CBS' Schieffer: Obama Losing Credibility, Shortchanging Nation

Schieffer is in his baby food and diaper years...and apparently needs guests for his show.

David Axelrod: Bob Schieffer Just 'Can't Book The Guests He Wants' (VIDEO)

man you are one nasty ass person

and you post some nasty ass thing from David Axelrod from that nasty site, hufferpost

you see people, this is what they do when you criticize Obama..they unleash smears and hate on them

I'm trying to be more like you wingnuts...

you can't even be a decent human regurgitate Axelrod with your own nasty add on..
Schieffer is in his baby food and diaper years...and apparently needs guests for his show.
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man you are one nasty ass person

and you post some nasty ass thing from David Axelrod from that nasty site, hufferpost

you see people, this is what they do when you criticize Obama..they unleash smears and hate on them

I'm trying to be more like you wingnuts...

you can't even be a decent human regurgitate Axelrod with your own nasty add on..
Schieffer is in his baby food and diaper years...and apparently needs guests for his show.


Yeah, tell me all about it...
In a tersely worded critique today, Schieffer didn't mince words as he took Obama to task over his communication policy and, by implication, the administration's troubled pattern of harassment and intimidation of those who oppose Obama or his policies:

The president needs to rethink his entire communications policy, top to bottom. It is hurting his credibility and shortchanging the public.

CBS' Schieffer: Obama Losing Credibility, Shortchanging Nation
CBS' Schieffer: Obama Losing Credibility, Shortchanging Nation | Independent Journal Review

Clearly Schieffer is a radical right winger after all according to the left they are only people who criticize Obama.
I'm trying to be more like you wingnuts...

you can't even be a decent human regurgitate Axelrod with your own nasty add on..
Schieffer is in his baby food and diaper years...and apparently needs guests for his show.


Yeah, tell me all about it...

they are POLITICANS who has control over my life, Bob Schieffer is a civilian who criticizes your dear frikken loser
In a tersely worded critique today, Schieffer didn't mince words as he took Obama to task over his communication policy and, by implication, the administration's troubled pattern of harassment and intimidation of those who oppose Obama or his policies:

The president needs to rethink his entire communications policy, top to bottom. It is hurting his credibility and shortchanging the public.

CBS' Schieffer: Obama Losing Credibility, Shortchanging Nation
CBS' Schieffer: Obama Losing Credibility, Shortchanging Nation | Independent Journal Review

Clearly Schieffer is a radical right winger after all according to the left they are only people who criticize Obama.

Nope. The left does not claim any such thing. The left criticizes the President. The difference is that we do it fairly. Have you missed all the criticism of the Obama administration that has come from the left? Or....are you just being a nutter tool?
The media is in the throes of a mass fainting spell brought on by the sight of the blood of their own ox being gored in the AP leaking secrets matter.
The media is in the throes of a mass fainting spell brought on by the sight of the blood of their own ox being gored in the AP leaking secrets matter.

oh dear me...must suck they see Obama and Holder for what they are and actually report on it..I bet you were this tore up when they went after Bush EVERYDAY

CBS' Schieffer: Obama Losing Credibility, Shortchanging Nation

Schieffer is in his baby food and diaper years...and apparently needs guests for his show.

David Axelrod: Bob Schieffer Just 'Can't Book The Guests He Wants' (VIDEO)

man you are one nasty ass person

and you post some nasty ass thing from David Axelrod from that nasty site, hufferpost

you see people, this is what they do when you criticize Obama..they unleash smears and hate on them

People are seeing Steph, and taking notice. Getting to be evident that the fucking libroids are the most vile, caustic, arrogant, mouthy and quick insult people on the planet. Just disagree with one once. You'll see. People are getting sick of it, because it's reaching fever pitch levels since their MESSIAH and his henchmen are all in DEEP SHIT. They're losing their power, and now they're losing their grip.
Schieffer is in his baby food and diaper years...and apparently needs guests for his show.

