Chaos and Sexual Anarchy are here

Marriage, by definition, always has been, and always will be, between a man and a woman. To claim that a disgusting homosexual mockery of “marriage” is in any way comparable to a genuine marriage does not make it so, and accomplishes nothing other than to demonstrate what a morally-, spiritually-, and intellectually-fucked-up degenerate the creature is that is making that claim.
It’s just marriage.

No different than any other marriage.

For the hateful, bigoted right it’s about fear and ignorance; gay and transgender Americans aren’t a ‘threat’ to anyone; same-sex marriage isn’t a ‘threat’ to anyone.

The only threat are conservatives’ lies and efforts to vilify those gay and transgender and to divide the American people with those lies.
…and accomplishes nothing other than to demonstrate what a morally-, spiritually-, and intellectually-fucked-up degenerate the creature is that is making that claim.

And there's another one…

It’s just marriage.
No different than any other marriage.
For the hateful, bigoted right it’s about fear and ignorance; gay and transgender Americans aren’t a ‘threat’ to anyone; same-sex marriage isn’t a ‘threat’ to anyone.
The only threat are conservatives’ lies and efforts to vilify those gay and transgender and to divide the American people with those lies.
The main problem in the electoral system is the Democrats cheating. If that wasn't happening things would be a lot different. Oh also Democrats lying and hoaxing.
Among the many problems with the electoral system is Republicans lying – this post being one of countless examples.
And this has what exactly to do with the topic?
Schoolteacher selling pornographic content....that is sexual anarchy.

Because once upon a time a schoolteacher so much as getting pregnant outside of the bounds of marriage would be fired...even inside she often had to quit for a while instead of being pregnant in front of the children.

But now I stead of being morally a leader we have the top rated slutty milf teaching school children.
Schoolteacher selling pornographic content....that is sexual anarchy.

Because once upon a time a schoolteacher so much as getting pregnant outside of the bounds of marriage would be fired...even inside she often had to quit for a while instead of being pregnant in front of the children.

But now I stead of being morally a leader we have the top rated slutty milf teaching school children.
I was in school in the 1960s-1970s and they never had to quit over pregnancy.
Let's get rid of marriage altogether. Make it simply a contract between 2 people. And if both agree to break it at some point then so be it. Issue fixed. More and more people will just start living together and skip the process anyway. It's on the way out. Good riddens. One less thing to argue about.

Why limit it to only 2 people, or even just people? Let's make a total mockery of it so it ceases to have any value at all? After all, that's the ultimate goal is it not?
Oh, so you're allowed to judge if you're not a Christian? Tell me more, how does your judgment differ exactly?
Everyone's allowed to judge, I don't hide my judgements behind sky daddy, nor do I pretend to subscribe to a faith that tells me only sky daddy can judge. What are you confused about you Bingo?
Everyone's allowed to judge, I don't hide my judgements behind sky daddy, nor do I pretend to subscribe to a faith that tells me only sky daddy can judge. What are you confused about you Bingo?

And what are you basing your judgement on, your own feelings and emotions? It's a complete bullshit argument that your side has used for decades, that judgement is allowed as long as it is not rooted in 'religion'. What you're basically saying is that if you have a belief or faith in something other than yourself that your emotions and feeling then have no merit at all. While you sit there and cast judgement on everyone from some imaginary form of morality that you've decided is right in your own mind? Why are your thoughts more accurate, because you have no faith in anything beyond yourself? If so, that's your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but it doesn't give you the right to discredit where others form their moral values from. Your conclusions of what is moral and right is no different, there is no difference at all. As a matter of fact, using history and a faith as a moral compass far surpasses one that you just conjure up out of thin air. :cuckoo:
And what are you basing your judgement on, your own feelings and emotions?
Which part? The part about your judgements being your own rather than God's? Well that's just rational thinking on my part. Your thoughts don't come from sky daddy or magical fairy dust, they come from brain activity in your own head.

The part about only God being the judge that I learned from Christians and the Bible. Am I wrong?
It's a complete bullshit argument that your side has used for decades, that judgement is allowed as long as it is not rooted in 'religion'. What you're basically saying is that if you have a belief or faith in something than yourself that your emotions and feeling then have no merit at all.
Not at all. I think your feelings are equally as valid as mine. All opinions are equally subjective. What I don't subscribe to is the notion that your opinion means more than mine just because you claim sky daddy agrees with you. Obviously my opinion matters more because Zeus agrees with me and he says he can kick sky daddy's ass.
While you sit there and cast judgement on everyone from some imaginary form of morality that you've decided is right in your own mind?
Guess what you Bingo, that's what we're all doing. You included.
Why are your thoughts more accurate, because you have no faith in anything beyond yourself? If so, that's your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but it doesn't give you the right to discredit where others form their moral values from. Your conclusions of what is moral and right is no different, there is no difference at all. As a matter of fact, using history and a faith as a moral compass far surpasses one that you just conjure up out of thin air. :cuckoo:
Because the people of the past didn't conjure their beliefs out of thin air? Prove it.
Which part? The part about your judgements being your own rather than God's? Well that's just rational thinking on my part. Your thoughts don't come from sky daddy or magical fairy dust, they come from brain activity in your own head.

The part about only God being the judge that I learned from Christians and the Bible. Am I wrong?

Not at all. I think your feelings are equally as valid as mine. All opinions are equally subjective. What I don't subscribe to is the notion that your opinion means more than mine just because you claim sky daddy agrees with you. Obviously my opinion matters more because Zeus agrees with me and he says he can kick sky daddy's ass.

Guess what you Bingo, that's what we're all doing. You included.

Because the people of the past didn't conjure their beliefs out of thin air? Prove it.

Who determines that your thoughts are 'rational'? :cuckoo:

You can't argue my point, therefore you make things up to argue. :dunno:

But you did finally grasp one thing, 'Guess what you Bingo, that's what we're all doing. You included.'

That's exactly what I am saying, your judgment is no different, maybe you're finally learning, but I doubt it.
Who determines that your thoughts are 'rational'? :cuckoo:
Objective observation..... science.... I'm not sure how to explain to you the difference between things that can be reasoned with observation from the things expected to be taken on faith if as an adult you don't understand the difference.
You can't argue my point, therefore you make things up to argue. :dunno:
What's your point?
But you did finally grasp one thing, 'Guess what you Bingo, that's what we're all doing. You included.'

That's exactly what I am saying, your judgment is no different, maybe you're finally learning, but I doubt it.
That doesn't really address my point which is that according to the Bible Christians aren't supposed to judge and that the ones who do are pretending their judgement is God's judgment.

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