CEOs tell Trump that jobs exist, the skills don't

Well, sure there's been a deterioration of, for instance, trained tool and die makers, as there haven't been jobs for several years, so people were not undergoing the schooling, apprenticeships etc., to learn skilled manufacturing jobs as there was no actual job at the end of that process. Some of the folks that used to perform those functions have aged out of the market and others have moved on, but I think it's a safe bet that if the incentive were there that some would return and others would train.

if this CEO is telling the whole truth, there is an unmet demand, and wages should then rise and drive that market response, except, no, they won't, as long as skilled manufacturing wages here don't rebound.

So, the jobs are there, but they're not paying what they should to support such action from the labor market participants and they are, therefore, not responding, as there is little incentive to undergo training to learn a skill that pays crap and won't even feed your family.

this and other CEOs are propping up their bottom lines, arguing there's nothing that can be done. Bullshit. Change the math, change the outcome.
Manufacturing is lower pay than things like IT, high end service careers like nursing, and small business service ventures.

The 21st century information and service economy is moving away from manufacturing, the same way that mechanization moved people away from agriculture.

The horse is out of the barn, time to adapt to the economy and quit bawling over it.
Afraid that won't work either if it remains so imbalanced.
Well, sure there's been a deterioration of, for instance, trained tool and die makers, as there haven't been jobs for several years, so people were not undergoing the schooling, apprenticeships etc., to learn skilled manufacturing jobs as there was no actual job at the end of that process. Some of the folks that used to perform those functions have aged out of the market and others have moved on, but I think it's a safe bet that if the incentive were there that some would return and others would train.

if this CEO is telling the whole truth, there is an unmet demand, and wages should then rise and drive that market response, except, no, they won't, as long as skilled manufacturing wages here don't rebound.

So, the jobs are there, but they're not paying what they should to support such action from the labor market participants and they are, therefore, not responding, as there is little incentive to undergo training to learn a skill that pays crap and won't even feed your family.

this and other CEOs are propping up their bottom lines, arguing there's nothing that can be done. Bullshit. Change the math, change the outcome.
Manufacturing is lower pay than things like IT, high end service careers like nursing, and small business service ventures.

The 21st century information and service economy is moving away from manufacturing, the same way that mechanization moved people away from agriculture.

The horse is out of the barn, time to adapt to the economy and quit bawling over it.

Really, IT now pays more than a typical manufacturing job? Gee, I had no idea. That 'the horse is out of the barn' nonsense is just that- nonsense.

These types of wages don't have to be on the level of IT, and they never were, actually, but they have to be above the level of 'hello, welcome to Walmart' and enough to justify someone going through some schooling and training to learn them.
The manufacturing jobs are not coming back in their hundreds of thousands, despite what the Pres says.

The manufacturing classes will have to retrain is the point, even if they don't want to.

Factory jobs exist, CEOs tell Trump. Skills don't.
Obama, once again has been touting that ideology for years and ignored by both parties. Remember Van Johnson? President Obama did everything humanly possible to give dignity and pride back to the American Stupid......he wanted a infrastructural bill and got beat the fuck up for it. He said in I can't tell you how many state of the Union speeches about our need to be trained for a new century, new work environment, for that he was hounded for being un-American, He had meetings with business, asked what could his white house do to make their lives easier....without jeapordizing staple legislation in place, such as EPA standards and needed regulations....he got nothing for it. He went to the DOD, they told him, we got enough arsenal to defeat civilization, keep your money and on and on and on....but I guess when I white clown with a orange face propose the same exact shit, I guess it makes sense to hillbillies in drag, I dunno
"this and other CEOs are propping up their bottom lines, arguing there's nothing that can be done" is nonsense. The CEOs are saying workers have to have skill sets for the Now and the Future.

America is not going backwards.

stimulating some of these mid-range earning jobs, such as skilled manufacturing, does not in any way preclude advances in what some would label more future-oriented jobs.
"this and other CEOs are propping up their bottom lines, arguing there's nothing that can be done" is nonsense. The CEOs are saying workers have to have skill sets for the Now and the Future.

