CDC: Brand new - Less than 3% of US population Gay, lesbian, bisexual

Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?
Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.
Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.

Thats not the point. The point is no one cares if there are just 2 gay people or billions. What they do in their bedroom is no ones business and they shouldn't be discriminated against for it. Even if the poll was factual it really makes no difference.
Yale University said 10% but with all animals, not just humans. Might be the orign of the 10% stat.

The 3% figure though is probably the oft' cited 'exclusively homosexual' one and not the 'if I get drunk enough' one of like 20% :)

I was amazed at seeing that while in the military. A lot of guys would get drunk on the weekends and the gist of their activities was talking about having sex with each other and taking pictures of other guys naked in the bed together that they had staged.

Yeah, right.

Must have touched a nerve. Did that bring back memories for you? :lol:
I was amazed at seeing that while in the military. A lot of guys would get drunk on the weekends and the gist of their activities was talking about having sex with each other and taking pictures of other guys naked in the bed together that they had staged.

Yeah, right.

Must have touched a nerve. Did that bring back memories for you? :lol:

Never in the Military, and I like large hooters way to much to be gay.
Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.
Threaten chic fil a? I remember a boycott. But that is the free market. Why does chick fil a have free speech but those that don't agree have to be silent? Am I missing something inthe first amendment where it says if you got the criteria of a minority of 5% or less thisdoesn't apply?

Based on your extremely belligerent tone I wouldsay it's you that is butthurt and it's about the constitution.

No, people don't have to get over it, it's a guaranteed right in the constitution that citizenscan have a redress of grievances. So it seems it's tough shit for you.
Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.

Your point is still stupid. All of those gay people have friends and family as well. More and more people are on their side as time goes on.
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.

Your point is still stupid. All of those gay people have friends and family as well. More and more people are on their side as time goes on.
Her point is "fuck you homosexuals, I am mad at you because my political party told me to be waa waa waa"

Crybaby bait thread.
So this officially means that Howie is more than 225 times more likely to contract or transmit HIV than any hetero males.
I recommend wearing latex gloves when responding to any of his posts.
(a) The often-cited 10% figure was estimated by Kinsey - eons ago - and most of his studies were done with people who were institutionalized. Not exactly what statisticians refer to as a "random sampling."

(b) Before you start counting the number of homosexuals (or the percentage) in society, you have to have a clear idea of what you mean by the term. It isn't easy. Is a celibate homosexual (e.g., a Catholic priest) counted as homosexual? Is a married man who is attracted to other men a homosexual? Is a prisoner who engages in buggery a homosexual? Is a child molester who preys only on boys a homosexual?

(c) Counting "lesbians" is even more problematic. Most are not overtly or exclusively attracted to other women, but merely can't relate to men, or are repulsed by men and seek comfort where it is available. Is Meredith Baxter a "homosexual," statistically speaking? Anne Heche?

(d) There is very little measurable discrimination against people because of their sexual proclivities. Indeed, incomes of individual homosexuals and homosexual couples are, by and large, higher than the general population. Honestly, for all practical purposes nobody gives a shit anymore. But there is some discrimination against people - mainly men - who due to some psychological defect take on obnoxious stylistic affectations and mannerisms intended to broadcast to the world that they are swordswallowers and proud of it. But this has nothing to do with sexual orientation; it is merely revulsion at obnoxious mannerisms that are intentionally adopted.

(e) A majority of the American adult population considers sodomy between people of the same gender to be immoral. It is therefore not surprising when this majority expresses disapproval of those who advertise their commission of such "sins," and the intention to keep committing them, by entering into gay marriages.

(f) Abhoring sinful behavior is not the same as hating the people who do it. I hate adultery, but do not hate people who have engaged in adulterous relationships. I think a little less of them, but don't "hate" them.

(g) Not all discrimination is evil.
The percentage that matters is the number that feel the need to force acceptance of their lifestyle on anyone else, either via government fiat, or boycott, or public shaming.

And by force acceptance, i don't mean using the political process to advocate for gay marriage, I mean forcing bakers to bake cakes they don't want, boycotting businesses because the owners oppose you politically, or blacklisting people for having beliefs contrary to the ideals of progressives.
In your opinion, does the LBGT community deserve equal justice under law?
Yup. Kinsey lied when he provided those *studies* to the APA, who continued to cite them (and still does, as do the Kinsey Institute, who prepares sex education information for our schools) that suggested homosexuality was not only normal, but it was rampant in our population.

Kinsey maintained that 10 percent of the male population was homosexual.

Of course, he based that on *studies* of pimps, sexual predators, and prison inmates who were his *control* group.

And the APA (and subsequently the CDC and Planned Parenthood and our liberal courts) bought it hook, line and sinker. And still do, despite the fact that his studies have been completely debunked.
Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population - The Washington Post

One would think with the big mouths on this forum and in the media that the entire country is GHEY... FAR FROM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would have thought it was 15-20%?

I stopped going anywhere but to work and back home--thank God for Amazon Fresh. I'm pretty sure there's a Gaypacolypse out there ready to bum rush me if they can catch me slipping. :eek:
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.

Your point is still stupid. All of those gay people have friends and family as well. More and more people are on their side as time goes on.

Yes, here we are! :D
LGS sure does come off very butch.

An intelligent, opinionated female is automatically "butch". Say it to my face buddy; you'll have to lean down, at 5'1", 106 lbs (went to the doctor today, gained a POUND!!!!!) I'll be biting your kneecaps off.
Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.
Land of 97% freedom. Why should the minority have to kowtow to bigotry? The rights of the minorities are the rights NEEDING protection fro the tyranny of the majority.

How can you look yourself in the mirror and declare yourself to be American with such a tyrannical attitude?

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