Change: Officer relieved of duty for not turning on body camera.

Why those things aren't auto at this point I have no idea.

Cops go to the bathroom just everyone else.

And they do other things as well...

Probably wouldn't have this deputy to have his camera on...
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
....won't stop jackasses from being justifiably killed by police--because self defense and wanting to live is a BIG need
The cameras do more to protect the police than the public.
They usually show the police were right
that doesn't refute my point...look how many were killed after MBrown!!!!!--2014 just proves my points in my police brutality thread = there will always be '''problems''/JUSTIFIED killings/questionable killings/etc when you have jackass/irrational/dumbass/etc criminals
Police brutality used to be just a “wink, wink” reaction as police would just claim the suspect resisted arrest.

Now, everyone around has a smart phone recording the stop and body cam shows exactly what happened.
Now body cameras have shown that these criminals resist arrest constantly, and that their injuries have always been warrented.
Other times they show BLM
Yes, you do frequently see BLM on police body cam footage. You find all sorts of criminals in those body cam videos, not just BLM.
Most video shows the guy arrested deserved it.

Then there is the BLM videos where an unarmed suspect begging for his life ends up killed

In the past, Police claimed the guy had a weapon or put the cops in jeopardy. Video shows otherwise
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Meanwhile more black men die from falling off ladders than they do by cops.
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Meanwhile more black men die from falling off ladders than they do by cops.
Trying to break and enter second-third story windows can be dangerous work.
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Meanwhile more black men die from falling off ladders than they do by cops.
Ladders are accidents

Police shooting unarmed black men is preventable
Any shooting that takes place with the camera off, automatically infers guilt.

If they had nothing to hide, they would have it on, period.
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Hey retard, they have video of the shooting from their body cameras. Why are you always wrong?

I never said they didn't. Not because the camera's were on. They weren't. Now they don't have the audio. You'll note, the officer no longer has a gun or badge over it.
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Meanwhile more black men die from falling off ladders than they do by cops.

Most kids are not molested by adults also........that doesn't excuse when they are.
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
....won't stop jackasses from being justifiably killed by police--because self defense and wanting to live is a BIG need
The cameras do more to protect the police than the public.
They usually show the police were right
that doesn't refute my point...look how many were killed after MBrown!!!!!--2014 just proves my points in my police brutality thread = there will always be '''problems''/JUSTIFIED killings/questionable killings/etc when you have jackass/irrational/dumbass/etc criminals
Police brutality used to be just a “wink, wink” reaction as police would just claim the suspect resisted arrest.

Now, everyone around has a smart phone recording the stop and body cam shows exactly what happened.
Now body cameras have shown that these criminals resist arrest constantly, and that their injuries have always been warrented.
Other times they show BLM
Yes, you do frequently see BLM on police body cam footage. You find all sorts of criminals in those body cam videos, not just BLM.
Most video shows the guy arrested deserved it.

Then there is the BLM videos where an unarmed suspect begging for his life ends up killed

In the past, Police claimed the guy had a weapon or put the cops in jeopardy. Video shows otherwise
uhuh... :cuckoo:
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Meanwhile more black men die from falling off ladders than they do by cops.
Ladders are accidents

Police shooting unarmed black men is preventable
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Hey retard, they have video of the shooting from their body cameras. Why are you always wrong?

I never said they didn't. Not because the camera's were on. They weren't. Now they don't have the audio. You'll note, the officer no longer has a gun or badge over it.
They always get suspended after every shooting. He will be back to work soon enough.
Cops exist by enforcing the rules.

That means when the rule says you don ‘t turn off your body follow it

The officer allegedly didn't follow the rules, and they got fired. Now the city of Columbus is going to have to fight it before an arbitrator, who will probably reduce the punishment to a sternly worded letter being put in the officer's personnel file and one will will haunt the officer for the next 90 days in which they will be expected to keep their noses clean.
For some odd reason the police seem to not be able to learn. The old ways are not acceptable. This appears to be another unjustifiable shooting. By all initial indications the man was simply visiting someone. Someone else see's a black man, freaks out and the cops come and shoots him. This time though the police are not trying to hide the video and the officer was partially addressed for not following procedure by having his body camera on.

We will watch for future charges being filed against the officer. We also simply have to address the unions and the contracts.

Columbus, Ohio, police officer relieved of duty after fatal shooting of Black man

It is interesting how long the lie in the other shooting noted in the article has survived. The officer was NOT taking part of any task force.
Hey retard, they have video of the shooting from their body cameras. Why are you always wrong?

I never said they didn't. Not because the camera's were on. They weren't. Now they don't have the audio. You'll note, the officer no longer has a gun or badge over it.
They always get suspended after every shooting. He will be back to work soon enough.

Not they don't. They don't have their badges and guns taken from them. They get desk duty. This officer is sitting at home interviewing lawyers.
Not they don't. They don't have their badges and guns taken from them. They get desk duty. This officer is sitting at home interviewing lawyers.

I'm not a cop, I never wanted to be a cop.

But that's seems like a more than reasonable response.

The libs seek to literally crucify any police officer that even looks at an African American wrong. The young black male is America's Official Sacred Cow, and they are not to be touched.

If a police officer asked me what he should do about phony charges levied against him, that's exactly what I would tell him to do.

Look at what happened to Officer Wilson in Ferguson- lost his job no questions asked. They actually sent a Chicago officer to his death in the Illinois penal system.
The only thing I am less fan of than the cops are criminals.

The case seems like the usual - criminal is being a criminal and cop shoots him.
Crime is crime, so America has a problem. You run from the FACT that whites commit the MOST crimes in this country, so you throw out per capita to try and downplay that fact. I notice you never admit that more black folks are murdered by the police per capita, why is that?

You acknowledge that blacks commit violent crimes at a far higher rate than whites or other races. Why is that not something you want to know so that the systemic cause can be addressed? How does it serve your purpose (whatever that is) to deny facts?

Since blacks commit violent crimes at a far higher rate, which you acknowledge, does the fact that they then have far more violent interactions with police than whites? Since that is a fact, does it not follow that more blacks would be shot?

Teacher unions are being blamed for shutting down the schools too. Give it a rest until you find evidence of the union telling them to turn off their cameras.

Teacher's unions ARE pushing to keep the schools shut down. Teacher's unions have a serious negative effect on our schools. Just like all other public sector unions, they should be banned, even Socialist FDR knew that to be true.

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