Charged with manslaughter for texts and phone convos?

Doesn't matter. Technology is no reason to shit on personal responsibility. People should adapt to a changing world, if that's the case.
It isn't my problem someone is emotionally weak. I shouldn't lose rights because of it.

I don't have a answer one way or the other on the personal responsibility in these sorts of things. I think charging her with manslaughter could be a slippery slope. But the thought that she could get away with no consequences, to resume her sociopathic life is also highly disturbing.

The thing with social media is this - we haven't evolved the ethics to handle it and we're only gradually realizing some of the problems associated with it. And, while the personal responsibility thing is fine for adults - these are kids. They aren't by definition mature and haven't yet developed the capacity to make good decisions at every level. Personal responsibility should be in line with the person's ability to make appropriate decisions imo. You tell a 3 yr old how to cross the street, that cars are dangerous but you sure don't let him out on the street unsupervised right?
If a person is so weak that they would kill themselves because some girl with big eyebrows wants her too, then maybe he isn't mature enough to handle social media. Where was his parents?

Suicide isn't as cut and dried as you are trying to make it sound. During the last 8 years I was in the Navy, I was a Dug and Alcohol Program Advisor. Part of that training was Suicide Prevention because people with substance abuse problems generally have emotional problems as well. There are LOTS of factors that can contribute, and someone telling an already depressed person (especially when they are supposed to be emotionally supportive) to kill themselves might be just the little push that they need to go through with the act.

People who commit suicide are generally at the end of their rope and can see no other way to "fix" things other than to kill themselves, because they feel useless and unwanted. His girlfriend telling him to off himself can only exacerbate those feelings.
Its still HIS problem. No amount of spin can change the fact that it is his fault solely on taking his own life.
This is a pandoras box.
Next thing you know, I will be suing GM for getting drunk and hitting a pedestrian. AWESOME

It's readily apparent that you have never been around suicidal people or had to work with them. I have, and I can tell you that suicide is a lot more complicated than someone just deciding to off themselves. It is rarely a spur of the moment event and generally takes several weeks to several months to come to that decision.

During that period of time, there are definite warning signs that a person is suicidal, and it is only through the intervention of the people around them that it can be stopped.
So their mental problems are now mine? Horseshit
Oh, im sorry. The bullies must FORCE them to be on social media. They must FORCE them to blow their brains out or jump in front of a truck. They FORCE them to take offense to words.
Sorry, I just believe in personal responsibility.
If someone bullied my kid and he let them bother him, guess who I will be more upset with?

I don't know how old you are TN - or your kids, but I'm thinking it's a whole different ball game out there then when I was a kid or, if I had had children - when they would have been. Social media, smart phones, etc really changes things and vastly extends the influence and reach of bullies who can do so from anonymity, who can falsify things that can reach a person's entire "network" of friends.

I don't think it's so straightforward anymore.
Doesn't matter. Technology is no reason to shit on personal responsibility. People should adapt to a changing world, if that's the case.
It isn't my problem someone is emotionally weak. I shouldn't lose rights because of it.

I don't have a answer one way or the other on the personal responsibility in these sorts of things. I think charging her with manslaughter could be a slippery slope. But the thought that she could get away with no consequences, to resume her sociopathic life is also highly disturbing.

The thing with social media is this - we haven't evolved the ethics to handle it and we're only gradually realizing some of the problems associated with it. And, while the personal responsibility thing is fine for adults - these are kids. They aren't by definition mature and haven't yet developed the capacity to make good decisions at every level. Personal responsibility should be in line with the person's ability to make appropriate decisions imo. You tell a 3 yr old how to cross the street, that cars are dangerous but you sure don't let him out on the street unsupervised right?
If a person is so weak that they would kill themselves because some girl with big eyebrows wants her too, then maybe he isn't mature enough to handle social media. Where was his parents?

Hard to say. I have to run so I'll be quick. A friend of mine has an 11 yr old daughter, that she trusted, had always been a good kid, teachers liked her, never in trouble. Then, something occurred with something she texted that led to a huge problem, and when her mother looked at her cell phone she was shocked at what her daughter had been saying etc etc - she never acted like that or talked like that otherwise.

Yeah they get sucked into the social medial nastiness, all of them do.

I swear it ties in with public schools. When they're away from the school, that stuff doesn't seem to happen.

We've had some close calls with snap chat and instagram and stuff. I'm pretty militant about it though so no real trouble.
Doesn't matter. Technology is no reason to shit on personal responsibility. People should adapt to a changing world, if that's the case.
It isn't my problem someone is emotionally weak. I shouldn't lose rights because of it.

