Chair of the Federal Election Commission Makes Announcement

Trainor is a fucking idiot. But that goes without saying when it comes to Blob appointments. ;)

On September 16, 2020, Trainor said that churches could endorse political candidates. He justified this by pointing to Trump's 2017 executive order that the Johnson Amendment should not be enforced. FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub disagreed with Trainor, saying that the Johnson Amendment remains law and "cannot be undone with an executive order."[10]

It this case, it really is explosive. The top boss of all the election officials, Trey Trainor, confirms that in his professional opinion, this election is “illegitimate.”
Fraud announcement from FEC

Trey Trainor who serves as chairman for the Federal Election Commission is personally convinced that, from what he’s seen in Pennsylvania, and reports he’s been getting from elsewhere in the country, this election is illegitimate.

You don't really know much about the FEC, do you? He only speaks for them when they have a finding. They do not even have a quorum and have had one lately, so they definitely have investigated NOTHING. Composed by law of 3 Democrat and 3 Republicans in quorum. As far as I know, they have only functioned if you can call it that for 2 months (april and may, I think) of the last two years. Their only legal mandate is campaign finance reform. They are not what you think. Without a quorum, they are not really anything at all. That dude is speaking solely for himself. You should read more.
Actually, it is you who knows nothing. There are CURRENTLY only 3 commissioners-----------with Trey being the CHAIR meaning he outranks the other two. And if funding is there issue----someone or group of someones spent Billions trying to steal this election going well past any limits on any one especially foreigners like the chinese buying US elections.
Having only 3 is why they do not have a quorum. He is kind of a speaker, who cannot even vote. Of the 6 required, you cannot have more than 3 of the same party. Presently 1 independent, term expired. 1 Democrat, term expired and 1 republican, appointed by Donnie. Missing 3 to make quorum. They are appointed by the President and confirmed in the Senate. Surly you do not think it ever occurred to Donnie to staff a campaign finance watch dog committee during an election year, right? He is in the business of getting rid of watch dog, not giving them a legitimate voice. However you slice it, these 3 are just biding their time and I suppose on the public dole, understaffed to the point the of uselessness. You should read more. The guy is a political appointee joke, dude. Remember his pronouncements in August and September about you Chinese conspiracy? Right. Nobody heard any as they were non functioning, and you are saying maybe he found out something about chinese buying the election on Sunday afternoon and came to life? Do I need to post Joe saying "Come on, Man" again? Though it is a cool picture with the sport car and sunglasses thing going for him.
I don't know why you are stuck on a Quorum, but it has nothing to do with the CHAIR--the head honcho of the FEC saying that Houston we have a major problem and invalid election. If a Quorum is necessary to deal with the problem I am sure a couple of more republicans and an independent will be found. If they aren't necessary, I am sure that he will have the FEC deal with this fraud election.

Oh and fyi, a quorum is a MINIMUM number of a group needed to run something------maybe 3 is the QUORUM magic number with 6 being the max.
It is not what he does. This wasn't a campaign finance thing. Did you see the document he posted? No. Because there weren't any. He doesn't know jack, that you and I don't know. You aren't going to get far being impressed by titles of political appointees on little commissions that cannot even issue a report.
He's the head of the FEC with an invalid election which would include criminal liability and civil liabilities---he isn't going to release anything that hasn't been ok'ed by his legal staff. If you are hanging your hopes on what he is willing release at this point, you are sadly lying to yourself. They are building a criminal case against the dems and they are about to declare the election was fraudulent---they aren't going to release anything to after they file in the courts.
If you think none of the president people would not have shown something that could be checked to prove anything at all if they had anything at all you are sadly lying to yourself. They would be bragging like hell about it. It is not as if they can get a criminal case to trial without showing some kind of evidence. So far, crickets. Show me the Beef. Don't show me your boogeyman.
Hun, these are business people------------they aren't going to release anything without legals ok which isn't going to happen till after they file in court.
Good luck convincing normal people with unfounded accusations. Not enough conspiracy buff to float your argument, kid.
Trainor is a fucking idiot. But that goes without saying when it comes to Blob appointments. ;)

On September 16, 2020, Trainor said that churches could endorse political candidates. He justified this by pointing to Trump's 2017 executive order that the Johnson Amendment should not be enforced. FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub disagreed with Trainor, saying that the Johnson Amendment remains law and "cannot be undone with an executive order."[10]

So a skirt had a different opinion
Your point?
Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.

I really think that even most Democrats know that the election is being stolen - they just don't care.

Then then are the ones , Dana, Playtime, Coyote JB - that really are that stupid and delusional.

I forgot Dr Love.
And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Is it because of all the states that did it right?

The red states are bit behind on the new math strategies being hammer down in Common Core.
Red state counting experts have only had experience counting since they were two years old, and haven't updated to new Progressive strategies.

The Chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Trey Trainor, has announced that he believes voter fraud is occurring in states that are still counting ballots.

