CDC Confirms Remarkably Low Death Rate - Media Chooses To Ignore COVID-19 Realities

Wow, TDS folks are actually claiming the fake, and proven overstated fake Kung Flu deaths are understated? :cuckoo:
Wow, TDS folks are actually claiming the fake, and proven overstated fake Kung Flu deaths are understated? :cuckoo:
They are....only those tested positive deaths are counted, not the deaths at home or elsewhere, who have died from the virus, unless a covid test was done....the death from covid is not counted....

Granted there are some who tested positive, and died from something else that should not be in the COVID count, but there are many more who died at home from COVID but, not in the count. We also did not have testing to catch most deaths from it in Feb and March, or even the January deaths from it that we missed and called them the Flu.
Finally, a group has used numbers and stuff to calculate and prove all those 100,000 dead COVID-19 Americans are sleeping and not really dead.
The same group that said 2 million were gonna die

View attachment 341515
Righty conspiracy theorists claim China wants Biden, so they did this virus thing to hurt Donnie. You know? Like Russia wanted Don and hurt Hill...the left believes that shit, now it’s the rights turn to believe shit.

I just think it got away from them and they ran with it
Which is what it looks like and was my first hunch long ago on the kung flu thread

Doesn't matter they'd certainly prefer Muppet Joe no matter what was going on
I don’t think so. They ran with it in an effort to harm Don.

Well thiers no denying that they would rather have muppet

Another billion na half for hunter to play with if Joe wins ?
The scumbag traitors
I shouldn't even be here right now I'm gonna do a rant on a chinko chi com product then go buy new tires
Finally, a group has used numbers and stuff to calculate and prove all those 100,000 dead COVID-19 Americans are sleeping and not really dead.
The same group that said 2 million were gonna die

View attachment 341515
Righty conspiracy theorists claim China wants Biden, so they did this virus thing to hurt Donnie. You know? Like Russia wanted Don and hurt Hill...the left believes that shit, now it’s the rights turn to believe shit.

I just think it got away from them and they ran with it
Which is what it looks like and was my first hunch long ago on the kung flu thread

Doesn't matter they'd certainly prefer Muppet Joe no matter what was going on
I don’t think so. They ran with it in an effort to harm Don.

Well thiers no denying that they would rather have muppet
View attachment 341938
Another billion na half for hunter to play with if Joe wins ?
The scumbag traitors
Good one! The Ds set of Trump as a Putin puppet. Now the Rs will set up Biden as a China Puppet.

See a pattern yet?
Finally, a group has used numbers and stuff to calculate and prove all those 100,000 dead COVID-19 Americans are sleeping and not really dead.
The same group that said 2 million were gonna die

View attachment 341515
Righty conspiracy theorists claim China wants Biden, so they did this virus thing to hurt Donnie. You know? Like Russia wanted Don and hurt Hill...the left believes that shit, now it’s the rights turn to believe shit.

I just think it got away from them and they ran with it
Which is what it looks like and was my first hunch long ago on the kung flu thread

Doesn't matter they'd certainly prefer Muppet Joe no matter what was going on
I don’t think so. They ran with it in an effort to harm Don.

Well thiers no denying that they would rather have muppet
View attachment 341938
Another billion na half for hunter to play with if Joe wins ?
The scumbag traitors
Good one! The Ds set of Trump as a Putin puppet. Now the Rs will set up Biden as a China Puppet.

See a pattern yet?
Well, it may be important which puppet we choose.
Finally, a group has used numbers and stuff to calculate and prove all those 100,000 dead COVID-19 Americans are sleeping and not really dead.
The same group that said 2 million were gonna die

View attachment 341515
Righty conspiracy theorists claim China wants Biden, so they did this virus thing to hurt Donnie. You know? Like Russia wanted Don and hurt Hill...the left believes that shit, now it’s the rights turn to believe shit.

I just think it got away from them and they ran with it
Which is what it looks like and was my first hunch long ago on the kung flu thread

Doesn't matter they'd certainly prefer Muppet Joe no matter what was going on
I don’t think so. They ran with it in an effort to harm Don.

Well thiers no denying that they would rather have muppet
View attachment 341938
Another billion na half for hunter to play with if Joe wins ?
The scumbag traitors
Good one! The Ds set of Trump as a Putin puppet. Now the Rs will set up Biden as a China Puppet.

See a pattern yet?
Well, it may be important which puppet we choose.
Really? The old lesser of two evils. We know who you consider the most evil, but is he really? No need to would just be illogical emotional stupidity.

It doesn’t really matter. As long as we as a nation continue down the road of corporatism, imperialism, and Fascism it’s a moot point.
The percentage of deaths doesn't matter all that much when the total number of deaths in two months goes over 100,000. Does that make you feel secure?
It’s been closer to four months and if Colorado is any indication, the real number is likely closer to 80,000, fewer than the flu of 1968-69.
Also consider the very specific demographic of most deaths (many of which could have been avoided) and you begin to see a pattern of hysterical hype.

