CDC: Firearm-related homicides rose 30 percent between 2014 and 2016

The number of firearm-related homicides in the U.S. increased by 31 percent from 2014 to 2016, according to a new analysis released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The number of firearm related homicides increased from 11,008 in 2014 to 14,415 in 2016, the CDC says, after being relatively stable from 2010 to 2014.

CDC: Firearm-related homicides rose 30 percent between 2014 and 2016

More concealed carry and weakening gun laws and more homicides.
One must remember that the death by firearms statistics includes the death of the criminals as well.
Very few criminals die in justifiable homicides.

Non police justifiably kill more than twice as many bad guys as cops do. So, no, you are flat wrong.
Why do you always lie?
Law enforcement: 442
Private citizens: 328
Number of justifiable homicides in the U.S. 2007-2015 | Statistic

You are going to tell me 328 is a big number? Many of those are just homicides without a witness.

That is one year. The years I have looked at it was far higher in favor of the private citizen. And you have no clue what the circumstances were for the shootings. You lie like a rug.
Please share a link then. Since you seem really stupid, my link clearly went back to 2007. Every year 2007-2015 law enforcement killed more. And again, you are calling 328 a big number?
One must remember that the death by firearms statistics includes the death of the criminals as well.
Very few criminals die in justifiable homicides.

Non police justifiably kill more than twice as many bad guys as cops do. So, no, you are flat wrong.
Why do you always lie?
Law enforcement: 442
Private citizens: 328
Number of justifiable homicides in the U.S. 2007-2015 | Statistic

You are going to tell me 328 is a big number? Many of those are just homicides without a witness.

That is one year. The years I have looked at it was far higher in favor of the private citizen. And you have no clue what the circumstances were for the shootings. You lie like a rug.
Please share a link then. Since you seem really stupid, my link clearly went back to 2007. Every year 2007-2015 law enforcement killed more. And again, you are calling 328 a big number?

I just went and checked and for the last ten years the cops are indeed killing more bad guys than citizens are. However, all through the 1990's and early 2000's that wasn't true. However, the number of people that the police kill also includes those who have been deemed questionable. That is significant motive to ensure that the police killing is ruled justifiable.
We understand what the OP really means......

Very few criminals die in justifiable homicides.

Non police justifiably kill more than twice as many bad guys as cops do. So, no, you are flat wrong.
Why do you always lie?
Law enforcement: 442
Private citizens: 328
Number of justifiable homicides in the U.S. 2007-2015 | Statistic

You are going to tell me 328 is a big number? Many of those are just homicides without a witness.

That is one year. The years I have looked at it was far higher in favor of the private citizen. And you have no clue what the circumstances were for the shootings. You lie like a rug.
Please share a link then. Since you seem really stupid, my link clearly went back to 2007. Every year 2007-2015 law enforcement killed more. And again, you are calling 328 a big number?

I just went and checked and for the last ten years the cops are indeed killing more bad guys than citizens are. However, all through the 1990's and early 2000's that wasn't true. However, the number of people that the police kill also includes those who have been deemed questionable. That is significant motive to ensure that the police killing is ruled justifiable.
If you checked please share the link. You seem very dishonest.
The number of firearm-related homicides in the U.S. increased by 31 percent from 2014 to 2016, according to a new analysis released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The number of firearm related homicides increased from 11,008 in 2014 to 14,415 in 2016, the CDC says, after being relatively stable from 2010 to 2014.

CDC: Firearm-related homicides rose 30 percent between 2014 and 2016

More concealed carry and weakening gun laws and more homicides.

Meanwhile in the UK the level is about 0 or 1 per year.
The number of firearm-related homicides in the U.S. increased by 31 percent from 2014 to 2016, according to a new analysis released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The number of firearm related homicides increased from 11,008 in 2014 to 14,415 in 2016, the CDC says, after being relatively stable from 2010 to 2014.

CDC: Firearm-related homicides rose 30 percent between 2014 and 2016

More concealed carry and weakening gun laws and more homicides.
Na, The vast majority of violent crime is done by repeat offenders. Execute the motherfuckers... problem solved
Yet, for some reason, despite all this, the least likely to commit a crime are Concealed Permit holders.

New Study: Over 14.5 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in the number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

In fact, the police are more likely to commit a crime than a citizen with a Concealed Carry Permit.

