CDC recommends Ivermectin for all immigrants.

I gotta ask, does Ivermectin alter your DNA and give you AIDS like brandon's vaxx? Myocarditis or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?

If none of the above, I'm interested. Anything the stuttering shit clown is peddling, is a hard pass.
Thank you for your cogent reply.. breath of common sense and honesty..seldom seen here. Your reasons for voting for Trump are a lot of people's reasons. In my community, that is a common theme. About 20% were in love..and the rest just held their noses and counted justices on the SCOTUS.

I do not agree with, but i do respect, your position.

At least it's fuckin' sane~

Are you accusing me of being cogent? ... if half my (liberal) political opinion is wrong, what does that say about half of your (conservative) opinion? ... and I'm too many years past menopause to be cogent, dear sir ...
I gotta ask, does Ivermectin alter your DNA .

Yes ... when you immerse yourself for ... say ... an hour ... your DNA will decompose until digested, ripping it apart into her component monomers ... if you're eaten by a coyote, then you will become part of the coyote ... Ivermectin is persistent, so you won't get eaten by worms, so there's that ... you'd last longer as a subfossil then other people ... another benefit ...

Other than death, nothing can change all 100 trillion DNA molecules in your body ...
In referring to Ivermectin as HORSE DEWORMER, it was so obvious the media and the Dems were trying to demonize Ivermectin on behalf of BIG PHARMA.

You have to be a real dumbass not to see it.

Why didnt the media call it an antiparasitic that has been prescribed billions of times?
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Learn about OFF LABEL USE OF PHARMACEUTICALS….you stupid assholes.


“From the FDA perspective, once the FDA approves a drug, healthcare providers generally may prescribe the drug for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient. “


Again, cult fucks…..wake up.s

None of you cult fucks educate yourself on off label drug use from the CDC website. Why is that?
Are you accusing me of being cogent? ... if half my (liberal) political opinion is wrong, what does that say about half of your (conservative) opinion? ... and I'm too many years past menopause to be cogent, dear sir ...
I believe that my opinion is fluid..for the most part. I'm more of a fact driven kind of guy. Give me sufficient facts and I'll adjust my opinion to most cases.
I do not regard the current crop of Trumpists as Conservative. They are a cult of personality--IMO.

My Mother passed 96. She held that menopause contributed to mental clarity..once the process was complete.
I dunno..but she did get her Phd. at 70--and was on the winning side of a suit decided by the SCOTUS~
In referring to Ivermectin as HORSE DEWORMER, it was so obvious the media and the Dems were trying to demonize Ivermectin on behalf of BIG PHARMA.

You have to be a real dumbass not to see it.

Why didnt the media call it an antiparasitic that has been prescribed billions of times.
Actually they did...many times.
I gotta ask, does Ivermectin alter your DNA and give you AIDS like brandon's vaxx? Myocarditis or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?

If none of the above, I'm interested. Anything the stuttering shit clown is peddling, is a hard pass.

Dude, you made me laugh so hard. We agree 100%.
In referring to Ivermectin as HORSE DEWORMER, it was so obvious the media and the Dems were trying to demonize Ivermectin on behalf of BIG PHARMA.

You have to be a real dumbass not to see it.

Why didnt the media call it an antiparasitic that has been prescribed billions of times.

Why do you think "cattle dewormer" is any better? ... seems broad base so why shouldn't cattle dewormer work on rodents? ... it works on birds, and we go back aways to link birds and mammals ... Triassic material I believe ...

Ah ... the cattle industry doesn't want you to know your beef is FULL of Ivermectin ... it's pervasive through the whole food industry ... we're being dewormed whether we like it or not ... if this cured Covid, it would have cured Covid in Commie China and we wouldn't have had this pandemic ... you know them Red Bastards are dumping this on their own people, they won't stop to protect us ...
I believe that my opinion is fluid..for the most part. I'm more of a fact driven kind of guy. Give me sufficient facts and I'll adjust my opinion to most cases.
I do not regard the current crop of Trumpists as Conservative. They are a cult of personality--IMO.

My Mother passed 96. She held that menopause contributed to mental clarity..once the process was complete.
I dunno..but she did get her Phd. at 70--and was on the winning side of a suit decided by the SCOTUS~

Ouch ... menopause hit me really hard ... it was bad ... luckily one of my children reminded me that I'm a man, and it's just the LSD come cropping back again ... once it passed I was back to the normal monthly routine ...
Ouch ... menopause hit me really hard ... it was bad ... luckily one of my children reminded me that I'm a man, and it's just the LSD come cropping back again ... once it passed I was back to the normal monthly routine ... must have had the GOOD stuff!

Menopause hit me hard as well..wife had a mean left hook~
Let me post again what the FDA says about OFF LABEL USE OF PHARMACEUTICALS.

“From the FDA perspective, once the FDA approves a drug, healthcare providers generally may prescribe the drug for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient.”

Right from the FDA website….you weak minded sheep.

Now, are you going to move forward and quote DON LEMON, or the FDA OFFICIAL WEBSITE?

You stupid stupid stupid fucks.
Trying to figure out if I missed something....

IVERMECTINE has been labeled as bad... Yet now they want to give it to human immigrants?

SO, they are treating them like animals now?
The FDA hasn't approved Ivermectin for use against Covid ... so doctors cannot prescribe it to Covid patients
You're simply wrong. You have no clue what you are talking about.

The FACT of the matter is that a doctor can prescribe Ivermectin for anything they want to. It's called off-label use.

Your ignorance is fucking astounding.
The Joe Rogan-Ivermectin slander campaign by Democrats/MSM/Big tech is concrete proof of how today’s state propaganda is applied

They outright lied and censored people for wrongthink
This is confusing.

I thought it was horse dewormer.

  • All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
  • All African refugees who did not originate from or reside in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1) should receive presumptive therapy with:
    • Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
    • Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days
    • Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before refugees depart for the United States.

Why did the vax cultists freak out over some people using ivermectin. We all know its not only used for animals. It was prescribed all over the world for COVID.

So what? What's confusing about that?
People were being censored on social media for even saying. IVERMECTIN.

The vax cult is bizarre. They declared Ivermectin is horse dewormer.

Why didnt they call it dog dewomer? Its in your cabinet right now if you have a dog.

Heartguard is ivermectin.

The vax cult was simply running interference for Big Pharma to profit….and they always say Big Corporations are EVIL.

Yeah, they were banned from promoting Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID. Do you even realize what the CDC website you linked was promoting Ivermectin for??

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