David Axelrod: Bob Schieffer Just 'Can't Book The Guests He Wants' (VIDEO)

man you are one nasty ass person

and you post some nasty ass thing from David Axelrod from that nasty site, hufferpost

you see people, this is what they do when you criticize Obama..they unleash smears and hate on them

People are seeing Steph, and taking notice. Getting to be evident that the fucking libroids are the most vile, caustic, arrogant, mouthy and quick insult people on the planet. Just disagree with one once. You'll see. People are getting sick of it, because it's reaching fever pitch levels since their MESSIAH and his henchmen are all in DEEP SHIT. They're losing their power, and now they're losing their grip.

oh yeah, their whining and accusations are becoming shrill and ugly, or I should say, MORE UGLY than normal
If Schieffer had done his job obama might not have felt like he could get away with his criminal conduct. Schieffer gave idiotic interviews feeding obama pablum for years. Schieffer helped obama fuck over the country, now he's unhappy. Well, Bob Schieffer, fix it! Start doing what you should have done from the beginning.
If Schieffer had done his job obama might not have felt like he could get away with his criminal conduct. Schieffer gave idiotic interviews feeding obama pablum for years. Schieffer helped obama fuck over the country, now he's unhappy. Well, Bob Schieffer, fix it! Start doing what you should have done from the beginning.

that's a fact, but that isn't what he is being smeared over now, he had the NERVE to criticize Obama.
If Schieffer had done his job obama might not have felt like he could get away with his criminal conduct. Schieffer gave idiotic interviews feeding obama pablum for years. Schieffer helped obama fuck over the country, now he's unhappy. Well, Bob Schieffer, fix it! Start doing what you should have done from the beginning.

that's a fact, but that isn't what he is being smeared over now, he had the NERVE to criticize Obama.

Now that he has criticized obama, he is of course, unworthy to continue as a reporter. He's suddenly too old, now with it any more. Other journalists should take note, and start a wholesale and general revolt.
If Schieffer had done his job obama might not have felt like he could get away with his criminal conduct. Schieffer gave idiotic interviews feeding obama pablum for years. Schieffer helped obama fuck over the country, now he's unhappy. Well, Bob Schieffer, fix it! Start doing what you should have done from the beginning.

that's a fact, but that isn't what he is being smeared over now, he had the NERVE to criticize Obama.

Now that he has criticized obama, he is of course, unworthy to continue as a reporter. He's suddenly too old, now with it any more. Other journalists should take note, and start a wholesale and general revolt.

we can wish I guess. don't see it happening no matter how this administration and their followers shits all over them
He seems like more of a John McCain or Gary Johnson type voter.

I voted for Johnson. I have a hard time believing Schieffer did.

I also voted for Johnson and I'd bet you a million that Schieffer voted for the current jackass in the WH.

I also wonder why Schieffer didn't investigate that jackass before the 2008 elections when none of the LSM outside FOX bothered to question the boy king on anything??

Oh wait. I forgot. He was having a slobbering love affair with the half black candidate. Never mind.

Clearly Schieffer is a radical right winger after all according to the left they are only people who criticize Obama.

Nope. The left does not claim any such thing. The left criticizes the President. The difference is that we do it fairly. Have you missed all the criticism of the Obama administration that has come from the left? Or....are you just being a nutter tool?

Feel free to give us a list of all those Obama criticisms from the left over the last four plus years nutter tool it should be fairl a short list. I will even help you out with the first two no public option, gitmo still open.
Clearly Schieffer is a radical right winger after all according to the left they are only people who criticize Obama.

Nope. The left does not claim any such thing. The left criticizes the President. The difference is that we do it fairly. Have you missed all the criticism of the Obama administration that has come from the left? Or....are you just being a nutter tool?

Feel free to give us a list of all those Obama criticisms from the left over the last four plus years nutter tool it should be fairl a short list. I will even help you out with the first two no public option, gitmo still open.

here's one from them..
Obama doesn't stand up enough and tell Republicans to go to hell..
The MSM will never leave Comrade Barack. Its just that simple, they're permanently sutured together, male appendage to rectum, and will be for an eternity.

Even if Barry and Eric's sly little scheme to take down Fox News had succeeded and the details become widely known, the other media heads would just go "Oh well. It wasn't me. Fox after all, was merely Fox." "Freedom of the press for me, but not for thee, Conservatives."

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