CDC: You Can Give—But Can’t Get—Ebola on a Bus


quarantines always work the best

when they are self enforced
They wouldn't be self enforced once they're known about, what they're doing is spreading good knowledge in case things spread.

They're also attempting to quell the fears of irrational pinheads like crusaderfrank before they panic and start to hurt the economy over spilled milk.


the cdc gave the nurse permission to fly commercial

even though she exhibited symptoms
No, she actually didnt.

She had a temp of 99.5, the threshold they're looking for is 100.4
Its a failing of ALL of our politicians, and the higher level bureaucrats that serve them. Government is dealing with such non-essential items these days that a permanent state of spin control has developed, with the truth being less important than the narrative the speaker is trying to convey.

This is annoying but only a minor problem when it comes to non life-threatening topics, but when it comes to matters of seriousness, such as say, control of a 70% fatal infectious disease, it becomes something people pay far more attention to.

At that point the spin becomes obvious, and people begin to question the veracity of statements, that if made over something minor such as finance policy, would be ignored.

Very well said! And this is all this administration does, every issue is spin control and changing the narrative to suit a political talking point. We elect a community activist and he appoints people like Susan Rice who embarrasses herself on a weekly basis. This generation (my generation) is a joke. A product of the 60's social experiment in the public school and university system and the PC culture that has handcuffed us into being unable to lead or act when a crisis blows up in our nations face! I'm fearful at the future we are leaving for my kids

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Right there in the OP, for all the derps.

"but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else."

I understand for the small brains, that that language is a bit ambiguous and not direct at all.

Would you allow your family to ride a bus/plane/car with someone who has ebola? Yes or no?
The CDC says the infected ebola persons could spread the disease on a bus.

So based on his comments, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I?

It's you retards that don't understand his very basic english.

You can't get it from SITTING(key words here) next to someone on a bus.

Now, getting coughed on, on a bus? Someone rubbing their nose, touching a handle, then you touch the handle and eat from your hand? Did he say you can't get it from that? No. That's why sitting next to someone on a bus is very different yet specific language. Be an adult

Stop seizing on the simplest shit like its meaningful. Jeebus.

"sitting" on a bus = riding...or will you try to equivocate and now say that if the bus isn't moving you aren't really "riding"?, evade and deflect...after you try hyperbole and insults, of course...

So you like playing word games except when they blow up in your it
Right there in the OP, for all the derps.

"but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else."

I understand for the small brains, that that language is a bit ambiguous and not direct at all.

Would you allow your family to ride a bus/plane/car with someone who has ebola? Yes or no?
The CDC says the infected ebola persons could spread the disease on a bus.

So based on his comments, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I?

It's you retards that don't understand his very basic english.

You can't get it from SITTING(key words here) next to someone on a bus.

Now, getting coughed on, on a bus? Someone rubbing their nose, touching a handle, then you touch the handle and eat from your hand? Did he say you can't get it from that? No. That's why sitting next to someone on a bus is very different yet specific language. Be an adult

Stop seizing on the simplest shit like its meaningful. Jeebus.

"sitting" on a bus = riding...or will you try to equivocate and now say that if the bus isn't moving you aren't really "riding"?, evade and deflect...after you try hyperbole and insults, of course...

So you like playing word games except when they blow up in your it

You're the idiot playing word games.

He was doing two things:

saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.
What he said makes sense, don't be a child.

You can't get it from SITTING(key words here) next to someone on a bus.

Now, getting coughed on, on a bus? Someone rubbing their nose, touching a handle, then you touch the handle and eat from your hand? Did he say you can't get it from that? No. That's why sitting next to someone on a bus is very different yet specific language. Be an adult

Stop seizing on the simplest shit like its meaningful. Jeebus.

so your position is it's better to play word definition and semantic distortion games and deflect...
Are you saying that no one on a bus sneezes or touches anything, so therefore it's safe to ride a bus with an ebola patient?..LMFAO...

