Chairman Maobama Appoints Eugenicist as "Science Czar"

Nailed it dude.

Erik my lad the fact that you think there is some question as to which party that might be paints you an ignoramus.
What kind of organization is Campaign for Liberty?
Lemmie guess....You'd rather impugn the source than bother yourself to verify or debunk the information.

When I see as much specualtion from an obviously partisan source (or at least one that's biased against the Prez), I can't say I really trust it a whole lot. But I'll read the screenshots provided at one of the other links.

This guy has already been publicly grilled on this, though. I haven't heard much outcry on the news from GOP lawmakers about how horrible this guy appointed by the Prez is. And just as I'm likely being lambasted for not accepting this because of the sources it could also be argued some of you are being quick to accept for the same reasons. You hate this Prez and you want anything negative about him you read to be true.

Tell me I'm wrong.

I've been saying from day one that he isn't a Marxist or socialist but far left of communism. He makes Communism look like it's far right.
Which I really considered to be hyperbole, up until now.

That Holdren cocksucker makes Mengele look like the old family practitioner.

My initial gut to me, then I spoke with my mother who grew up with Hitler and she made me aware of some similarities. Given this and history, his actions, his friends, and common sense overall is how I came to believe he is worse then Communism. Hell we will have to find a new term to call his form of Gov.
This started about Communists ... now you're talking about Hitler ... Wingnuts get so confused.
Hitler fought the Communists. Hitler hated Communists and Marxism [Marx was a Jew].
No idiot he hated Slavs and Jews and Gypsies and Homosexuals he only had minor issues with the commies and only the German ones that he couldn't coopt. Hitler was a socialist as was Moussolini and American socialist loved him and Moussolini until the time of the Spanish Civil War.
What kind of organization is Campaign for Liberty?
Lemmie guess....You'd rather impugn the source than bother yourself to verify or debunk the information.

When I see as much specualtion from an obviously partisan source (or at least one that's biased against the Prez), I can't say I really trust it a whole lot. But I'll read the screenshots provided at one of the other links.

This guy has already been publicly grilled on this, though. I haven't heard much outcry on the news from GOP lawmakers about how horrible this guy appointed by the Prez is. And just as I'm likely being lambasted for not accepting this because of the sources it could also be argued some of you are being quick to accept for the same reasons. You hate this Prez and you want anything negative about him you read to be true.

Tell me I'm wrong.
One of the saving graces of the "Czars" is that they don't have to go through the public grilling....They just get appointed and that's it.

Now, if you have some links to any verifiable evidence debunking the OP, I'm all eyes and ears.

Bring it.
Ain't happening Erik's got his head buried to deep in Obama's backside to be able to notice a real fact if you slapped him with it.
I'm now coming around to the position that referring to our president as a stone communist is not hyperbole.

Ecoscience discusses a number of ways in which the global population could be reduced to combat what the authors see as mankind’s greatest threat – overpopulation. In each case, the proposals are couched in sober academic rhetoric, but the horrifying foundation of what Holdren and his co-authors are advocating is clear. These proposals include;

- Forcibly and unknowingly sterilizing the entire population by adding infertility drugs to the nation’s water and food supply.

- Legalizing “compulsory abortions,” ie forced abortions carried out against the will of the pregnant women, as is common place in Communist China where women who have already had one child and refuse to abort the second are kidnapped off the street by the authorities before a procedure is carried out to forcibly abort the baby.

- Babies who are born out of wedlock or to teenage mothers to be forcibly taken away from their mother by the government and put up for adoption. Another proposed measure would force single mothers to demonstrate to the government that they can care for the child, effectively introducing licensing to have children.

- Implementing a system of “involuntary birth control,” where both men and women would be mandated to have an infertility device implanted into their body at puberty and only have it removed temporarily if they received permission from the government to have a baby.

Campaign For Liberty — Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

It sounds plausible to me. Libs always seem sure they know what's best for the rest of us. :)
No idiot he hated Slavs and Jews and Gypsies and Homosexuals he only had minor issues with the commies and only the German ones that he couldn't coopt. Hitler was a socialist as was Moussolini and American socialist loved him and Moussolini until the time of the Spanish Civil War.
Where do you get that foolishness?