While appearing on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” on Friday, Trainor said locations that aren’t giving election observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be engaging in voter fraud.

“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places. Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in,” the FEC Chair said.

BJ -
I was of the understanding that the Maddow Guy was the Chairman of the FEC.

Provide the proof first. In Trumpworld we shoot first and ask questions later. He is a Republican hack who should be fired.
And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Because we've been doing it for years now. That's why. The only thing that has changed is Trump is president. All of a sudden Dems can't seem to be able to count.
We have never had an election under circumstances like this, with this many people. The most people ever in the history of the United States just voted. Not only that, we've NEVER had this many mail ins, absentee and other such votes.

So no, Trump being President isn't the only thing that changed; and if you can't admit that simple, small fact...what use is talking at all?

Yes, more mail ins than people. Imagine that. But it's still just counting. Amazingly easy to do....unless you are trying to cheat.
We all know Trump won, and by a big margin. Anybody running around claiming different definitely knows they're lying lowlifes. Ignore those trolls. If they support criminal fraud at the polls, put them on your ignore list from now on.

You are the lowlife. Trump lost. There was little or no fraud. Just because you don't like the results does not make it fraud.
Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.
Don’t tell me, let me guess. The Dems did poorly in the House and Senate because they didn’t want you to suspect foul play, right?

No, dumbass. They only filled in the biden vote and ignored the rest because quality fraud takes time. The idiots you hired are low quality.
We all know Trump won, and by a big margin. Anybody running around claiming different definitely knows they're lying lowlifes. Ignore those trolls. If they support criminal fraud at the polls, put them on your ignore list from now on.

You are the lowlife. Trump lost. There was little or no fraud. Just because you don't like the results does not make it fraud.

Trump lost? I don't see an EC vote total of 270 for either candidate.
The Chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Trey Trainor, has announced that he believes voter fraud is occurring in states that are still counting ballots.

While appearing on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” on Friday, Trainor said locations that aren’t giving election observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be engaging in voter fraud.

“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places. Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in,” the FEC Chair said.

BJ -
I was of the understanding that the Maddow Guy was the Chairman of the FEC.

All with no evidence of fraud, cronies of Trump doing his bidding.
THe random distribution curve was broken in 6 states... No other states had this problem... This is clear evidence of fraud...
Dems: Oh shit Trump is winning, halt the vote counting...the next morning magically Biden is winning. :eusa_think:

It is not magic. It was rigged to go that way by REPUBLICAN legislators in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The magic was the votes of voters who voted by mail. You are the one claiming they are frauds.
Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.
Don’t tell me, let me guess. The Dems did poorly in the House and Senate because they didn’t want you to suspect foul play, right?
Nope. Democrats did poorly in the House and Senate and the presidential election because they're out of their mind nuts!
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Amazing how 6 swing states had to stop counting all at the same time on election night.
A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe anything a Trump flunky says right now.

A person has to be really fucking stupid to believe an old white guy with dementia that ran a campaign from his basement and drew very little enthusiasm when he wandered out of it got the most votes in history.
Don’t tell me, let me guess. The Dems did poorly in the House and Senate because they didn’t want you to suspect foul play, right?

No, dumbass. They only filled in the biden vote and ignored the rest because quality fraud takes time. The idiots you hired are low quality.
450,000 votes in one state, 121,000 in another, etc, etc.....
Dems: Oh shit Trump is winning, halt the vote counting...the next morning magically Biden is winning. :eusa_think:

It is not magic. It was rigged to go that way by REPUBLICAN legislators in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The magic was the votes of voters who voted by mail. You are the one claiming they are frauds.

Well it's sweet to see you still believe in magic.
If you come back tomorrow, maybe they will pull another rabbit out of the hat.

And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Is it because of all the states that did it right?

The red states are bit behind on the new math strategies being hammer down in Common Core.
Red state counting experts have only had experience counting since they were two years old, and haven't updated to new Progressive strategies.


Red states don't know how to count. They are too uneducated to figfure it out.
And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.
Because Florida and Texas did it.

Florida and Texas were allowed to count ther mail-in or early voting ballots BEFORE election day. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were not allowed to do this until after election day. If they had, Trump never would have had a lead.
We all know Trump won, and by a big margin. Anybody running around claiming different definitely knows they're lying lowlifes. Ignore those trolls. If they support criminal fraud at the polls, put them on your ignore list from now on.

You are the lowlife. Trump lost. There was little or no fraud. Just because you don't like the results does not make it fraud.

Trump lost? I don't see an EC vote total of 270 for either candidate.

I believe in the magic of voting. You want to do away with it.
We all know Trump won, and by a big margin. Anybody running around claiming different definitely knows they're lying lowlifes. Ignore those trolls. If they support criminal fraud at the polls, put them on your ignore list from now on.

You are the lowlife. Trump lost. There was little or no fraud. Just because you don't like the results does not make it fraud.

Trump lost? I don't see an EC vote total of 270 for either candidate.

Because you refuse to accept it. I see 270+ for Biden everywhere.

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