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Chaos: Oakland Erupts in Flames Started by OWS Mob

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
WHAT do you suppose he meant by that? And when he wrote in the DOI?

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

YOU do realize that the DOI and the Constitution are forever and enexorably connected despite what the Statist/Progressives foisted upon us in 1913, right?
and what LAW did...they break exactly ?
Firebombing private property. Didn't you read the article in the first post, eots?

I can appreciate not caring for something going on in society and even carrying a sign about your grievance.

Lobbing a firebomb into a business because it is there is not peaceful and an intolerable abuse of the peaceful protest allowances made to them when they agree to conduct themselves in an orderly, peaceful fashion.

Unfortunately the bastards that threw the firebombs won't have been protestors.
They would have been using it as a cover to make mayhem.
I hope the protestors single them out and dob them into the cops.
Thanks, idb. If it was other than protesters causing the trouble, it should be made known to the protest organizers.

This particular "protest" would have been more orderly to have avoided going on for too long. Cities can't afford to host this kind of stuff extending into weeks and months. One day would have been fine, a weekend would have been pushing the envelope, but dragging this on week after week isn't a good idea, and I think the organizers should pay for the cleanup and wreckage their lengthy extension caused.
Firebombing private property. Didn't you read the article in the first post, eots?

I can appreciate not caring for something going on in society and even carrying a sign about your grievance.

Lobbing a firebomb into a business because it is there is not peaceful and an intolerable abuse of the peaceful protest allowances made to them when they agree to conduct themselves in an orderly, peaceful fashion.

Unfortunately the bastards that threw the firebombs won't have been protestors.
They would have been using it as a cover to make mayhem.
I hope the protestors single them out and dob them into the cops.
Thanks, idb. If it was other than protesters causing the trouble, it should be made known to the protest organizers.

This particular "protest" would have been more orderly to have avoided going on for too long. Cities can't afford to host this kind of stuff extending into weeks and months. One day would have been fine, a weekend would have been pushing the envelope, but dragging this on week after week isn't a good idea, and I think the organizers should pay for the cleanup and wreckage their lengthy extension caused.

And shouldn't the OWS protestors be held liable for the overtime incurred by public safety officials?

I think they should be handed the bill.

If not? They can scream of taxes being RAISED to cover it.
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The Jawa Report: Tea Party Versus #Occupy Checklist


clearly you are completely lost in your illusion of left/right
I made my choice in 1971. When I graduated from high school, a group of democrats I know went into shanty town and shot it up because the rumor went around a black man looked at a white woman the wrong way somewhere in the 50-mile area of the large city where I grew up. I knew I'd never join that Party, so when I married, I married a conservative man and adopted his party since I didn't have one.

I do make decisions for myself, and the above list does accurately reflect what I have seen.

You have media guys suggesting to people what they oughtta think all the time.

Some of us are made impervious to them for the stuff they have historically allowed to pass and the nitpicky stuff they pin conservatives to the wall over while cheering on the brethren opposite of my political views.

Yes, eots, I am strongly for the right and for a good reason.

I was truly ashamed of what my democrat constituents did when I was just a teenager. I could hardly believe my ears when I heard what they did and why. Honest to goodness.
Oakland was where the police first started acting violently towards the protesters, and now surprise surprise, there's violence.

Fuck You, Moron. You are a real piece of shit making excuses for this behavior. You are about as low as they come Slime Ball. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Here is a review of the Jitter n Shakes family restaurant in Oakland:

Staff is extremely friendly.
Prices are good. (Better than Starbux and Farley's)
Mocha is on hit.
Service is fast and always comes with a smile

I hope they open soon and with a smile: Idiot fleabaggers destroyed a small family business that was trying to compete with Corporate Starbucks.
I'm sure that no republicans frequent Starbucks.

