CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

Guess some of those objecting to $15. never made that much themselves.
I guess you are being sarcastic, but there is a lot of Truth to that.

Most of the people I hear objecting to a $15/hr minimum wage were making much less at minimum wage when they took the entry level low skilled jobs to make it through college or some low time in their life. They cant imagine that anyone deserves that level of pay at an entry level job.

But minimum wage has not kept up to inflation and taxes and the 1970 minimum wage would be worth $20/hr today if it had.

We need two scales; a minimum wage for temporary part time work and another for full time work for which a person hopes to support his family, and the government should not expect you to take the former type of jobs for welfare purposes if they are not under livable wages.

Charts like this one are complete horse shit as they only take into account CPI and not the real cost of inflation and the rising costs of a minimal way of life today.

For example, it is not enough to function as an employee today without a cell phone, personal computer, automobile (as public transportation has nose dived since 1950), etc. The minimal needs to live in todays world are much higher in cost than in 1970.
Some continually remind us that minimum wage is a starter wage

In the mid 70s I was making $2.00 an hour minimum wage. Just working summers, I could pay a full years college tuition

Try doing that on $7.25 today

With all due respect, Winger...what was your tuition back in the 70's? I put myself through college working as a bartender. It cost me about $2,400 per year then. Right now that same education would cost me $26,000. Why isn't anyone asking our colleges and universities why they've been gouging students?

My first year of college cost $650

But it is not just the cost of college minimum wage hasn't kept up with. It's cars, gasoline, the price of a movie ticket, cost of milk

Why are you complaining to us conservatives about the high cost of college you know damn well it was the democrats in cahoots with the colleges that caused it with a wink and a nod.

So what?

That's the free market. What you want is total government price control.

News flash life isn't fair never has been never will be.
I absolutely do not. What I want is for government to play the role it needs to play: make the rules and make sure everyone in the games plays by the same rules. Football only works because everyone plays by NFL rules, enforced by a ref. The NFL doesn't play in the game but if every team came onto the field and played by their own set of rules it is no longer football, it is chaos.

News flash for you, only new businesses want a free market. As soon as a business is established it wants to monopolize or otherwise distort the free market. Only the government can maintain a free market.

News flash life isn't fair never has been never will be.
So the goal should be to accept and encourage increasing unfairness?

No you want to say that one football player shouldn't be allowed to be stronger than another.

You want to tell the biggest and strongest to lose weight and stop lifting weights so everyone is equal.

You want all basketball player to be the same height and run equally as fast as all the others

And fairness isn't decreasing it's the same as it always was. Tell me what has stopped you from doing anything you really wanted to do? Was it the fact that a few people have more money than you or that some parents leave their kids money? WHen some CEO get a big fat bonus does it decrease your income?

Of course not
A college kid is what 18 years old? When I as 18 I had no trouble getting jobs that paid well over MW and I worked full time all through college. It can be done if you want to do it

The economy is very different now. Jobs are very scarce. Its not like it once was any more.

I know too many hard working well qualified people who have had trouble getting jobs.
We have 5% unemployment so jobs aren't that scarce
Guess some of those objecting to $15. never made that much themselves.
I guess you are being sarcastic, but there is a lot of Truth to that.

Most of the people I hear objecting to a $15/hr minimum wage were making much less at minimum wage when they took the entry level low skilled jobs to make it through college or some low time in their life. They cant imagine that anyone deserves that level of pay at an entry level job.

But minimum wage has not kept up to inflation and taxes and the 1970 minimum wage would be worth $20/hr today if it had.

We need two scales; a minimum wage for temporary part time work and another for full time work for which a person hopes to support his family, and the government should not expect you to take the former type of jobs for welfare purposes if they are not under livable wages.

Charts like this one are complete horse shit as they only take into account CPI and not the real cost of inflation and the rising costs of a minimal way of life today.

For example, it is not enough to function as an employee today without a cell phone, personal computer, automobile (as public transportation has nose dived since 1950), etc. The minimal needs to live in todays world are much higher in cost than in 1970.
Some continually remind us that minimum wage is a starter wage

In the mid 70s I was making $2.00 an hour minimum wage. Just working summers, I could pay a full years college tuition

Try doing that on $7.25 today

With all due respect, Winger...what was your tuition back in the 70's? I put myself through college working as a bartender. It cost me about $2,400 per year then. Right now that same education would cost me $26,000. Why isn't anyone asking our colleges and universities why they've been gouging students?

