Charges dropped in Smollett case

I said from the start he would never see any jail time. The democrat hell hole of Chicago has shown us all again their hate for the law abiding. What if the this fake hate crime had succeeded? Ruining the lives of innocents? Liberal scum are worse than animals, IMO. He's the victim according to one attorney.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
In a shocking announcement Tuesday morning, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office said it will not be prosecuting Jussie Smollett, who was previously accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the TV drama “Empire.”

Fox News has learned the judge granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that he will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.

It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution, but the former “Empire” star is expected to give a statement after he leaves the courthouse later today.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack

This is the predictable result of 'Useful Social Marxist Tool Privilege' that liberals obfuscate with racial descriptors, as 'White Privilege'.
I said from the start he would never see any jail time. The democrat hell hole of Chicago has shown us all again their hate for the law abiding. What if the this fake hate crime had succeeded? Ruining the lives of innocents? Liberal scum are worse than animals, IMO. He's the victim according to one attorney.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
In a shocking announcement Tuesday morning, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office said it will not be prosecuting Jussie Smollett, who was previously accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the TV drama “Empire.”

Fox News has learned the judge granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that he will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.

It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution, but the former “Empire” star is expected to give a statement after he leaves the courthouse later today.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
which button would you press?
Show us where the media has been saying smollett is a criminal for two years, liar?

There is overwhelming evidence the fag is guilty and none on Trump.
oh really?
View attachment 252446
dindu nuffin
the one with the hoops was the prosecutor

Nice to have friends in high

Foxx ran on a platform of criminal justice reform, telling local ABC News affiliate WLS-7 that she wanted to focus on “restoring faith in our criminal justice system” and “bridging the divide between the community and law enforcement.”

As reported in 2016, Alvarez received donations from the “old-boy” network, but Foxx found other donors, including Soros:

But Kim Foxx has also found two other sources of cash, in the form of twin $300,000 donations to a Super PAC supporting her called Illinois Safety & Justice. The sole donors to the PAC are neoliberal superdonor and conservative-boogeyman George Soros and a “dark-money” group called Civic Participation Action Fund. A Super PAC is a fundraising group, created by the 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United decision, that can raise as much money as they want for any candidate or cause—as long as they don’t coordinate on any level with political campaigns, which have much smaller campaign limits.

State campaign finance records show that Soros personally contributed a total of $333,000 to Foxx’s super PAC before the March 15, 2016 primary was over, and an additional $75,000 after she won.

Foxx defeated Alvarez in the primary, and won easily in the fall.

Chicagoist was an off shoot of gothamist .the same guy started it . ...just like the city's themselves both are not what they once were :20:
I only mention this because the guys a hard left winger . ministry of truth approved

You left out the part where Alvarez refused to indict Jason van Dyke until AFTER videotape came out of him shooting LaQuan McDonald 16 times. This is why Foxx won.

So putting it in THAT context, if the Smollett case became a contest of a popular celebrity vs. the hated Chicago Police Department, that was rope she didn't want to piss up, and who can blame her? Certainly not over a stupid prank.
Utterly embarrassing they even have the security tape of the brothers getting the supplies. They have all the proof. Is this the new OJ story?

They also had tape of Jason van Dyke shooting Laquan McDonald 16 times when he was lying on the ground, and that dude only got six years.

Now, this is the problem you guys don't want to get. In America, we love, love, love our celebrities. We even put them in the White House when they practically scream "Don't Elect Me, I'm Nuts!" We let them off on double murder charges.

So here you have a guy who got caught engaging in a stupid, stupid prank, and you had him dead to rights.

But at the end of the day, if you are a prosecutor, do you really risk going in front of a jury, where he's going to have high priced lawyers, and risk having that jury that really hates our corrupt ass police department and decides to tweak them in the eye like the OJ Jury did?

Do you worry that you put one of the cops who investigated this and find out they used the N-word or the F-word sometime in his life?

Or do you just get him to cop a plea, and make this go away?

I'm sure they do.

