CBS To Release Statement at Noon Today

krisy said:
This whole thing is going to be an interesting test of the media. Will the media itself,go after another? Especially one of the big wigs like Rather? If they don't ,that says a lot about bias. So far,I think it has gotten a pretty good amount of coverage.

It's my understanding that a lot of news media is going after CBS saying they should recant the story. I don't know if this is journalisitc principal talking or just the smell of red meat and the sharks are circling, either way intersting to watch.
britinusa said:
We'll all find out in 40 minutes, but my guess is CBS will focus on Killian's former secretary, Marian Carr Knox. Knox said yesterday that the sentiments expressed in the memos were accurate. She was singing a different tune last week, when she stated that she had no firsthand knowledge of Bush's time with the Texas Air National Guard.

She also said that she did all the typing for her boss for some 20 years up until 1979 I think ,and she never typed anything like those memos, and then she added that the documents did express some sentiments from that time like you said Brit.

Bonnie said:
She also said that she did all the typing for her boss for some 20 years up until 1979 I think ,and she never typed anything like those memos, and then she added that the documents did express some sentiments from that time like you said Brit.

Why was CBS so suspicious of these documents that it took weeks to release them?
Ive heard something about them coming out and blaming republicans. is this true?
Congressman Chris Cox is calling for a congressional investigation that CBS aided in committing fraud.
I heard/read somewhere that supposedly they've been "vetting" the story for close to 3 years......

It's also 1:20, so much for 12:00 :poop:

Maybe they meant noon California time. Either that or it's all a right wing conspiracy. :wank:
He also seems to close the door on the "Rove did it" balloon, instead floating, "DNC" may be behind this...

Schieffer: CBS needs to prove memos on Bush were authentic
By Dave Dreeszen, Journal business editor

CBS News' Bob Schieffer said Tuesday he hopes the network does more reporting to definitively prove the authenticity of memos 60 Minutes II received about President Bush's service in the Air National Guard.

"I think we have to find some way to show our viewers they are not forgeries,'' Schieffer, CBS' chief Washington correspondent and host of the network's "Face the Nation,'' said at a news conference in Sioux City. "I don't know how we're going to do that without violating the confidentiality of sources.''

Schieffer was responding to a 60 Minutes II report last week that referenced memos allegedly written by Bush's former squadron commander, the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian. The typed memos were part of anchor Dan Rather's investigation that asserted Bush benefited from political favoritism in getting into the Air National Guard.

But there has been growing evidence that the documents are forgeries, with national news organizations citing dozens of inconsistencies, ranging from different word-processing techniques to conflicting military terminology.

CBS has stood by its story, with Rather saying there is "no definitive evidence'' that has emeged to prove the documents are fake.

"He is very confident of his sources,'' said Schieffer, who has talked to Rather daily during the flap. "He says he is absolutely convinced these documents are real.''

CBS, which has declined to reveal the source of the memos, has pointed to its own experts who have verified that documents could have been produced on typewriters of the 1970s. But the Washington Post reported Tuesday that the lead expert CBS retained said he examined only Killian's signature and made no attempt to authenticate the documents themselves.

Casting further doubt on the documents, the Dallas Morning News reported Saturday that the officer named in a memo as exerting pressure to "sugar coat'' Bush's record had retired from the Texas Air National Guard 1.5 years before the memo was dated. Killian's widow and son also have told reporters that they doubt he wrote the memos, they did not come from his personal possessions and that he admired Bush while in served in the Air National Guard.

Though Schieffer discounted suggestions that Rather received fraudulent documents, he acknowledged the source could have been a Bush opponent.

"People ask me, 'Do I think somebody was trying to set up Dan Rather?' I say, "No that's completely out of the question,'' said Schieffer, who addressed the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce's annual dinner/meeting Tuesday night. "Would somebody do this in an effort to smear George Bush? That may be so. We're in the middle of a political campaign, and this would not be the first campaign where somebody on one side slipped something to a reporter because he feels it would hurt the guy on the other side.''
Why do I get the feeling that Rather typed the memos himself? I mean, if he REALLY wanted the heat off him and his colleagues, he could point the finger and say "He is the one that gave them to me, I just reported the story."

The guy who typed them would be in more trouble than the guy who reports it. Forging military documents is a federal offense.
Bonnie said:
Rush just said it has been delayed till 3:30PM............HMMMMMMMMMM

I heard that too and I agree with Rush, it is probably so that he can't pick it apart for three hours. Instead they now will have 23-1/2 hours to run with it without his interference.