Oh pulleeze!!!
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus said that racial epithets were hurled at them Saturday by angry protesters who had gathered at the Capitol to protest health-care legislation, and one congressman said he was spit upon. The most high-profile openly gay congressman, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), was heckled with anti-gay chants.
Carson told reporters that protesters yelled "kill the bill," then used a racial epithet to describe Carson and Lewis, who is a revered figure on both sides of the aisle.
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs
wonder if the liberal media will condemn the whole movement like they did the tea party?:eusa_shhh:
Good point. The Tea Party had zero incidents of threatening, polluting, raping, burning, insulting police, etc., and they cleaned up after themselves. This is what the protesters left behind in Oakland:


They wrecked the Jitters And Shakes shop!!!!:evil:

Those bastards:(

Its a family owned business that has contributed to the community since 2002

Jitters 'n Shakes Inc.

As I said earlier, these scumbags don't care. they wanted to wreck a place so they chose one that was safe to do and screw the poor sods who own the place and work there. Who cares if they help the local community, the scumbags DON'T care. Till they are made to care. Then listen to the whining!

Oh pulleeze!!!
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus said that racial epithets were hurled at them Saturday by angry protesters who had gathered at the Capitol to protest health-care legislation, and one congressman said he was spit upon. The most high-profile openly gay congressman, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), was heckled with anti-gay chants.
Carson told reporters that protesters yelled "kill the bill," then used a racial epithet to describe Carson and Lewis, who is a revered figure on both sides of the aisle.
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Been over this. They have no evidence at all. Just their claim.

But lets say it is true..... THAT compares to theft, rape, assault, destruction of private property, rioting, setting fire to city streets, illegally living on Public property, assaulting cops? Really?
the police provocateurs start the violence so they have an excuse to brutalize the crowd for the actions of a few
Bullshit. They are enforcing the LAW.

Deal with it...change the LAW if you don't like it.

and what LAW did...they break exactly ?

Arson, Vandalism, Disobeying a Lawful Order, Destruction of Private Property, Assault, Battery, there are a few more in the PC I am sure I could dig up but why bother.

Oh pulleeze!!!
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus said that racial epithets were hurled at them Saturday by angry protesters who had gathered at the Capitol to protest health-care legislation, and one congressman said he was spit upon. The most high-profile openly gay congressman, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), was heckled with anti-gay chants.
Carson told reporters that protesters yelled "kill the bill," then used a racial epithet to describe Carson and Lewis, who is a revered figure on both sides of the aisle.
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

And Golly...gee wiz...NO ONE has proved it ever happened. There's a $100,000 PRIZE for proof. It goes unclaimed. For MONTHS.


It didn't happen.
When the police show up, they are wrong.

When they are told to move the protestors or to break them up, they are wrong.

When the protestors won't move and the cops use physical force to move them, they are really wrong.

When the protestors are throwing rocks and bottles and the cops use mace and tear gas, well of course the cops are wrong.

Stores burn and are looted, cars are turned over and burned, and by standers are hit with rocks and bottles, but by God, it is naturally the COPS fault because they showed up to this "peaceful" protest.

Oakland is the city where four cops were murdered by a dip stick for no reason at all and the dip sticks family was "upset" that when the cops tried to take him into custody and he began randomly firing, they had to take him down.

Oakland is the butthole of America... I say let it burn. You get what you deserve...

Hey dumbfuck, glad you finally figured it out.

The cops are just wrong.

Fuck the pigs they choose to be a part of the paramilitary force that keeps the common people in line so the oligarcy can maintain power. They could have done something else, but no they wanted to be tax at gunpoint fucktards. They want to spend there time harrassing citizens and suppressing real social justice. Now they want to act like a bunch of gang bangers claiming territory.

I dont feel sorry for them one bit, they are on the wrong side and have been for quite awhile.
[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) - A day of demonstrations in Oakland that began as a significant step toward expanding the political and economic influence of the Occupy Wall Street movement, ended with police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters who had marched through downtown to break into a vacant building, shattering windows, spraying graffiti and setting fires along the way.[/FONT]
Peaceful Occupy protests turn into chaos

I object to the insinuation that this group was ever peaceful.
When the police show up, they are wrong.

