Zone1 Cease-Fire in Ukraine?

Da, comrade.

I view this thing as being a lot like America's Civil War in the sense that the people fighting it are so similar.

Both sides start swilling vodka about 11AM, speak the same language, everything.
With direct access to the front line I can assure you that nothing remotely like that happens . The people who determine the fighting are the very few at the top and they detest each other .
That may be difficult for you to comprehend because you Mountain Men, or Hilly Billy Boys as we say , don't get much up-to-date news
Russia set very clear objectives for the SMO .
It is achieving these objectives with between only 10% to 15% of the Kyiv Nazi losses . There is absolutely nothing at this point for Moscow to imagine that the full campaign will not finish as an absolute success for them .
Ergo, no obvious reason for a settlement .
Why would Russia oppose a ceasefire that would include no additional weapons being sent to Ukraine by the US/NATO?

Zelensky supposedly ran on the idea of making peace with the Russians. However after his election, he no doubt got sat down at the big boy table with the US and Euros, and was told he was not allowed to.
Europe didn't decide to abandon the Minsk agreement.
Look at his demeanor when around US officials, he kind of looks like an enslaved rape victim who must praise his captors.
I'm not interested in irrational extremist views.
So you have no opinion of your own?
My opinion is that imperialist fascist regimes should be slapped down hard if they invade others nations.

That means no cease-fire until Russia exits Ukraine.

Appeasement doesn't work out. RIght now, the appeasement movement is the pro-Russia pro-fascism movement. They don't hide it well. They see Russia as the white-supremacist Christofascist utopia that they want the USA to emulate, so they support Russia.
They see Russia as the white-supremacist Christofascist utopia
that they want the USA to emulate, so they support Russia.


Preserving the russian people as a white people is not racial supremacism!!

It's genocide prevention, it's mental sanity!!

Genocide, the most horrendous expression of ideologies based on racial supremacism like Nazism, is what's happening in your own country, in 21th century multiracialist America, a country ravaged by a demented ideology that's turning this:


into this:

I'll go with the opinion of the people being invaded. Does Ukraine want a cease fire?

What's that? They say "Hell no!"?

Well, that settles it. Unless someone wants to invent conspiracy theories about Ukraine being someone's puppet.
Zelenskyy and Putin were both participants in the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders Initiative. The purposes of this war are to facilitate the Great Reset and White genocide.
Why would Russia oppose a ceasefire that would include no additional weapons being sent to Ukraine by the US/NATO?
After 30 years of deliberate US and NATO lies they have good cause not to believe another word from any of the major western powers . And because when you are "slaughtering" your opposition you negotiate on your terms .
My opinion is that imperialist fascist regimes should be slapped down hard if they invade others nations.
First time you have ever got something vaguely right . But that is exactly what Russia is doing -- weeding out and killing Fascists both American and Ukrainian . And the American terrorists do not like getting some of the treatment they try to hand out .
Would you like to see a cease-fire agreement in Ukraine right now, with negotiations to follow? I think >500,000 dead is enough.
You would need to ask the USA/NATO, since they provoked, and obviously wanted this war.

Putin IMO, is not interested in a ceasefire agreement - since he is aware that any "peace-period" will only allow for the USA/NATO to upgrade and further strengthen Ukraine's Armed Forces. He is already having more then a hard time with the UAF as they are.

Either Putin pulls out of Ukraine "incl. Crimea", or he needs to keep that war going - still hoping for NATO to lastly reduce it's support towards Ukraine, and the USA being ruled again in 2025 by an incompetent President. How many casualties and economic hardship the common Ukrainian population is willing to further sacrifice - might well be the largest factor in this equation.
Why would Russia oppose a ceasefire that would include no additional weapons being sent to Ukraine by the US/NATO?
The moment a "peace" is arranged - Ukraine will become a Full- or assisted NATO member - being a full or assisted NATO member factually excludes the idea, or rather the fake NATO promise, of not assisting or arming Ukraine accordingly.

In case you forgot - this war is only about Putin aka Russia NOT willing to accept a further NATO Eastward Expansion, since they regard e.g. Ukraine or Georgia or Moldavia to be their hemisphere of interest (so called hegemony) and being decisive for Russia's national security.

The same hegemonic point of view - aka principle, would be applied by the USA, if e.g. a military alliance between China and Russia would pursue to get Mexico, the whole of Central America, the Caribbean States and Canada into such a "defensive" military alliance.
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I'll go with the opinion of the people being invaded. Does Ukraine want a cease fire?

What's that? They say "Hell no!"?

Well, that settles it. Unless someone wants to invent conspiracy theories about Ukraine being someone's puppet.
You don’t think Ukraine is the puppet of the US?
I'll go with the opinion of the people being invaded. Does Ukraine want a cease fire?

What's that? They say "Hell no!"?

Well, that settles it. Unless someone wants to invent conspiracy theories about Ukraine being someone's puppet.
do you have any evidence for that 'hell no' being the opinion of the average Ukranian (as opposed to just their leadership)?

i also read a report which put the number at around 90%.

of course, one could say that this is merely propaganda put forth by the western puppet leaders of Ukraine (Zelensky & co).
Would you like to see a cease-fire agreement in Ukraine right now, with negotiations to follow? I think >500,000 dead is enough.

Yes, but it won't happen. Putin believes he can win a war of attrition, which is what it is, because he has a much larger population.
Yes, but it won't happen. Putin believes he can win a war of attrition, which is what it is, because he has a much larger population.
combined with the well-advertised territorial nature of the Ukranians, we could indeed be in for another long war then.
great, seeing weapons near the end of their lifespan not dismanteled for parts and materials but used to kill. NOT!
combined with the well-advertised territorial nature of the Ukranians, we could indeed be in for another long war then.
great, seeing weapons near the end of their lifespan not dismanteled for parts and materials but used to kill. NOT!

If it were your country, what would you do?

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