Oh, and the crime most often committed by the Concealed Carry holders? You’re going to love this I’m sure. Forgetting to carry their permit, while they are carrying the gun. Like Driving without a license, you have to have it with you.
There are plenty of bad ones:
VPC: Concealed Carry Killers
They sure don't seem to be lowering homicides rates are they?

How many of them are helping arm the bad guys?
Criminals steal more than 237,000 guns from legal American gun owners every year

Congratulations. It isn’t easy to equal the moronic racists who say that Blacks are inherently criminal, but you have managed it. That is certainly no small task.

First, out of curiosity what is the timeline that the concealed carry holders committed this grand crime spree. For some reason that isn’t mentioned. But even if we were to pretend that it was a decade, and I sincerely doubt it was, then roughly 2.1% of the cops who died in the line of duty were killed by Concealed Carry holders, which make up at least five percent of the population at large, and a greater segment in Georgia.

Your argument is the same sort of specious claptrap that is spouted by those who detest any group. There are criminals in that group, so they’re all criminal. I reject it by racists, anti semites, and any other idiots. What you are doing is the same sort of stupid feel good crap that has been used since the 1970’s with zero success.

Let’s take any issue of late. Hell, let’s take the drug war. Some people, and it was a very small percentage, were buying/stealing pseudoephedrine to make Crystal Meth. Instead of targeting those people breaking the law, we passed laws making it harder for the rest of us to get decongestant. We even turned grandmothers into criminals because they bought a box each for their husband, and daughter, and in the process broke the law of buying too much medicine.

Why? Because we wanted to make it harder to manufacture Crystal Meth. The result? Crystal Meth production is up over 1000% according to the DEA. So what do we do now? Why we make sure we create a huge computerized database so we can find out who is buying Decongestant and make sure we catch those Grandmothers easier in the future.

Two kids who are prohibited by law from buying firearms shoot up Columbine High School. What do we do? We pass more laws as if that will solve the problem. Despite the fact that the two kids broke dozens of State and Federal Felonies before the first round was ever fired. Why we need to make sure that the next idiots who break the law, break a couple more.

It’s all bullshit. The war on drugs, the anti gun loonies, the morons out there now screaming that people who took Opiods because of pain went out and bought the drugs illegally on the street. So we need to make sure that nobody can get pain meds. Those who are suffering, well they would be better if they didn’t take Opiods. Even the Republicans are idiots on this issue.

The argument that Republicans made, accurately in many cases in my opinion against Obamacare was that the Doctor was being taken out of control of the patients treatment. The best care for the patient is what they, and the doctor, feel is best. Not what someone hundreds, or thousands of miles away thinks is best generally, but what is best specifically for that patient.

You can’t figure out how to stop the real problem, so like the anti drug nuts, the anti medication loons, and the anti whatever morons, you want to go after the symptom, instead of the real issues.

We would rid the nation of Crystal Meth by making it harder to get a hold of Sudafed. We would punish the successful by having the alternative minimum tax. Those successful folks were playing by the existing rules and paying no taxes using all the stupid loopholes that special interests inserted into the tax code thanks to their fairy god senators. Now of course, millions are punished by the AMT. But fuck them. We would get rid of drugs if we could stop the proceeds, so now people have their life savings stolen from them by cops on the side of the road thanks to Civil Asset Forfeiture.

We keep going after the image, instead of the substance, and you’re no different. The same way that idiot racists lump all blacks into deserving more brutality and attention of the police. The blacks shouldn’t have civil rights, because they’re black and criminal is the asinine argument. Even the group I argue against, the police, all I want in that case is the SAME level of responsibility as everyone else. The same, not more, nor less. I argue against the SPECIAL rights of the police, and argue that we should hold them accountable for their crimes as we would every other individual.

I never argue that someone should be deprived of a right, but that our rights should be expanded, not curtailed.
I applaud you. Very well thought out , reasoned, and presented!
Yet, for some reason, despite all this, the least likely to commit a crime are Concealed Permit holders.

New Study: Over 14.5 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in the number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

In fact, the police are more likely to commit a crime than a citizen with a Concealed Carry Permit.

Oh, and the crime most often committed by the Concealed Carry holders? You’re going to love this I’m sure. Forgetting to carry their permit, while they are carrying the gun. Like Driving without a license, you have to have it with you.
There are plenty of bad ones:
VPC: Concealed Carry Killers
They sure don't seem to be lowering homicides rates are they?