My first year of college cost $650

But it is not just the cost of college minimum wage hasn't kept up with. It's cars, gasoline, the price of a movie ticket, cost of milk

Why are you complaining to us conservatives about the high cost of college you know damn well it was the democrats in cahoots with the colleges that caused it with a wink and a nod.

So what?

That's the free market. What you want is total government price control.

News flash life isn't fair never has been never will be.
I absolutely do not. What I want is for government to play the role it needs to play: make the rules and make sure everyone in the games plays by the same rules. Football only works because everyone plays by NFL rules, enforced by a ref. The NFL doesn't play in the game but if every team came onto the field and played by their own set of rules it is no longer football, it is chaos.

News flash for you, only new businesses want a free market. As soon as a business is established it wants to monopolize or otherwise distort the free market. Only the government can maintain a free market.

News flash life isn't fair never has been never will be.
So the goal should be to accept and encourage increasing unfairness?

No you want to say that one football player shouldn't be allowed to be stronger than another.

You want to tell the biggest and strongest to lose weight and stop lifting weights so everyone is equal.

You want all basketball player to be the same height and run equally as fast as all the others

And fairness isn't decreasing it's the same as it always was. Tell me what has stopped you from doing anything you really wanted to do? Was it the fact that a few people have more money than you or that some parents leave their kids money? WHen some CEO get a big fat bonus does it decrease your income?

Of course not
Football, basketball and baseball players were grossly underpaid until they formed....UNIONS
Guess some of those objecting to $15. never made that much themselves.
I guess you are being sarcastic, but there is a lot of Truth to that.

Most of the people I hear objecting to a $15/hr minimum wage were making much less at minimum wage when they took the entry level low skilled jobs to make it through college or some low time in their life. They cant imagine that anyone deserves that level of pay at an entry level job.

But minimum wage has not kept up to inflation and taxes and the 1970 minimum wage would be worth $20/hr today if it had.

We need two scales; a minimum wage for temporary part time work and another for full time work for which a person hopes to support his family, and the government should not expect you to take the former type of jobs for welfare purposes if they are not under livable wages.

Charts like this one are complete horse shit as they only take into account CPI and not the real cost of inflation and the rising costs of a minimal way of life today.

For example, it is not enough to function as an employee today without a cell phone, personal computer, automobile (as public transportation has nose dived since 1950), etc. The minimal needs to live in todays world are much higher in cost than in 1970.
Some continually remind us that minimum wage is a starter wage

In the mid 70s I was making $2.00 an hour minimum wage. Just working summers, I could pay a full years college tuition

Try doing that on $7.25 today
When was MW ever tied to the college tuition rate?

That is the is not tied to anything and is now pathetically low

For $2 an hour, I could buy 7 gallons of gas.....3 1/2 gallons today
I could save up for six months and buy a new car.....take a year today
I could pay for an apartment on two weeks pay......takes three weeks today

How many Dvds, and cell phones could you buy?


yeah also

7 gallons of gas got you about 80 miles in 1974

while on the low end 3.5 gallons will get you at least 120 miles today
So what?

That's the free market. What you want is total government price control.

News flash life isn't fair never has been never will be.
I absolutely do not. What I want is for government to play the role it needs to play: make the rules and make sure everyone in the games plays by the same rules. Football only works because everyone plays by NFL rules, enforced by a ref. The NFL doesn't play in the game but if every team came onto the field and played by their own set of rules it is no longer football, it is chaos.

News flash for you, only new businesses want a free market. As soon as a business is established it wants to monopolize or otherwise distort the free market. Only the government can maintain a free market.

News flash life isn't fair never has been never will be.
So the goal should be to accept and encourage increasing unfairness?

No you want to say that one football player shouldn't be allowed to be stronger than another.

You want to tell the biggest and strongest to lose weight and stop lifting weights so everyone is equal.

You want all basketball player to be the same height and run equally as fast as all the others

And fairness isn't decreasing it's the same as it always was. Tell me what has stopped you from doing anything you really wanted to do? Was it the fact that a few people have more money than you or that some parents leave their kids money? WHen some CEO get a big fat bonus does it decrease your income?

