CDC busted for MASSIVELY overstating Florida's Covid cases

if the fscum demonRATS had functioning brains, they would stop bussing--un-vaxxed--illegals all over the country---duh....that would stop the chinese flu in its tracks----but keep bussing those illegals into AMERICA, and keep spreading the chinese flu---retards, scum demonRATS, are ruining AMERICA
So move back to the caves of europe if you feel "murica" is being ruined. :)
top of my class....did you get out of pre-k yet?
and if someone answers incorrectly, its WRONG, no lying involved, not a flip-flopping answer on monday, and then another on should stop spewing bullshit on behalf of the scum demonRATS
Oh I see, when you get something wrong it’s just an accident but when others do it it is a lie. Got it!! Top of your class my ass
Lefty dupes bought it hook, line, and sinker (of course).

CDC admits it DID overcount Florida's COVID cases: Agency revises down state's weekend numbers from 28,000 to 19,000 but offers no explanation after falsely claiming 'record' infections​

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The CDC's lies have become SO egregious, they're being fact-checked by left-wing NPR. This is what happens when corrupt, totalitarian DemoKKKrats take over our institutions.

No you're not. You were crowing over (most likely black and brown) people in Florida getting sick and dying. You people consider every dead American a victory.

Not at all and never have indicated that. Although, on previous threads I have seen two instances where mentally deranged and hate filled republicans have opened called for the elimination of all democrats.
You're problem is you believe anything that promotes the progress of republicans to defeat democrats under any circumstances regardless if truth or not.
Admit It. The migration is not as stated but a typical repig propaganda lie.
So move back to the caves of europe if you feel "murica" is being ruined. :)
is this your way of not addressing of the un-vaxxed illegals being bussed all over AMERICA?....i bet it is
deflection must be 1 of your besties
Not at all and never have indicated that. Although, on previous threads I have seen two instances where mentally deranged and hate filled republicans have opened called for the elimination of all democrats.
You're problem is you believe anything that promotes the progress of republicans to defeat democrats under any circumstances regardless if truth or not.
Admit It. The migration is not as stated but a typical repig propaganda lie.
your problem, other than a lack of a functional brain, is you believe anything that promotes the progress of scum demonRATS to defeat AMERICA under any circumstances regardless if truth or not.
Not One worker has come forth saying he’s been fired for refusing to vaccinate
Another libbie hoax Failure and they were really hanging their hat on this latest lie.

Gov. DeSantis waiting for CDC to correct Florida COVID case numbers​

DeSantis hints he may resume daily case and death reports after CDC mistake​

Looks to me like the CDC forced Desandytoes to get his shit together and start reporting daily. Nothing here says the CDC was forced to do anything. From your link.

""This confusion would not have happened if the governor and the Florida Department of Health had been publicly releasing daily COVID updates, as they had been until the first week of June of this year,""

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