Charges: Woman Robbed of iPhone, Urinated on in St. Paul

I fail to see how the OP topic is race baiting?

Black on white crime in the U.S is off the charts.

And is a topic which deserves serious discussion. .. :cool:
I wonder if Obama will come out and say, "I could have been one of these guys". . :cool:
If Tank is posting on it, it definitely belongs in the race sub-forum

I find it funny when people like him go without criticism for an entire topic, and Republicans wonder why they come across as hostile towards black people. They won't even touch the racism of their own members with a ten foot pole.
If Tank is posting on it, it definitely belongs in the race sub-forum

I find it funny when people like him go without criticism for an entire topic, and Republicans wonder why they come across as hostile towards black people. They won't even touch the racism of their own members with a ten foot pole.

Are you dumb or something? Blacks kill ten times as many whites(per capita). You're the ones defending racism against whites.

You support monsters that if they were white you'd be doing exactly what you're accusing me of doing with your media.
Somehow because you turn a blind eye to racism of protected groups it will go away????

I find it disgusting how you defend such violence.

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