I'm sure you'd allow your family to sit next to someone on a bus who had ebola...since obama said it's so safe..LMAO...
Did he say that infected or exposed ppl should or shouldn't ride busses? Run that by me.
Yes he did. And rain is wet. But if it's not raining you won't need an umbrella. :rolleyes:
Right there in the OP, for all the derps.

"but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else."

I understand for the small brains, that that language is a bit ambiguous and not direct at all.

Would you allow your family to ride a bus/plane/car with someone who has ebola? Yes or no?
The CDC says the infected ebola persons could spread the disease on a bus.

So based on his comments, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I?

It's you retards that don't understand his very basic english.

You can't get it from SITTING(key words here) next to someone on a bus.

Now, getting coughed on, on a bus? Someone rubbing their nose, touching a handle, then you touch the handle and eat from your hand? Did he say you can't get it from that? No. That's why sitting next to someone on a bus is very different yet specific language. Be an adult

Stop seizing on the simplest shit like its meaningful. Jeebus.

"sitting" on a bus = riding...or will you try to equivocate and now say that if the bus isn't moving you aren't really "riding"?, evade and deflect...after you try hyperbole and insults, of course...

So you like playing word games except when they blow up in your it

You're the idiot playing word games.

He was doing two things:

saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.

He doesn't know that, The CDC doesn't, the WHO doesn't CIDRAP doesn't..and neither do you..
..but you CAN get it from exposure to infected people. THAT is an indisputable fact. Make up qualifiers and equivocations and evasions...whatever you need to do to try to save face...:laugh2:
Right there in the OP, for all the derps.

"but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else."

I understand for the small brains, that that language is a bit ambiguous and not direct at all.

Would you allow your family to ride a bus/plane/car with someone who has ebola? Yes or no?
The CDC says the infected ebola persons could spread the disease on a bus.

So based on his comments, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I?

It's you retards that don't understand his very basic english.

You can't get it from SITTING(key words here) next to someone on a bus.

Now, getting coughed on, on a bus? Someone rubbing their nose, touching a handle, then you touch the handle and eat from your hand? Did he say you can't get it from that? No. That's why sitting next to someone on a bus is very different yet specific language. Be an adult

Stop seizing on the simplest shit like its meaningful. Jeebus.

"sitting" on a bus = riding...or will you try to equivocate and now say that if the bus isn't moving you aren't really "riding"?, evade and deflect...after you try hyperbole and insults, of course...

So you like playing word games except when they blow up in your it

You're the idiot playing word games.

He was doing two things:

saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.

He doesn't know that, The CDC doesn't, the WHO doesn't CIDRAP doesn't..and neither do you..
..but you CAN get it from exposure to infected people. THAT is an indisputable fact. Make up qualifiers and equivocations and evasions...whatever you need to do to try to save face...:laugh2:

Yes, you can.


He said DONT ride the bus, because you can spread the disease.

Word games indeed.
Every day It's reaffirmed on this very website that some people absolutely NEED something to bitch about. They NEED it. It's obsessive.
saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.
At least the head of CDC gets paid for saying stupid stuff.

Would you allow your family to ride a bus/plane/car with someone who has ebola? Yes or no?
The CDC says the infected ebola persons could spread the disease on a bus.

So based on his comments, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I?

It's you retards that don't understand his very basic english.

You can't get it from SITTING(key words here) next to someone on a bus.

Now, getting coughed on, on a bus? Someone rubbing their nose, touching a handle, then you touch the handle and eat from your hand? Did he say you can't get it from that? No. That's why sitting next to someone on a bus is very different yet specific language. Be an adult

Stop seizing on the simplest shit like its meaningful. Jeebus.

"sitting" on a bus = riding...or will you try to equivocate and now say that if the bus isn't moving you aren't really "riding"?, evade and deflect...after you try hyperbole and insults, of course...

So you like playing word games except when they blow up in your it

You're the idiot playing word games.

He was doing two things:

saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.

He doesn't know that, The CDC doesn't, the WHO doesn't CIDRAP doesn't..and neither do you..
..but you CAN get it from exposure to infected people. THAT is an indisputable fact. Make up qualifiers and equivocations and evasions...whatever you need to do to try to save face...:laugh2:

Yes, you can.


