CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers’ Only by 12%

America Was Built on Tariffs…
By Buck Sexton

These days, tariffs are treated like a bad word. They are to be avoided, condemned, and shunned. Tweed-clad economists get visibly agitated when discussing them on television. Think-tankers in the Acela corridor scoff at them as a “tax on consumers” that “makes us poorer.” And because President Trump has made tariffs a central piece of his economic agenda – especially in our relationship with China – they have become a hot button political issue too.

But whether you are an ardent free-trader or hope Trump takes a more “America First” approach to our trade agreements in 2019, it’s important to know that the consensus opinion on tariffs has changed dramatically over the course of American history. The back and forth debates over tariffs in this country are as old as the Republic itself.

In fact, if it weren’t for tariffs, there probably wouldn’t be a United States .
Yes they are a tax. We had a lot less other taxes when America was built on tariffs.

Which ones?

The federal income tax didn't start till 1913..
Most all of them really. We replaced tariffs with other taxes. You think we need more taxes?

I have a choice not to buy..

Guess you live in China?
I seem to rarely make any sense.

Well that's a fact
Remember 30 years ago there were no billionaires ( a handful around the world). Go back and watch Oliver Stone's movie Wall Street- it's more of a financial documentary than a Hollywood film. Multi-millionaire ( $50 - $100 million) was a big deal back then. Do you remember what the minimum wage was ? $3.35 an hour ( 40 hours for 52 weeks no vacation is about $7000 a year)

That is a big reason there are thousands of billionaires now and everyone else is in debt.

And that means what?
It means Americans let ourselves get screwed over the past 4 decades
and we're basically just now realizing it.... OWS, Bernie's 'political revolution'....these are signs of a sleeping giant awakening.
CEOs in the US are the highest paid, yet their productivity is not better. They just exist in an environment where their compensation is unchecked


Not better?

They hired you didn't they. ...

I never worked for a CEO
Remember 30 years ago there were no billionaires ( a handful around the world). Go back and watch Oliver Stone's movie Wall Street- it's more of a financial documentary than a Hollywood film. Multi-millionaire ( $50 - $100 million) was a big deal back then. Do you remember what the minimum wage was ? $3.35 an hour ( 40 hours for 52 weeks no vacation is about $7000 a year)

That is a big reason there are thousands of billionaires now and everyone else is in debt.

And that means what?
It means Americans let ourselves get screwed over the past 4 decades
and we're basically just now realizing it.... OWS, Bernie's 'political revolution'....these are signs of a sleeping giant awakening.

Bernie will be dead in three years..
CEOs in the US are the highest paid, yet their productivity is not better. They just exist in an environment where their compensation is unchecked


Not better?

They hired you didn't they. ...

I never worked for a CEO
Government employee

Damn Skippy

Senior executives in the Government make less than $250,000 a year with no stock options or golden parachutes.
Inequality is slowing US economic growth: Faster wage growth for low- and middle-wage workers is the solution
What this report finds: Income inequality in the United States is suppressing growth in aggregate demand (spending by households, businesses, and governments) by shifting an ever larger share of income to rich households that save rather than spend. This rise in inequality has been overwhelmingly driven by the failure of pay for typical American workers to keep pace with economy-wide productivity growth. EPI estimates that rising inequality has slowed growth in aggregate demand by 2 to 4 percentage points of GDP annually in recent years.
Some of the damage done when you have too much inequality.

You poor?

Nope. But if you view the video you will see that doesn't really matter.

So what matters to you?

Taking my money.


You are the one who likes more taxes. You love them tariffs right?

So you saying you have no choice?

Who is forcing you to pay?

And for what?
Inequality is slowing US economic growth: Faster wage growth for low- and middle-wage workers is the solution
What this report finds: Income inequality in the United States is suppressing growth in aggregate demand (spending by households, businesses, and governments) by shifting an ever larger share of income to rich households that save rather than spend. This rise in inequality has been overwhelmingly driven by the failure of pay for typical American workers to keep pace with economy-wide productivity growth. EPI estimates that rising inequality has slowed growth in aggregate demand by 2 to 4 percentage points of GDP annually in recent years.
And that means what?

You don't have the means to post on the internet?
Some of the damage done when you have too much inequality.

You poor?

Nope. But if you view the video you will see that doesn't really matter.

So what matters to you?

Taking my money.


You are the one who likes more taxes. You love them tariffs right?

So you saying you have no choice?

Who is forcing you to pay?

And for what?

You again seem confused. That is not at all what I said. I'll only be responding when you come close to an intelligent thought from now on. You are a huge waste.
Inequality is slowing US economic growth: Faster wage growth for low- and middle-wage workers is the solution
What this report finds: Income inequality in the United States is suppressing growth in aggregate demand (spending by households, businesses, and governments) by shifting an ever larger share of income to rich households that save rather than spend. This rise in inequality has been overwhelmingly driven by the failure of pay for typical American workers to keep pace with economy-wide productivity growth. EPI estimates that rising inequality has slowed growth in aggregate demand by 2 to 4 percentage points of GDP annually in recent years.
And that means what?

You don't have the means to post on the internet?
It means 2% gdp growth instead of much higher. Our growth is slowed.
Its fun to watch Trumpers do wealth worship while complaining about how rigged the system is....

And you love greed?

You poor

Yet posting
Poor how?? money wise? No...

And I am definitely rich on personality ....

Now back to the point you avoided....

Isn't it cute to worship the same class of folks you simultaneously claim are rigging the system?
Inequality is slowing US economic growth: Faster wage growth for low- and middle-wage workers is the solution
What this report finds: Income inequality in the United States is suppressing growth in aggregate demand (spending by households, businesses, and governments) by shifting an ever larger share of income to rich households that save rather than spend. This rise in inequality has been overwhelmingly driven by the failure of pay for typical American workers to keep pace with economy-wide productivity growth. EPI estimates that rising inequality has slowed growth in aggregate demand by 2 to 4 percentage points of GDP annually in recent years.
And that means what?

You don't have the means to post on the internet?
It means 2% gdp growth instead of much higher. Our growth is slowed.
Because of the welfare state?

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