America is not going backwards.

stimulating some of these mid-range earning jobs, such as skilled manufacturing, does not in any way preclude advances in what some would label more future-oriented jobs.
I agree with you.
Trump has been in office a little over a month. Obama had eight freaking long years to ask why American workers don't have the skills to do the job. All we ever heard from Obama's socialist empire was hypocrite rhetoric about corporations, how the U.S. would be weaned off oil and the laughable "cash for clunkers" scheme.
The manufacturing jobs are not coming back in their hundreds of thousands, despite what the Pres says.

The manufacturing classes will have to retrain is the point, even if they don't want to.

Factory jobs exist, CEOs tell Trump. Skills don't.

That's a pretty sad commentary on our nation's education system. Thanks liberals.
This is adult education retraining not public education.

Either the working classes retrain or they go on government assistance.
White America absolutely positively refuse to embrace the 21st century....these ignorant pathetic lumps of white hillbilly shit, would rather buy into Trumps "clean coal" bullshit, which we all know is just that, bs....., than face a world where new ideas, technology and innovation has moved on without them. The days of graduating high school and having a uncle, dad and cousin readying your place at the local manufacturing plants are over and they just can't get pass it. And soon they find out, although the pipe was made in America....ITS STILL A FUCKIN PIPE DREAM!!
The manufacturing jobs are not coming back in their hundreds of thousands, despite what the Pres says.

The manufacturing classes will have to retrain is the point, even if they don't want to.

Factory jobs exist, CEOs tell Trump. Skills don't.
The manufacturing jobs are not coming back in their hundreds of thousands, despite what the Pres says.

The manufacturing classes will have to retrain is the point, even if they don't want to.

Factory jobs exist, CEOs tell Trump. Skills don't.

All the more reason to reform our broken educational system and replace it with one that works for the people instead of the Democrat Party
Our schools have been so dumbed down to accomodate all the non-whites and illegals, that even white kids can't read now.
Trump has been in office a little over a month. Obama had eight freaking long years to ask why American workers don't have the skills to do the job. All we ever heard from Obama's socialist empire was hypocrite rhetoric about corporations, how the U.S. would be weaned off oil and the laughable "cash for clunkers" scheme.
Trump has been in office a little over a month. Obama had eight freaking long years to ask why American workers don't have the skills to do the job. All we ever heard from Obama's socialist empire was hypocrite rhetoric about corporations, how the U.S. would be weaned off oil and the laughable "cash for clunkers" scheme.


Obama to Sign Bill Improving Worker Training

President Obama said, “We want to make it easier to join students looking for jobs with businesses looking to hire. We want to put community colleges and employers together to create programs that match curricula in the classroom with the needs of the boardroom. Skills for America’s Future would help connect more employers, schools, and other job training providers, and help them share knowledge about what practices work best. The goal is to ensure there are strong partnerships between growing industries and community college or training programs in every state in the country.”

President Obama Announces Launch of 'Skills for America’s Future' | Workforce Development | Training Industry
Working in the manufacturing sector sucks. It's hard and often times filthy work. You're considered to be 'labor' and your own management resents having to pay you. Management treats people like shit. They're constantly looking to lay you off to cut expenses. Anybody that wants a job in the manufacturing sector has to be an idiot.

It seems that the Trumpbots want the whole world to go back to the 1950s...when they were children and thought that everything was perfect. Those days are matter how much they want to pretend that the world is the same now as it was then.

If the U.S. is going to go back into manufacturing, it has to be high tech, cutting edge manufacturing. The days of the coal miner and machinist are over.

This is why there's not enough skilled Americans for manufacturing in the U.S. It takes degree'd engineers and scientists to do the work that's needed, simple vocational skills aren't what's needed anymore - they've been automated.

Of course once we start to have enough engineers and scientists, then the pay scale for engineers and scientists will drop like a rock.
The late great Richard Pryor once made a joke......Keep lying, so I can forget about the truth.....a Trump staple!!

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