Chappaquiddick: Was Ted Kennedy innocent of Mary Jo Kopechne's death?


Ted Kennedy didn't abandon Mary Jo Kopechne when his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island ... he didn't even know she was in the car, according to a retired CIA operative.

We've been asked not to use the CIA person's name, but he worked for the agency for decades. He says back in 1969, Kennedy was romantically involved with the wife of a very powerful politician, and if word got out about the affair Kennedy was afraid it would ruin his career.

The operative says the night of the accident Kennedy and some of his buddies were all drunk and drove to a party on the Island. They went there because the politician's wife was at the party and Kennedy wanted to hook up with her. Mary Jo Kopechne was at the party ... she and Kennedy were acquaintances but not romantically involved.

According to the operative, Mary Jo was drunk, said she had a headache, got up and said she was going into one of the bedrooms to lie down.

At some point later in the evening, Kennedy and the politician's wife wanted "some alone time" and didn't want to do anything in front of the group, so they got in the car and drove ... eventually plunging off the bridge into the water. They both swam to shore safely. The operative says both were not injured.

The operative says unbeknownst to either Kennedy or the politician's wife, Mary Jo apparently was unable to sleep in the house because of the noise, so she went into the back seat of the car where she fell asleep ... which is where she died. At least one person at the party knew Mary Jo had gone into one of the cars and told authorities that after the accident.

A second person, who was close to Ted and the Kennedy family in '69, confirmed the operative's story. There's a new movie coming out this week -- "Chappaquiddick" -- which chronicles the accident and the aftermath.

More: CIA Operative Says Ted Kennedy Didn't Know Mary Jo Kopechne Was in the Car at Chappaquiddick

If true - a lot of people owe Ted Kennedy a big apology. What do you think?

Only the worst of the worst intellectually capable of people ever doubt Ted killed her.

Was Ted Kennedy ever tried in a court of law and convicted of her death? I remain open-minded until we know more facts.

From the OP:

The operative says cops immediately knew the politician's wife was in the car, because she had left her purse on the front seat. The operative says so began a cover-up to protect Kennedy. makes a difference WHO he killed?

Ted Kennedy didn't abandon Mary Jo Kopechne when his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island ... he didn't even know she was in the car, according to a retired CIA operative.

We've been asked not to use the CIA person's name, but he worked for the agency for decades. He says back in 1969, Kennedy was romantically involved with the wife of a very powerful politician, and if word got out about the affair Kennedy was afraid it would ruin his career.

The operative says the night of the accident Kennedy and some of his buddies were all drunk and drove to a party on the Island. They went there because the politician's wife was at the party and Kennedy wanted to hook up with her. Mary Jo Kopechne was at the party ... she and Kennedy were acquaintances but not romantically involved.

According to the operative, Mary Jo was drunk, said she had a headache, got up and said she was going into one of the bedrooms to lie down.

At some point later in the evening, Kennedy and the politician's wife wanted "some alone time" and didn't want to do anything in front of the group, so they got in the car and drove ... eventually plunging off the bridge into the water. They both swam to shore safely. The operative says both were not injured.

The operative says unbeknownst to either Kennedy or the politician's wife, Mary Jo apparently was unable to sleep in the house because of the noise, so she went into the back seat of the car where she fell asleep ... which is where she died. At least one person at the party knew Mary Jo had gone into one of the cars and told authorities that after the accident.

A second person, who was close to Ted and the Kennedy family in '69, confirmed the operative's story. There's a new movie coming out this week -- "Chappaquiddick" -- which chronicles the accident and the aftermath.

More: CIA Operative Says Ted Kennedy Didn't Know Mary Jo Kopechne Was in the Car at Chappaquiddick

If true - a lot of people owe Ted Kennedy a big apology. What do you think?

Only the worst of the worst intellectually capable of people ever doubt Ted killed her.

Was Ted Kennedy ever tried in a court of law and convicted of her death? I remain open-minded until we know more facts.