How many of them are helping arm the bad guys?
Criminals steal more than 237,000 guns from legal American gun owners every year

Congratulations. It isn’t easy to equal the moronic racists who say that Blacks are inherently criminal, but you have managed it. That is certainly no small task.

First, out of curiosity what is the timeline that the concealed carry holders committed this grand crime spree. For some reason that isn’t mentioned. But even if we were to pretend that it was a decade, and I sincerely doubt it was, then roughly 2.1% of the cops who died in the line of duty were killed by Concealed Carry holders, which make up at least five percent of the population at large, and a greater segment in Georgia.

Your argument is the same sort of specious claptrap that is spouted by those who detest any group. There are criminals in that group, so they’re all criminal. I reject it by racists, anti semites, and any other idiots. What you are doing is the same sort of stupid feel good crap that has been used since the 1970’s with zero success.

Let’s take any issue of late. Hell, let’s take the drug war. Some people, and it was a very small percentage, were buying/stealing pseudoephedrine to make Crystal Meth. Instead of targeting those people breaking the law, we passed laws making it harder for the rest of us to get decongestant. We even turned grandmothers into criminals because they bought a box each for their husband, and daughter, and in the process broke the law of buying too much medicine.

Why? Because we wanted to make it harder to manufacture Crystal Meth. The result? Crystal Meth production is up over 1000% according to the DEA. So what do we do now? Why we make sure we create a huge computerized database so we can find out who is buying Decongestant and make sure we catch those Grandmothers easier in the future.

Two kids who are prohibited by law from buying firearms shoot up Columbine High School. What do we do? We pass more laws as if that will solve the problem. Despite the fact that the two kids broke dozens of State and Federal Felonies before the first round was ever fired. Why we need to make sure that the next idiots who break the law, break a couple more.

It’s all bullshit. The war on drugs, the anti gun loonies, the morons out there now screaming that people who took Opiods because of pain went out and bought the drugs illegally on the street. So we need to make sure that nobody can get pain meds. Those who are suffering, well they would be better if they didn’t take Opiods. Even the Republicans are idiots on this issue.

The argument that Republicans made, accurately in many cases in my opinion against Obamacare was that the Doctor was being taken out of control of the patients treatment. The best care for the patient is what they, and the doctor, feel is best. Not what someone hundreds, or thousands of miles away thinks is best generally, but what is best specifically for that patient.

You can’t figure out how to stop the real problem, so like the anti drug nuts, the anti medication loons, and the anti whatever morons, you want to go after the symptom, instead of the real issues.

We would rid the nation of Crystal Meth by making it harder to get a hold of Sudafed. We would punish the successful by having the alternative minimum tax. Those successful folks were playing by the existing rules and paying no taxes using all the stupid loopholes that special interests inserted into the tax code thanks to their fairy god senators. Now of course, millions are punished by the AMT. But fuck them. We would get rid of drugs if we could stop the proceeds, so now people have their life savings stolen from them by cops on the side of the road thanks to Civil Asset Forfeiture.

We keep going after the image, instead of the substance, and you’re no different. The same way that idiot racists lump all blacks into deserving more brutality and attention of the police. The blacks shouldn’t have civil rights, because they’re black and criminal is the asinine argument. Even the group I argue against, the police, all I want in that case is the SAME level of responsibility as everyone else. The same, not more, nor less. I argue against the SPECIAL rights of the police, and argue that we should hold them accountable for their crimes as we would every other individual.

I never argue that someone should be deprived of a right, but that our rights should be expanded, not curtailed.
The number of firearm-related homicides in the U.S. increased by 31 percent from 2014 to 2016, according to a new analysis released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The number of firearm related homicides increased from 11,008 in 2014 to 14,415 in 2016, the CDC says, after being relatively stable from 2010 to 2014.

CDC: Firearm-related homicides rose 30 percent between 2014 and 2016

More concealed carry and weakening gun laws and more homicides.

The facts state otherwise. Counties that are Shall issue, witness less crime than violent third world type shitholes that have gun bans. Like your chicago. Want to know something else interesting about chicago? It has 150,000 KNOWN gang members. So, who's going to commit a violent crime in chicago? The non existent CCW holders, or the gang bangers?
very pro-gun St Louis MO has a much higher murder rate than Chi
very pro-gun STL has a MUCH, much higher rate than NY city and LA
very pro-gun MO has a much higher murder rate than NY or CA

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