OR is it because Dan Rather is chained to his desk in protest of CBS ousting him? :laugh:
Bonnie said:
Rush just said it has been delayed till 3:30PM............HMMMMMMMMMM

OK put on your tin foil hats and go with me on THIS one READY?

was listening to Rush also and he pointed out that it was Rather who " broke " the story re the jewish spy scandal and claimed it to be huge !!
That story fizzled into nothing!!!
We also have all of the Clinton people moving in to "help" Kerry.

SO my internal source says that Israel was pissed at Rather and hate Kerry so THEY set up Rather with the fake docs to kill 2 birds with one slingshot.
THEN the Dems ,realizing the ship is sinking , have moved in the Clinton people to get everything ready for HILLARY to jump in to replace the decimated Kerry!

ok---take me back to my padded room. WHAT-----RATHER HAS IT ALREADY?? :cuckoo:
dilloduck said:
OK put on your tin foil hats and go with me on THIS one READY?

was listening to Rush also and he pointed out that it was Rather who " broke " the story re the jewish spy scandal and claimed it to be huge !!
That story fizzled into nothing!!!
We also have all of the Clinton people moving in to "help" Kerry.

SO my internal source says that Israel was pissed at Rather and hate Kerry so THEY set up Rather with the fake docs to kill 2 birds with one slingshot.
THEN the Dems ,realizing the ship is sinking , have moved in the Clinton people to get everything ready for HILLARY to jump in to replace the decimated Kerry!

ok---take me back to my padded room. WHAT-----RATHER HAS IT ALREADY?? :cuckoo:

Makes perfect sense if you've been reading Kos... :eek:
dilloduck said:
OK put on your tin foil hats and go with me on THIS one READY?

was listening to Rush also and he pointed out that it was Rather who " broke " the story re the jewish spy scandal and claimed it to be huge !!
That story fizzled into nothing!!!
We also have all of the Clinton people moving in to "help" Kerry.

SO my internal source says that Israel was pissed at Rather and hate Kerry so THEY set up Rather with the fake docs to kill 2 birds with one slingshot.
THEN the Dems ,realizing the ship is sinking , have moved in the Clinton people to get everything ready for HILLARY to jump in to replace the decimated Kerry!

ok---take me back to my padded room. WHAT-----RATHER HAS IT ALREADY?? :cuckoo:


Wow you have really worked this through and I hope to god you are wrong about the Billary aspect or Im going to have to double up on my novenas :halo:
Huh! Maybe they've been reading all the blogs all day and don't have a clue now what to say....

It's going to be a nasty month 1/2 till the election. Do you think there's a
method to this madness. Could it all be a big smoke screen?
Designed to keep us from ever hearing what and HOW Kerry plans
to make things great, or are we all just suppose to take his word for it,
cuz he served in Vietnam?

Now, reading the above I see far fetched lunacy. On the other hand,
I see the desperation of the Democratic Party to get their guy elected. Gawd knows we've seen that for the last four years.
fuzzykitten99 said:
Why do I get the feeling that Rather typed the memos himself? I mean, if he REALLY wanted the heat off him and his colleagues, he could point the finger and say "He is the one that gave them to me, I just reported the story."

The guy who typed them would be in more trouble than the guy who reports it. Forging military documents is a federal offense.

I don't think he can take the heat off of himself, cuz the source is worse then the coverup......(Think someone in Kerry's campaign or the DNC)
Mr. P said:
Huh! Maybe they've been reading all the blogs all day and don't have a clue now what to say....

It's going to be a nasty month 1/2 till the election. Do you think there's a
method to this madness. Could it all be a big smoke screen?
Designed to keep us from ever hearing what and HOW Kerry plans
to make things great, or are we all just suppose to take his word for it,
cuz he served in Vietnam?

Now, reading the above I see far fetched lunacy. On the other hand,
I see the desperation of the Democratic Party to get their guy elected. Gawd knows we've seen that for the last four years.

LOL As you say,if you really believe in conspiracies...To tell the truth, I think this is a story of hubris. A malady that seems endemic to the knee jerk ideologues, especially, but not limited to the left.

Someone, probably the disgruntled guy in TX, passed these onto DNC, who recognized a problem, passed them onto CBS producer, who with Rather decided they could get away with. They KNEW there were probably problems with the memos, but heh, they ARE CBS! MSM personified. A chance to bring down the possibility of a second term for the 'dangerous idiot.'

No collusion, no conspiracy. Just each pushing their agenda, confident that the idiotic opposition could do nothing to stop it.
perhaps he has always kept a time bomb of a story in reserve for a case just like this ? Doing a little bargaining for help right now ?

meds---where are my meds!!!!!

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