From the OP:

The operative says cops immediately knew the politician's wife was in the car, because she had left her purse on the front seat. The operative says so began a cover-up to protect Kennedy. makes a difference WHO he killed?

Yes - if he didn't even know she was in the back seat.

Ted Kennedy didn't abandon Mary Jo Kopechne when his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island ... he didn't even know she was in the car, according to a retired CIA operative.

We've been asked not to use the CIA person's name, but he worked for the agency for decades. He says back in 1969, Kennedy was romantically involved with the wife of a very powerful politician, and if word got out about the affair Kennedy was afraid it would ruin his career.

The operative says the night of the accident Kennedy and some of his buddies were all drunk and drove to a party on the Island. They went there because the politician's wife was at the party and Kennedy wanted to hook up with her. Mary Jo Kopechne was at the party ... she and Kennedy were acquaintances but not romantically involved.

According to the operative, Mary Jo was drunk, said she had a headache, got up and said she was going into one of the bedrooms to lie down.

At some point later in the evening, Kennedy and the politician's wife wanted "some alone time" and didn't want to do anything in front of the group, so they got in the car and drove ... eventually plunging off the bridge into the water. They both swam to shore safely. The operative says both were not injured.

The operative says unbeknownst to either Kennedy or the politician's wife, Mary Jo apparently was unable to sleep in the house because of the noise, so she went into the back seat of the car where she fell asleep ... which is where she died. At least one person at the party knew Mary Jo had gone into one of the cars and told authorities that after the accident.

A second person, who was close to Ted and the Kennedy family in '69, confirmed the operative's story. There's a new movie coming out this week -- "Chappaquiddick" -- which chronicles the accident and the aftermath.

More: CIA Operative Says Ted Kennedy Didn't Know Mary Jo Kopechne Was in the Car at Chappaquiddick

If true - a lot of people owe Ted Kennedy a big apology. What do you think?

Only the worst of the worst intellectually capable of people ever doubt Ted killed her.

Was Ted Kennedy ever tried in a court of law and convicted of her death? I remain open-minded until we know more facts.

From the OP:

The operative says cops immediately knew the politician's wife was in the car, because she had left her purse on the front seat. The operative says so began a cover-up to protect Kennedy.

Are you remaining just as open minded about The Donald? After all he's not been tried in a court of law and convicted...

No, because we can clearly see what Trump is doing - just not as clearly as Mueller.
You must be very young if you are ignorant enough to buy this hogwash.
Yeah...I guess you never heard of the Deep State or are so foolish that you believe your wonderful benevolent government would never harm anyone.
Oh, wow. We're supposed to buy your hogwash "because Deep State". :lol:

At least two other men went back to the site of the crash with Kennedy in an attempt to recover Kopechne.

If Teddy didn't know she was in the car, then that would not have occurred.

You are one goofy fucker. The OP clearly states the CIA operative is claiming Fat Teddy did not know she was in the car.
Kopechne had left both her purse and room key at the party.

Incident on Chappaquiddick Island - Jul 18, 1969 -

If this is true - it further supports that it wasn't Mary Jo Kopechne's purse that police found on the front seat. Obviously the police knew the name of the unknown person the purse belonged to. This shouldn't be hard to prove one way or the other.
You are all wrong.

Here is what really happened.

Ted Kennedy was driving to a homeless shelter to help care for the poor that he so desperately wanted to help and represent in the US Congress when he crashed his car into the lake.

However, unbeknownst to him, none other than Donald Trump snuck into the party, dragged the girl into the car, and then cut the break line.

Trump then waited for Ted to climb out of the water and it was there that he drugged him, causing him to forget what happened till the next day when he then made his first phone call to his lawyer.

Geesh. You peeps are so gullible.
1972 Interview of the professional search and rescue diver who tried to save the girl Kennedy murdered.

FF to 3 minutes in.