Human Voices: Bush secrets, Bush lies


Bush secrets, Bush lies
Look at the long history of the Bush family and you see patterns. Disturbing and even horrifying patterns. It's no secret that the Bush family patriarch, Prescott Bush, was a Nazi sympathizer, involved in a New York bank that laundered money for Hitler. After a Herald Tribune story calling him "Hitler's Angel" exposed his bank as a de facto Nazi front organization, the Bush assets were seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act of 1941 . The media coverage was minimal and for over 60 years the story has been denied, but for anyone interested, the records are there and more are appearing.

The funds were returned after the war and Prescott went on to become a Senator from Connecticut using the laundered Nazi money. As Prescott's father Samuel Bush served during the First World War as a government official in charge of coordination and assistance to major weapons contractors, it's fair to say that the family tradition of profiting from war is at least of four generations standing.
But now for the really scary part. The BBC investigative program Document has revealed that during the Great Depression, Prescott Bush was involved in a plot which included prominent businessmen to overthrow the government of United States, replacing President Roosevelt with a fascist system like the ones they admired in Europe. He was also a supporter of Eugenics: the practice of sterilizing "inferior" people for the benefit of the "race."
<more at the link>
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C'mon guys, it was the 70s! :lol:

Admittedly, it's a pretty extreme idea, but to be fair, if you actually read the book you see that he gives a wide spectrum (from the mildest to the most extreme) of possible ways to deal with overpopulation, and the authors themselves admit that one would be the most extreme (the 'planetary regime'). They also talk about various other methods (the milder parts of the spectrum) like simple, good-ol' family planning. You have to remember these are environmental super-alarmists who were expecting things to get much worse much quicker. It's not like the point of the book is to forcibly sterilize people.
If we were talking about some random academic putz numbing brains in Berkeley or Boulder, I'd agree with you.

But the eugenicist asshole being discussed here has been given a position by the Executive by fiat, with no congressional review or say-so, one way or the other
wont be long till mandated abortions are part and parcel of bam bams health care scam
I'm now coming around to the position that referring to our president as a stone communist is not hyperbole.

Perhaps. But that's caused more by the fact that you're a fucking moron with no knowledge of politics than anything else. :)
Eat shit and die, you fucking cowardly little child.
Marxists like Obama Mao and Pol Pot are always trying various strategies to control the population: shooting, gassing, starvation.
Eat shit and die, you fucking cowardly little child.

Bad night at the bathhouse, Dud? Maybe Julio will notice your new sparkly panties tomorrow if you show him more directly. :eusa_whistle:

Marxists like Obama Mao and Pol Pot are always trying various strategies to control the population: shooting, gassing, starvation.

It's difficult to tell the distinction, yeah. Except for the issue of the liberal democratic capitalism pushed by the first, y'know.
Why do they term them Czars, why don't they just call them Nazis?

The anti-tobacco campaign of the Nazis: a little known aspect of public health in Germany, from 1933-45

Historians and epidemiologists have only recently begun to explore the Nazi anti-tobacco movement. Germany had the world's strongest anti smoking movement in the 1930s and early 1940s,encompassing bans on smoking in public spaces, bans on advertising, restrictions on tobacco rations for women, and the world's most refined tobacco epidemiology, linking tobacco use with the already evident epidemic of lung cancer. The anti-tobacco campaign must be understood against the backdrop of the Nazi quest for racial and bodily purity, which also motivated many other public health efforts of the era.
Medical historians in recent years have done a great deal to enlarge our understanding of medicine and public health in Nazi Germany. We know that about half of all doctors joined the Nazi party and that doctors played a major part in designing and administering the Nazi programmes of forcible sterilisation, "euthanasia," and the industrial scale murder of Jews and gypsies. Much of our present day concern for the abuse of humans used in experiments stems from the extreme brutality many German doctors showed towards concentration camp prisoners exploited to advance the cause of German military medicine.

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