTUS. Polls predict popular vote, not electoral votes. Your argument was that CBS was far off the popular vote results. And you were proved wrong, because Hillary won the popular vote and CBS was only off by 1.9.
Wrong again, Teddy.

Your video doesn't show that a pollster made any EV prediction. Dont post irrelevant videos.

Man, you're desperate. LMAO.
Frazier, if you had an ounce of spine you'd admit Trump's unpopularity with the left is the result of fabrications, and the lingering butt-hurt you've felt since the election. You're unable to distinguish the importance of the tangible (results), because you're lost in the intangible (e.g., popularity with the left).

I've always said the primary difference between conservatives and liberals is conservatives are practical thinkers while liberals emotional. Your focus on popularity proves just that, as does your spell under liberal propaganda.

:lmao: "focus on popularity? OMFG what an opening.

WHO backed out of a debate and then said "we'll see what the ratings are"?
WHO fantasized that he had won the most electoral votes since Reagan?
WHO made shit up about how many throngs attended his inauguration and how it was not raining?
WHO still wets his pants over losing the popular vote, clinging to this completely made up crap that "three million illegals voted"?

Holy shit, wipe them shoes.

Not to be lost here is the always-entertaining froth of those jackalopes who can't distinguish between political preferences and personality types. That's a hoot too.

I know you are but what am I? In what way did you dispute my points? Let's be honest, you're emotionally charged. BTW, you should look up the term "opening".

Of course that is a Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen generally gave Trump his best numbers. They even had Trump ahead in the popular vote which he lost. Rasmussen's likely voter poll is based on the turnout in 2016. We know a lot of the Democrat coalition did not turn out so basing poll numbers on that would inflate Trump's numbers.

Rasmussen has always tried to favor Republicans because that is good for business with the rightwing propaganda industry.
Not anymore. It is a daily poll and as of yesterday, the numbers have changed. Trump lost 2 points in approval and gained 1 in disapproval. 48% approval and 51% disapproval in his best poll
48% matches and also beats Obama's numbers at this time in his first term. Also a daily poll is more trustworthy than a 6 - 8 week poll. And give me a break! CBS POLL???? they hate Trump!
36% means his base is walking away too.

Recently I read that he is unhappy, wants out but doesn't want to be known as the prez who quit.

I've said it before - we need to be careful what we wish for. Trump is impotent, scattered, can't accomplish anything but those silly exec orders. That makes him a lot safer than Pence, LyinRyan, McConnell, Hatch.

The wealthy will still get their huge tax cuts and the rest of us will still get our taxes raised and we'll lose any chance for affordable health care because the Rs want to give $ to insurance, pharma. We may see the end of Medicare, Medicaid, SocSec - the Rs have said they want that. Ad food stamps for elderly, children, military, vets? Gone if they get their way. Look what they've already done to the military and vets.

But Pence wants sharia law. He wants to own people's lives. And he's disciplined. And he just started his own PAC.

36% means that he is just about down to his base vote. However that is not enough to win a second term.

More legislation has been signed by President Trump than either Bush or Obama over the same period of time.

That's a fact.

The Stock Market is roaring based simply on his blueprint and economic plan that has not even been placed in to effect yet.

Jobs are returning to this country and so will our wealth.

The Stock Market is roaring because Trump and the Republicans allow businesses to do anything they want. It is okay for financial advisors to cheat their clients. It is okay for ISPs to sell their customers' information. It is okay for big airlines to pull a bait and switch on their customers.

The fact is that companies have been coming back to this country for years. Not because of Obama but for other business reasons. Many of the jobs that were announced by Trump earlier this year was in the works when Obama was President.
Polls don't matter to Trump cultists...but you know this shit has got to be eating away at the big orange clown himself.

The white house aides have reported that Trump is watching tv all day long, Yelling at the screen, and tweeting about his news coverage. The man has time to watch fox news all morning, and again all evening?

Who says Trump works hard at being president? Because I don't see it. And from what I have seen, Trump hasn't gotten much done, at least not compared to everything he promised to do in his first 100 days. Like repeal obamacare, deport 2 million criminal aliens, get mexico to pay for the wall, and of course, his muslim ban.
Rasmussen was the only pollster that had the election close. The only one that predicted Trump had a chance.

Rasmussen had Trump close in the popular vote, which as you know was grossly wrong. The others got the popular vote correct.

Your cite: With just one day left in the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton holds a four-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, 45 percent to 41 percent -- similar to last week. Few voters say their minds could change.

And compared to what happened:

46.4% votes 62,984,825

48.5% votes 65,853,516

Well within the margin of error
ILMAO at "I dare you". Stop acting like a pussy liberal. First 100 days below. Add Obama represented weakness, excuses & contrary thought. Trump is his polar opposite.

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump's Major Accomplishments in First 100 Days

Nope. don't need an op/ed from a RWNJ blogger. Please. No fake news.

Why don't you post the WH record? Or the congressional record? :uhoh3:


I see you liberals STILL can't articulate why Trump is doing a poor job. Face it, you people are pussies. You're weak-minded and under the spell of liberal propaganda (i.e., Trump's not popular, as show by polls". Seriously, you people are lost souls. Here you go.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

I look at quality of work not quantity. Many of the things Trump has done allows big business to screw their customers.

Trump is the worst President we have ever had. He is a congenital liar. He treats the FBI like it is his personal security force. Look at the instructions his administration gave to other countries on his recent foreign trip. Make sure you talk about Trump, keep it short, and congratulate him on his massive win. It sounds like we are talking about a 5 year old child. Ask him about policy and he is clueless. Then we have his temper tantrums on Twitter. He is the worst President we have ever had.

Your cite: With just one day left in the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton holds a four-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, 45 percent to 41 percent -- similar to last week. Few voters say their minds could change.

And compared to what happened:

46.4% votes 62,984,825

48.5% votes 65,853,516

Well within the margin of error
Except they had her winning Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc...
You're in serious denial.

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