He said DONT ride the bus, because you can spread the disease.

Word games indeed.

The CDC says you should “avoid public transportation” in the U.S. if you’re running a fever above 101.5 after having recently returned from west Africa, suggesting that casual transmission in close quarters in public spaces is possible.
(Shouldn’t you avoid public transportation if you’re running a high fever as a rule?
You might have something more contagious than Ebola, like the flu.)

The CDC also says that spending “a long amount of time” within three feet of an infected person is risky, a scenario that logically includes a long bus ride.

Well, there you go. If there’s a risk of transmission on a plane, why wouldn’t there be a risk of transmission on a bus?

So yeah, Obama should have said it’s “unlikely” you’ll get Ebola sitting next to someone on the bus, not that you “cannot” get it.

He also shouldn’t have said here that you “cannot” get it from someone who’s asymptomatic, since what does and doesn’t qualify as a “symptom” of Ebola is a subject of hot dispute.

Quite simply, no one should be making blanket pronouncements about modes of transmission when even the experts aren’t sure anymore, especially a guy who’s screwed up once already in estimating the odds of an infected person entering the U.S

Obama contradicts CDC in reassuring west Africans You can 8217 t get Ebola sitting next to someone on a bus Hot Air
saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.
At least the head of CDC gets paid for saying stupid stuff.
What he said was 100% factual. Facts are stupid to you, fine.
The CDC says the infected ebola persons could spread the disease on a bus.

So based on his comments, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I?

It's you retards that don't understand his very basic english.

You can't get it from SITTING(key words here) next to someone on a bus.

Now, getting coughed on, on a bus? Someone rubbing their nose, touching a handle, then you touch the handle and eat from your hand? Did he say you can't get it from that? No. That's why sitting next to someone on a bus is very different yet specific language. Be an adult

Stop seizing on the simplest shit like its meaningful. Jeebus.

"sitting" on a bus = riding...or will you try to equivocate and now say that if the bus isn't moving you aren't really "riding"?, evade and deflect...after you try hyperbole and insults, of course...

So you like playing word games except when they blow up in your it

You're the idiot playing word games.

He was doing two things:

saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.

He doesn't know that, The CDC doesn't, the WHO doesn't CIDRAP doesn't..and neither do you..
..but you CAN get it from exposure to infected people. THAT is an indisputable fact. Make up qualifiers and equivocations and evasions...whatever you need to do to try to save face...:laugh2:

Yes, you can.


He said DONT ride the bus, because you can spread the disease.

Word games indeed.

The CDC says you should “avoid public transportation” in the U.S. if you’re running a fever above 101.5 after having recently returned from west Africa, suggesting that casual transmission in close quarters in public spaces is possible.
(Shouldn’t you avoid public transportation if you’re running a high fever as a rule?
You might have something more contagious than Ebola, like the flu.)

The CDC also says that spending “a long amount of time” within three feet of an infected person is risky, a scenario that logically includes a long bus ride.

Well, there you go. If there’s a risk of transmission on a plane, why wouldn’t there be a risk of transmission on a bus?

So yeah, Obama should have said it’s “unlikely” you’ll get Ebola sitting next to someone on the bus, not that you “cannot” get it.

He also shouldn’t have said here that you “cannot” get it from someone who’s asymptomatic, since what does and doesn’t qualify as a “symptom” of Ebola is a subject of hot dispute.

Quite simply, no one should be making blanket pronouncements about modes of transmission when even the experts aren’t sure anymore, especially a guy who’s screwed up once already in estimating the odds of an infected person entering the U.S

Obama contradicts CDC in reassuring west Africans You can 8217 t get Ebola sitting next to someone on a bus Hot Air

Your problem is that you cant differentiate the act of sitting............... with the act of sitting and ALSO getting fluid on/inside of you.
saying its dangerous to ride the bus because shit can spread
letting the public know that the spreading is not as easy as sitting next to someone

That you couldnt figure it out is not his fault, or his word's your lack of intellect.
At least the head of CDC gets paid for saying stupid stuff.
What he said was 100% factual. Facts are stupid to you, fine.
Why continue being such a tool?