I don't have a answer one way or the other on the personal responsibility in these sorts of things. I think charging her with manslaughter could be a slippery slope. But the thought that she could get away with no consequences, to resume her sociopathic life is also highly disturbing.

The thing with social media is this - we haven't evolved the ethics to handle it and we're only gradually realizing some of the problems associated with it. And, while the personal responsibility thing is fine for adults - these are kids. They aren't by definition mature and haven't yet developed the capacity to make good decisions at every level. Personal responsibility should be in line with the person's ability to make appropriate decisions imo. You tell a 3 yr old how to cross the street, that cars are dangerous but you sure don't let him out on the street unsupervised right?
If a person is so weak that they would kill themselves because some girl with big eyebrows wants her too, then maybe he isn't mature enough to handle social media. Where was his parents?

Suicide isn't as cut and dried as you are trying to make it sound. During the last 8 years I was in the Navy, I was a Dug and Alcohol Program Advisor. Part of that training was Suicide Prevention because people with substance abuse problems generally have emotional problems as well. There are LOTS of factors that can contribute, and someone telling an already depressed person (especially when they are supposed to be emotionally supportive) to kill themselves might be just the little push that they need to go through with the act.

People who commit suicide are generally at the end of their rope and can see no other way to "fix" things other than to kill themselves, because they feel useless and unwanted. His girlfriend telling him to off himself can only exacerbate those feelings.
Its still HIS problem. No amount of spin can change the fact that it is his fault solely on taking his own life.
This is a pandoras box.
Next thing you know, I will be suing GM for getting drunk and hitting a pedestrian. AWESOME

It's readily apparent that you have never been around suicidal people or had to work with them. I have, and I can tell you that suicide is a lot more complicated than someone just deciding to off themselves. It is rarely a spur of the moment event and generally takes several weeks to several months to come to that decision.

During that period of time, there are definite warning signs that a person is suicidal, and it is only through the intervention of the people around them that it can be stopped.

In other words, they haven't figured out what causes it.
Which means there's no way to prove that someone caused it.

If people could cause other people to commit suicide just by being an asshole to them, then everybody you know would be dead, I imagine.
She's being charged with involuntary manslaughter, because she encouraged him to commit suicide.

During this suicide, her boyfriend had been sitting in a car with CO being routed into the cab, but got scared, texted her that he was leaving the car. She then texted another friend and bitched about him not going through with it, and then texted him back and told him to get back in the car.

It was because he went back in that he later died.

Nope, sorry...............even if she is found innocent of this dude's death, she should still be brought up on some sort of bullying charges, because that is basically what she did, bullied him into committing suicide.

And yeah..............that is a thing.

Typical liberal response. I don't like it, so it must be illegal. Would you care to cite the law?

Talk to the coroner, because it was during his investigation that he determined that the reason the dude committed suicide was because of the influence of his girlfriend.

As far as bullying laws?

Cyberbullying - FindLaw

OK, you took the typical liberal route. You failed to answer the question. What specific law was broken in this case?

The sources you cite are school-related bullying.
Turn off your phone and the bullying goes away
Not if the person you want nothing to do with knows where you live. I still get stuff in the mail from my dad when he is well aware that I don't anything more to do with him.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The last time that I saw him, he asked me if he could still write to me. I never answered him because he has made it as clear as glass that my feelings have never meant anything to him in the first place.
She's being charged with involuntary manslaughter, because she encouraged him to commit suicide.

During this suicide, her boyfriend had been sitting in a car with CO being routed into the cab, but got scared, texted her that he was leaving the car. She then texted another friend and bitched about him not going through with it, and then texted him back and told him to get back in the car.

It was because he went back in that he later died.

Nope, sorry...............even if she is found innocent of this dude's death, she should still be brought up on some sort of bullying charges, because that is basically what she did, bullied him into committing suicide.

And yeah..............that is a thing.

This is a very slippery slope that we are going down. He and he alone was responsible for what he did. No one can talk someone into killing themselves. People are responsible for their actions and no one else.
I cant WAIT for her to sue them when she gets off.
It is disturbing though, that such a blatent sociopath is free to go and suffers no consequences for HER actions.
It is disturbing though, that such a blatent sociopath is free to go and suffers no consequences for HER actions.
by actions, you mean words?

Words require the act(ion) of typing, opening one's mouth, framing a sentence.....:dunno:

At what point does it collusion with a criminal act to talk a person into it? The person is responsible for the act of killing, but is there no responsibility for the one who colluded?
whats the big deal? another snowflake bites the dust. Imagine some guy killing himself over a piece of ass.
It is disturbing though, that such a blatent sociopath is free to go and suffers no consequences for HER actions.
by actions, you mean words?