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Why is it that the media glamorized or his JFK screwing around but not Trump?

CNN glamorizes JFK’s ‘legendary love life’ after weeks of covering Trump’s alleged affair

It is the same reason that the media and political elite turned a blind eye to Ted killing the girl.

Their father was no better as he took his own daughter and removed half her brain cuz she was not all that smart so that he could better control her.

The entire family is a whore mongering crime syndicate.

Ted Kennedy didn't abandon Mary Jo Kopechne when his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island ... he didn't even know she was in the car, according to a retired CIA operative.

We've been asked not to use the CIA person's name, but he worked for the agency for decades. He says back in 1969, Kennedy was romantically involved with the wife of a very powerful politician, and if word got out about the affair Kennedy was afraid it would ruin his career.

The operative says the night of the accident Kennedy and some of his buddies were all drunk and drove to a party on the Island. They went there because the politician's wife was at the party and Kennedy wanted to hook up with her. Mary Jo Kopechne was at the party ... she and Kennedy were acquaintances but not romantically involved.

According to the operative, Mary Jo was drunk, said she had a headache, got up and said she was going into one of the bedrooms to lie down.

At some point later in the evening, Kennedy and the politician's wife wanted "some alone time" and didn't want to do anything in front of the group, so they got in the car and drove ... eventually plunging off the bridge into the water. They both swam to shore safely. The operative says both were not injured.

The operative says unbeknownst to either Kennedy or the politician's wife, Mary Jo apparently was unable to sleep in the house because of the noise, so she went into the back seat of the car where she fell asleep ... which is where she died. At least one person at the party knew Mary Jo had gone into one of the cars and told authorities that after the accident.

A second person, who was close to Ted and the Kennedy family in '69, confirmed the operative's story. There's a new movie coming out this week -- "Chappaquiddick" -- which chronicles the accident and the aftermath.

More: CIA Operative Says Ted Kennedy Didn't Know Mary Jo Kopechne Was in the Car at Chappaquiddick

If true - a lot of people owe Ted Kennedy a big apology. What do you think? to explain why Teddy Kennedy walked all the way back to the cottage to tell his friends that he'd had an accident and that he hadn't been able to get Mary Jo out of the car? Care to explain why he told the police that he'd dived over and over again for someone that he didn't know was in the car? What's with you liberals and your willingness to bite on anonymous stories like this one?

Ted Kennedy didn't abandon Mary Jo Kopechne when his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island ... he didn't even know she was in the car, according to a retired CIA operative.

We've been asked not to use the CIA person's name, but he worked for the agency for decades. He says back in 1969, Kennedy was romantically involved with the wife of a very powerful politician, and if word got out about the affair Kennedy was afraid it would ruin his career.

The operative says the night of the accident Kennedy and some of his buddies were all drunk and drove to a party on the Island. They went there because the politician's wife was at the party and Kennedy wanted to hook up with her. Mary Jo Kopechne was at the party ... she and Kennedy were acquaintances but not romantically involved.

According to the operative, Mary Jo was drunk, said she had a headache, got up and said she was going into one of the bedrooms to lie down.

At some point later in the evening, Kennedy and the politician's wife wanted "some alone time" and didn't want to do anything in front of the group, so they got in the car and drove ... eventually plunging off the bridge into the water. They both swam to shore safely. The operative says both were not injured.

The operative says unbeknownst to either Kennedy or the politician's wife, Mary Jo apparently was unable to sleep in the house because of the noise, so she went into the back seat of the car where she fell asleep ... which is where she died. At least one person at the party knew Mary Jo had gone into one of the cars and told authorities that after the accident.

A second person, who was close to Ted and the Kennedy family in '69, confirmed the operative's story. There's a new movie coming out this week -- "Chappaquiddick" -- which chronicles the accident and the aftermath.

