CDC recommends Ivermectin for all immigrants.

This is confusing.

I thought it was horse dewormer.

  • All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
  • All African refugees who did not originate from or reside in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1) should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days
    • Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before refugees depart for the United States.

Why did the vax cultists freak out over some people using ivermectin. We all know its not only used for animals. It was prescribed all over the world for COVID.
Just can't let it go, huh? :)
Ivermectin is used in small doses to treat parasitic infections..which is that the CDC recommends here and what the drug is actually approved for use and is effective in treating.

Notice further down the list is the COVID-19 vaccine (no ivermectin to be found there).

Nice threads:

I will quote from a response in the paper:

"How did the mortality rate improvement go from 50% in January, when the authors first released a paper, to 92% in September? Especially bearing in mind that contrary to the study title, this was a post-observational study. It almost sounds like they are cooking their data. Also, since they essentially removed anyone from the regular users if they actually caught Covid, their numbers are further skewed. I wouldn’t bet my life on this study."

Credit to Mortfrom

These guys have been thoroughly discredited by all reputable researchers.

link to actual study

Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate in a Dose-Response Manner: Results of a Prospective Observational Study of a Strictly Controlled Population of 88,012 Subjects


Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate in a Dose-Response Manner: Results of a Prospective Observational Study of a Strictly Controlled Population of 88,012 Subjects

Background We have previously demonstrated that ivermectin used as prophylaxis for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), irrespective of the regularity, in a strictly controlled citywide program in Southern Brazil (Itajaí, Brazil), was associated with reductions in COVID-19 infection...


Alistair Steer-Kemp
Alistair Steer-Kemp
Sep 02, 2022 at 12:48 PM
Why have you not mentioned the presence of parasites prevalent in the area, which Ivermectin is known to treat, and which are known to have negative outcomes on patients with Covid infections? As the treatment with Ivermectin as a mechanism to improve Covid outcomes is far more plausible if the Ivermectin is in fact treating the parasites and improving patient prognosis in that way.

Exactly. Ivermectin works. Period.

The reasons why it works could be many fold, including eliminating parasites which act as a catalyst for bad cases of COVID-19. With today's modern diet of partially cooked food, parasites are probably very common place among Americans. They are just too arrogant to suspect they have them.

Thanks for pointing that out, evileye. Glad you can read and think for yourself.
Huh? Dunno about 'today's diet of partially cooked food'. Not something I've noticed at all. According to most physicians, parasitical infections caused by ingestion have been on the decline for the last 100 years. Trichinosis being the most common. Cook that pork, people!
While there are some parasites that cause problems in the US..none rise to the level of skewing the COVID numbers, as regards treatment.
As an aside, you would think that any sort of infection would be discovered by the initial complete physical examination that should be given before any treatment.
The fact that any sort of screening for parasitical infection was NOT given or an area with a high incidence of telling~

As an aside, why do you continue to regurgitate the same fake news over and over?
Ivermectin should be taken if someone’s doctor prescibes it for them.


Fuck you lounge chair doctors who are really just brainwashed Democrats.

Thats all you Ivermectin deniers are. You are Democrats who have been brainwashed.

This is confusing.

I thought it was horse dewormer.

  • All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
  • All African refugees who did not originate from or reside in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1) should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days
    • Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before refugees depart for the United States.

Why did the vax cultists freak out over some people using ivermectin. We all know its not only used for animals. It was prescribed all over the world for COVID.
But the CDC is still not recommending for covid. They are recommended for a proper dose, taken for two days.....what ivermectin is used for and FDA approved for....basically, killing worms or deworming.
You stupid cult fucks do not know how you are manipulated.


This is why Ivermectin is vilified.

Pharma wants to sell the vax to get money and also not get sued.

You brainwashed cult fucks are being manipulated. Wake up dipshits.
Think this through.

The cult wants YOU to get an experimental gene therapy shot….but they say IVERMECTIN IS DANGEROUS.

You cant make up this level of stupid.
Yes they can. Doctors prescribe off label all the time.

The push to declare it HORSE DEWORMER was very telling. It was to vilify its use.

It was being used extensively in the cattle industry when I was raising peafowl ... and it was from a cattle supply company where had to purchase a fucking bucket-full for the few drops I needed to clear the damn chicks ... the organic freaktoid websites recommended Ivermectin for birds you didn't plan on eating ... not unless you needed de-worming yourself ... ewwwwww ...

I didn't vote for Donald Trump because of what he said ... I voted for him because of what he did, and in spite of what he said ... he's a moron, like his followers ... but he'll sign Republican legislative bills and I have no further need of him ...

I don't even trust my doctor's medical advice ... I sure as hell ain't listening to a goddam landlord's opinion ...
If you referred to IVERMECTIN as HORSE DEWORMER for the sole purpose of trying to convince someone to get an experimental gene therapy shot…you are a piece of shit.
It gets better. The mRNA never went through the proper clinical trials. The new omicron specific mRNA is not going through any trials and the fda has already approved it.

Yes, it was tested on like 8 mice.

All related to profits and protection from liabilty for Pharma.
It was being used extensively in the cattle industry when I was raising peafowl ... and it was from a cattle supply company where had to purchase a fucking bucket-full for the few drops I needed to clear the damn chicks ... the organic freaktoid websites recommended Ivermectin for birds you didn't plan on eating ... not unless you needed de-worming yourself ... ewwwwww ...

I didn't vote for Donald Trump because of what he said ... I voted for him because of what he did, and in spite of what he said ... he's a moron, like his followers ... but he'll sign Republican legislative bills and I have no further need of him ...

I don't even trust my doctor's medical advice ... I sure as hell ain't listening to a goddam landlord's opinion ...
Thank you for your cogent reply.. breath of common sense and honesty..seldom seen here. Your reasons for voting for Trump are a lot of people's reasons. In my community, that is a common theme. About 20% were in love..and the rest just held their noses and counted justices on the SCOTUS.

I do not agree with, but i do respect, your position.

At least it's fuckin' sane~
They fantasize about people taking it as a horse dewormer for livestock, great drug. In reality, people take it in tablet form.

Absolutely. It has been prescibed billions of times.

Some People are so easily manipulated and stupid.

If you vilify someone for following their doctor….FUCK YOU. You are scum.
This is confusing.

I thought it was horse dewormer.

  • All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
  • All African refugees who did not originate from or reside in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1) should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days
    • Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before refugees depart for the United States.

Why did the vax cultists freak out over some people using ivermectin. We all know its not only used for animals. It was prescribed all over the world for COVID.
Nah. It's when you and your new housekeeper are "cleaning together", and you miss kiss, you wont GET parasites.
Translates: 69 is fine but may be dangerous after too much wine
Absolutely. It has been prescibed billions of times.

Some People are so easily manipulated and stupid.

If you vilify someone for following their doctor….FUCK YOU. You are scum.
Not seeing very many people 'vilifying' anyone over following medical advice. Now..those who self-medicate are taking a chance.

My vilification is saved for those who spread disinformation about the efficacy of ivermecton--to further a political and cultural agenda.

that would be you and your Trumpian ilk, in case you are wondering~
Learn about OFF LABEL USE OF PHARMACEUTICALS….you stupid assholes.


“From the FDA perspective, once the FDA approves a drug, healthcare providers generally may prescribe the drug for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient. “


Again, cult fucks…..wake up.s

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