I'd like an investigation as to why the FOP spent millions of dollars defending human excrement Jason van Dyke.

This was a cost-benefit analysis, buddy. The costs of trying Smollett for a prank and possibly losing because so much of the city hates the CPD at this point, vs. just making this go away and spending that money prosecuting murderers and rapists. That's kind of an easy one.

The last thing you want is to put a celebrity on trial and get jury nullification because of the political situation.
Arguing facts with penelope is like kissing a pig. The pig doesn't really understand and eventually gets upset.

Esp if a pig is kissing me. I do not like pigs and I do not eat pig meat.

You must be Muslim or Jewish then...

As for Smollett the reality is the guy faked attacks against him and should have faced trial but he will not.

I know you think it is just peachy for someone like Smollett to lie to police but I can understand why the City of Chicago and it Police force disagree with you.

The D.A. is the idiot here...

Why must I be Muslim or Jewish??
There are basically three ways how this can happen:

1. The judge is corrupt. In that case, the prosecution would be busy filing an appeal.

2. Facts emerge exonerating Smollett. In that case I don't see why these facts cannot be shown publicly.

3. Prosecutorial misconduct so egregious as to taint the case beyond repair.

The latter would, I guess, be consistent with the case being thrown out / sealed, and no one really talking about what happened, no? Anything else? Anything else, I should say, not motivated by raging, pathological ODS...

I'm sure they do.

I'd like an investigation as to why the FOP spent millions of dollars defending human excrement Jason van Dyke.

This was a cost-benefit analysis, buddy. The costs of trying Smollett for a prank and possibly losing because so much of the city hates the CPD at this point, vs. just making this go away and spending that money prosecuting murderers and rapists. That's kind of an easy one.

The last thing you want is to put a celebrity on trial and get jury nullification because of the political situation.
It’s another case of the rich having no laws, and the Left cheerleading it.
There are basically three ways how this can happen:

1. The judge is corrupt. In that case, the prosecution would be busy filing an appeal.

2. Facts emerge exonerating Smollett. In that case I don't see why these facts cannot be shown publicly.

3. Prosecutorial misconduct so egregious as to taint the case beyond repair.

The latter would, I guess, be consistent with the case being thrown out / sealed, and no one really talking about what happened, no? Anything else? Anything else, I should say, not motivated by raging, pathological ODS...

I would go with

4. The political situation in Chicago is such that with a popular black celebrity as a defendant, the possibility of jury nullification was a real threat.

Let's not forget, the Mayor who did all the whining yesterday is gone in a week because he decided to cover up a shooting of a black youth four years ago. The Police Superintendent who stood next to him is probably gone soon after that when one of the two black women who will become mayor gets elected.

They might have been able to win a prosecution, but with a defendant with deep pockets and an unpredictable and angry jury pool, do you really take a chance on something as minor as disorderly conduct?
It’s another case of the rich having no laws, and the Left cheerleading it.

Naw usually, it's the right who cheers that... you know, like when Trump gets a pass on obstruction of justice even when there is clear evidence he committed it.

Just can't get worked up over a prank.

Now, personally, I wish that they had demanded an apology and a larger fine with more than 16 hours of community service.

But we just watched a trial in this city where a cop shot a black kid 16 times and got a mere six years, and the other cops who covered it up got off scott free. People are STILL pissed off about that... Do you really want to give them a high-profile case to stick it in the eye of the man?

There's really a time when you cut your losses. This was one of them.
The Chief of Police and the mayor, just can't admit they were wrong.

Well, they aren't wrong. No one is actually saying they are.

They just concluded that this wasn't worth risking a jury nullifying because of political issues.

"Is this the Hill you want to die on?" Kim Foxx decided, "No, it isn't."

Lets have a link to Foxx saying that?
So then you all must believe that Mueller never wanted the charges dropped against Trump for obstruction, Barr did. Compare this to that.

The President of the US is not exonerated, but you do not believe that.

Mueller said he was not "exonerated" and so did Barr is his scant letter.

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