More: CIA Operative Says Ted Kennedy Didn't Know Mary Jo Kopechne Was in the Car at Chappaquiddick

If true - a lot of people owe Ted Kennedy a big apology. What do you think? to explain why Teddy Kennedy walked all the way back to the cottage to tell his friends that he'd had an accident and that he hadn't been able to get Mary Jo out of the car? Care to explain why he told the police that he'd dived over and over again for someone that he didn't know was in the car? What's with you liberals and your willingness to bite on anonymous stories like this one?

The OP is sorta gullible
he didn't even know she was in the car, according to a retired CIA operative.
I don't know how that even happens if one is also in the vehicle....Then again, I've never driven a car off a bridge. Maybe in one's own effort to exit such a car, one doesn't look around to see which door/window might be the best one to use and in the course of doing so, notice that there's another person in the car. Maybe there's some sort of "magic" that happens when a car goes off a bridge and that "magic" erases one's memory of there having been another person in the car before it went off the bridge. Maybe such "magic" is among the classified information that certain CIA employees know about, but that rest of us do not.

I don't know...But I do know that both Ted and Mary Jo are deceased, so as far as I'm concerned it's water under the bridge, as they say.
He was so drunk he didn't notice a person in the back seat? This is a passenger car we're talking about, not a city bus! I don't think I'd even be conscious if I got drunk enough to not notice someone back there! You'd have an easier time arguing he was too drunk to realize he was driving a car not a submarine.
The OP raises some interesting questions. Was there a third person in the car? If so - who was she? Whose purse did the cops find on the front seat?

Ted Kennedy didn't abandon Mary Jo Kopechne when his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island ... he didn't even know she was in the car, according to a retired CIA operative.

We've been asked not to use the CIA person's name, but he worked for the agency for decades. He says back in 1969, Kennedy was romantically involved with the wife of a very powerful politician, and if word got out about the affair Kennedy was afraid it would ruin his career.

The operative says the night of the accident Kennedy and some of his buddies were all drunk and drove to a party on the Island. They went there because the politician's wife was at the party and Kennedy wanted to hook up with her. Mary Jo Kopechne was at the party ... she and Kennedy were acquaintances but not romantically involved.

According to the operative, Mary Jo was drunk, said she had a headache, got up and said she was going into one of the bedrooms to lie down.

At some point later in the evening, Kennedy and the politician's wife wanted "some alone time" and didn't want to do anything in front of the group, so they got in the car and drove ... eventually plunging off the bridge into the water. They both swam to shore safely. The operative says both were not injured.

The operative says unbeknownst to either Kennedy or the politician's wife, Mary Jo apparently was unable to sleep in the house because of the noise, so she went into the back seat of the car where she fell asleep ... which is where she died. At least one person at the party knew Mary Jo had gone into one of the cars and told authorities that after the accident.

A second person, who was close to Ted and the Kennedy family in '69, confirmed the operative's story. There's a new movie coming out this week -- "Chappaquiddick" -- which chronicles the accident and the aftermath.

More: CIA Operative Says Ted Kennedy Didn't Know Mary Jo Kopechne Was in the Car at Chappaquiddick

If true - a lot of people owe Ted Kennedy a big apology. What do you think?

That's just not true ... An unnamed CIA agent told me that Barack Obama was actually driving the car.
Since he was only eight years old at the time, it's no wonder he lost control of the car.

Why would the CIA have had any knowledge of Chappaquiddick? I doubt if Teddy was in the car when it went off the bridge. His demeanor the morning after the accident indicates that he was blindsided. So why did he make up a story about trying to rescue Mary Jo and the preposterous claim that he swam back to the mainland? My guess is that he was trying to cover up his relationship with the girl and was trapped in his own story that came complete with a faked neck brace. Keep in mind Teddy was kicked out of Harvard for cheating. He wouldn't have recognized the truth if it hit him in the head.
You do forget there are still a couple of Kennedy’s in office...
At least Stormy Daniels isn't taking a dirt nap.

That's progress


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