Chair of the Federal Election Commission Makes Announcement

And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Because we've been doing it for years now. That's why. The only thing that has changed is Trump is president. All of a sudden Dems can't seem to be able to count.
We have never had an election under circumstances like this, with this many people. The most people ever in the history of the United States just voted. Not only that, we've NEVER had this many mail ins, absentee and other such votes.

So no, Trump being President isn't the only thing that changed; and if you can't admit that simple, small fact...what use is talking at all?

What about the states that did it right?
What is your excuse there?
We all know Trump won, and by a big margin. Anybody running around claiming different definitely knows they're lying lowlifes. Ignore those trolls. If they support criminal fraud at the polls, put them on your ignore list from now on.
And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Because we've been doing it for years now. That's why. The only thing that has changed is Trump is president. All of a sudden Dems can't seem to be able to count.
We have never had an election under circumstances like this, with this many people. The most people ever in the history of the United States just voted. Not only that, we've NEVER had this many mail ins, absentee and other such votes.

So no, Trump being President isn't the only thing that changed; and if you can't admit that simple, small fact...what use is talking at all?

What about the states that did it right?
What is your excuse there?
So you want me to explain why completely different states didn't all do something the same way, and thus didn't get the same results? All states don't have the same rules, the same amount of people counting, the same rules for that counting; etc, etc. Also you have no evidence any states did it wrong, just because they didn't do it as fast as you wanted doesn't mean their wrong.
And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Because we've been doing it for years now. That's why. The only thing that has changed is Trump is president. All of a sudden Dems can't seem to be able to count.
We have never had an election under circumstances like this, with this many people. The most people ever in the history of the United States just voted. Not only that, we've NEVER had this many mail ins, absentee and other such votes.

So no, Trump being President isn't the only thing that changed; and if you can't admit that simple, small fact...what use is talking at all?

What about the states that did it right?
What is your excuse there?
So you want me to explain why completely different states didn't all do something the same way, and thus didn't get the same results? All states don't have the same rules, the same amount of people counting, the same rules for that counting; etc, etc. Also you have no evidence any states did it wrong, just because they didn't do it as fast as you wanted doesn't mean their wrong.

There is ample evidence -
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I understand that you do not wish for that to be - but it is.
Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.
Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.

I really think that even most Democrats know that the election is being stolen - they just don't care.

Then then are the ones , Dana, Playtime, Coyote JB - that really are that stupid and delusional.
The Chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Trey Trainor, has announced that he believes voter fraud is occurring in states that are still counting ballots.

While appearing on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” on Friday, Trainor said locations that aren’t giving election observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be engaging in voter fraud.

“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places. Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in,” the FEC Chair said.

BJ -
I was of the understanding that the Maddow Guy was the Chairman of the FEC.

All with no evidence of fraud, cronies of Trump doing his bidding.
The Chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Trey Trainor, has announced that he believes voter fraud is occurring in states that are still counting ballots.

While appearing on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” on Friday, Trainor said locations that aren’t giving election observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be engaging in voter fraud.

“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places. Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in,” the FEC Chair said.

BJ -
I was of the understanding that the Maddow Guy was the Chairman of the FEC.
A right wing partisan Hoax?

Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.
America hates Trump. Trump lost. Deal with it.
The reason they spew their fanciful allegations to their willing press, is because they have nothing to take to the courts.
And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Because we've been doing it for years now. That's why. The only thing that has changed is Trump is president. All of a sudden Dems can't seem to be able to count.
We have never had an election under circumstances like this, with this many people. The most people ever in the history of the United States just voted. Not only that, we've NEVER had this many mail ins, absentee and other such votes.

So no, Trump being President isn't the only thing that changed; and if you can't admit that simple, small fact...what use is talking at all?

What about the states that did it right?
What is your excuse there?
So you want me to explain why completely different states didn't all do something the same way, and thus didn't get the same results? All states don't have the same rules, the same amount of people counting, the same rules for that counting; etc, etc. Also you have no evidence any states did it wrong, just because they didn't do it as fast as you wanted doesn't mean their wrong.

There is ample evidence -
Video -

I understand that you do not wish for that to be - but it is.
So much ample evidence that every court case besides the ones about moving Observers closer has succeeded, right? The problem is you're banking on these things proving something, when more then likely they don't. I'm more then willing to let it play out in court, but Trump isn't. Because he's already saying these things happened, unequivocally without waiting for said court cases to play out.

And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.
Because Florida and Texas did it.
Florida and Texas aren't fucking Pennsylvanian or freaking Nevada you goose. In no thing that exists in this world does this made up rule apply. Every car can't do everything another car can, every person can't do everything another person can, so on and so forth.
Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.
Don’t tell me, let me guess. The Dems did poorly in the House and Senate because they didn’t want you to suspect foul play, right?

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