Of course not
Football, basketball and baseball players were grossly underpaid until they formed....UNIONS
Not the point at all and once can argue that they are grossly overpaid but that's not the point either

The point is this guy thinks leaving money to your kids or paying their tuition should be illegal
No you want to say that one football player shouldn't be allowed to be stronger than another.

You want to tell the biggest and strongest to lose weight and stop lifting weights so everyone is equal.

You want all basketball player to be the same height and run equally as fast as all the others
Your comprehension is poor. I don't want all the sprinters to run equally fast, just to begin the race from the same place at the same time.

And fairness isn't decreasing it's the same as it always was. Tell me what has stopped you from doing anything you really wanted to do? Was it the fact that a few people have more money than you or that some parents leave their kids money? WHen some CEO get a big fat bonus does it decrease your income?

Of course not

Seems to me that if the top 1% have gotten an increasing share of the countries wealth, fairness is increasing. Or do you have another explanation?

Was it the fact that a few people have more money than you or that some parents leave their kids money? WHen some CEO get a big fat bonus does it decrease your income?

Of course not
Actually it usually does since the public company he heads has less money to return in dividends or to invest in the company.
No you SHOULD get the skills to get a better job that pays more money! This concept that entry level...low skill jobs...should be "worth" an inflated rate simply because a union wants to become more powerful is absurd. You're squeezing the people who need entry level jobs the most...the young...right out of the job market.

The minimum wage was calculated as the minimum wage to survive and to pay less than that was the moral equivalent of slavery and indentured servitude.

And unions are not responsible for the minimum wage, as we have had it since the Great Plague where the concept was originally tied to a MAXIMUM wage. When setting up the maximum wage, they also set up the minimum wage to go along with it. That was the original idea behind the shilling, the minimum amount of silver one could pay for unskilled work as a daily wage.

Conservative opposition to a fair minimum wage is simply misguided as it is part of the bedrock culture of Christianity through the late Middle Ages and Modern era.

IT was the left that dismissed it to favor the new nobility and wanted to make wages unrelated to social function and entirely on supply and demand. It was always conservatives who argued for minimum wages throughout history of the English speaking world.

You don't have to argue for a minimum wage if you're a true fiscal conservative, Jim because Free Markets set wages...minimum and maximum all by themselves. Every attempt to force wages always ends up badly.
You don't have to argue for a minimum wage if you're a true fiscal conservative,

I am not going to limit the range of my thoughts to an ideology. Telling starving financially insecure people to just hold on the free market will eventually get to them is horse shit.

There is a time sensitive element here that the 'free market' simply cannot respond to adequately. We have had minimum and maximum wages sine the late Middle Ages, but abstract theoreticians claim they are unneeded today and that is simply a denial of the historical record.

Jim because Free Markets set wages...minimum and maximum all by themselves. Every attempt to force wages always ends up badly.

And what has this free market given us throughout history? Slavery, indentured servitude and peasantry.

No thank you. We have to set some minimum standards to keep the economy humming and vital to that is a large, confident and wealthy consumer market to buy the goods we produce.

That does not happen with 'trickle down' free market ivory tower abstract.
You don't have to argue for a minimum wage if you're a true fiscal conservative,

I am not going to limit the range of my thoughts to an ideology. Telling starving financially insecure people to just hold on the free market will eventually get to them is horse shit.

There is a time sensitive element here that the 'free market' simply cannot respond to adequately. We have had minimum and maximum wages sine the late Middle Ages, but abstract theoreticians claim they are unneeded today and that is simply a denial of the historical record.

Jim because Free Markets set wages...minimum and maximum all by themselves. Every attempt to force wages always ends up badly.

And what has this free market given us throughout history? Slavery, indentured servitude and peasantry.

No thank you. We have to set some minimum standards to keep the economy humming and vital to that is a large, confident and wealthy consumer market to buy the goods we produce.

That does not happen with 'trickle down' free market ivory tower abstract.
With all due respect, Jim..."peasants" did not operate in a free market! Neither did slaves nor indentured servants.

And setting an absurdly high minimum wage is NOT going to keep the economy humming and vital! It will give us one heck of an inflationary jolt however.

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