Words require the act(ion) of typing, opening one's mouth, framing a sentence.....:dunno:

At what point does it collusion with a criminal act to talk a person into it? The person is responsible for the act of killing, but is there no responsibility for the one who colluded?
suicide is legal lol. Therefore, "collusion" isn't even a possibility.
Nevertheless, talking someone into suicide isn't a crime and she shouldn't be charged with manslaughter. I MIGHT could weigh a civil case from the parents, but I doubt it.
Words only cause harm when the person at the receiving end LET THEM. Period.
It is disturbing though, that such a blatent sociopath is free to go and suffers no consequences for HER actions.
by actions, you mean words?

Words require the act(ion) of typing, opening one's mouth, framing a sentence.....:dunno:

At what point does it collusion with a criminal act to talk a person into it? The person is responsible for the act of killing, but is there no responsibility for the one who colluded?
suicide is legal lol. Therefore, "collusion" isn't even a possibility.
Nevertheless, talking someone into suicide isn't a crime and she shouldn't be charged with manslaughter. I MIGHT could weigh a civil case from the parents, but I doubt it.
Words only cause harm when the person at the receiving end LET THEM. Period.

Suicide is only legal in some states (I thought?) and even then - only under certain conditions. I agree she should NOT be charged with manslaughter - but there should be something.
It is disturbing though, that such a blatent sociopath is free to go and suffers no consequences for HER actions.
by actions, you mean words?

Words require the act(ion) of typing, opening one's mouth, framing a sentence.....:dunno:

At what point does it collusion with a criminal act to talk a person into it? The person is responsible for the act of killing, but is there no responsibility for the one who colluded?
suicide is legal lol. Therefore, "collusion" isn't even a possibility.
Nevertheless, talking someone into suicide isn't a crime and she shouldn't be charged with manslaughter. I MIGHT could weigh a civil case from the parents, but I doubt it.
Words only cause harm when the person at the receiving end LET THEM. Period.

Suicide is only legal in some states (I thought?) and even then - only under certain conditions. I agree she should NOT be charged with manslaughter - but there should be something.
It is legal in all 50 I believe. Federal used to be illegal I think
But what? Where do you draw the line with incorporating emotion into law and responsibility? You yourself even said it was a slippery slope.
Why would they have suicide illegal anyways? Lol Like, what are you going to do? Maybe its just a ploy to confiscate property?
It is disturbing though, that such a blatent sociopath is free to go and suffers no consequences for HER actions.
by actions, you mean words?

Words require the act(ion) of typing, opening one's mouth, framing a sentence.....:dunno:

At what point does it collusion with a criminal act to talk a person into it? The person is responsible for the act of killing, but is there no responsibility for the one who colluded?
suicide is legal lol. Therefore, "collusion" isn't even a possibility.
Nevertheless, talking someone into suicide isn't a crime and she shouldn't be charged with manslaughter. I MIGHT could weigh a civil case from the parents, but I doubt it.
Words only cause harm when the person at the receiving end LET THEM. Period.

Suicide is only legal in some states (I thought?) and even then - only under certain conditions. I agree she should NOT be charged with manslaughter - but there should be something.
It is legal in all 50 I believe. Federal used to be I think
But what? Where do you draw the line with incorporating emotion into law and responsibility? You yourself even said it was a slippery slope Lol Like, what are you going to do? Maybe its just a ploy to confiscate property?

I don't know, like you I agree it's a slippery slope.
Another point :
The government proves every day they cant be trusted. So why would you want to give them power to choose which laws apply to people? Words being harsh are completely subjective. Responsibility isn't.
by actions, you mean words?

Words require the act(ion) of typing, opening one's mouth, framing a sentence.....:dunno:

At what point does it collusion with a criminal act to talk a person into it? The person is responsible for the act of killing, but is there no responsibility for the one who colluded?
suicide is legal lol. Therefore, "collusion" isn't even a possibility.
Nevertheless, talking someone into suicide isn't a crime and she shouldn't be charged with manslaughter. I MIGHT could weigh a civil case from the parents, but I doubt it.
Words only cause harm when the person at the receiving end LET THEM. Period.

Suicide is only legal in some states (I thought?) and even then - only under certain conditions. I agree she should NOT be charged with manslaughter - but there should be something.
It is legal in all 50 I believe. Federal used to be I think
But what? Where do you draw the line with incorporating emotion into law and responsibility? You yourself even said it was a slippery slope Lol Like, what are you going to do? Maybe its just a ploy to confiscate property?

I don't know, like you I agree it's a slippery slope.
go back and read my post for clarity please. I royally screwed it up lol

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