Likely 120k right now, not less... all corona virus deaths outside of hospital, are not Feb and March as example, in NYC their was 40% increase in their average deaths for Feb and March....40% increase over deaths in their state in 2019 not counted in covid count.

And in just 2 months,

Not a full year... 80k was for a year to year and a half, death total.....

The 100k deaths from corona virus is for just deaths in April and May

100k deaths is in just 2 months... And we are only in the 2nd inning... the virus continues, deaths continues.... likely 250,000 dead, through Dec 2020
February through May is four months. What is your source for underestimation? I provided Colorado as an example of overestimation.
It sounds like you’re hoping for worse news.
I'm not hoping for deaths, for goodness sake!!!

We just need to know the facts...know History, and not alternative facts...

There’s every reason to believe that in the United States, as in Italy, there are Covid-19 deaths that aren’t tabulated in the official numbers. On April 7, Gothamist looked at the excess death numbers in New York and concluded that the average of 245 Covid-19 deaths per day from the previous week needs to be supplemented by excess death numbers that are almost as large. As the news site reported, “Another 200 city residents are now dying at home each day, compared to 20 to 25 such deaths before the pandemic, said Aja Worthy-Davis, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner’s office. And an untold number of them are unconfirmed.”

Thats NYC. And it’s speculative so you know it’s exaggerated.
The disease kills old people.
The 100 thousand cadavers are bogus?

If some of the 100,000 dead had died of something else, what would you call it?

Further, mortuaries across the fruited plain haven't seen an uptick in business. I'd really like to see an audit of these deaths after this panic is over with.
The 100 thousand cadavers are bogus?

If some of the 100,000 dead had died of something else, what would you call it?

Further, mortuaries across the fruited plain haven't seen an uptick in business. I'd really like to see an audit of these deaths after this panic is over with.

Perhaps citizen Donald Trump's prosecutors will grant your wish.
The 100 thousand cadavers are bogus?

You do realize that in the time it took to string that together, 750,000 americans died of other causes.

That doesn't excuse Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence and the absence of POTUS leadership.

Third world country Vietnam which borders China had zero deaths from Covid19.

I would agree that incompetence should not be excused.

Why Cuomo and De Blazio are not behind bars I'll never understand.

POTUS did his bad they didn't do theirs.
The 100 thousand cadavers are bogus?

You do realize that in the time it took to string that together, 750,000 americans died of other causes.

That doesn't excuse Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence and the absence of POTUS leadership.

Third world country Vietnam which borders China had zero deaths from Covid19.

I would agree that incompetence should not be excused.

Why Cuomo and De Blazio are not behind bars I'll never understand.

POTUS did his bad they didn't do theirs.

If Donald Trump's job was First Buffoon, he was perfect.
The 100 thousand cadavers are bogus?

You do realize that in the time it took to string that together, 750,000 americans died of other causes.

That doesn't excuse Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence and the absence of POTUS leadership.

Third world country Vietnam which borders China had zero deaths from Covid19.

I would agree that incompetence should not be excused.

Why Cuomo and De Blazio are not behind bars I'll never understand.

POTUS did his bad they didn't do theirs.

If Donald Trump's job was First Buffoon, he was perfect.

We don't have a first buffoon.

We have a POTUS....and his name is Trump.

Suck on it.

You are a waste of oxygen.
The 100 thousand cadavers are bogus?

You do realize that in the time it took to string that together, 750,000 americans died of other causes.

That doesn't excuse Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence and the absence of POTUS leadership.

Third world country Vietnam which borders China had zero deaths from Covid19.

I would agree that incompetence should not be excused.

Why Cuomo and De Blazio are not behind bars I'll never understand.

POTUS did his bad they didn't do theirs.

If Donald Trump's job was First Buffoon, he was perfect.

We don't have a first buffoon.

We have a POTUS....and his name is Trump.

Suck on it.

You are a waste of oxygen.

After January 2021 the US won't have a First Buffoon.
The 100 thousand cadavers are bogus?

You do realize that in the time it took to string that together, 750,000 americans died of other causes.

That doesn't excuse Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence and the absence of POTUS leadership.

Third world country Vietnam which borders China had zero deaths from Covid19.

I would agree that incompetence should not be excused.

Why Cuomo and De Blazio are not behind bars I'll never understand.

POTUS did his bad they didn't do theirs.

If Donald Trump's job was First Buffoon, he was perfect.

We don't have a first buffoon.

We have a POTUS....and his name is Trump.

Suck on it.

You are a waste of oxygen.

After January 2021 the US won't have a First Buffoon.'ll have Donald for a second term.

Suck on it.

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