When they are told to move the protestors or to break them up, they are wrong.

When the protestors won't move and the cops use physical force to move them, they are really wrong.

When the protestors are throwing rocks and bottles and the cops use mace and tear gas, well of course the cops are wrong.

Stores burn and are looted, cars are turned over and burned, and by standers are hit with rocks and bottles, but by God, it is naturally the COPS fault because they showed up to this "peaceful" protest.

Oakland is the city where four cops were murdered by a dip stick for no reason at all and the dip sticks family was "upset" that when the cops tried to take him into custody and he began randomly firing, they had to take him down.

Oakland is the butthole of America... I say let it burn. You get what you deserve...

Hey dumbfuck, glad you finally figured it out.

The cops are just wrong.

Fuck the pigs they choose to be a part of the paramilitary force that keeps the common people in line so the oligarcy can maintain power. They could have done something else, but no they wanted to be tax at gunpoint fucktards. They want to spend there time harrassing citizens and suppressing real social justice. Now they want to act like a bunch of gang bangers claiming territory.

I dont feel sorry for them one bit, they are on the wrong side and have been for quite awhile.
"Fuck the PIGS" Really? What are you a 60's Hippie Freak stuck in time?


Oh pulleeze!!!
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus said that racial epithets were hurled at them Saturday by angry protesters who had gathered at the Capitol to protest health-care legislation, and one congressman said he was spit upon. The most high-profile openly gay congressman, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), was heckled with anti-gay chants.
Carson told reporters that protesters yelled "kill the bill," then used a racial epithet to describe Carson and Lewis, who is a revered figure on both sides of the aisle.
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

You might want to try and follow up that little story. In a room FILLED with tape recorders and TV cameras not one recording of the so called incident has ever come to light. Makes you wonder about the truthfullness of the report no? With you probably not.
Good point. The Tea Party had zero incidents of threatening, polluting, raping, burning, insulting police, etc., and they cleaned up after themselves. This is what the protesters left behind in Oakland:


They wrecked the Jitters And Shakes shop!!!!:evil:

Those bastards:(

Its a family owned business that has contributed to the community since 2002

Jitters 'n Shakes Inc.

As I said earlier, these scumbags don't care. they wanted to wreck a place so they chose one that was safe to do and screw the poor sods who own the place and work there. Who cares if they help the local community, the scumbags DON'T care. Till they are made to care. Then listen to the whining!

well I hears back in nineteen hundred and seventy one that sum of dem dare democrates went on up to the shanty town and shot it al up coz a colored boy looked at a white woman ...dats bout all I need to knows about dem democrates
Whatever happened to all that big talk from Tea Partiers about the justifications for rebelling against the government,

starting with the Declaration of Independence?

Oh pulleeze!!!
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus said that racial epithets were hurled at them Saturday by angry protesters who had gathered at the Capitol to protest health-care legislation, and one congressman said he was spit upon. The most high-profile openly gay congressman, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), was heckled with anti-gay chants.
Carson told reporters that protesters yelled "kill the bill," then used a racial epithet to describe Carson and Lewis, who is a revered figure on both sides of the aisle.
'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs
Oh, please, indeed. Are people still trotting out that old lie?

It never happened. NO ONE has offered any evidence it happened. NO ONE. Please stop repeating lies.
They wrecked the Jitters And Shakes shop!!!!:evil:

Those bastards:(

Its a family owned business that has contributed to the community since 2002

Jitters 'n Shakes Inc.

As I said earlier, these scumbags don't care. they wanted to wreck a place so they chose one that was safe to do and screw the poor sods who own the place and work there. Who cares if they help the local community, the scumbags DON'T care. Till they are made to care. Then listen to the whining!

well I hears back in nineteen hundred and seventy one that sum of dem dare democrates went on up to the shanty town and shot it al up coz a colored boy looked at a white woman ...dats bout all I need to knows about dem democrates

I'm a Democrat (Jeffersonian Democrat to be precise, well now more of an rational anarchist) and I well remember that sort of crap happening all the time.

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