Chaos! Montana GOP senator Supercilious Steve Daines to miss Kavanaugh vote for daughter’s wedding

3 votes, that's all it takes...

3 people with integrity and moral character...

If our Government is an extension of the people, our will, then the vote should be pretty telling...

3 votes, that's all it takes...

3 people with integrity and moral character...

If our Government is an extension of the people, our will, then the vote should be pretty telling...


3 people with integrity and moral character...

they have a lot more than three with those qualities voting FOR him.

Don't worry, he'll pass.
Murkowski is shaking in her boots. i'm convinced she's a no. i have a bad feeling about this. I HAVE A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS!
If we're going to allow Montana to have senators, they have to promise to vote.

GOP senator may miss Kavanaugh vote for daughter’s wedding

If an absentee person can vote for the president over seas, why can't an absentee senator cast his vote remotely via some means? You mean he can't appoint an aide or someone on his staff to cast his vote on his behalf? Or they can delay it for a day. After all, isn't that what the Dems want, another delay?
Which means if they need his vote they'll do it Sunday. Can't imagine what Kavanaugh must be thinking. "Jesus H. Christ, what next?"
Jason Chaffetz just said on Hannity that Murkowski will vote no. told ya!
Murkowski is shaking in her boots. i'm convinced she's a no. i have a bad feeling about this. I HAVE A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS!

I heard on the radio today that SnowFlake said he was very pleased by the FBI report. Collins the same thing.

This is pretty historical. All Republican Senators realize that if Kavanaugh gets voted down, it may cost Republicans the leadership in the House and Senate. Who wants to be responsible for that? I wouldn't.
And will not be voting.

This puts Kavanaugh's confirmation in jeopardy.

As Kavanaugh vote looms, GOP Sen. Daines says he's going to daughter's wedding

But remember, Senators have voted YES to give themselves lifetime Healthcare benefits and free education for all their own children.... but can opt out of a once in a lifetime critical vote that will affect you and me for the rest of OUR lives.

Ever feel like We The People mean ZILCH to the bastards?
Mitch will probably delay the vote till the, guy gets back.
You can bet all the Montana sky his Republican brethren will find a way for him to vote. It would be in line with a Senator getting sick and a consideration has to be made in this case.
I hope his daughter has a 3-day wedding, like my lovely parents did back in the day.

I wish her and her hubby a happy, loving and successful marriage.
And will not be voting.

This puts Kavanaugh's confirmation in jeopardy.

As Kavanaugh vote looms, GOP Sen. Daines says he's going to daughter's wedding

But remember, Senators have voted YES to give themselves lifetime Healthcare benefits and free education for all their own children.... but can opt out of a once in a lifetime critical vote that will affect you and me for the rest of OUR lives.

Ever feel like We The People mean ZILCH to the bastards?

We probably won't end up needing his vote any way...………

Life is good.....
I bet he can multi task- He can vote and attend a wedding all in one day!
You can bet all the Montana sky his Republican brethren will find a way for him to vote. It would be in line with a Senator getting sick and a consideration has to be made in this case.

Move it one or two days back won't kill us.

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