He said what he said. You want to pretend it was something else, that's a personal choice. You kissing up is just embarrassing to watch. Fun, but sad all at the same time
He said something accurate. That you have such a childish reaction to it so much so as to have to make a thread like a lil' gosspi being a tool.

Can you get aids from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange bodily fluids.

Can you get ebola from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange body fluids.

It's so common sense that it BEING common sense is the exact reason you DONT GET IT.
Your problem is that you cant differentiate the act of sitting............... with the act of sitting and ALSO getting fluid on/inside of you.

One doesn't exclude the other.

You just said you wouldn't ride a bus with someone who had it...but now you try to use the word "sitting" as a qualifier..So you WOULD ride a bus with someone who had it but you just wouldn't "SIT". :laugh2:

Sitting, standing, jumping up and down, turning cartwheels....doesn't matter.
He said something accurate. That you have such a childish reaction to it so much so as to have to make a thread like a lil' gosspi being a tool.

Can you get aids from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange bodily fluids.

Can you get ebola from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange body fluids.

It's so common sense that it BEING common sense is the exact reason you DONT GET IT.
No he didn't say that. Are you on some saving face for the Obama administration task force? cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else...

IOW. You can get Ebola sitting on a bus with an Ebola infected person
because they can transmit the disease

Or, if no one has Ebola on your bus, you can't get Ebola on that bus.
Your problem is that you cant differentiate the act of sitting............... with the act of sitting and ALSO getting fluid on/inside of you.

One doesn't exclude the other.

You just said you wouldn't ride a bus with someone who had it...but now you try to use the word "sitting" as a qualifier..So you WOULD ride a bus with someone who had it but you just wouldn't "SIT". :laugh2:

Sitting, standing, jumping up and down, turning cartwheels....doesn't matter.

I would not ride a bus AT ALL with someone with ebola on it.

Because of the risk of getting their fluids on me.
He said something accurate. That you have such a childish reaction to it so much so as to have to make a thread like a lil' gosspi being a tool.

Can you get aids from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange bodily fluids.

Can you get ebola from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange body fluids.

It's so common sense that it BEING common sense is the exact reason you DONT GET IT.

...but the CDC wants to interview everyone who rode the plane with the 2nd nurse....Do you think all 132 of them "exchanged bodily fluids" with her or they all touched her "bodily fluids"?

Why not just admit that they don't know yet and this actually could turn into a pandemic...but have too much ego invested at this point...and the urge to demean and denigrate is too strong to overcome.
Your problem is that you cant differentiate the act of sitting............... with the act of sitting and ALSO getting fluid on/inside of you.

One doesn't exclude the other.

You just said you wouldn't ride a bus with someone who had it...but now you try to use the word "sitting" as a qualifier..So you WOULD ride a bus with someone who had it but you just wouldn't "SIT". :laugh2:

Sitting, standing, jumping up and down, turning cartwheels....doesn't matter.

I would not ride a bus AT ALL with someone with ebola on it.

Because of the risk of getting their fluids on me.
He said something accurate. That you have such a childish reaction to it so much so as to have to make a thread like a lil' gosspi being a tool.

Can you get aids from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange bodily fluids.

Can you get ebola from sitting next to someone on a bus?

No, you have to sit next to them and ALSO exchange body fluids.

It's so common sense that it BEING common sense is the exact reason you DONT GET IT.

...but the CDC wants to interview everyone who rode the plane with the 2nd nurse....Do you think all 132 of them "exchanged bodily fluids" with her or they all touched her "bodily fluids"?

Why not just admit that they don't know yet and this actually could turn into a pandemic...but have too much ego invested at this point...and the urge to demean and denigrate is too strong to overcome.
no, i dont think that, neither does the cdc....but that the potential is there at all, given the severity of the situation, their actions are appropriate.

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